Time is Money

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by Silk White


  (An Anthony Stone Novel)

  A Novel by Silk White

  Copyright ©2014 by Silk White


  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339


  twitter @good2gobooks

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  ThirdLane Marketing: Brian James

  [email protected]

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin

  Editor: Kesha Buckhana

  All rights reserved, therefore no part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission expert in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For more information, contact publisher. This novel is a work of fiction. All the characters, organizations, establishments, and events portrayed in this novel are either product of the author’s imagination or are fiction.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Books by this Author



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  New Release

  Books by This Author

  Married To Da Streets

  Never Be the Same


  Tears of a Hustler

  Tears of a Hustler 2

  Tears of a Hustler 3

  Tears of a Hustler 4

  Tears of a Hustler 5

  Tears of a Hustler 6

  Teflon Queen

  Teflon Queen 2

  Teflon Queen 3

  Time Is Money (An Anthony Stone Novel)


  To all of you who are reading this, thank you for stepping inside the bookstore, stopping by the library, or downloading a copy of Time Is Money. I hope you have enjoyed this read from top to bottom. My goal is to get better and better with each story. I want to thank everyone for all their love and support. It is definitely appreciated!

  Now without further ado Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Time Is Money. ENJOY!


  Ghost slammed the clip into the base of the M-16 rifle in which he held and then rolled his Bill Clinton mask down over his face. He looked around the back of the van at his two partners in crime who all wore black, and a bulletproof vest resting over the top of their shirts.

  “Dana, no unnecessary gunfire this time please,” Ghost said, giving his little sister a hard stare.

  “Last time wasn’t my fault,” Dana said, as she pulled her Obama mask down over her face. At the last heist, a guard caught himself trying to be a hero and save the day. Thanks to Dana, he was quickly rewarded with a bullet right between the eyes.

  Ghost looked over at the man who sat next to Dana. “Dougie you ready to roll?”

  “I’m as ready as can be,” he said flashing a nervous smile, as he pulled down his Ronald Reagan mask, grabbing the two large duffle bags that rested down at his feet. Dougie’s job was to snatch as much money as he could while Ghost and Dana took care of the rest. They gave him the name ‘Dougie’ because he was good at and loved doing the Dougie dance, so the name kind of stuck with him.

  Ghost called out to the driver, “Hey Randy you keep this motherfucker running!” The last thing Ghost needed was to come running out the bank and have to lose valuable seconds waiting for the car to start.

  Randy gave him a head nod as he watched the trio hop out the back of the van and enter the bank.


  An Anthony Stone Novel

  Chapter 1

  Time Is Money

  “How you doing today Ms. Evans,” the bank guard politely asked the elderly woman. He’d been working at this bank for the last three years and he loved his job.

  “I’m doing well. How about yourself?”

  “Just hanging in there,” the guard said with a smile.

  “I’m just happy to see another day.” He was getting ready to say something else, but the words got caught in his throat when he saw a man wearing a Bill Clinton mask carrying an assault rifle, followed by another gunman wearing an Obama mask enter the bank.

  “Get the fuck on the floor now!” Bill Clinton yelled, scaring everyone in the bank. He roughly slammed the guard down on the floor and removed the man’s pistol from his holster.

  Obama held two silenced 9mms and aimed them at two of the clerks that stood behind the counter. Once everything was under control, Ronald Reagan hopped over the counter, grabbed one of the clerk’s by her blonde hair, and smacked the shit out of her. “Bitch, take me to the safe right now!” Scared to death, the clerk did as she was told.

  “Everybody stay calm and nobody gets hurt!” Bill Clinton yelled, keeping everybody in line. He quickly glanced down at his watch. Forty seconds had passed since the time they stepped foot in the bank.

  Once in the safe area, Ronald Reagan shoved the blonde haired clerk down to the floor, as he began to fill up the two duffle bags quickly. He held the bag open with one hand, while he shoveled money into the bag with his other hand. Once the first bag was filled, he quickly grabbed the second bag, but stopped abruptly when he heard in his earpiece that a silent alarm had been pulled on his police scanner. “Oh shit!” he said, as he ran back out to the front of the bank. “We got trouble! Somebody pulled the silent alarm!”

  “We still got three minutes before the cops show up! We’ll be gone in two! Go grab as much money as you can in one minute!” Bill Clinton told him. “Let’s go! Time is money!” he yelled, looking down at his watch.

  Obama looked at the other clerk and noticed the nervous look on her face. “You pulled that alarm?”

