Time is Money

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Time is Money Page 8

by Silk White

  “That fancy ass new bank downtown,” Ghost replied. “I know we all have made a lot of money, so if anybody doesn’t want to go through with this say so now and trust me, I fully understand,” Ghost said letting his gaze land on Dana. “Everybody who’s in, raise your hand.”

  Randy was the first to raise his hand followed by Dougie. All eyes in the room now focused on Dana. In Dana’s heart, something didn’t feel right about this job, but her brother needed her and there was no way she was going to let him down.

  “I’m in,” Dana said finally raising her hand.

  Chapter 25

  Making a Choice

  Stone sat in his apartment sipping on a glass of vodka, staring at the wall. He couldn’t believe that the love of his life was a bank robber and murderer. His Dana wasn’t who he thought she was. After the party, Randy informed Stone and his team about the when’s and where’s of the next bank job. Dana and her crew were now sitting ducks just waiting to be arrested and put in jail for the rest of their lives. Stone’s thoughts were interrupted when he heard a soft knock at the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me,” the voice on the other side of the door called out.

  Stone opened the door and stepped to the side as he watched Dana enter his apartment with a sad look on her face. “You okay?”

  “I could really use a drink baby,” Dana said sadly.

  “I got you baby,” Stone said as he walked over to the kitchen and fixed Dana a drink. When he returned carrying the drink, he stopped mid-stride when he saw Dana standing with a gun pointed at his head. “So this is what it’s come down to?”

  “How long have you known about me?” Dana asked.

  “I have known about your crew for weeks. I didn’t find out about your involvement until tonight at the party,” Stone told her. “Why Dana? Why?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were a cop from the beginning?”

  “The same reason you didn’t tell me you robbed banks for a living,” Stone countered. “Listen to me Dana and I’m only going to tell you this because I love you. Leave town tonight and never come back. It’s not too late for you to get away.”

  “You being a cop ruined our whole relationship,” Dana said as tears ran down her eyes. “Why couldn’t you just work at Burger King or something?”

  “Your boy Randy is an informant,” Stone came straight out and said it. He knew he shouldn’t have told Dana this, but he loved her and he was trying to do everything in his power to persuade her not to rob that bank in a few days. “We know all about the bank robbery going down in a few days and we know everything that we need to know about all four of you,” he said. “Please Dana, don’t go through with this. Leave town and never come back.” Stone inched his way towards her.

  “Don’t come any closer!” Dana shouted with the gun aimed at Stone’s head. Stone ignored her threat and kept coming forward until he was close enough the grab the gun. Stone slowly grabbed the gun and gently removed it from Dana’s hand.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Stone said, pulling Dana in close and hugging her tight as she cried her eyes out. He understood her tough situation. Before Stone had decided to serve and protect, he had briefly been active in the streets, so he knew all about the struggle and being a product of one’s environment. However, in order for one’s actions to change, they had to change the way they thought first. Stone kissed Dana on the lips gently as he tossed her gun down on the couch and began to remove her pants. Stone laid Dana down on the coffee table, spread her legs apart, and began to slowly lick her pussy. Stone kissed, licked, and sucked on Dana’s pussy as if it was the last time he would ever see her again. He sucked on her pussy as if he had just been released from prison after doing ten years, sucked on her pussy as if his life depended on it, sucked on her pussy as if he never wanted the moment to end. Dana’s explosive orgasm took over her body as her legs began to tremble and lock around Stone’s neck.

  Stone then quickly turned Dana over on her stomach and entered her tight walls from behind. He started out with slow deep strokes, but when he got warmed up, Stone turned into an animal. He firmly gripped Dana’s hips and tried to pulverize her insides. He watched as Dana’s ass bounced and jiggled with each stroke he delivered until he couldn’t take it any longer and exploded inside of Dana filling her with his fluids.

  For the next thirty minutes, the two just laid there in silent listening to each other breathe.

  “So I guess this is it, huh?” Dana said finally breaking the silence.

  “It doesn’t have to be baby,” Stone said. “You can leave town now and we can keep in touch and you can enjoy your life and enjoy your money and I can even come and visit you once a month.”

  “What about my brother?” Dana asked. “He really needs the money,” she said as tears began to fall from her eyes again.

  “Money is not more important than one’s freedom.”

  Dana got up and got dressed. “I have to do what I have to do and I don’t expect you to understand.”

  “Fuck Ghost! You don’t owe him shit!” Stone yelled. “He’s going to get you killed Dana! Can’t you see that?”

  “Then so be it,” Dana said as she grabbed her gun from off the couch and stuck it back in her purse. “Do yourself a favor and take a day off when we take this bank down because I won’t hesitate to take you out,” she warned.

  “It’s like that?” Stone asked with a hurt look on his face.

  “This is the only way it can be baby.” Dana leaned in and kissed Stone on the lips. “Take the day off, please! My team will shoot first and ask questions never! Please just take the day off, please!”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that,” Stone replied.

  Dana looked him dead in the eyes. “I love you Stone,” she said and then turned and made her exit.

