Primrose and Brimstone

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Primrose and Brimstone Page 27

by Jason Mueller

  She managed to lift her head, where were her arms and legs? She screamed a long and bloody scream realizing now why she hadn’t been able to move. She wailed and sobbed for what seemed like hours, she felt she was still in the warehouse.

  Oh my God what did Ricky do to me? Where is he? Is anyone going to find me? Her mind was on over load as she tried to make sense of everything. She feared him coming back and hurting her more if that were possible; yet she was afraid of being left alone to die slowly not able to fend for herself. If she could manage to get herself to the floor how would she move?

  She waited for what felt like hours until she heard someone coming. She convinced herself that someone was coming to rescue her and this was all some horrible nightmare but her hopes were dashed when Ricky came into the room.

  “Oh hey you’re finally awake!” He said happily as if he hadn’t drugged her, kidnapped her and chopped off her arms and legs.

  “What did you do to me Ricky? She sobbed.

  “I made you perfect, well almost perfect. My dad was a taxidermist and he made me help him in his shop, I was gutting and stuffing animals my whole life, I was actually pretty good at it to.” He paused a moment looking off into space making Alex nervous.

  “How long has it been?” She broke into his thoughts.

  “It’s been a couple of months, look you’re all healed up.” He said as he waved a hand toward her proud of his work.

  “How did you keep me alive and knocked out so long?” She was still trying to wrap her mind around the whole ordeal and desperately wishing she would wake up from this nightmare.

  “Oh, that’s easy.” He chuckled. “Chemistry my dear is a wonderful thing! I know drug dealers, many of which are brilliant chemist in their own right, and let’s just say I know some doctors who have habits that need to be fed so it was really quite easy.”

  Alex could only lay there and weep to herself.

  “What now?” She asked tears running down her cheeks.

  “Well that’s easy, you’re going to stay here with me and be my toy, my pet.” He looked at her with lust in his eyes. Ricky started to undress never taking his eyes off her bringing her nudity back to the fore front of her mind.

  “Ricky please don’t.” She whimpered but Ricky wasn’t listening he slowly climbed onto the bed, and took her.

  Life continued in a cycle of abuse and neglect. At times, she could hear people partying elsewhere in the building. She had tried to scream once but that hadn’t worked out well. She woke up unable to speak more than a hoarse whisper, Ricky had taken her arms and legs he had also taken her voice as well. But he would take more than that from her.

  In a drug, induced stupor, he pulled her teeth so that she could take him without the risk of her biting him. He failed with the drugs to knock her out; she felt every second of the ordeal. When it was over she passed out from the pain waking up with a bloody, shredded mouth. She lay there sobbing, praying for a death that did not seem as if it would ever come.

  Ricky came down to her daily, he would gently wash her, feed her, and then he would use her and there was nothing she could do. No arms to fight back, no legs to run away with she was a prisoner, and if she escaped, what would life be like for her then? She would be forced to live out her days in a nursing home unable to care for herself; she was a young woman, she might survive another fifty or sixty years. She resolved herself to death but was unsure how she might end it all.

  She decided to try and starve herself to death, but when she refused to eat Ricky just force fed her, shoving a tube down her nose and feeding her that way. Nothing she said or could do would change Ricky’s mind, he would not let her go. She was his toy, to use as he wished when he wished and she could do nothing but lay there dreaming of how she would fight back if only he hadn’t stolen her arms and legs. “Oh, death where are you?” She would whisper over and over but death remained elusive.

  Alex woke up to Ricky entering the room, she no longer cared what happened and accepted her fate stoically. This time Ricky was wild eyed, and in a panic. He had been getting further and further from reality as time had gone on, but he hadn’t made any more attempts to hurt her often spending hours talking to her rambling while taking care of her, washing her gently, and then he would climb on top of her expressing his love for her. Her mind rebelled from the insanity, but she was at his mercy, and no more so than right now, she was afraid by the look on his face.

  He was panting, sweating and in a panic; in his hands, he carried two five gallon cans of gasoline.

  “What’s going on Ricky?” She winced at the panic in her own voice, desperately wanting to keep calm and talk him down from whatever it was that had him worked up.

  “They’re coming to get me, I can’t let them find you, I can’t let them take you, and I can’t live without you baby.” Tears ran down his face as he spoke.

  “Who’s coming Ricky?” She pleaded trying to understand.

  “I got turned into the police for dealing and they are watching me, I know they are going to get a warrant and search this place, I got a plan, it’s gonna be ok.” He said stroking her face gently, tears still flowing.

  “Ok Ricky, you and me forever.” Alex was conflicted. She was scared, she hated him, and yet she was sure that no one had ever loved her this much before, also this was her way out, she didn’t want to be found, didn’t want to live. She wanted to be free and now he was willing to help her.

  Ricky slowly poured the gas on the bed and all over the room saturating everything that would burn, he slowly took his clothes off and climbed on the bed, he kissed her gently as he entered her. For the moment Alex forgot everything, and just let her mind go, enjoying the sweetness of love, never hearing the sound of the lighter lighting.


