His Deep Submission - A Loving Couple Explores BDSM and Female Domination

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His Deep Submission - A Loving Couple Explores BDSM and Female Domination Page 1

by Acton, Kim


  Title Page

  Chapter One - Advice From a Friend

  Chapter Two - Vicki Looks at Mike's Porn

  Chapter Three - Mike Admits He Wants to be Disciplined

  Chapter Four - Vicki Trains Mike With Her New Tawse

  Chapter Five - Advice From A Dominatrix

  Chapter Six - Anal Training

  Chapter Seven - A Taste of Serious Toys

  Chapter Eight - Mike's Public Embarrassment

  Chapter Nine - A Severe Punishment Whipping

  Chapter Ten - The Deepest Submission

  Chapter Eleven - The Envy of Friends

  His Deep Submission

  Kim Acton

  Copyright © 2011 Kim Acton. All rights reserved.

  The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  This story is based upon real events. The names and other details have been changed. Any similarities to persons living or deceased is accidental and coincidental.

  This ebook in intended for audiences 18 years of age and older. It contains scenes and descriptions of an overtly sexual and explicit nature.

  Kindle Edition


  Advice From a Friend

  It’s not unusual for a couple to feel like their marriage has become stale after five or six years. It’s also not uncommon for one or both of them to think the whole marriage is a mistake and to start asking recently divorced friends what lawyer they used. That’s what Vicki Harrow did. She made a lunch date with her best friend from college and asked her for her advice.

  Vicki and her friend Carole sat in a small corner booth sipping their wine and happily chatting about nothing in particular. After a few minutes Vicki leaned forward and lowered her voice, “There’s something I really need to talk to you about.”

  “What is it?” asked Carole.

  “It’s Mike and me. I feel like maybe we made a mistake getting married” said Vicki.

  “Are you serious? I thought you guys were fine. What happened?” asked Carole.

  Vicki started talking faster, “I don’t know really. It’s more like nothing has happened and that’s the problem. There’s just not any electricity anymore. He’s either working or watching sports on TV. He spends time with his buddies watching sports at our house or at theirs. I seem to be either working or doing housework or whatever. My life just feels unsatisfying or flat or I don’t know, just sort of empty in a way.”

  “Do you think he’s cheating?” asked Carole.

  “I thought of that. I went online to read about the signs a guy is cheating. You know, the stuff like being out at night or on weekends without explanation, suddenly trying to buff up, strange calls and text messages, all that stuff. But that’s not happening. Nothing like that has changed. It’s like were both living on autopilot, doing all the same things week after week,” said Vicki.

  “So he’s not cheating and I know you aren’t either or this would be a different conversation.” They both laughed. “How are things in the bedroom?” asked Carole.

  “On a scale of one to ten, I’d say a two or three. It’s a routine now, it’s all the same moves and I swear it’s all over in less than five minutes. Sometimes way less.” More laughter.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh but we’ve all been there, girl.” Carole continued, “So what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m getting so unhappy. I thought about an affair but it’s so wrong to do that and I would have the worst guilt for doing something behind his back. Maybe we should both cut our losses and get divorced. I don’t know. I don’t think Mike is very happy either. What do you think I should do, Carole?” Vicki asked.

  “Do you still love him?” asked Carole.

  With no hesitation Vicki said, “Yes. I do love him and I don’t want to hurt him. I just don’t think either of us is very happy; I know I’m not.”

  “Look, you guys always seemed like a good match and it sounds like Mike isn’t doing anything really bad or unforgivable. I think if I were in your situation I would try to make it work before doing anything drastic. Sit down and talk about what is missing for both of you and what you can do about it. If I were to ask Mike what’s missing from his marriage, what do you think he’d say?” asked Carole.

  “More sex.” laughed Vicki.

  Carole laughed, “Right. Guys always say that. They never seem to want less, that’s for sure. But if he wants more, why isn’t he chasing you around the bed?”

  “I wish I knew. Well, to be honest, I’m not always interested so when he does try to initiate sex I don’t always go with it. So he can tell I resist a bit. Maybe that’s why he looks at porn more often lately” said Vicki.

  “He looks at porn?” asked Carole.

  “Sure. We used to watch a bit of porn together, you know, to get in the mood. We’d put in a DVD and watch some of the actors do their thing. I don’t have a problem with that. Now we don’t do it but I know Mike watches some on his computer. I guess it’s an outlet for him when I’m not receptive. I feel guilty about that, but you know how it is, things need to be right to have good sex. Right? You know what I mean, don’t you, Carole?”

  “Sure. It’s one thing to have a quickie with a one night stand,” Carole said with a smile, “But in a real relationship a woman always needs to know things are good between them for her to want lots of hot sex.” She took a sip of her wine and added, “But I have an idea. Why don’t you take a look at exactly what kind of porn Mike is looking at? It might give you an idea of what he thinks he’s missing.”

  Vicki looked puzzled, “What he’s missing? What about what I’m missing?”

