Nerd and the SEAL

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Nerd and the SEAL Page 4

by Grady, D. R.

  Lainy perked up. “I’ll go with you.”

  Janine stared at her. “Really? You know cars?” For some reason, her question set the whole contingent into rounds of laughter.

  “Does Lainy know cars? Obviously a newbie,” one of Lainy and Max’s brothers said.

  She’d met them all, but couldn’t remember their names. Her new grandmother leaned over and patted her hand. “I’ll come, too. Lainy and I are considered the family automobile experts. Well, there’s Ed, too, but we won’t talk about him.”

  “Yes, let’s not. All we need is Ed to heckle and harass,” another of her new cousin’s said. And many of them rolled their eyes.

  Janine soon found herself caught up in the flow moving toward the kitchen and followed the wave. The feeling of overwhelm applied, but she was also giddy with happiness.

  A family. What a wonderful feeling.

  Besides, she wouldn’t mind discovering where things were in her new, spacious kitchen. She and some ladies, including her new mother, who already had things progressing, soon completed the preparations for lunch. Janine enjoyed the entire process.

  Finding a fully stocked refrigerator and freezer was a bit of surprise, but shouldn’t have been. Apparently her new family took food seriously. At least that was the impression she took away from her experience with the ladies who helped prepare lunch.

  She resisted the urge to pinch herself. If this was all a dream, she wasn’t interested in waking up. What she would do if this family decided they didn’t want her, she didn’t know. A family was all she had ever wanted. Now that she had them, Janine couldn’t think of a thing her life lacked.

  Please don’t let my bubble burst, she pleaded.

  Chapter 5

  Ben glanced around them before he tugged Treeny into a less populated area of Janine’s house. The laundry wasn’t being utilized at the moment and there wasn’t a family member in a five foot radius. He thought maybe he and Treeny could make use of the privacy there. She came so willingly into his arms his heart swelled.

  Her arms curled around his neck and she offered up her lips with a sweet, feminine need he liked. When their lips connected, Ben enjoyed the electricity that wove between them. No other woman had ever kissed him like this. He knew, even without much research, that no other woman could kiss him like Treeny Deveau.

  How she managed to make a kiss so magical, he didn’t know, but he approved of everything about her. He loved her blue-gray eyes, and the way they lit up when he entered the room. He loved the feel of her hair flowing over his arm. The sounds she made when he kissed her ignited fires he had no intention of putting out.

  “Great, we’ve got smoochers in the pantry. Smoochers in the office, smoochers on the back porch, and now smoochers in the laundry room.” Ben heard the voice, he heard the words, and reached out to slam the door shut behind him.

  This elicited laughter on the other side of the barrier and right there within his arms. Looking down at Treeny, he noticed the brightness of her eyes and the grin on her lips. Such nice lips.

  “We’ve been caught,” she stated. Her fingers played with the back of his neck.

  “Yes,” he agreed and sighed. She could keep up with her ministrations forever.

  “How soon before we’re sharing this space with lots of dogs and kids?” Her tone was tongue-in-cheek.

  He pursed his lips. “Lainy and Mitch are probably one of the other smooching couples, so we’re okay.”

  “In that case,” she murmured and tugged his head down.

  Treeny sighed when she and Ben finally left the intimate confines of the laundry room. They’d enjoyed a few carefree moments, and she had received a fabulous quota of Ben kisses. Unfortunately, an entire day of his kisses wouldn’t be enough, but how she enjoyed the stolen moments.

  When they emerged from their intimate spot it was to find most of the Morrisons gathered around Janine’s table or balancing heavily laden plates on their laps. Ben led her to the lunch line. His arms enfolded her close and she savored his nearness, enjoying his scent and warmth.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked and she shivered from the effect of those lips so close to her ear.

  “Yes.” She didn’t tell him she wanted him more than any of the food set out on every available surface. Still, she picked up a plate and utensils and started dishing up some of the fare.

  Ben smiled at her. She liked the promise in his eyes.

  “We’ll get back to our previous activities soon.”