  Becky Ross pulled the door closed behind her as she hurried to work. She was going to be late again, and her boss was going to kill her!

  “Hey Becky!” her neighbor called to her as he took the trash out.

  “Oh damn not Rick!” she thought to herself hoping the weirdo neighbor next door would take the hint that she was late and that no amount of talking to her was going to change her mind about dating him. She just wasn’t interested.

  “Hi Rick, can’t talk I’m late!” She said as she juggled her purse, coffee and keys trying desperately to get the car door open.

  “So what are you doing tonight? You think maybe you would want to get something to eat?” Rick said walking toward her.

  “Oh God I can’t deal with this now.” She thought to herself.

  “I’m sorry Rick I can’t talk right now, I’m late for work!” She said as she slammed the car door shut. “God I wish he would just leave me alone,” she muttered to herself as she started the engine and backed out.

  Rick watched her as she took off down the street. He took a look around to see if anyone was out, seeing no one he walked to his car and opened the trunk. He pulled a duffle bag out, closed the lid and took another look around. Seeing the coast was clear he walked toward the back of the house and over into Becky’s yard.

  Rick pulled a key from his pocket taking one last look around for prying eyes. He opened the door slipping in. He always knew that growing up the son of a locksmith would come in handy someday and it had over the years.

  He looked around the small house slowly taking in every detail of Becky’s life. He pulled a camera from the bag and started to take pictures of everything. When he was finished he got a glass of water, the warm weather was heating the house up quickly, even in the early morning hours. When he was done, he washed the glass and wiped it down getting rid of any finger prints or evidence. He set the bag on the kitchen table and got to work.

  An hour later he was finished. The house was now wired with hidden high definition video cameras that would send high definition video of Becky’s life over his Wi-Fi network next door to a bank of monitors and recorders he had set up in his basement out of view should anyone
show up.

  Satisfied with his work he stripped as he walked through the house; he had time Becky would not be home for hours still. He walked into her room completely naked pausing at the hamper to pull out a pair of her dirty panties. He lay on her bed smelling her panties…

  Twenty minutes later Rick walked out of the back door after checking for any nosey neighbors. He made his way back to his yard stopping at his garage, emptying out his bag, and placing his drill on the charger. He carefully selected a few other items placing them in the bag. When he was satisfied he placed the bag on the bench and went inside to his own house. He had plenty of time before the show began later.

  That evening Becky came home tired from her day at work, she pulled a bottle of cold water from the fridge not trusting the water from the tap. She walked to her bedroom stopping, and turned the A/C on to start cooling the house down. The warmth of the house was causing her to sweat, making her even more tired. She stripped off her clothes and lay on the bed naked to cool off, unaware that she was being watched.

  When she awoke she jumped in the shower and then decided to do a load of laundry. As she sorted her whites from her colors, she was missing a pair of panties. “Maybe I already washed them?” she thought to herself. She would have been mortified to know that Rick was now holding them as he watched her every move.

  Bed time came; she slipped into bed clad only in a tank top and panties, she was asleep quickly still tired from the long frantic day.

  Rick stood in the door way of her room watching her sleep the sight of her of her on the monitor had been too much for him. He needed to hear her breath, to breathe in her scent; he longed to feel the heat radiating from her body. He needed to touch her but knew he couldn’t take the risk, yet.

  He looked at her, a curvy angel of perfection from her reddish-brown hair down to her perfect toes; he took all of her in. “She was perfect to him at least,” he thought to himself. The thoughts that were flooding his mind were driving him crazy, control was becoming harder to maintain in his frenzied mind. He had to have her soon!

  The desire to touch her was too much, he had to leave. He crept slowly away from the door and his object of desire. Back to his own place, back to the monitors.

  Becky woke up with a start. She lay there listening not able to hear anything. Something felt wrong like someone was there with her, watching her. She couldn’t see or hear anything, but she lay there in the dark not able to go back to sleep, a little scared. Finally an hour later she rolled over and fell back to sleep.

  Rick was no longer content to just watch her from the monitors or sneaking into the house to watch her sleep. He wanted more, he needed more, and he would have more. Sneaking back into her house he created a few spots to hide in while she was home, he could be close to her while she was awake. He made a spot back in the little room that held the water heater and furnace.

  The first time she came down to do laundry Rick thought he would burst with excitement having her so close. He stood there naked in her basement watching her through a peephole that he had drilled and of course through the camera feed that was fed to his IPad. He was naked and she was in a t-shirt and panties.

  The down side was that he had forgotten to fix the creaky steps that led upstairs to freedom. He had to wait until she was asleep and then crawl up the stairs being careful not to make too much noise and wake her. The next morning after Becky left for work, Rick started working on the stairs. He fixed one stair a week making sure they no longer creaked but he couldn’t risk fixing them all at once causing her to notice. Soon he was able to go up and down the stairs with her unaware even when she was awake.

  Rick would sit at the bank of computers and watch himself on the play back of the video from Becky’s house; he would chuckle to himself at the thought of Becky’s reaction knowing he was so close to her, naked in her home. The one place where she should feel safe she wasn’t and she had no idea.