  Carole smiled, “Look, it’s always a two-way street with these things. And if you discover what he craves or what he feels is missing in the marriage, you can use that as a bargaining chip to get what you crave. I don’t mean it to sound like a business negotiation, but the fact is human nature is pretty easy to understand. In this case, a guy wants more or different sex than he’s getting and if you can make that happen he’ll gladly give you what you want, as long as you know what that is. Do you Vicki? Do you know what you want out of your marriage?”

  “Of course I do. I want what every woman wants. I want a happy, supportive, stable relationship” said Vicki.

  Carole smiled and gave her a steady look, “Those are words, Dear. Tell me exactly what you want to be happy.”

  Vicki got defensive, “I just told you. I want…a supportive and stable marriage.”

  Carole smiled, “Look, I need to play devil’s advocate a bit here, that’s all. Mike has a good job so he is supportive in a financial way and he doesn’t play around so your marriage is stable. Just tell me exactly what he could do that would make your marriage better.“

  Vicki hesitated, then offered, “He could…I don’t know exactly. He could open up more.”

  “Open up in what way?” asked Carole.

  Vicki seemed frustrated by the question, “You know, talk about his feelings more I guess.”

  Carole reached across the table and put her hand onto Vicki’s, “All I’m saying is it sounds like you’re not sure exactly what you want. So you can’t really expect Mike to know what you want either. You two always seemed like a happy couple and a good match for each other. Maybe you shouldn’t be thinking about giving up so soon. Maybe you should find ways to discover what you both want and then try to do whatever that is.”

  Vicki smiled, “Carole, you’re always so smart and sensible. Do you really think it could work?”

>   Carole took another sip of her wine, “Well, you never know until you try, but I think you have a good chance. Why don’t you talk to him about the porn he watches and use that as a starting point to discover what he’s getting from it? You two are both open-minded. There should be a way to sort this out and get what you want out of the marriage. If I’m wrong you’ll still have the nuclear option of divorce.”

  They laughed. They finished their lunch and Vicki went back to work to mull over what they talked about. Carole’s idea made sense. She had always been a good friend and had been through a rough divorce herself. Her ex was a real prick, though. He cheated and he got violent more than once. That was a divorce that needed to happen, so maybe Carole could spot a situation where some creativity and effort could save an otherwise good marriage.

  The part about not expecting Mike to know what she wanted resonated with Vicki. How many times had she heard Mike say, “I’m not a mind-reader, you know?” And what did she want? Could she write down in twenty-five words or less what would make her happy in her marriage? Happy. Stable. Supportive. Those were the words everybody uses but what are the actual things a person should say and do to make those part of daily life?

  Vicki couldn’t say what she was missing when Carole asked her, and she wondered why she couldn’t. If it wasn’t on the tip of her tongue how could she expect Mike to know what he should do to make her more happy? Damn. That was going to take a bit of soul-searching. And what about Mike? What was the key to getting him to up his game in the marriage? She figured she’d take Carole’s advice and investigate the porn on Mike’s computer as a starting point. She decided to do some detective work when she got home.


  Vicki Looks at Mike's Porn

  Vicki and Mike lived in a semi-rural area outside the city limits. The homes weren’t huge but most of them were on an acre or two of land. It was quiet and there was more privacy than being in a planned neighborhood. With no kids yet - they had both just turned thirty - and with two decent incomes they had a comfortable life compared to many people they knew. Yet with all of that, they both felt a lack of fulfillment in their lives. That situation began to change in the space of a few hours, starting from when Vicki got home.

  Vicki pulled into the garage, entered the house and went straight to the computer in the den. She knew she only had a few minutes before Mike came home. She opened his web browser and hoped the history section had not been cleared. It was all there. Week by week for the past few months each webpage he had visited was still stored in the history. She picked about a dozen links and clicked them open.

  She was happy to see his interest in the big boob websites. Since Vicki had natural 34 D’s it was no secret to her that Mike had a clear preference in that department. Most of the other sites were more surprising to her. They featured themes of dominant women and submissive men. Some of the sites showed men getting over the knee spankings from women, some offered men tied to the bed and being ridden by beautiful women dressed in leather. She also found a folder marked ‘favorites’ that had dozens of images taken from different websites.

  She opened the favorites folder and looked at all the images. One showed a naked man tied down on a whipping horse while a woman in red lace lingerie administered a thick leather strap to his ass. The man’s ass was not just red, it had areas of dark purple. Another photo simply showed a close up of a thick, hard cock being scratched by perfectly manicured, red, feminine fingernails. Another was a shot of an athletic male wearing a leather hood that covered his head and face, tied face down on a bed with his legs together. A naked woman with huge tits was using a rattan cane on his ass and there were a least two dozen deep, red welts running across his ass cheeks. The other photos were similar. Including a naked male kneeling with his head back and tongue extended while a beautiful blonde in leather chaps and bustier held her cleanly shaved pussy an inch from his tongue and a cat ‘o nine tails whip in her hand.