  “I’m sorry,” the clerk said, as tears ran down her face. “Please don’t hurt me. I have a fam...” Obama put a bullet in her head before she could even finish her sentence. Obama then turned his gun on the next clerk and put a bullet between her eyes as well. Before that clerk’s body even got a chance to hit the floor, he was already on to the next clerk.

  “Time!” Bill Clinton yelled. Instantly Ronald Reagan emerged from the back with a duffle bag strapped over both shoulders. Bill Clinton then yelled, “Triangle Offense!”

  Obama quickly headed towards the door making sure the coast was clear in the front, while Bill Clinton brought up the rear and power walked backwards making sure the coast was clear from behind while protecting the money man that rested in between the two.

Once outside, the trio hopped in the van and Randy quickly put the pedal to the metal and left tire marks in front of the bank. Randy drove fifteen blocks away and pulled into an underground parking garage, where all four of them hopped out the van and into separate cars.

  Ghost snatched the Bill Clinton mask from his face and grabbed one of the duffle bags while Dougie removed his Ronald Reagan mask and grabbed the other bag. Dana removed the Obama mask from her face and leapt in an Acura that awaited her.

  “Everyone meet at the safe house in an hour!” Ghost said, as he pulled out of the parking garage first followed by Randy, Dana, and then Dougie.

  Chapter 2

  Sticky Situation

  Detective Anthony Stone pulled up to the scene and could immediately tell by how much press was out in front of the bank, that whatever had happened, it wasn’t good. It was a media circus out there. Reporters hovered along the outskirts of the police barrier, buzzing and speculating on what had happened. Stone pushed his way through the reporters and ducked under the yellow tape, heading towards the bank when he was stopped by a white uniform officer.

  “Back behind the tape now!” an officer yelled. “This is a crime scene here!”

  “Yeah I know dick head,” Stone said as he flashed his badge and brushed pass the officer. Stone’s white t-shirt and sagging jeans must have thrown off the officer.

  “I’m so sorry about that detective,” the officer quickly apologized.

  Stone waved the officer silent and walked over to where he saw his captain standing with an angry face. “Hey Captain how’s it looking?”

  “Not good; not good at all!” the captain barked. “This is the fourth bank these fuckers have hit in the last two months!” he fumed.

  “You sure it’s the same crew?” Stone asked, looking around at the mayhem and destruction that was left behind.

  “Positive!” the captain barked. “You’re my best detective and I want you on this case.”

  “Captain Fisher, I have a lot on my plate right now. Are you sure you want me on this case?” Stone asked. The last time Captain Fisher had personally assigned Detective Stone to a case things ended in a high speed chase with two hostages murdered.

  “Stone you’re my only hope right now,” Captain Fisher said. “You may be a wild card, but right now you’re our only shot at catching these fuckers.”

  Stone had heard about the series of bank robberies that had taken place over the last few months. Three violent gunmen walked into a bank, took all their money, and murdered at least two victims in less than two minutes, each time. The police had no clue who the gunmen were, but Stone planned on getting to the bottom of it. “I need to see the tapes.”

  Captain Fisher walked Anthony Stone in the back where the surveillance cameras were held. “These animals have to be stopped!” Captain Fisher fumed.

  Anthony Stone sat down in a fold out chair and watched the tapes carefully. The first thing he noticed was that the trio were unusually organized and they weren’t afraid to kill if they had too. He also noticed that the trio never stayed inside a bank for longer than four minutes, making it even more difficult for authorities to catch them red handed. Whoever the gunmen were, they seemed to be very clever. “Hold on! Stop the tape!” Stone yelled out. “Rewind it back about ten seconds.”

  When the tape played over, Stone noticed that the gunman wearing the Obama mask had a nice ass and some thick thighs. “Obama is a woman,” he called out.

  “How can you be so sure?” Captain Fisher asked.

  “Look at that ass,” Stone said smiling. Everyone knew he was an action freak, but he was also a ladies man. “And check out those thighs.”

  “So our shooter is a woman,” Captain Fisher said. “Look in our database and see if we can find a woman that meets those measurements that has a criminal record.”

  “You got it boss,” a uniform cop said as he left to go handle the task.

  “Mind if I borrow this tape?” Stone asked.

  “I’ll have a copy on your desk first thing in the morning,” Fisher’s voice boomed, as he exited the back room.