  “I love you too,” Stone whispered as he watched Dana’s Benz pull off. He hoped and prayed that in a couple of days, she changed her mind about taking down the bank with Ghost and her crew. Stone walked back over towards the couch and noticed a manila envelope sticking out of the cushion. “What the fuck?” he said to himself as he picked up the envelope and peeked inside at its contents. Inside he found $150,000 along with a letter. He quickly unfolded the letter and began to read it.

  Dear Stone,

  If you are reading this letter then that must mean that you know whom I really am now. lol Sorry for not being honest with you from the jump, but I really liked you and didn’t want to scare you off. The funny thing is that when I met you, I told myself that I was out of the bank robbery business and was going to give this law abiding citizen thing a shot. lol Well I guess that wasn’t what God had in his plans for me. This letter is to let you know that I love you more than anything in this whole world and if I disappointed you in anyway, I’m sorry. I enclosed $150k with this letter, because I want you to start living a little more and enjoy your life and you never know, maybe our paths may cross again in the future.

  Your girl Dana.

  I love you no matter what!

  When Stone finished reading the letter, he felt immediately sorry for Dana. Her loyalty to her brother was going to get her killed. “I love you too baby,” he whispered.

  Chapter 26

  I Smell a Rat

  Dana pulled up in front of Ghost’s house and beeped the horn. Something inside of her said that she should have killed Stone, but for some reason, she just couldn’t do it. In spite of everything, she really loved him and didn’t want to harm him. She wished that she could have somehow made things work with Stone, but knew that it was a dead end. Seconds later, Ghost entered the passenger seat with a relaxed look on his face. “What up?”

  “We have a lot to talk about,” Dana said pulling off. “First things first; Randy is a rat!”

  Ghost laughed. “No way! We’ve been knowing him since forever.”

  “He’s a rat!”

  “You got proof?” Ghost asked.

  “Stone told me.”

>   “That’s not proof,” Ghost snapped. “That fucking cop is all in your head fucking up your judgment.”

  “Stone loves me and he wouldn’t lie to me,” Dana said defending Stone. “Plus why would he lie about Randy?”

  “Divide and concur, that’s the oldest trick in the book,” Ghost’s voice boomed. “He loves you,” Ghost echoed with a disgusted look on his face. “You think he won’t put a bullet in your head if the opportunity presents itself, because he damn sure tried to put a bullet in my head.”

  “He knows about the bank downtown,” Dana said with an attitude. She had a feeling that Ghost wouldn’t believe her when she told him the news.

  “You told him about the job?” Ghost asked staring daggers into his little sister.

  “Randy told him,” she replied. “He’s been acting funny lately anyway.”

  Ghost sat in the passenger seat quiet. Randy had been acting kind of funny lately, but not funny enough to where one would think that he was a rat. “You trust this cop that much?”

  Dana nodded her head, “Yes.”

  “I can’t afford to cancel this job,” Ghost told her.

  “Let’s do it a day ahead of schedule,” Dana suggested. “That way the cops won’t have a beat on us.”

  “But for this job we are going to need four guys,” Ghost said in deep thought.

  “We can use Randy for the job and then kill him afterwards,” Dana suggested.

  “I just can’t see Randy snitching,” Ghost said sadly.

  “Trust me,” Dana said seriously. “He’s a rat.”

  “Then he has to go,” Ghost said. “And I’m sorry that your new boyfriend turned out to be a cop. I know you really liked him.”

  Dana flashed a hurt smile. “It is what it is.”

  “If Randy is working with the cops then we have to assume he told them about everything including the meet up house,” Ghost said. “So that means we are going to have to switch it up.”

  “We can use my place as the meet up spot,” Dana suggested.

  “That’ll work,” Ghost said, sitting back in deep thought. He had to make sure he mapped everything out perfectly because all it took was one mistake for him and his sister to end up dead or either sitting in jail for the rest of their lives.

  “What you over there thinking about?”

  “I think we should take the bank first thing in the morning,” Ghost said looking at Dana for a response. “That way we’ll catch everyone off guard.”

  “That’s going to be risky,” Dana said looking directly at Ghost. “But, I think it can work.”

  Ghost smiled. “Let’s do it!”

  Chapter 27

  Don’t Ask Any Questions

  Dougie sat in the back of the stolen van listening as Ghost filled him in on all that was going on. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. When Ghost was finished, Dougie went on to tell him about the visit that Randy had made to his home about a week ago.

  “I’m going to kill that snake myself,” Ghost said. If it was one thing he hated, it was a snake. Over the years, Ghost had personally bailed Randy out of so many situations that it hurt him to hear that a person he called family had betrayed him.

  Dougie placed a friendly hand on Ghost’s shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. You can’t always expect other people to think or act like you do.”

  Dana pulled the van up in front of Randy’s apartment and put the gear in park.

  “I’ll be back in a second,” Ghost said hopping out the back of the van and headed in the building.

  * * *

  Randy sat on the couch watching a porno when he heard someone banging on the door like the police. He looked over at the clock on the wall and it read 4:55 am. “Who the fuck is knocking on my door this early in the morning?” he said to himself as he got up and headed over to the front door. Randy looked through the peephole and saw Ghost standing on the other side. “Hey Ghost what’s up?” he said, stepping to the side so Ghost could enter. The first thing he noticed was that Ghost wasn’t dressed in one of his expensive suits, but instead he wore all black and combat boots.

