Wind Runner: The Complete Collection

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Wind Runner: The Complete Collection Page 28

by Edmund Hughes

  Rose’s body language was tense and openly disappointed. Leah was just as tense, but in more of a reverent kind of way, like a young teenager meeting their celebrity idol. Malcolm walked toward them slowly, waving and watching as both women reacted.

  “Hey,” he said. “How goes it?”

  Rose sighed.

  “Good,” she said. “Malcolm, this is my younger sister, Leah.”

  Leah frowned.

  “Star touched don’t have family,” she said, in a quiet voice. It almost seemed as though it pained her to contradict Rose, but it was something that her beliefs required her to do.

  “Right...” said Rose, with an eye roll. “Don’t mind her. This is one of those points we’ve been stuck on for most of the day.”

  Leah brought her gaze up from the ground to smile at Malcolm and extend her hand in greeting.

  “It’s nice to meet you, anyway,” she said, softly. “It gladdens me to know that others worship the star touched as we do here.”

  “Uh… worship?” asked Malcolm. “I’m not exactly sure that’s how I would describe the relationship between me and your sister.”

  “She’s not my…” Leah trailed off, as though realizing it was pointless to keep correcting them.

  “We had quite the day,” said Rose, sarcastically. “We chanted. We listened to sermons. Some of the Awakened Children went up into Halter City to proselytize, but of course, I wasn’t allowed to go along for that.”

  “Boy, you must be all tuckered out then,” said Malcolm. “Sounds absolutely riveting.”

  “Did you know that a number of celebrities have also been a part of the Illuminati, over the years?” asked Rose. “A few I could actually see a case for.”

  “Oh, do tell,” said Malcolm.

  Rose glanced over at Leah, who was frowning openly.

  “We aren’t supposed to repeat the exact details from the sermons,” said Rose. “I’ll just hint at one of them. Let’s call him, B. Cosby. No wait, that’s too obvious. Let’s go with Bill C. instead.”

  Malcolm laughed. He grinned at Rose, relieved to see that she was still in good spirits, all things considered. He was just about to ask for more details about how things had gone between her and her sister when Rain Dancer hurried into the chamber, waving Shield Maiden over with a serious look on his face.

  “What’s his deal?” asked Malcolm.

  Rose shrugged.

  “No idea,” she said. “He spent about an hour hitting on me this morning, and then disappeared for the rest of the day.”

  Malcolm scowled.

  I knew it. I’ll give him points for bravery, though, to hit on a woman who can be as scary as Rose.

  “And how did you feel about that?” asked Malcolm.

  “Annoyed,” she said. “Obviously. Though to be honest…This is still clearly the lesser of two evils, compared with the champions. Even with Rain Dancer’s arrogance and crazy conspiracy theories.”

  Malcolm frowned. Leah was called over by a group of the Awakened Children, and she left without saying anything to either of them.

  “I came to the opposite conclusion,” he said, in quiet voice. “I think we need to start being more proactive about getting out of here.”

  Rose licked her lips. Her dark eyes took on a contemplative tone, and she folded her arms underneath her breasts.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  “What don’t you know?” he asked. “I think we’ve seen enough here, Rose, to know that these people are kind of nuts.”

  “Maybe on the surface,” she said. “But they’re right about some things, Malcolm. The fact that the two of us have gotten so close, is proof enough of that.”

  Malcolm massaged his temples, trying to ward off an oncoming headache.

  “Let’s keep pretending for now,” said Rose.

  “Rose…” he said. “What happens when it stops feeling like we’re pretending?”

  She didn’t answer him.


  They spent a few minutes sitting at one of the tables in companionable silence. Malcolm was glad that even though they disagreed on how to proceed forward, it wasn’t enough to push them apart.

  He watched Rain Dancer and Shield Maiden speaking across the chamber, both clearly upset about something. Malcolm tried to clear his head so that he could enter the listening state that Shield Maiden had just taught him about, but there were too many distractions.