  Stone walked around the bank and looked for anything that may help him crack the case. In the video, he noticed that one of the gunmen went straight to the woman who had the key to the safe, which meant that they had done their homework and knew exactly who to go after. Stone exited the bank saying goodbye to his captain and hopped in his all black Charger. Once inside his ride, Stone reached in his glove compartment and removed a bottle of Tequila. He quickly turned the bottle up to his lips. “Damn!” he growled with his face crumbled. Unlike other detectives, Anthony Stone worked better with a little drink in his system.

  Stone cruised aimlessly through the city and on his lap, sat the bottle of Tequila. All that was on his mind was tracking down the bank robbers. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but this type of case had his name written all over it. Just from looking at the surveillance tape, he could tell that the bank robbers would never go down quietly or without deadly force.

  Stone pulled up in front of his apartment building, as a domestic call came through his radio. Since the location wasn’t far from his apartment, he decided to take the call. “I’m on it,” he said into his walkie-talkie and headed towards the location. Outside of work, Anthony Stone didn’t have much of a life. It was just one case after another.

  Stone pulled up in front of the building, hopped out, and entered the building. Rather than wait for the elevator, Stone decided it would be best to take the stairs. He stepped out the staircase and walked down the narrow hallway until he reached the door.


  Seconds later, a tall black man cracked the door, peeking out. “Yeah was sup?”

  “Yeah I got a call about a disturbance,” Stone said as he noticed fresh scratches on the man’s neck and shoulder.

  “Nah ain’t no disturbance over here!” The man went to close the door, but Stone quickly stuck his foot in the doorway before it could close.

  “Sir, I’m going to have to come in and see your girlfriend!” Stone said sternly. The man reluctantly allowed Detective Stone inside the apartment.

  Stone stepped foot in the apartment and the first thing he noticed was that the place was a mess. There were clothes thrown everywhere with trash lying around all over the floor.

  “There she goes, you happy?” the man’s voice boomed.

  Stone looked at the chick sitting on the couch and noticed dots of blood on the floor near her along with a few bruises around her eye and neck area. “Ma’am, are you okay?”

  The woman looked down at the floor and nodded her head yes. Stone then turned his gaze back over to the man. “Put a shirt on! You’re coming with me!”

  “For what?” the man asked, as if he didn’t know what he had done wrong.

  “I’m not going to tell you again!” Stone told him as he took a step forward. Without warning, the man made a dash for the front door. Stone quickly took off after the man, tackling him in the hallway right before he reached the door.

  The man spun around and delivered an elbow that connected with Stone’s chin. The blow stunned Stone and allowed the man a chance to make it back to his feet. He quickly tried to put Stone in a UFC style chokehold. The tall man quickly dropped down to the floor, wrapped his legs around Stone’s waist, and applied more pressure to the chokehold. “That’s right motherfucker go to sleep!” the man growled.

  Stone did his best to escape the chokehold, but the more he fought, the weaker he became. Having no other choice, Stone reached in his pocket and removed a pocket knife. The blade popped out with a snap as he drove it back into the man’s side. He did that repeatedly until the man released his grip on the chokehold. Stone quickly made it to his feet and unloaded a twelve punch combination into the man’s face. Stone was about to stomp the man out, when out of nowhere, the man’s girlfriend hopped on Stone’s back and began clawing at Stone’s face.

  “Bitch!” Stone barked as he bent over
and violently flung the girl over his shoulders down onto the glass coffee table that rested in the living room. He bent the woman’s arm back and hand cuffed her. Stone looked up and saw the man coming towards him, holding the pocket knife. Stone quickly pulled his P89 from his holster and shot the man in his thigh. He watched as the man crumbled down to the floor clutching his leg.

  “Hands behind your back!” Stone ordered, as he quickly cuffed the tall man and called for backup.

  Chapter 3

  I Need You Focused

  Dana sat at a red light as the sound of Trey Songz hummed softly through her speakers at a reasonable volume. Ghost had called a meeting as he always did when it was time to split up the money. Dana was in no hurry to get to the meeting because she was sure Ghost was going to tear into her ass about her opening fire on the clerks that pulled the silent alarm. Dana knew she shouldn’t have shot the clerks, but in the heat of the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. By them pushing that silent alarm they were trying to end Dana’s life so she figured why not return the favor.

  Dana was a regular girl who’d been through a lot over the years. A few situations that had occurred in her life turned her heartless, and after both of her parents died in a car crash; Dana no longer wanted to live. The only person that was there for her after her parents died was her brother, Ghost. Ghost was hard on her, but she knew it was only because he wanted the best for her.


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