The Lawman's Secret Son

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The Lawman's Secret Son Page 17

by Lorraine Beatty

  “I think He brought you into our lives to love us and to show me the woman I want in my life forever. Carrie, I love you. I have for a while, but I was afraid to take that next step. I made such a mess of my first marriage. You’ve taught me how to love again, to be happy. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. Marry me and help me raise my son.”

  The words were ones she’d never thought she’d hear. Her heart was so full each beat threatened to burst from her rib cage. She’d been worried that he’d turn away from her after what Neil had done. She hadn’t expected his confession of love. But did he mean it, or was it merely the emotional aftermath of the adrenaline-filled day? How would he feel after a night’s sleep and time to think things through?

  She rested her hands on his chest. “It’s been a long and difficult day. I don’t want to make any important decisions right now. I want to have a clear head. Do you understand?”

  “I do.” He rested his forehead against hers his arms holding her close. “We’ll talk again tomorrow. I do love you, Carrie. That’s not going to change by morning.” He placed a tender kiss on her mouth before releasing her. “I’ll walk you home.”

  “No. You shouldn’t leave Jack even for a second. He might have a nightmare. I’ll be fine.”

  “All the lights are out at your place.”

  “I know. But I’m not afraid now. I know where all the switches are and I won’t be alone.”

  Seth followed her to the front porch, watching as she crossed to her house and went inside. She switched on the lights, then went to the window. Seth waved. She waved back, then lowered the shade.

  Her heart soared. Seth loved her. And though she hadn’t told him so, she loved him, too.

  She’d realized the moment she looked into his eyes that he’d not only rescued them from Neil’s plot, but he’d rescued her from a life without love. How had she ever imagined she could walk through her life caring only for certain people and keeping her heart locked away?

  But how could he accept her now? Her secret was out, and her brother would be charged with kidnapping and trying to extort money from Seth’s family. He was a lawman. How could he ever accept a woman with a criminal past and a brother who would likely spend the rest of his life in prison?

  Chapter Twelve

  The aroma of fresh coffee filled Carrie’s senses and gave her a jump start on the day. She poured the brew into her favorite mug, and doctored it with sweetener and hazelnut-flavored creamer. The first sip lifted her spirits. She’d slept like a baby, with no bad dreams, no tossing and turning, and only memories of feeling safe and cherished.

  Seth loved her. At least he’d said so last night. She wasn’t ready to think about how he might feel in the harsh light of day, but she was too happy to let anything negative enter her mind.

  Glancing out the front window, the colorful bushes in the park across the way beckoned her out into the morning sunshine. She settled onto the porch swing, her gaze lifting to the blue sky streaked with golden rays from the sun. She had so much to be thankful for—her deliverance from danger and her fear of the dark, and a future filled with endless possibilities.

  And Seth’s love. He’d nicknamed her Sunshine because of her blond hair and sky blue eyes. He said her smile reminded him of summer. What would he say if she told him that every time she looked at him, he filled her heart with warmth and sunshine, too?

  The ringtone on her cell drew her gaze to the screen. Mavis. Carrie took the call eagerly. “I was going to call you in a few minutes.”

  “How are you this morning? No ill effects from your ordeal?”

  She’d called Mavis last night before turning in, partly needing to hear her friend’s voice and seeking reassurance, but also to share that the Lord had delivered her from her lifelong fear. “I’m feeling good, considering. Better than I ever imagined.”

  “Being set free will do that for you.”

  “I’m finding that out.”

  “So, are you going to tell me the rest? What about Seth? I know you left a lot out of our talk last night.”

  Carrie didn’t bother to pretend she didn’t know what her friend was asking. Mavis knew her better than anyone. “He asked me to marry him.”

  “I suspected as much. So...what did you say?”

  “Nothing. We were too tired, too mentally drained from everything to think clearly.”

  “And now your insecurities are back, so you can avoid making a decision.”

  She cringed as the truth hit home. “No. I just want to be sure that what we feel is the real thing, and not because of all the emotions from the kidnapping and rescue.”

  “Carrie, don’t do this to yourself. I know you love that young man. And he loves you. Even from here in Arkansas I can read the signs. Jack has brought you together and the three of you can make a new life and a wonderful family.”

  She made it sound so simple. “My brother kidnapped his son. Every time he looks at me, that’s all he’ll see. If it wasn’t for me, that never would have happened.”

  “Maybe, but that’s not the point. You told me last night that the Lord had delivered you from danger and from your fear of the dark, but this morning you’re not trusting Him to give you a happy future. Carrie, we all have to live with the memories of our pasts, but it’s not so we’ll beat ourselves up with our mistakes, but to remind us of the enormity of His grace. Then we can move forward free and whole.”

  Tears pooled in Carrie’s eyes. She wanted to leave the past behind and step into the future completely open to what the Lord had planned. But she wasn’t sure she could. Mavis made her promise to trust that God had put Seth and Jack in her life for a reason.