  Eventually, both Rain Dancer and Shield Maiden turned to look in his direction. It wasn’t until both of them were on their way over that Malcolm realized that they weren’t looking at him, but at Rose.

  “Ms. Shadow Spryte,” said Rain Dancer. “We need to speak with you privately for a bit, ya?”

  Malcolm frowned.

  “Just her?” he asked. “Whatever it is, I feel like I deserve to be included.”

  “It’s okay, Malcolm,” said Rose.

  He frowned at her.

  “Rose…” He struggled, trying to think of how to put his new unease over the situation into words.

  It feels like this cult might end up becoming a wedge between us… or worse.

  “We just need to get her opinion on something,” said Shield Maiden. “In the meantime, Rion and some of the other Awakened Children can… talk with you privately, Wind Runner. You won’t be ignored.”

  “Malcolm,” said Rose. “Just go along with it.”

  She smiled and gave him an encouraging wink. Malcolm sighed and nodded his head, feeling like he’d been dismissed from the grownup table.

  Rose left with the other two, headed down a hallway in the back of the chamber. Malcolm tapped his fingers on the table, watching as Rion, Leah, and another girl from the church that Malcolm didn’t recognize walked over to him.

  “Shield Maiden told us to help reset your aura,” said Rion. “Will you come with us, please?”

  Malcolm groaned.

  “Oh, you know, I’m pretty exhausted,” he said. “I spent all of today flying around and, uh… listening.”

  “We insist,” said Rion. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Leah took him by one arm, while the other girl took him by the other. Malcolm sighed, figuring it was probably better to not put up a struggle. Rion led the group of them over to the hallway that Malcolm remembered Shield Maiden saying led to the meditation room.

  The floor was wood and warmed by heaters underneath, and there were pillows of various sizes scattered across. Rion sat him down on one the size and shape of a bean bag chair and stood over him.

  “Wind Runner, have you considered why we live underground?” asked Rion.

  “Affordable rent,” said Malcolm.

  She frowned a little, but didn’t make a big deal over the joke.

  “The Illuminati has influence on the surface,” said Rion. “And not just in the social, media, and political systems.”

  “Oh no…” said Malcolm, with a sigh. “Not the Illuminati again…”

  “The only way for us to purge ourselves of their toxic influence is through recalibrating our auras.” Rion drew in a little closer to him, letting her hands touch Malcolm’s chest. He frowned at her, gently pushing her back.

  “And you do that…?”

  “Through bonding with one who has a powerful, clean aura,” said Rion. “We are not star touched, so our individual auras are not strong enough to do the task. We must bond with you, together.”

  Malcolm chewed his lower lip, feeling more conflicted than he ever had before in his life.

  “And Rain Dancer was the one who explained this to you originally?” asked Malcolm.

  Rion nodded.

  “He bonded with all of us,” said Rion. “Unfortunately, he is not able to bond with men, so we pass the blessing along in his steed.”

  She smiled and slowly began pulling Malcolm’s shirt over his head.

  “Would you like me, Leah, or Zoe to take the lead, Wind Runner?” asked Rion. “Please feel free to be vocal about what you like.”<
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  “Okay, hold on just a second,” said Malcolm. “I’m incredibly… flattered by this, uh, opportunity. But I don’t think you girls understand. None of this is true. It’s all just a… fabrication.”

  The third girl, Zoe, walked back into Malcolm’s view wearing nothing but her bra and panties. Malcolm felt his mouth drop open at the sight of her. She was a brunette with long hair, and expressive green eyes. She couldn’t have been much older than he was, with firm breasts and a curvaceous butt.

  “This is our philosophy, Wind Runner.” Rion was running her hands lower now, and bringing her lips in close to his. “All we wish is to share it with you, for a time. We aren’t asking you to believe immediately.”

  Malcolm glanced over at Leah, as though expecting her to be the voice of reason. Instead of getting support, all he got was a curious look from someone who looked a lot like Rose. She was more tentative than the other two and still clothed, but she slowly reached her hand out and set it on his shoulder.

  “Come on,” said Malcolm, speaking directly to her. “What would your sister think of this?”

