Devon Blake and the Starship Crash

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Devon Blake and the Starship Crash Page 10

by Douglas Warren

  be having some effect on the interference keeping them from rescuing the kids from the drop


  “Any idea how long this may take, Ensign?” The captain said, turning to address the

  pleased-looking, young officer.

  “It depends on the modulation. If the interference in the ionosphere changes too rapidly,

  it may not work at all, but if it stays the same then it should not take more than ninety minutes.” “Excellent work, Ensign,” the captain said. “Inform me as soon as we have an answer.”

  Kepler watched his console intently as the ship beamed different radio frequencies at the

  planet, watching the shifting colors. If the computer could generate the right combination of

  radio waves the ships sensors would be able to penetrate the interference. Given enough time,

  the interference could be eliminated completely.

  Kepler felt good. For the first time since the accident with the drop ship, there was a chance to save the children.

  Chapter 20

  The changing colors of the sky had set the creepers off, causing them to hoot wildly and

  scamper among the underbrush in seeming panic. DeepRoot and ClearSky simply stared up the

  changing sky for a moment and then began to herd Devon and the others out of the clearing,

  deeper into the woods.

  Jacinda gave Devon a questioning look and then gestured at the sky.

  Devon Shrugged. “I have no idea. Maybe that is why we crashed.”

  The three friends followed DeepRoot and ClearSky out of the clearing. The creepers

  moved very quickly through the dense bushes and trees. The foliage almost seemed to part for

  them, opening a path wide enough for the children to follow with ease.

  Devon could felt a sense of urgency in DeepRoot and ClearSky. Something about the

  way they were moving made him think that wherever they were going was important. He only

  hoped that he could figure out what the creepers wanted from them.

  They climbed up hills and down ravines, scurried across meadows and slogged through a

  gloomy swamp. All the while they watched the shifting colors of the sky. Devon was not sure how much time had passed since they had gone with the creepers,

  but it seemed like hours. He was getting very tired and was not sure how much farther he could

  go. With just a look, he could tell that Jacinda and Merrell were feeling the same way.

  DeepRoot suddenly stopped. ClearSky turned, motioning for Devon and his friends to

  stop as well. Devon had a chance for the first time in a while to survey their surroundings. They

  stood in a dense stand of trees that resembled bamboo, but a thick as his waist. There was a brisk

  breeze blowing trough the trees, making them sway. They gave off a soft creaking sound as the

  moved with the breeze.

  Devon began to hear another sound above the sound of the trees swaying. Just at limit of

  his hearing he heard what sounded like some sort of grunting. DeepRoot and ClearSky also

  heard the sound. DeepRoot held up a cautioning hand, cocking his head as if to hear better.

  The grunting grew louder, coming closer. It almost sounded like pigs, but with shrill

  yaps between the grunts. The sounds were making Devon nervous. Whatever was making them

  sounded big, and in a jungle like this bigger usually meant trouble.

  The breath caught in Devon’s throat as four huge beasts ambled into view. They looked

  like huge, bristled-haired wolves with long tusks jutting out from their lower jaws. They tested

  the air with their fleshy noses every few feet. As they came closer Devon realized that these

  things, whatever they were, were more pig than wolf. But that did not make them any less

  dangerous. He knew in his heart what these must be.

  Devon looked back at Jacinda and Merrell. Merrell looked worried, but Jacinda looked

  on the edge of panic. Her eyes went from the creatures to Devon and back again. He mouth

  moved as if she was trying to speak, but nothing came out. Merrell sensed Jacinda’s panic and drew him into his arms. It seemed to help. She shut her eyes tightly, shutting out the sight of the


  Coming from a mining colony on an asteroid, the biggest animal Jacinda had ever seen

  for real was a large cat one of the workers smuggled in. Of course she had seen vids of the

  creatures of old earth, like elephants and horses, but seeing a picture of one and being confronted

  with creatures this size were two different experiences.

  “Bowzers,” Jacinda muttered under her breath.

  At the sound of her voice, the head of the largest bowzer snapped toward their hiding

  place. It squinted at them with its small, piggy eyes, sniffing the air greedily for any scent. It

  moved closer, led by its furiously working snout. It stopped for a moment as if analyzing a new


  The rest of the beasts noticed that their companion was on the trail of something.

  Interested in sharing in any hidden morsels, they turned as a group and began to follow him. All

  of the bowzers sniffed the air in excitement. They soon caught the scent of the children as well.

  They squealed in excitement and rushed toward the group of hidden creepers and children.

  DeepRoot stepped out from his hiding place, putting himself protectively between the

  bowzers and the children. He let out a deep, rumbling hoot and the bowzers stopped in their

  tracks, but still pranced nervously. DeepRoot hooted again. ClearSky joined in and began to

  hoot in a sad harmony. Their hoots mingled together, almost sounding like a song. This seemed

  to calm the bowzers, who began to mill about, sampling nearby foliage. Soon the bowzers lost

  interest in the children and simply wandered away from the clearing.