  “Suit up,” Ghost said looking Randy in the eyes. “I got another job for us. This is the one last final job.”

  “I thought we weren’t supposed to hit the bank until two more days from now?”

  “Change of plans,” Ghost said quickly. “Go get dressed and I’ll fill you in, in the car.” He could tell by the uneasy look on Randy’s face that something wasn’t right. The plan was going according to plan. He could tell that his surprise visit had caught Randy off guard.

  Fifteen minutes later Randy stepped back in the living room with a nervous look on his face. “Let’s get this over with.”

  * * *

  Two blocks away a white van sat over in the cut. Two cops were assigned to keep an eye on Randy to make sure he didn’t try to flee. The twenty-four hour surveillance paid off when one of the cops spotted Randy quickly coming out of the building and getting in the back of a van. The first thing the cop did was write down the license plate number. The second thing he did was dial Detective Anthony Stone’s number. He had a feeling that something big was about to go down. “Follow that van,” the cop that was in charge ordered.

  Chapter 28

  No Turning Back

  When Stone got the call, he quickly hopped out of his bed. He had prayed the night before that Dana had taken his advice and decided to leave town and enjoy life, but when he got the call, he knew that she had done the exact opposite. Stone loved Dana, but he couldn’t sit back and just let her continue to rob banks and kill people. Everyone had choices and Dana had chosen to not take Stone’s advice and follow through with the heist. Stone weaved in and out of traffic like a mad man. He didn’t want to hurt Dana, but if it came down to him and her, he planned on doing what he had to do. He pulled up behind the surveillance van; smoothly slipped out his car and hopped in the back of the van. “What did I miss?” he asked immediately.

  “We followed their stolen van to that house five blocks down,” the plain clothes cop explained. “I already got S.W.A.T. on standby and from the looks of it, it looks like something major is about to go down.”

  Stone pulled a bulletproof vest over his head and strapped it on as he processed what the cop had just told him. A part of him still hoped and wished that Dana would opt out of the deal before it was too late. “Come on baby you are smarter than this,” Stone said to himself.

  Chapter 29

  Time Is Money

  “Today is business as usual,” Ghost said, looking each one of his team members in the eyes. “We all know the rules. We get in and get what we can in three minutes; time is money!”

  Under the table, in between Dana’s legs, rested a book bag full of all the cash she had made on all the previous jobs. Once this job was over, she planned on leaving town immediately and never coming back. She had no clue where she was going. Her plan was to get on a plane and just go. All morning her mind had been on Stone and the last thing she wanted was for him to be disappointed in her, but at the end of the day her brother needed her and after all he had done for her over the years, there was no way she could tell him no.

  “When this job is over we’re all going to go our separate ways,” Ghost coached. “We hot right now so I think it’ll be best if we all get low for a while after this.”

  Members nodded their head in agreement.

  Ghost looked over at Randy. “You got your strap on you?”

  “Of course,” Randy patted his waist.

  “Good,” Ghost smiled. “Change of plans, Randy you coming in with us this time,” he said and then turned his attention to Dougie. “Dougie I’m going to need you to drive.”

  “I got you,” Dougie replied. Ghost had already given him the heads up about Randy’s foul ways and the thought of it all disgusted Dougie.

  The foursome exited the house and hopped in the stolen van. The entire time, Ghost was secretly watching Randy. He kept a close eye o
n the snake in the grass. All morning Randy seemed nervous and jittery.

  “You sure you want me to come inside the bank with ya’ll?” Randy asked in a nervous tone.

  “You been asking to get your hands dirty so now is your chance,” Ghost said with a straight face. “Me and Dana will keep control of the place. All you have to do is fill these four duffle bags up with cash.”

  “I can handle that,” Randy said in a shaky tone.

  “You sure?” Ghost asked. “You look a little shaken up.”

  “I’m good, just a little tired. I been having trouble sleeping lately,” Randy lied.

  * * *

  Dougie pulled up across the street from the bank. “It’s show time!” he announced.

  “Everybody set your watch for three minutes,” Ghost order as he tossed Randy, Dougie’s, Ronald Reagan mask.

  “Dougie, you better keep this van running!” Ghost ordered.

  Dana slipped her Obama mask down over her face and grabbed her tech-9. She knew that once she put that mask on it was no turning back.

  Ghost rolled his Bill Clinton mask down over his face, grabbed his M-16 rifle, and hopped out the back of the van leading his team into the bank.

  * * *

  Stone watched from two blocks away as the heavily armed masked trio entered the bank. “Come on, we have to move now!” he ordered. Stone knew from watching the crew’s previous bank robbery tapes that they liked to be in and out. His plan was to creep up on the bank robbers while they were still in the bank. He wanted his men to be in position, on the side of the building so that as soon as Ghost and his crew stepped foot out the bank, him and his team would be right there to apprehend them or worst case scenario his team would have to put them down.


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