  “I don’t have a sister,” whispered Leah. “The star touched do not have family.”

  Malcolm rolled his eyes.

  “You don’t see how parts of this philosophy are a little weird and senseless?” asked Malcolm. “Are Rain Dancer and Shield Maiden dosing you guys with something? Maybe drugs in the ceremonial punch every…”

  Zoe pushed her bra clad breasts into Malcolm’s face, and he suddenly forgot what he’d been saying. Rion was unzipping his jeans and pulling them down. Leah was running her hands through his hair. It was altogether more sensation than Malcolm knew how to resist.

  Rose did tell me to play along. Maybe just for a minute or two. I doubt they’ll take this all the way…

  All three of the young women had a similar smell, and it reminded Malcolm of the scent of fresh mint. Zoe brought her lips to his and gave him a kiss, just a quick peck. Malcolm chuckled as though it was the first one he’d ever been given, and then was almost bowled over by her passionate follow-up.

  Zoe moaned as she pushed her lips against his, slipping her tongue into his mouth. She tasted of strawberries. Malcolm could feel Rion, or possibly Leah, pulling his boxers down. He was too engaged with the kiss to suggest that they stop,

  Just… playing along.

  A soft hand took hold of his growing erection. Malcolm pulled back from Zoe and glanced down. Rion was slowly fondling his shaft, wearing the same smile on her face that she had while giving her sermon. Leah watched from a similar vantage point, though her cheeks were crimson red.

  Zoe unhooked her bra and let it fall to the side. Malcolm stared at one of the most amazing sets of breasts he’d ever seen in his life. He reached out as though in a trance, and Zoe obliged him, lowering them into his hands.

  Something hot and wet ran along the side of Malcolm’s shaft. Rion had taken things to the next level, using the tip of her tongue to give him focused pleasure in the same way a barber might use a razor to get at a tricky length of hair.

  “Okay…” breathed Malcolm. “I think… we should take a step back.”

  Zoe took a step back, and then a step down, and then she was kissing Malcolm down there, too. Leah was the only one holding back and Malcolm was fine with that. Explaining the details to Rose would be a lot less fun than whatever pleasure she could offer him.

  This feels way, way too good.

  Rion and Zoe seemed to pick up on his weakness to their offensive and took it even further. Rion focused on sucking, while Zoe kissed and licked relentlessly with her lips and tongue. Malcolm bucked his hips up into the air several times, gripped his hands against the pillow underneath him, and then totally lost control.

  They kept at it, even after he’d come, slowly cleaning up the mess he’d made. Malcolm tried to separate the pleasure from his feelings for the cult. He thought about what they’d said earlier, about how Rain Dancer had “cleansed” each of the women in turn, and suddenly felt dirty and complicit to something horrible.

  Rain Dancer cleansed Leah, too, no doubt. I wonder what Rose would think of that?

  “We can meditate in peace now,” said Rion. “Without having to worry about the toxins interfering with our focus.”

  “Totally,” said Malcolm. “But before we do that, I need to grab something in my room.”

  “Zoe can show you the-”

  “No, I think I can find it!” Malcolm stood up quickly, pulling his pants back into place, and tried to act casual as he hurried out of the meditation room and into the hallway.


  Malcolm moved through Underworld as stealthily as he could, staying crouched as he moved across the wall of the main chamber. Most of the Awakened Children had gone off to do something else, giving him more leeway than he would have otherwise had.

  He only cared about one thing: finding Rose and getting out. They’d spent too much time amongst the cult for his liking. If he and Rose could find a way to liberate Leah while they were at it, all the better. But first and foremost, Malcolm needed to get Rose and himself to safety.

  I need to find her. That’s the only thing I care about, right now.

  Malcolm took a slow breath, remembering everything Shield Maiden had told him about using the wind to listen. It was far from easy, knowing that he could be interrupted at any time, but he forced himself to calm down and empty his mind.

  Reaching out for the wind, Malcolm felt for small disturbances in it, first nearby, and then pushing outward into the many hallways and chambers of the facility. It felt a bit like putting water into a bowl, the inside surface area slowly being covered as it filled up.

