Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4)

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Meltdown of Mad Dog (Satan's Savages MC Novel #4) Page 1

by K E Osborn

  K E Osborn

  Meltdown of Mad Dog

  A Satan’s Savages MC Novel #4

  By K E Osborn

  Copyright 2016 K E Osborn

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  ISBN: 978-0994312778

  Book design by Swish Design & Editing

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  Cover design by Swish Design & Editing

  Cover image Copyright 2016

  This MC novel contains crude language and graphic violence. It is not suitable for readers under the age of 18. If any of the above offends you, please do not read any further. This is a complete work of fiction and is not a true representation of a motorcycle club. It is for entertainment purposes only. I hope you enjoy.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  My name is Mad Dog.

  I’m the President of the Virginia Satan’s Savages MC.

  I’m a man with nothing left to fight for.

  My name is Amelia.

  My life’s a mess.

  All because of my ex-husband and his goddamned MC Club.

  In the early days, Mad Dog and Amelia were undeniably happy. Their life in the club together, along with their three young boys, was bliss. That was until one fateful night their world turned upside down. Having their lives torn apart pulled them in opposite directions.

  Mad Dog is trying to run a club that’s failing miserably, and all he can think of is the family he once had and lost. With the club irreparably broken—his family gone, his brothers turning on him—Mad Dog is losing track of everything, and running the club in a direction no one saw coming. The Cartel is on his back, and he wants war. But will the war only lead him down the path to the inevitable? A Meltdown of Mad Dog?

  To those who fall in the dark and can’t find their way.

  Try to find the light, for staying in the darkness leads to sad times and sad times lead to despair as Mad Dog finds out in this book.

  Find your happy place and strive for it.

  Be the best you can be.

  Be the real you.

  Kaylene Osborn – You’re not only my rock, my friend, my editor, my mother and my strength, but without your support and guidance, I wouldn’t be able to have the career I love and adore. So thank you for making my dreams come true and helping me not only achieve them, but support me in them as well. All daughters deserve a mother like you!

  To all of my amazing BETA readers – Thank you for once again putting in your thoughts and ideas into this book of this great series. I appreciate all of your enthusiasm, energy and ideas, and together we make a great team. So thank you, every single one of you.

  Special mention to – Andrea Florkowski, Caroline Richard, Carol Duggan, Diana Cardonita, Kristy Hegarty, Crystal Bell and Kelli Gordon for taking the time to go through this book with me. You ladies are a special find and I’m so glad to have you as part of my team.

  To Addison Jane – I honestly cannot imagine this life without you. It may sound tacky but you’re one of the first people I talk to every morning and continue talking to throughout the day. You bring me endless sources of entertainment, and pick me up when I need a slap or a hug, sometimes both simultaneously. You really are what an across the ditch bestie is meant to be, and man I wish that bloody ocean wasn’t between us. But then again if you moved in, like we often talk about, I do think no work would ever get done, so this could be an issue lol. But in all seriousness, thank you for your support and friendship you mean the world to me!

  To Kim, my best friend, plotting party fiend and adopted big sister – Thank you so much for all your help and support with not only this book, but in general. Your friendship and love is truly astonishing and I am so lucky to have a ‘big sister’ like you. So thank you. You mean the world to me, I’d be lost without you.

  To my family – For your continuous love, friendship and humour. Without you guys, my life would be very dull and boring. So thank you for supporting me without question and for always being there.

  To my beautiful, playful and utterly adorable pup, Bella – I love you, you keep me going on those self doubt days when I just need puppy cuddles. You are the best pet I could ask for. Don’t ever change!

  Last of all, I want to thank YOU, the reader. Your continued support with my writing career is both humbling and heart-warming. I love the readers so much, and honestly couldn’t keep going without the love and support you all show me each day. Thank you for believing in me, and I hope I can keep you entertained for many, many, years to come.

  Stay tuned because Taken by Techie: A Satan’s Savages MC Novel #5 is on its way.

  Thank you,

  Much love,

  K E Osborn


  If you have previously read The Shattered Heart Series some names, places, and details have been changed and are reflected in the Satan’s Savages MC series of books.

  In particular, but not limited to, a name change of The Rebel Dogs to the Satan’s Savages MC.

  These changes will be reflected in the Shattered Heart series, when the books are re-released in the first half of 2016, following the publication of the Satan’s Savages MC Book Four.

  The Shattered Heart Series is a spin-off from the Satan’s Savages MC series of books.

  This book has been written using UK English and contains euphemisms and slang words that form part of the Australian spoken word, which is the basis of this book’s writing style.