  “Okay.” Now she was hungry. Once they ate, maybe they could slip back into the laundry room for more delicious kisses.

  After they filled their plates, Treeny saw seats next to Janine, and she made for them. When she sat down and placed her drink under her chair, she saw Ben waylaid by his mother. Janine smiled at her, and her poise and splendor struck Treeny anew. Janine’s amber eyes were beautiful and mysterious.

  “I was so excited to learn you’re a doctor,” Treeny said as she forked up some hash brown casserole.

  Janine smiled. “Yes. And I was intrigued to learn you are as well.”

  “I’ve joined the ranks of those crazy people who get to pay for the privilege of long years of study and work.”

  Ben’s sister laughed. A musical, pulling sound. Treeny hadn’t noticed the island cadence before but maybe the poor woman was overwhelmed. That would perfectly normal.

  “Of course.” Treeny sipped tea from a bright yellow cup.

  “Where will you be working?”

  “I start at the Hershey Medical Center on Monday.” Janine took a sip of her own beverage.

  “You’re a surgeon, right?” Treeny asked, thinking she’d heard that from Ben, but wasn’t sure if she remembered correctly.

  “Yes, I am.”

  KC joined them, her baby sound asleep in her arms. Janine set her nearly emptied plate on the floor and reached for the little girl. KC passed her on. Macy’s creamy skin looked gorgeous against the light mocha of Janine’s. Treeny took a moment to admire the view.

  “Where’s Max?” Janine asked.

  “He’s helping Ryan,” KC answered and Treeny smiled when Janine kissed the downy head. KC brushed her hands down her front before joining the queue at the food tables.

  “Aunt Janine to the rescue,” Treeny said, and tears welled at the beautiful expression on Janine’s face. Ben’s sister was adapting far better than most to the madness.

  “I never thought I’d be an auntie, and then I met KC and then Ben. Now, I’ve more nieces and nephews than I know what to do with.” Her tone was rueful but happy.

  Treeny laughed. “Welcome to the Morrison family – where reproduction happens.”

  Janine smiled. “I knew I’d like you from the minute I met you.”

  “What are you two cackling about?” Ben asked as he settled into the seat next to her. She began to think racy thoughts. His eyes flipped to hot after he took in her expression.

  “Cool it, you two. We’ve got an innocent here,” Janine reprimanded, bouncing Macy in her arms.

  She curled the little girl in one arm, calmly bent, picked up her plate, and resumed eating.

  “You and Ben are so related,” Treeny murmured, knowing her eyes were probably wide with disbelief.

  “Why?” Janine speared some macaroni salad.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re both coordinated and elegant, even eating.”

  Brother and sister exchanged a look before turning innocent, conspiratorial eyes on her. Treeny rolled hers. “You’re both disgusting,” she said, and stabbed a cube of watermelon.

  Ben cleared his throat. “Maybe we could discuss this further after we finish eating.”

  “Alone, I hope,” Janine piped in and mock glared at them.

  Treeny’s cheeks heated, but Ben laughed. “Of course alone.”

  “Thank goodness for small mercies.” Janine set her plate on the floor after finishing her food. Macy was transferred to her Aunt Janine’s entire lap, which still
wasn’t very big. But the little girl slept peacefully on.

  “Where are you working, Treeny?” Janine asked, before she took another sip from the cup she picked up, even with the sleeping baby.

  “I’m in a practice of other family physicians. We’re connected with the Hershey Medical Center.”

  “Where is your office located?”

  When Treeny rattled off the address, between bites of more watermelon, Janine sat up straighter. “Really? Because according to the map I downloaded, I think that street is right next to the hospital.”

  “It is. We’re quite close to the Medical Center.”

  “I’m working in the emergency room.” Janine ran an elegant finger along Macy’s cheek.

  “Our office is nearby.”

  “We can have lunch together.” Janine sounded enthused and Treeny grinned.

  “I love that idea. Or even supper, if my patient load continues like lately.”

  “Are you seeing a lot of people?”