  Rick was somewhat frustrated with the way things were going, he wanted more and so he went to work to try and make his desires come true. He needed to touch her, to make love to her, all without getting caught, of course. He just needed to find a way.

  Through the help of the internet, Rick found the answer he was looking for. He was now armed with the knowledge he needed so that he could be with Becky, if only for a while.

  Rick drove to one of the seedier sides of town and met with an old acquaintance, placed his order, and left. He would be contacted when his order was available. Now back to the waiting game and watching.

  A couple of days later Rick received a three-word text “come get it.” Happily he drove back to the same neighborhood, made the transaction, and headed home. When he arrived home it was everything he could do to not act on his plan right away. It was too late and the risk of getting caught was too great and he needed to prepare, he wanted everything to be perfect for his first time with Becky.

  So like a young boy with a new toy, he sat in front of the monitors waiting for Becky to get home. He sat reading the words over and over Chloral Hydrate; the street term was a Mickey. He was going to slip her a Mickey and then he could be with her and she would be none the wiser. He could feel himself thicken with anticipation. It was going to be a long night.

  The next morning Rick made sure to be outside when Becky left. She blew him off as usual. If she had been able to read the thoughts behind the smile she might have dropped dead in fear.

  Rick stood there watching and waving as she pulled out and headed to work. He puttered around the yard for a bit to make sure that she was staying gone. He went back inside and grabbed the bottle and the syringe and slipped out of the back door and over to Becky’s.

  Rick entered through the back door into the kitchen. Today there would be no playing around he walked straight to the fridge and took a couple bottles of water out. He drew up a syringe full of the Chloral Hydrate and injected each bottle and then shook them carefully. When he was done he carefully checked the bottles to see how bad they leaked. Very little escaped from the needle sized hole, a couple of drops might escape but that would likely be chalked up to nothing more than condensation on the bottle. Satisfied he carefully wiped the bottles and fridge down for prints and any signs of tampering, placed the bottles back in the fridge, and closed the door. He took one quick look around the house checking all the camera locations and making sure nothing was amiss. Finding everything in order he headed back to his place to wait. Tonight was the night he mused to himself.

  Becky came home from work and like always grabbed a bottle of water and headed to the thermostat to turn on the A/C and cool the house down. She walked to the couch and plopped down, opening the bottle and gulping down about half. Rick watched her get up and go about her business carrying her bottle of water with her as she straightened up around the kitchen and ran the vacuum in the living room quickly.

  Rick was starting to worry that maybe be hadn’t put enough of the knock out drug in the water bottle; she sure didn’t seem to be getting drowsy as she moved around the house cleaning. When was she going to pass out? He wondered as he watched in the monitors. The anticipation was killing him, he wanted her so badly, and his plan seemed to be failing.

  He sat watching dejectedly thinking that he would have to give up for the night and try again tomorrow maybe when suddenly Becky began to yawn, soon she was stumbling to the couch. He watched with baited breath as she lay on the couch dozing off almost as soon as she lay down.

  Rick watched her for ten minutes to see if she would stay passed out. When he was satisfied that it was safe for the moment he grabbed his bag and headed for the back door only to be stopped by knocking on the front door.

  “What the hell now?” He growled stalking his way to the living room leaving the bag on the kitchen table.

  He jerked the door open to find a young boy of around 12, arm reared back ready to knock again. “Persistent little sucker!” Rick thought to himself.

  “What?” he demanded.
br />   “Excuse me sir, I’m selling subscriptions for the newspaper, I’m the carrier on this route and just wanted to let you know about the special the paper is running…”

  No Thank you!” Rick snapped cutting off the young man.

  “But sir, the paper is half off for the first month.” The boy continued on doing his best to make the sale.

  Rick was so exasperated he could picture, in his mind, throat punching this little bastard just to make him go away, but of course that would just cause more problems. Fighting to get his temper under control, Rick stood thinking about the situation and if there was a way he might be able to work this to his advantage.

  “You know what?” He said smiling now at the boy. “My friend next door might want the paper, and I know she is home right now, see her car is in the drive way. Have you tried her yet?” Rick said slickly.

  “No sir, I’ll go see if she’s interested!” With that the young man raced off the porch and across the lawn to Becky’s.

  Rick slammed the door shut locking it behind him. He then raced to his IPad to watch knowing that the little bastard would ring the doorbell and pound on the door in a desperate attempted to make the sale. Did anyone even read the newspaper anymore? He mused to himself watching Becky continue sleeping soundly as the paper boy pounded on the door. “Perfect!” Rick thought watching proof positive that Becky was indeed dead to the world on the couch.

  When the boy finally walked away dejectedly Rick ran for the back door, he crept over to Becky’s and let himself in again with the key. He tip-toed to the living room, she was still passed out to the world. He opened the bag pulling out a syringe that was already full. He quickly jabbed the needle into her arm and pushed the plunger. She murmured in here sleep and flopped around from the stick but stayed asleep.

  “This should guarantee she stays out.” he muttered to himself. He stood there unsure of what to do first now that the moment had finally arrived. He had fantasized about this moment hundreds of times in the last week, but now that the moment was here he was a little unsure.


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