  Please remember that the words are not misspelled, they are slang terms and form part of the every day, Australian lifestyle. Some euphemisms or slang terms have been provided below for your information.

  If you would like further explanation, or to discuss the translation or meaning of a particular word, please do not hesitate to contact the author – contact details have been provided, for your convenience, at the end of this book.

  86’d: To get rid of, originally used for killing someone. The phrase “80 miles out and 6 feet under” was used for someone who had to dig their own grave 80 miles out from civilization and were then executed.

  Bevvie: Alcoholic drink.

  Bloody: An expletive, used mainly as an exclamation of surprise as in “bloody hell,” but can also be used to express anger.

  Bonza: Something that is good or well executed.

  Brothers: A word of respect used toward other club members who become family. This word is taken very seriously in the MC world.

  Built like a brick shithouse: A strong and well-built person (usually male).

  Cage: Automobile, truck, van… not a motorcycle.

  Crows: Adelaide Football Team, members of the Australian Football League.

  Dacks: Trousers, jeans or pants.

  Douchebag: Someone who has surpassed the level of jerk or arsehole.

  Duck Walk: Sitting on your motorcycle and pushing it with your feet, usually done when parking or moving forward a few feet.

  Durry: A cigarette.

  Fuckhead: A stupid or contemptib
le person (often used as a general term of abuse).

  Fucktard: Combination of fucking and retard meaning you are stupid or an idiot.

  G’day: Substitute for good day.

  Heat: The police.

  Hog: Motorcycle.

  Hombre: Spanish for dude.

  Knickers: Panties or underwear.

  Lid: A helmet.

  Mate: Term used for friend.

  Mush: Face.

  Nads: Testicles.

  Pash: Term for tongue kiss.

  Patch/Patching/Patches: Emblems or symbols sewn onto biker cuts (jackets) to display an affiliation with a club. These patches can be numerous and have meaning to the wearer.

  Pig: Derogatory term for a police officer.

  Prospect: A prospect is the bottom of the chain. They have no rank or privileges and are expected to do as they’re told. They may wear the club name on their back, but not the club logo.

  Road Name: A name given to someone by his brothers. Usually, this name would be synonymous with some kind of incident or association to that person.

  Showdown: Australian Football League local derby game played by the two league teams from South Australia.

  Uluru: Also knows as Ayres Rock. A large sandstone rock formation located in Australia. Uluru is sacred to the Anangu, the Aboriginal people of the area.

  Watch your six: Danger at your back, watch your back.

  Wreaking Havoc: Members that do not fear anything, get dirty, have killed for the club and never run for any reason.

  Mad Dog McNamara – President of Virginia Satan’s Savages MC, Virginia Original, First 7 and father of Steel.

  Chops – Wreaking Havoc member, Virginia Original, First 7, club torturer and Mad Dog’s right-hand man.

  Steel – Vice President of Aldinga Satan’s Savages MC. Son to Mad Dog.

  Manson – Wreaking Havoc member.

  Penetrator – Loyal member of Virginia Satan’s Savages MC chapter.

  Patched Members






  Club Girls





  Amelia McNamara – Mad Dog’s wife (separated). Steel’s Mother.

  Willow/Flame – Steel’s Old Lady.

  Techie – Member of Aldinga Satan’s Savages and Steel’s best friend.





  Note to the Reader

  Information and Dictionary

  Club Members and Character Relationships

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen



  Connect with Me Online

  About the Author – KE Osborn

  I’m a cunt!

  I’ve always been a cunt, and I will probably always be a cunt.

  And as I stand back watching the video screen waiting for 6:00 p.m. to roll around, a light flutter filters through my stomach. How do I know I’m a cunt? Because two members of my club, Stealth and Sentinel just met Wreaking Havoc. And even though I really liked Stealth, I’m happy—I’m fucking giddy with excitement that those motherfuckers are chopped up into tiny fucking pieces in coffin-shaped boxes, waiting for the arrival of the fucking heat to find them.

  I wish things were different.

  I wish I didn’t love the kills.

  I wish I were a decent human being.

  But being the president of a biker club hardens you, toughens you, it makes you love pain and misery. You thrive on the torture, the blood, the chaos. You live for the mayhem. This life eats you up and swallows you whole. You can’t outrun it, you can’t walk away from it. Once you’re in, you’re in for life. Till death takes your soul, whether by old age or by the club, or of course, by the bloodshed that comes with the wars associated with club life. Either way, you die as part of the club, as Stealth and Sentinel found out. They were brothers, but they were also fucking cops, infiltrating us, trying to bring us down from the inside.