  She’d barely hung up when she heard Jack shout her name from next door. He dashed down the porch steps and raced across the lawn, not stopping until he was in her arms. Seth came at a slower pace, the look in his eyes as he drew near warming her inside with love and affection. He was a compelling, handsome man. Few women could resist his charm, but that’s not what she loved most about him. It was his compassion and his eagerness to protect others and to help at all times that endeared her to him.

  “Good morning.”

  The sight of his handsome face made her smile. She loved him so very much. “Looks like Jack is none the worse for wear from last night’s adventure.”

  Seth smiled and shrugged. “Other than sleeping at my side like a little leech all night.”

  Jack shifted in her lap, a small car clutched in his hand. “I’m going to Grandma’s today, and me and Evan are going to go swimming in the pool.”

  She smoothed the hair back from his forehead. “That sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I drop him off. We need to talk, Carrie.”

  Her pulsed skipped. “I know. I’ll be here.” Her emotions were on a seesaw as she wondered what he would say. Did he still want to marry her, or was he going to retract his offer?

  He touched her cheek with his fingertips. “Don’t withdraw, okay? Don’t put up fences where they aren’t needed.”

  “Maybe they’re guardrails.”

  “You don’t need to be guarded from me. Ever.”

  His words gave rise to hope. Carrie watched her men return home, then drew her knees up to her chin, sending the swing swaying. She had a lot to think about before Seth returned. And a lot of praying to do.

  * * *

  Seth knocked on the back door of Carrie’s house, his nerves vibrating like an electrical current. His whole future depended on Carrie’s answer. He had to convince her to trust that he’d be at her side forever.

  She came to the door, her smile sending a jolt along his pulse. She was beautiful, and everything he’d ever wanted or needed. “Coffee still hot?”

  She waited while he fixed himself a cup, then they sat at t
he table. He studied her over the rim of his mug. She was nervous and her blue eyes were wary. “Have you thought about my question?”

  “Yes. But it’s not a matter of a simple yes or no.”

  “It is that simple. Do you love me?”

  “Oh, yes. More than I ever thought possible. But there are other things we need to think about. Our backgrounds are so different, our pasts.” She wrung her hands. “My family isn’t like yours. I didn’t grow up the way you did.”

  “So what? None of that matters.”

  “Yes, it does. My brother kidnapped your child. My past is filled with crime. Yours is filled with love and service. What will everyone think if you marry someone like me?”

  “Carrie, everything is out in the open now. Both our pasts aren’t secrets anymore. What more can they do to us? People in small towns can be harsh and unforgiving, but we’ll be old news soon. Something else will come along to stir their need for gossip.”

  She shook her head.

  He searched for another angle to convince her. “You think my family is somehow better than everyone else, that we all lived charmed lives? Not true. When our dad died, it hit each of us hard. In fact it pulled us apart. Linc was left to hold everything together, and he made a huge sacrifice along the way. Gil had a disastrous marriage and had to fight for years to regain custody of Abby. Bethany had her career cut short, and had to find a new life. My mom was a widow earlier than she should have been.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “I have a record. That hardly makes me suitable to raise Jack.”

  “You had no choice back then. You were just a kid. I had everything—a nice life, loving family, every advantage—and I tossed it away for nothing. I sold my inheritance, and abandoned my beliefs. It doesn’t get any more shameful than that.”

  “That’s different. You came to your senses. You’ve turned your life around, you have a good job and you’re doing right by Jack.”

  “And you did what was necessary to survive. I made a conscious decision to reject my upbringing for selfish indulgence.” He took her hands. “We all feel trapped at times in our lives. We all have choices we regret. You need to forgive yourself.”

  “Have you forgiven yourself?”

  “I have. It took me a while, but yes. I’m good.” He took her hand. “We can’t change what was, but we can go forward with new purpose and understanding. We both were trying to live down our past. Now we need to build a life as husband and wife and provide a home for Jack. I love you. My family loves you. Jack loves you. What else matters?”

  He saw the lingering doubts in her eyes and his heart slowed. Was she really going to turn him down? He searched for another angle, some way to convince her that they were meant to be together. He had one last thing he could do. He prayed it would tip the scales in his favor.

  “Come with me. I want to show you something.”


  He refused to let her resist. “Please. It won’t take long.”

  Inside the truck she kept silent. His nerves tensed and his chest tightened as they drove out of town. She didn’t speak until he pulled off the road onto a rutted dirt driveway overgrown by brush and twigs.

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll like it, I promise. We’re almost there.”

  “I never asked you how you found us.”

  Seth gave her a quick rundown. He gripped the steering wheel as the memories of last night flared. “When Neil told me where he’d put you, all I could think about was how terrified you must be in the dark. I was out of my mind with worry. I’d rather face a man with a loaded gun than stand by helplessly when you needed me.”

