Incubus 1

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Incubus 1 Page 21

by Brandon Varnell

  Anthony was silent as the head rolled across the floor and the body fell to the ground with a thud. Blood spurted from Frederic's now headless neck. He bit his lip, but that was all.

  Anthony had long since gotten used to violence of this nature—even before Lilith made him her bondmate.

  Brianna swung her blade, causing the blood staining it to splatter against the ground. She walked over to him with a soft smile and a worried glimmer in her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Oh, I’m fine.” Anthony shrugged and smiled. “You arrived before he could injure me.” He glanced at the corpse once more before shaking his head. “Though I have a feeling I could have probably beaten him on my own.”

  “Maybe, but you aren’t a very good fighter yet.”

  Anthony looked away. “I guess.”

  “Anyway,” Brianna breathed through her mouth. “Let’s call Lucretia Incanscino. We’ll need to let her know about what happened so she and the Academy Island Private Security Forces can take care of the cleanup.”

  “Right…” Anthony suddenly grimaced. “I’m not looking forward to informing her about what happened here.”

  “Me neither,” Brianna replied with a pained smile.

  With a soft sigh and a prayer in his heart, Anthony made the call to his diminutive and sarcastic professor.


  Anthony and Brianna were sitting in Professor Incanscino’s living room/office space. They had been finding themselves there quite often. It seemed like every other day, they were being called in to see the short professor for one reason or another. Of course, this time, the reason Professor Incanscino demanded they come with her was no small issue.

  “While I applaud you for your ingenuitive thinking, Anthony, I really wish you would show more prudence for your surroundings.” Professor Incanscino’s blonde ringlets jostled as she leaned forward slightly and took a sip of her black coffee. Anthony and Brianna remained silent as they watched her. “Ha… the damage done to Aces High Arcade & VR Tag was extensive. You destroyed one VR room and drilled a hole through four floors. It’s going to cost about thirty thousand dollars to repair.”

  Anthony flinched when he heard about how much the cost of repairs was going to be. Of course, Professor Incanscino wasn’t just talking about the cost for repairs but also the materials and manual labor. Even with recent advances in technology, repairing buildings still required a lot of people.

  “And I’m guessing I have to pay that off?” asked Anthony, already dreading what he might have to do if he wanted to earn that kind of cash. He’d probably have to get a job, but there was no way he could get an ordinary job. It wouldn’t be enough to pay for this anyway. Did he have any special skills that would net him a good job with high pay? Ugh… not that he knew of. About the only thing he was good for was his body, and it wasn’t like he could have sex with random women.

  How was he going to find a good paying job when he couldn’t bring any unique skills to the table?

  Professor Incanscino gave him a vague smile as she sipped her coffee, dragging this out for a lot longer than she needed to. Anthony was on pins and needles. Even Brianna was squirming next to him.

  “Fortunately, you will not have to pay for the repairs this time,” the professor said at last. “An anonymous benefactor heard about what happened and has decided to pay for the repairs themselves.”

  Anthony sucked in a deep breath and then released it all in one go. His shoulders slumped. He didn’t think he’d ever felt so relieved in his life.

  However, while Anthony was basking in relief, Brianna narrowed her eyes.

  “Who is this benefactor and why are they helping us?” she asked.

  “Didn’t I just say they were anonymous?” Professor Incanscino shook her head when she saw the fierce expression in Brianna’s eyes. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling because I don’t want to. I don’t actually know who they are. When I say anonymous, I mean someone sent us a check with the exact amount needed through an unknown channel. The check was also linked to a bank account with the exact amount of money written on the check, and the account closed the moment we used it to pay for the repairs. We literally have no idea who sent it. We even tried backtracking the flow of money to see what account it came from, but it looks like someone set up multiple dummy accounts, all of which closed immediately after the money was transferred.”

  Anthony wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. It sounded a lot like whoever this person was, they not only had deep pockets but also knew about him and his circumstances, which he didn’t think was a good thing. The last person who found out about him had tried to kill him. Consequently, that was what had resulted in the Aces High Arcade & VR Tag building being damaged.

  Come to think of it, Brianna had also tried to kill him. However, she made up for that by becoming his bondmate, so he couldn’t really complain.

  “Anyway, you two can head home now.” Professor Incanscino waved them off. “I have a lot of work to do thanks to you, so I’d appreciate it if you left.”

  Brianna and Anthony didn’t remain there for long. They left the professor’s room, exited the lobby of Building #1, and made their way to the maglev station.

  “It looks like I can’t take my eyes off you for even one second,” Brianna said with a slight smile.

  “I do seem to be getting into a lot of trouble.” Anthony ran a hand through his hair.

  Her smile turned wry. “Trouble is an understatement, but I do not believe it is your fault.”