  But due to Sentinel’s lack of stealth, pardon the pun, we became suss and planted bugs everywhere. We heard parts of conversations that were damning. So I sent Acid—our new prospect—

  to follow Stealth everywhere he went. This only confirmed our hunch when he met with Detective Hudson fucking Stone. I was fuming but had to bide my time and wait for the perfect opportunity to take them both out. When the timing was right, I drove them both to the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Gawler and bam they were snuffed out.

  Stealth had a family and by the sounds of what Acid reported back to me, his wife is gorgeous, and his three kids are very young. The baby is only four months old. But, I had to do what I had to do. I couldn’t let them live. There was a moment when I thought I could talk to Stealth, make him come to our side, but then when he went to see his wife, I knew I had no chance of him leaving his life behind.

  He was lost to us, and that was the moment I knew I had to end him—him and Sentinel—and it had to be today. Do I feel bad for killing them? You’d think a part of me would, but no. They were planning on bringing us down, I couldn’t let that happen, so I did the only thing I could take them out before they took us out. It’s fight or die in this case. We have enemies in the prison system, and all of us going to jail—well it’d be impossible to keep us alive. I’m sure we’d drop like flies once inside.

  So I did this for my brothers. It was us or them. The lives of two, for the lives of all my brothers. It was a no-brainer. I do feel a bit for his kids, they’re innocents in all of this. But they’re young, they’ll get over it.

  “Prez, the cars are pulling up,” Blade our newest prospect announces, drawing my attention back into the now.

  Turning around, I look at the screen on his tablet. He’s basically taken up the tech role since Techie abandoned us the fucking cunt. Blade isn’t as good as Techie, but he still knows his shit.

  Glancing at the screen, the video footage from the hidden cameras we set up at the warehouse comes into view. It’s 5:30 p.m. and the heat are about to show up to sting us for our meet with Papi. He’s a lackey Stealth had set up for us to store eccys. We intend to use him to distribute later, but I digress. Little do the heat know we have a surprise in store for them!

  “Great, let’s get ready to watch the fireworks!” I grin through my excitement as the rest of my brothers circle around to watch.

  The heat all take their positions, hiding behind trees and crates, trying to make themselves look scarce. Problem is, we’re not going to show up, so they can hide all they like because it won’t make a scrap of difference. Smiling to myself as Chops looks at me with a smirk, I nod to Blade, and he pulls out a burner phone and types in the three simple words. Check the shed.

  We all start to chuckle as we zoom in on Hudson Stone. We got his number from Stealth’s phone after we 86’d him. So we thought seeing as they are such good buddies, it seemed only fitting to send him the message. Hudson looks down at his phone, and his eyebrows scrunch together.

  “Chief, I got a weird message on my phone.”

  The older man that looks a lot like Denzel Washington walks over to Hudson and glimpses at his phone furrowing his eyebrows. Giddiness runs through me at the way they’re furrowing their eyebrows, the way their lips are turned down into frowns and the tautness of their frames.

  “I don’t like this, Stone,” the chief admits, which only makes me happier.

�You think they’re onto us?” Stone asks and I roll my eyes wondering how stupid he actually is.

  “Of course, we’re on to you dickwad.” You don’t just get random messages like that for no reason asshat.

  The chief looks around and rubs the back of his neck. “I think we’re made. I don’t want to just walk into the warehouse, though, it’s probably a trap. See if you can get a hold of Donovan or Barringer, and I’ll call in the Bomb Squad to go in first and search the premises before we enter,” Chief Thomas advises. There’s an ease in his tone, though, not full of panic like I would’ve suspected, but I guess that’s why he’s the Chief of Police. He needs to keep his cool in these situations. Hudson nods, taking a deep breath. He dials a number, and Stealth’s phone starts to ring over on the bar.

  We all crack up laughing as we let it divert to voice mail, and we watch Hudson’s face slowly scrunch up like he’s really concerned.

  “Where the fuck are you Adam?” he murmurs and then dials Sentinel’s number. It vibrates and rings alongside Stealth’s on the bar, and Hudson shakes his head as we all watch him rub his chin and swallow hard, gritting his teeth and pursing his lips like he’s really pissed off. “Fuck!” he spits as the call goes unanswered.

  “Sorry, this little pig’s not home,” Chops teases. We all laugh as we watch the heat all starting to move around making calls and loading themselves behind protective barriers, I’m guessing in case the place blows. Which we should have thought of.

  Damn! Oh well, next time!

  Chief Thomas storms back over, and Hudson shakes his head. “Couldn’t reach either of them. I have a bad feeling about this Chief.”

  “Yeah, me too, Stone. Something isn’t right. The bomb squad will be here soon. Until then, all we can do is wait this out.”

  “Can’t we send a K9 unit in to check it out?”


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