  Devon realized that he had been holding his breath. He let it out with a rush, then sucked

  in a deep breath. He looked over at Merrell and Jacinda to make sure they were alright as well. Merrell had released Jacinda, but still stood very close to her. Jacinda was back to normal.

  Gone was the look of terror and the familiar look of determination had returned.

  DeepRoot and ClearSky turned to each other and clasped hands. Devon wondered what

  they could be talking about, if that was they were doing could be called. They must be

  communicating. They stood that way only for a few moments but a decision had obviously been


  ClearSky motioned for Devon and the others to follow her. DeepRoot turned and strode

  out of the clearing. Devon could see DeepRoot disappearing into the trees, a purpose in his


  ClearSky motioned again for Devon and the others to follow her. With a sigh, he turned

  and followed her into the darkening forest. The sun was going down, but he no longer feared the

  bowzers. The little demonstration made it obvious the creepers knew how to handle them.

  Devon felt much more hope for their survival.


  Their spirits buoyed by their successful encounter with the bowzers, Devon and the

  others walked with new enthusiasm. Most of their tiredness had fallen away and their steps were

  lighter. ClearSky sensed this and picked up the pace.

  The trail began to slope gently upward. The change was small, but Devon’s legs began to

  tire. Jacinda and Merrell also showed signs of tiring. Devon gave a sigh of relief when he

  realized that they were at the top of the slope. The sigh caught in his throat as he crested the

  ridge and saw what was on the other side. He heard Jacinda gasp as she saw as well.
  The forest ended abruptly at the peak of the ridge. The far side of the hill had been torn

  away. With no canopy above, smoke filled the sky over the valley beyond, if it could be called that. The valley looked more like some mythological leviathan with an unquenchable hunger for

  dirt and rock had fed for days. The valley was now a great wound in the earth with small pools

  of molten lava dotting the floor like the oozing blood of the planet.

  Devon, Jacinda, and Merrell stared down at the destruction in utter disbelief.

  “This isn’t natural,” Jacinda said.

  “What? How do you know?” Devon asked.

  “Believe me, I have lived in and around mines all my life. I know what natural rock

  looks like. Someone did this on purpose.” There were tears in Jacinda’s eyes.

  Merrell shook his head. “Who would do something like this?”

  “Probably the same people who attacked the creepers,” Devon answered.

  As if on cue a small ship passed overhead with a roar. Jacinda gasped.

  “I recognize that ship from the vision ClearSky gave me. It is the same kind of ship that

  attacked the creepers.”

  They watched the ship descend into the valley and skim the lava below. It slowed and

  then began to hover in the shadow of a steep cliff. It swayed in the roiling updrafts from the

  surrounding lava, slowly descending. With a start Devon realized that the ship was about to land

  on some sort of structure sitting near a large pool of lava.

  “Do you see that down there?” Devon asked the others.

  “I sure do,” answered Jacinda. “That looks like some sort of mining platform.”

  Devon looked confused. “Mining? What would they be mining, lava?”

  “Exactly. I have read a lot about it. The miners pump lava in and filter out all of the

  heavy elements from it. They pump the rest out as slag.”

  “That sounds dangerous,” Devon said. “It is,” Jacinda nodded. “If you make any mistakes it can be deadly. That is why they

  only do it on dead worlds. It is just too dangerous to do on inhabited worlds. The mining can

  cause lots of problems with the air.”

  “Like pollution?” Merrell asked.

  “Yes, pollution, and worse. I don’t understand how it all works but I think that to the get

  the most valuable stuff, which is heavy, they have to stir up the lava. I have heard that they use

  big bombs or other really destructive stuff. That’s what makes it so dangerous. On a dead world

  there is nobody affected by the earthquakes or new volcanoes that pop up.”

  “How could they do it here? They are killing the creepers.” Devon’s voice filled with


  “My guess is that these are outlaw miners. Not much better than pirates.” Anger also

  showed in Jacinda’s voice. “I bet they figured that Forrestal was a backwater that nobody would

  care about. The creepers were an unexpected problem so they just decided to blast them. People

  like this give all miners a bad name. Jacinda and her family were happy to be miners, but they

  knew that a lot of people looked down on miners. Many people saw them as uneducated and

  simple, unable to make a living at anything other than digging holes. Jacinda’s father always

  joked that the family all had dirt in their blood and that they were part badger and that was why

  they liked being miners. He had instilled in his children a deep pride in the hard work of being a

  miner. This pride drove Jacinda to make herself a silent promise that she would stop the outlaw

  miners, no matter the cost.

  Merrell stepped forward, his fists clenched. “So, what do we do? We have to stop them

  somehow.” Jacinda nodded, wearing a determined look. “We owe it to ClearSky and DeepRoot.

  Humans are messing up their planet and humans should put a stop to it.”