  “I’m not taking new patients anymore. I’m already overloaded. If any of the medical staff calls in sick, the situation deteriorates rapidly.”

  “So you’re in a busy office.” Macy made a few little baby noises and they all looked at her. Janine bounced her a bit and she quieted.

  “Yes. I think most of the local offices are busy. We have too many patients, and not enough qualified doctors to treat them all.”

  “That’s how we were in Atlanta.” Janine traced a finger over Macy’s brow.

  “If you moved here to ease up on your work, you’ll be very surprised,” Treeny warned.

  Janine grinned. “I didn’t. I moved closer to get to know your boyfriend better. And meet his family.”

  Treeny started. Ben – her boyfriend. Now there was a concept.

  To be able to call him her boyfriend was something she’d wanted for most of her teenaged years, and all of her adult life. And now she could say that. Ben Morrison was her boyfriend. She turned to him, and their eyes met.

  Figuring her expression read somewhere between awe, discovery, and fear, she searched his eyes. She read something similar there. But she was appreciative of the resolve she discovered in the depths of his deep brown eyes, too. A resolve she understood.

  They had waited so long for this time to come. And now that it was here, she didn’t want to mess up their chance. Dropping her fork, Treeny couldn’t stop the hand she reached out and glided over his cheek and down his jaw. This man’s face she could touch whenever she wanted. Those luscious lips she could kiss at will.

  He swallowed before slowly leaning over her and their lips met.

  “Cut it out, my daughter is watching,” Max’s voice said from somewhere over them.

  She and Ben parted, and Ben glanced up at his cousin. “Your daughter is sleeping, Nerdboy.”

  Max looked Macy over, sleeping so contentedly in Janine’s arms. “True. Anyway, my son is probably watching.”

  Treeny looked out over the crowd and spotting Ryan, shook her head. “He’s happily engaged in building a fortress with his cousins.” She pointed to where the little boys were gathered with plastic building pieces spread all over the floor.

  “Right. Anyway, I’m here and I’m watching.”

  “Since you’ve got a newborn, I’m thinking...” Ben only got so far before she and Janine both covered his mouth with their hands.

  Max laughed. He snagged a couple of chairs with a foot and dropped into one of them. KC joined him moments later.

  “What did you say?” She looked at Ben, but her eyes roved knowingly over her husband too.

  “You don’t want to know,” both Treeny and Janine said at the same time. They grinned at each other.

  “Boys will be boys,” Janine added sagely and Treeny laughed at her appropriate remark.

  “Yes.” Treeny removed her hand from Ben’s lips. Lips which were tipped up in amusement. Max’s formed an identical smirk.

  “I don’t think I want to know,” KC decided, but Treeny didn’t miss the loving look she sent her husband. Who grinned in response, a private, appreciative grin that bespoke of promises. Wishing she could exchange such looks with Ben, Treeny suppressed a sigh. Maybe someday...

  They’d only just started their courtship. Supposedly this was the best part of the relationship. Of course, looking around her, at the various couples spread across the room, Treeny doubted that. Too many of the Morrisons had long lasting, loving, awe-inspiring marriages.

  Their relationships seemed to grow and strengthen and sweeten over the years. Take Ben’s grandparents, for instance. They’d been married sixty years, yet they still sent each other loving looks. They exchanged kisses whenever they met, and had single-handedly clocked the most time in The Closet.

  Ben’s parents had a similar union. His dad was a strong, silent man. But his eyes followed his vivacious, out-going wife frequently. He smiled often whenever she was nearby and Treeny had seen Ben’s mom grope him when she thought no one was looking. Ben’s dad always laughed, and hugged her close, stealing a kiss or two in the process.

  Treeny’s sister, Rachel, was totally in love with Will, Max’s oldest brother. Their union only intensified over the years, after six kids and some tragedies.

  Then there was Lainy and Mitch, Ben’s cousin and her husband. They’d been separated for a year while he was in Kuwait, having met via email and corresponding that way. [The Nerd and the Marine – Book 1] Soon after he returned from his desert assignment, they married. Now they had one little girl who was a year old, and Treeny suspected they were expecting their next child.