  The smile soon left and became replaced with another emotion. When Anthony saw the pensive frown on Brianna’s face, he felt something unsettling fill his chest.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  “I’m thinking about that vampire. Frederic Bloodstone.” The frown on Brianna’s face grew larger. “Lucretia Incanscino said Frederic was just a regular vampire with no ties to the nobility and he was on the run. How did a man with no connections, who was being chased by the authorities, manage to learn about you? That shouldn’t be possible, unless…”

  “Unless someone told him,” Anthony finished.


  Anthony rubbed his jaw as they arrived at the maglev station. He pondered her theory while they waited for the maglev to arrive.

  “So someone out there knows I’m an incubus and told Frederic for some reason,” he mused.

  Brianna gave a slow nod. “Yes, and given what happened between you and Frederic, I wouldn’t be surprised if that someone was the same person who anonymously paid for the damage caused by your battle with him.”

  The maglev soon arrived, but Anthony and Brianna didn’t move as it set down and waited for the magnetic clamps to lock into place. As the doors slid open, they made their way inside, the doors shutting behind them.

  Perhaps it was because of the late evening, but there weren’t many people onboard aside from them. There was just an old man sleeping on the bench several yards away and a vampire couple with dark skin and glowing red eyes. The vampire couple watched them, their glowing eyes containing a strange quality like they were intoxicated, before turning back to whatever they were doing.

  “I don’t suppose you have any guesses as to who this person might be?” Anthony asked at last. He was joking, of course. There was no way Brianna could know who had given Frederic information about him.

  However, his red-haired bondmate took his question seriously. “I don’t. I wish I did. The problem is I don’t even know who is aware of your existence. There’s Lucretia Icanscino, the Academy Island Private Security Forces, Custodes Daemonium… and I’m sure there are several other powerful people or groups who know about you but haven’t done anything. For all we know, the person who found out about you and told Frederic is one of those completely unknown factors.”

  “Well…” Anthony scrunched up his face as he tried to work out his own feelings. In the end, all he could say was… “That sucks.”
  Despite his words, Brianna gave him a confident look. “It is bad, but you don’t have to worry. I will do everything in my power to protect you.”

  Anthony felt something warm spread from his heart to the rest of his body. “Thank you.”

  Brianna didn’t say anything, but her smile said enough.

  The conversation between them grew silent for a moment, and Anthony glanced back at the old man and the vampire couple. Dressed in a trench coat and a large hat, the old man looked kind of like a hobo as he slept on the bench. On the other hand, the vampire couple were dressed in shocking white clothes, which caused their obsidian skin to really stand out.

  Since their current topic had been run into the ground, Anthony switched topics.

  “So, what did you have to do today? You said it was something you should have done a while ago, but you never told me what.”

  “Oh!” Brianna’s eyes widened before she smiled at him. “Let’s wait until we get home. I want your opinion on something.”


  Anthony didn’t know what Brianna wanted his opinion on, but he was always more than happy to give it to her.

  They arrived home soon enough. Brianna led him into her apartment instead of his own, and then asked him to sit on the couch. He did as she asked. Meanwhile, Brianna went into her bedroom.

  Taking a glance around the modern living space, Anthony looked at all the new and shiny amenities she had. A lot of her appliances like the holographic TV, the dinner table, the chairs, and the couch he was sitting on were brand new. He remembered helping her buy them. What he was really marveling at, however, was how much space she still had. His own living room had all this as well, but his didn’t even have half the leftover space hers did.

  Brianna came back into the living room. However, she was wearing something different from anything he’d ever seen on her.

  Anthony gawked as the dark blue knee-length skirt swished around her legs, which were also clad in knee-high socks. There was a small gap between her socks and the skirt that revealed her milky white thighs. A white sailor shirt adorned her torso. Because she had a large chest, the shirt looked like it was being stretched a little, and it also caused her shirt to rise a bit more than he believed was intended. When she moved, he could see hints of her stomach. The short sleeves of the shirt allowed him to see her lean arms. Furthermore, her red hair had been tied into a ponytail, which lent her a refreshing and young appearance.

  However, all that was secondary to his current thoughts.

  “Is this some kind of roleplay you want us to do?” asked Anthony.

  “No, silly.” Brianna rolled her eyes before she twirled a little. “This is my new uniform. How does it look?”

  “It looks great, but again, why are you wearing a school uniform?”

  “Because I’ll be attending school from now on.”

  Attending school… she was going to be attending school? Anthony licked his suddenly dry lips as he stared at the girl for what felt like hours. Brianna shifted under his intense stare and looked away.

  “W-what is it?” she asked.

  “You are… in high school?” he asked cautiously.