  “So do we all agree; we have to try and shut down the mining operation?” Devon asked.

  The three friends clasped hands, sealing their decision with the squeeze of their hands.

  Devon was the first to let go. He watched curiously as Merrell and Jacinda seemed to

  share something a bit deeper for a moment. Merrell sighed and put his other hand on Jacinda’s

  shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  Devon shifted uncomfortably, not sure what to do. He felt awkward interrupting his

  friends’ moment, but time might prove to be very short. He cleared his throat and spoke.

  “They probably don’t have any idea we are here, so that gives us an advantage.”

  His words startled Jacinda out of her reverie. She dropped Merrell’s hand and gulped.

  “Oh…of course…an advantage. We need that…” Jacinda backed away a step, making

  Merrell’s hand fall from her shoulder.

  “You bet we do,” Devon responded, trying to fill the uncomfortable silence. “These

  pirate miners sound like very bad people who wouldn’t think twice about hurting a few kids if they got in their way. We need more than a little luck to pull this off.”

  Chapter 21

  Flim watched the incredible show in the sky for a few moments before realizing that the

  surprise had made him lose control of his color shifting abilities. He was a bright pink, with

  purple hair.

  With a silent curse he shut his eyes tightly and tried to concentrate. His pink color

  immediately began to darken, from red, then brown, and finally a deep green. “That was close,” he whispered to Sammy, not expecting any response. Talking to

  Sammy just made him feel a bit less alone.

  Flim looked over to toward the clearing where Devon and the others stood, transfixed by

  the sky. The creepers were hooting and capering around. He knew that this was probably his

  best chance of getting close without being seen. He began to sneak closed to the clearing,

  careful to avoid any dry twigs or leaves that might alert the creepers to his presence.

  Flim heard the snapping of a twig to his left, coming from the deep vegetation lying in

  that direction. He froze like a statue, hoping that he had not been seen by the creepers. Slowly

  he turned to look in that direction to see what had made the noise.

  Flim’s blood turned cold as he saw the outline of a powerful creature pushing its way

  though the brush. The movement of the creature assured Flim that it was a predator of some sort,

  hungry for its next meal.

  His terror grew as he saw that the creature was not alone. Several other shapes moved in

  the thick foliage behind the first. He stifled a gasp as the lead creature pushed its way into the

  open. Flim had never seen such a fearsome beast. It looked mean and hungry and was sniffing

  the air, looking for something to sate its hunger.

  Flim hoped he was not the thing’s next meal. Luckily for the young alien boy,

  y’Langians were very different from humans and most other aliens. As part of their adaptation

  for hiding, y’Langians had lost their scent. That is to say, they did not smell like anything in

  particular. In fact, if they stayed in a particular environment they eventually began to exude the

  common scents of that environment.

  After a few moments, four of the beasts had broken through the surrounding brush and

  were searching the area with their noses. Each, in turn, passed by Flim, not seeing or smelling him. After they moved away Flim said a silent prayer to Y’la the creator, thankful for his race’s

  peculiar talents.

  Flim watched in horror as the beasts caught the scent of his friends and their captors. The

bsp; beasts rushed toward the clearing, baying and grunting in equal amounts. Relief washed over

  him when the largest creeper rose and put himself between the beasts and Devon, Jacinda and


  Flim’s relief turned to amazement when the creeper hooted at the beasts and they simply

  wandered off, as if they were puppies rebuked by a stern master.

  Soon Devon and the others started off again. Flim waited a few minutes and set off after them.

  Chapter 22

  Deke sat silently in his seat. He stared at the back of the seat in front of him,

  concentrating. He struggled to think of what to do next. Devon and the others had been missing

  for the last four hours, and Deke felt helpless.

  He silently cursed whatever fate had put him in this position. His first instinct was to

  rush out and track the missing children, rescuing them from whatever situation that kept them

  from making a report. The realization that he could not leave the rest of these children alone

  warred with his desire to rescue Devon’s group. His responsibility to all the rest tied his hands.

  Until they could be rescued by the crew of the Boadicea, he had to stay here, making sure the

  majority of the children remained safe. It went against all of his maverick instincts.

  “So…what exactly are you doing to get us out of this?” Terry Jameson’s shrill voice

  snapped Deke out of his funk.

  “Excuse me?” Deke said. “Well, you are here to take are of us, and I don’t mind pointing out what a sad botch of it

  you have made.” Terry eyed Deke with smug confidence.

  “I’d be surprised if anyone ever hired you again. I mean, four missing kids…who you

  sent out there. What a disaster.”

  Deke rose from his seat, angry for the first time this trip. “You had better take your seat,


  “I’m not your son. My father could buy and sell you if I asked, so you had better watch

  your manners.”

  Deke took a deep breath, corralling his anger. “Mr. Jameson, as leader of this expedition

  I must warn you that if you do not take your seat I will have to put you in your seat and lock

  down the safety harness. I cannot allow you to distress the rest of the group.”


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