  “It will be our little secret,” said Rain Dancer, in a deep, soft voice. “Nobody else needs to know.”

  Malcolm gritted his teeth, immediately losing focus. Luckily, he was able to discern direction from just those few words. He hurried down the hallway toward where Rain Dancer’s voice had come from, cushioning his steps with the wind to silence his movement.

  It was the same hallway Rain Dancer and Shield Maiden had imprisoned him and Rose in originally. Malcolm paused before one of the doors, which was open a crack. He carefully leaned out just far enough to catch a glimpse of what was inside.

  A teenage boy, nor more than thirteen or fourteen, sat on the cell’s concrete floor. Rain Dancer towered over the boy with a stern expression on his face, waiting for something.

  “I told you, I don’t know,” said the boy, in a soft, high pitched voice. “I only just discovered my… my gift.”

  “There were other champions with you,” said Rain Dancer. “Who were they?”

  “Melt…” whispered the boy. “And the other one was… Greenthumb, I think.”

  Malcolm recognized the names. Melt and Greenthumb were two field champions who had paid him a visit shortly after he’d joined the Champion Authority. They’d been looking for Rose, and at the time, she’d been hiding in his apartment. It had taken Malcolm a while to assuage their suspicions, but somehow, he’d managed it.

  I guess they also find and locate the newly gifted, probably to train as champions.

  “Come clean,” said Rain Dancer. “I can tell that you’re lying. Tell me what you know of the local champions, or things are going to stop being fun for you, you know.”

  “I swear I don’t know anything!” cried the boy. “Please! I don’t know! I’ve never seen their base. They didn’t tell me where we were going. I was just walking with them, and then… you guys attacked us… and…”

  Rain Dancer looked furious, but Malcolm could tell from the demon’s breathing that he was trying to keep himself under control.

  “…So be it,” said Rain Dancer.

  “Are you… going to torture me?” asked the boy.

  Rain Dancer chuckled.

  “Do that thing again,” he said.

  Malcolm leaned a little further into the doorway, watching as the boy extended his hand and
wiggled his fingers. A small chunk of concrete had broken loose from the floor in one spot, and it lifted on its own, hovering up a couple of inches. It looked as though it was taking the boy a great deal of effort to maintain it, and after a couple of seconds, he sighed and let it drop to the floor.

  Telekinesis, maybe? Interesting…

  “Teddy, I want to give you a choice in what comes next, ya?” said Rain Dancer. “But the only way you get one is if you show us how strong you really are.”

  “I… can be strong,” whispered the boy. “Just please, don’t kill me.”

  “I’m not going to kill you, Teddy,” said Rain Dancer. “Just a test.”

  “…What test?”

  “You have to get out of this cell, Teddy,” said Rain Dancer. “You’ll only have a few minutes to do it. Just use your powers at full strength, get the door open, and you’ll be safe. Easy, you know?”

  “But… but…” Teddy was shaking his head. “I can’t!”

  He reached out to grab Rain Dancer as the demon turned to leave. Rain Dancer knocked him to the floor with a push. He started to turn toward the door, and Malcolm realized that he needed to hide, fast.

  Malcolm jumped, pulling the wind underneath him and propelling himself toward the ceiling. The hallway was just narrow enough for him to wedge himself into it by pushing his hands into one side, and his feet into the other.

  He watched Rain Dancer walk out, praying that the demon wouldn’t look up. Rain Dancer didn’t even notice him. He watched as Rain Dancer closed the door to Teddy’s cell, and slid a heavy latch into place before turning a key to lock it from the outside.

  Malcolm waited until Rain Dancer disappeared down the hall, and then let himself fall to the floor. He tried the door, finding it solidly locked, and then gave it a gentle knock.

  “Hey!” he hissed. “Teddy? Can you hear me?”

  Malcolm heard a startled cry come from the other side.

  “Who… is it?” asked the boy.

  “A friend,” he said. “I’m Wind Runner. I’m with the Champion Authority.”


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