  Lainy had that glow about her. One that spelled baby, and mingled so beautifully with the natural glow of a woman in love who was also well-loved. Lainy hadn’t mentioned anything to the family yet, but Treeny recognized the signs.

  Everywhere she looked, she saw evidence of love in the Morrison family. Enduring love that each member worked at maintaining and strengthening. Treeny wanted that sort of love.

  Glancing at Ben, she wanted that love with him. Could they form such a relationship? She knew they both wanted to, but she worried still. What if he decided the relationship wasn’t worth the time or effort?

  She was thankful when another conversation picked up between those sitting near her. She couldn’t bear to think of her relationship with Ben ending. He meant too much to her already. And losing something so precious would be like losing something she utterly valued, again.

  “I saw an advertisement for a Sam Welby, pediatrician, in a recent medical journal. His address was local. Either of you heard about him?” KC asked her and Janine.

  It was Ben who answered. “Ryan and Macy would be in the best of hands if you took them to him, but he specializes in cancer patients.”

  “Oh?” KC turned to Ben. “How do you know him?”

  “He was my swim buddy during BUD/S training,” Ben said wryly. “There’s not much we don’t know about each other.”

  “He was your swim buddy?” Treeny was surprised to hear a SEAL had become a pediatrician.

  “Yep. Awesome man. I’ve also got a bedroom at his house.” Ben’s grin spread across his face in the most endearing way.

  “How did a SEAL become a pediatrician?” Janine asked the same question Treeny figured she and KC were both thinking.

  “He got really sick our third year as SEALs. We were all surprised to learn he had cancer. He was too sick to continue. Being a SEAL is rigorous.” Ben shook his head and stared off into space.

  “What happened?” Treeny’s voice was barely above a whisper. How awful for all of them.

  Ben glanced at her. “After he learned he’d need treatment, intense treatment for a year or more, he was given an honorable discharge from the Navy. They did right by him – he received the best care possible.

  “He started to think about other options. Eventually decided to go back to school. He applied to medical schools and was accepted by all of them. He chose Hershey Medical and became a pediatri
cian.” Ben smiled. “He called me, so excited. He said he’d started the pediatric clinical and this is what he was going to do. He applied for further schooling in pediatrics, and now he’s a pediatrician. Specializes in pediatric cancer, I think. He also took extra training in oncology.”

  “He’s probably a powerful doctor, then. Especially if he’s had cancer, beaten it, and studied it too,” Janine said quietly.

  Treeny nodded, and saw KC doing the same.

  “And you call me a nerd. Look at these three!” Max exclaimed and flung a hand out to encompass his wife, Janine, and her.

  KC shoved him, which didn’t even move him a fraction, and he added insult by swiping a finger down her nose. She stuck her tongue out at him.

  This brought about an interesting reaction. Max wrapped a large hand around KC’s nape and drew her in for a kiss.

  “Hey, now. We’re watching. Knock it off,” Ben protested, although he did manage to snag Treeny for a quick kiss. She grinned and started to think about the laundry room again.

  Chapter 6

  “Will I see you tomorrow?” Treeny whispered to him later that evening.

  “Definitely. I’m across the street tonight, but depending on Janine, I could end up over here. I’ll see you at church and we can decide what to do after that.” Ben stared down at her, loving the way her eyes shone in the moonlight.

  The light gilded her curls to a silvery moonlit color. Combined with the blue-gray of her eyes, she looked mysterious and otherworldly. But the fey effect was destroyed when she smiled. The tilt of her lips was classic Treeny. He loved the joy shining on her face. A joy he’d placed there.

  “Okay.” She moved closer. “I don’t want to go home.” Her words were a protest.

  A rumble of amusement escaped. “Yeah. You’ll have to work free of me before you can leave anyway.” He truly didn’t know if he could let her go. Now that he had her, opening his arms to release her seemed like an insurmountable task.


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