  All the images in the favorites folder had similar themes. They weren’t just mild, role-playing slap and tickle stuff. They were serious submission and discipline and always with the man being dominated by the woman. There was also a lot of punishment by belts, hairbrushes, whips and canes. The man was frequently pictured wearing some kind of cock harness, collar, nipple clamps or all the above.

  Vicki was not turned off by any of it. She and Mike had always been a little kinky but it was mostly doing things like having sex in an apartment elevator, once in an airplane lavatory, a bit of anal sex for her and dozens of quickies in their parent’s homes when they were younger. All of that felt edgy and forbidden. Mike’s computer images were at a different level. Still, Vicki could feel herself being aroused by them. Part of it was imagining being in the sessions but another part was the thrill of getting inside Mike’s head to see what secretly turned him on. So Mike liked the idea of being disciplined by her? What wife wouldn’t like to occasionally give her husband a good ass whipping for something he did wrong? She smiled to herself.

  With her concentration on the task Vicki didn’t hear Mike arrive home and walk into the kitchen. “Honey?” Mike yelled, “Where are you?”

  Vicki spun around in the chair as he came into the den. Mike saw her at the computer and asked, “You’re on my computer? Is your’s not working?”

  “Ah, no. No, it’s not that. I was looking at something on yours” Vicki answered with nervous tone.

  “What were you looking at?” asked Mike.

  “I’ll tell you, but let’s sit down in for a minute,” she answered.

  Mike suddenly sounded frustrated and impatient, “Oh, Jesus, what is it now? I have to sit down to hear it? What’s going on, Vicki?”

  “Nothing is going on. Sit down and I’ll get you a beer.” Vicki went to the kitchen, poured a glass of wine for herself and took a beer from the fridge for Mike. She handed him the beer and gave him a smile. “I just feel like we need to talk.”

  Mike opened his beer, loosened his tie and put his feet up on the ottoman. He was tall and fit. His square, dimpled chin, green eyes and black, wavy hair gave him the looks of a model and women had always found him very attractive. Years ago their friends used to call them Ken and Barbie because of their looks. Mike had the manicured, professional look and had been a gymnast in college. Vicki had the killer body and beautiful face with blonde hair and blue eyes. They looked like a perfect couple, if such a thing could even exist, yet recent months brought more frequent squabbles over crap that was mostly pretty trivial. Mike was braced for another round of it.

  “So what is it this time?” asked Mike, already looking defensive with his arms folded across his chest.

  Vicki wanted to defuse his expectation, “Hey, I’m not going to criticize anything. I’ve just been thinking about our situation. I think neither one of us is getting what we need from the marriage. I’ve been thinking about what can be done about it.”

  “Jesus, you’re not talking about a divorce, are you?” asked Mike with a sudden flush of genuine concern.

  Vicki’s eyes filled with tears; that was the first time the D-word had been used in any conversation they’d had. “Oh, Mike, I’ve thought about it. I mean, haven’t you? We just seem to bicker about everything and you must feel like your needs aren’t being met either.”

  “But, Honey, divorce? Is it that really that bad?” Mike pleaded. “I mean, what the fuck happened to us? How did we get to this point?”

  Vicki tried to answer, “I don’t know. I don’t even know for sure what I’m feeling. I’m not happy. I don’t feel fulfilled. But there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to give up on us.”

  Mike focused on that last part, “Well, I don’t want to give up either. I know I could try harder. But I know you could too, and it just feels like a tug of war between wanting to do the right thing but being pissed off about something the other person did. Would you agree?”

  Vicki exhaled and the tension went out of her body. “Yeah, it’s true. I co
uld do more but I get focused on the ‘why should I if he isn’t’ and then we both lose out.” Then she took a sip of wine and looked straight at him. “Mike, there’s another thing. I was looking at your computer and I found a lot of porn on it.”

  Mike interrupted, “You were spying on me?” he said, with indignation. “What the hell is that about? Who cares what I look at privately?”

  Vicki resisted her first urge to tell him that he shouldn’t have things that are private from her, that secrets were not part of a good marriage, and on and on. Instead she bit her tongue and took a different tack. “You’re right. I’m sorry I did it and I should have asked you first, but I think you’ll like the reason I did it. I’ve looked over your shoulder and seen you surfing porn sites, that’s not any news to me and I’m fine with it. But what I noticed is that your preference is for sites that are … rather … well, they are pretty kinky, aren’t they?”

  Mike wasn’t sure how to react to her frankness, but he went with a safe answer. “Well, it’s just looking. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  Vicki smiled to reassure him, “Honey, I’m fine with it. I’m just wondering if you feel like something is missing in our relationship or in the bedroom. Is it? Do you have feelings you aren’t telling me about?”

  Mike took a gulp of his beer and exhaled deeply to relax, “I’d say something is missing, but I don’t know exactly what. We used to have exciting sex, remember? All the fun we had? There was more of a spark, right? Don’t you agree?”

  “Yeah, I agree. But I don’t think a couple can always have that excitement.” She laughed, “I mean, what are we going to do, go to my parent’s house and screw in my old bedroom in secret?” They both chuckled. “Those days are over. I’m fairly sure there is no way to get them back.”


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