  Carrie stretched out her hand and he took it in his. “I never doubted you’d rescue us.”

  The trees opened up and he drove the truck to the edge of the wide stream and stopped.

  He could sense her curiosity. He got out and went around to her door. She allowed him to take her hand and they strolled toward the water.

  “What is this place?”

  “My land.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “But didn’t you sell it to go to Vegas?”

  “That’s what I thought. But my mom, being the wise woman she is, figured I’d come to my senses one day and regret letting it go. So she mortgaged her business, and had Dad tell me the money was from the sale. I always wondered why the amount was so low. I thought the land would be worth much more. But this is all still mine. And it’s where I want to build a home for my family.” He watched the light bloom in her blue eyes.

  “Oh, this would be a perfect place. I can see a big house up on that rise with a wraparound porch so you see the water and the fields out there, and lots of rocking chairs. And a porch swing.” She spun around. “And a tree house in that big oak for Jack. With a zip line. He’d love it here.”

  She faced him, her whole being aglow with happiness. He took her hands and pulled her close. “Marry me and you can build any kind of house you want.” He kissed her softly. “I want to give you all the things you never had. Family, security, love. I want you to have the roots you longed for. I want to be the one who chases away the darkness, and I want to be the one to love you forever.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I never thought I’d marry again. I’d messed up and I didn’t believe I deserved a happily-ever-after. Then Jack showed up and you came into my life and everything changed. I’ve found what I’ve always wanted. You. The Lord took my messed-up past and worked it out for good. We were both held captive by our pasts, yet He cleared the way for us. Mom restored my land and the Lord restored our lives.” He shrugged. “Besides, my mom told me to marry you. She’s convinced you are the one for me.”

  Gently she touched his cheek. “Your mom is a wise woman. I’d be a fool to ignore her advice.”

  Hope swelled in his chest. “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded. He pulled her close, capturing her mouth with his. She kissed him with no hesitation, no doubts, just the intensity of her love. He drew her closer until he could feel the beating of her heart against his. He was home. Complete. Happy.

  He released her, taking her hand, not needing words to express their love. Slowly they walked toward the truck. “I want to tell Mom and Jack as soon as we get back, if that’s okay.”

  “Of course. Do you think he’ll be happy?”

  “I’m sure of it.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Which brings up another question. I was wondering, though, how you felt about kids?”

  “I love kids. You know that.”

  “I meant kids of your own.”

  She pressed closer to his side. “I think I’d like some.”

  “How many?”

  Her eyes twinkled as she smiled at him. “Maybe four or five.”

  He laughed, then picked her up and swung her around. “Perfect.”

  Settled in the truck once more, he started the engine and reached for her hand, needing to be in contact. This had to be the happiest day of his life.

  * * *

  Carrie held Seth’s hand as they drove back to the Montgomery home, floating on happy emotions. Never had she known such lightness, such exhilaration. All her dreams were coming true.

  Francie Montgomery was standing on the porch of her cottage when they pulled up. She waved and came toward them. She must have known, because her smile was wide and her eyes were twinkling as she drew near.

  “Something tells me I’m going to have a new daughter-in-law.”

  Seth nodded. “I finally wore her down.”

  Carrie searched Francie’s expression for reassurance. “I hope that’s okay.”

  Francie placed a hand on Carrie’s cheek. “Sweetheart, you make my son and grandson happy. Why wouldn’t that be okay?”

  Carrie’s last concer
n faded away in the warmth of Francie’s gesture. “We wanted to tell Jack as soon as possible.”

  “Of course.” She turned and shouted toward the fort. “Jack! Your dad is here! He has something for you.”

  A little head appeared above the fort railing. “A puppy?”

  Carrie laughed. How she loved that little boy.

  “Something better. Come on down.”

  Jack whizzed down the slide and raced across the yard. Seth picked him up and kissed his cheek. “Did you get me a puppy?”

  “Not yet. I thought maybe you’d like something else first. Like a new mom.”

  Jack frowned and looked at Seth, then Carrie. His mouth gaped open and his eyes widened. “Miss Carrie? Is she going to be my new mom?”

  “If it’s okay with you.”

  Jack reached for her, wrapping his arms around her neck as she took him in her arms. “I always wanted a mommy like you.”

  Tears clogged her throat as she treasured his words. “And I always wanted a little boy like you.”

  “Can I go tell Evan?”


  Jack raced back to the fort. “Evan, Miss Carrie’s gonna be my mom!”

  “I think our son is happy.”

  Our son. Two beautiful words.

  Seth positioned her to face him. “I think you always knew you’d marry me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You named your dog Leo.” There was a glint in his cobalt eyes. “Do you know what LEO means in police jargon? Law Enforcement Officer.”

  Carrie looked at Seth and their gazes meshed. She moved into his strong embrace, sure of where she belonged. Within the caring protection of her lawman, she knew their future would always be filled with love and happiness.


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