  “Y-yes? That’s not a problem, is it?”

  Anthony wasn’t sure yet.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m eighteen. I turned eighteen last December.”

  Which meant she turned eighteen three months ago. Anthony released a soft breath as the tension in his shoulders eased.

  “Thank mana for that,” he muttered.

  “It’s not a problem that I’m in high school, is it?” asked Brianna, now looking a little worried. “I’m a senior, so I’ll be graduating this year.”

  “No, no. It’s not a problem,” Anthony assured her with a wave of his hand. “I was just worried that I might be breaking the law for a second there.”

  Academy Island was fairly lax when it came to sexual relationships, but that didn’t mean they didn’t have laws. Adults were not allowed to have sex with minors under any circumstances. If someone over the age of eighteen was dating someone under it, they had to wait to have sex until the minor turned eighteen.

  Of course, not everyone followed this law. He would even go so far as to say most people who were dating a minor probably didn’t follow this law. It also wasn’t possible to police every person, and sex was generally not something the authorities on Academy Island concerned themselves with, but Anthony preferred not breaking any laws if he could help it. Being an incubus already meant he was on thin ice.

  Thinking on it, though, Lilith had pretty much smashed that law to pieces when she made Anthony her bondmate when he was sixteen, hadn’t she? Not that it mattered. The area he lived in had been lawless to begin with.

  “That’s good.” Brianna placed a hand on her chest and sighed as though relieved. Her cheeks soon turned a pale pink as she looked at him. “So, um, do you like it? My outfit, I mean.”

  “I do,” Anthony admitted as he let his hungry gaze roam across her body. “I really, really like it. However…”


  Anthony smiled as he held out a hand. Brianna didn’t seem to know what he wanted at first, but then she took the hint and walked over to him. She placed her hand in his, then slowly climbed onto him when he tugged on her hand, until she was straddling his thighs. Her cheeks were beautifully colored as she looked away in obvious embarrassment.

  Anthony’s erection was already trying to break out of his pants, but he ignored his cock for the moment as he placed his arms on Brianna’s hips and tilted his head. Brianna was still embarrassed but leaned down anyway and kissed him. An intense surge of joy raced through his body. Anthony took her lower lip between his teeth and nibbled on it.


  Brianna wrapped her arms around his neck as she moaned into his mouth. Her tongue slipped between his teeth and caressed his own appendage before pulling back. He didn’t know how long they kissed for, but Brianna eventually moved back with a soft gasp, her shoulders heaving as she took several deep breaths.

  “Hey, Bri?”


  Brianna looked at him with those half-lidded, seductive eyes, which she only had when they were intimate. He didn’t think she made those eyes on purpose. It was like she just naturally exuded sex appeal. Seeing her like this never failed to make Anthony horny.

  “Can we have sex while you wear that?”

  Brianna blinked. “You want to have sex while I wear my school uniform?”


  A pause. Brianna licked her lips for a moment as she considered his request. Then her cheeks inexplicably darkened to a hue of red so vibrant it matched her hair. She looked away from him and coughed.

  “W-well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind… Just try not to get them dirty. This uniform is brand new.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Anthony replied with a gleam in his eyes.

  That night, Anthony had sex with Brianna while she wore her school uniform, and it was awesome.

  Thank you for reading!

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  Once again, thank you immensely for reading my books. Your support is immeasurable.


  Hello, everyone! It’s Brandon Varnell here, and I would like to thank you all for purchasing my newest light novel. If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a review. They are the life blood of us authors. Not only do your reviews let us know you want us to write more of this particular story, but they help motivate us to keep writing.

  I hope you’ll allow me to talk a little about Incubus. I got the idea from the magic high school genre of anime. If you’re a weeb like me, then I’m sure you’ve at least heard of the genre. They are always about a high school student attending a magic academy, where he meets a harem of cute girls who all want him for reasons that you’ll never understand, but despite the numerous chicks who want to ride him like a cowgirl, our oblivious protagonist never gets passed second base—and even when he does get to second base, it is usually a result of the accidental boob fall.

  I really hate that trope, so I decided to write my own story, one that didn’t rely on such a terribly overdone cliche.

  Because I wasn’t as comfortable writing about high school students in sexual situations, I decided to make them college age. Anthony is a college student and Brianna is eighteen years old. Making them into legal adults allows me to shamelessly write all kinds of gratuitous lewdness.

  For those of you who have watched anime or read Japanese light novels, this series is like my version of A Certain Magical Index, Strike the Blood, Absolute Duo, Unbreakable Machine Doll, and Tokyo Ravens. I made sure to include all the tropes found within those series, but I also did my best to subvert them and add more western tropes—like having a protagonist who actually has sex and isn’t denser than a box of rocks.


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