Vampires Dead Ahead

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Vampires Dead Ahead Page 14

by McCray, Cheyenne

  With every shovelful of dirt that landed on the simple coffin, satisfaction replaced his unrest. He wanted to watch until the coffin was fully buried—as if to reassure himself that, indeed, Rodán was dead.

  And that he would become one of the undead.

  When the coffin was completely covered with dirt, Volod raised his hand. A burst of his power spread over the grave in a hot red shimmer, sealing it and eliminating any traces of freshly dug dirt. It would look like it had been here for a century rather than having been dug that very night.

  “This will hurt the Drow bitch more than anything you could have done.” Satisfaction edged Elizabeth’s tone before her voice turned bitter again. “It does not make up for Nyx having murdered my family, but it will do for now.” She glanced at Volod. “You promised I could kill her.”

  Volod said nothing. It was true, at one time he had promised to give the Drow female to Elizabeth, but he had bigger plans for Nyx now. One day he would be ready to dispose of her, but not until he turned her, used her as he was using the other paranorms, then made her wish she was dead.

  “Hers shall be a painful, excruciating death.” Malice filled every word as Elizabeth continued. “I may cut off each of her body parts one by one and toss them into a vat of boiling oil.”

  “You sound like one of the Dark Witches.” Monique gave a shudder from the other side of Volod. “So barbaric.”gave

  “Wait to see what I will do to you.” Elizabeth’s green “Wait to see what I will do to you.” Elizabeth’s green eyes flashed an ominous red in the darkness. Monique ignored it and gave Elizabeth a look of bored tolerance.

  He could almost hear Monique saying, Whatever. The equivalent of “fuck you.”

  Volod imagined a fight between these two. What male, Vampire, paranorm, or human, didn’t savor that image? No special powers, just a good catfight. Maybe when things settled down he would arrange such a playtime. The winner got vengeance over the loser … and then got him for the night.

  Elizabeth flashed her fangs and hissed. Monique ignored her, which infuriated Elizabeth even more.

  Volod turned away. His gaze met Reese’s, then Daniel’s. “Guard this site until I return on the tenth day.”

  “Yes, Volod,” they each said as they moved toward the grave to stand vigil.

  The paranorms he’d turned had taken so well to being Vampires. He was beyond pleased.

  Volod w>

  A headlight cut through the darkness. The light illuminated the faces of the female Vampire and the Vampire-Elf, their beauty almost breathtaking.

  Once the chauffeur opened the back door and they entered, Elizabeth and Monique sat on opposite sides of the bench seat in front of him.

  Elizabeth reached into the limousine’s small refrigerator then poured him a blood cocktail. She handed it to him, a seductive look on her beautiful features. She likely wanted to entice him to her bed, but he had no interest as he had in the past. As a Vampire paranorm, Monique could do the most tantalizing things to him.

  However, he thought as he looked from one beautiful Vampire to the next, both of them in his bed at the same time would be entertaining. If they didn’t kill each other first. Maybe he could get this and the catfight in the same night. There would be a time for all of this.

  “I must feed.” Monique looked out the window and back to Volod and pressed her palm to her chest. Like the other Vampire paranorms, she required paranorm blood. Human blood and synthetic blood just weren’t the same. That much he knew. It was what this rebellion was about. “We are ready to go after our next targets.”

  Monique had expressed to him that she no longer thought of herself as a paranorm. She lived for blood and turning paranorms to join what would eventually be a part of his Vampire paranorm army. An army that was slowly growing.

  Volod studied Monique. “Are you prepared to deal with all five of the Paranorm Council members?”

  “Yes, Volod.” Monique gave a deep nod, lowering her eyes. It pleased him when she showed her subservience to him. “All targets have been identified and our team is ready to go after them within the next hour.”

  Volod reclined in his seat, vaguely noticing the flash of lights as the limo drove them to their destination. “Remember, I do not want any left alive but Council Chief Leticia.”

  Maybe three in bed he thought. Two paranorms and Elizabeth. Bedtime with paranorms could become rather addictive.

  Monique nodded again, but killing the council was not sitting well with her. It was a lesson she had to learn. Lives must be taken when necessary. Eliminating the Paranorm Council was necessary.

  “I wish to see their bodies.” Volod let ice slide into his tone as Monique flinched. “I want to make sure none but Leticia survive tonight.”

  “Yes, Volod,” she said.

  Elizabeth smirked. “If she does not have what it takes to eliminate them, I shall.”

  Monique cut her gaze to Elizabeth. “They would be certain to destroy you. You are no match for any member of the Paranorm Council.”

  Fire flashed in Elizabeth’s eyes. “If you are not careful you will not survive this night.”

  “Should I fear you?” Monique raised an eyebrow. “I think not.”

  Elizabeth snarled and raised her hands to claw at Monique, and Volod felt Monique’s magic building within her. In no way could Elizabeth save herself if Monique attacked.

  It seemed that Monique’s power grew by the day, a thought that could have been concerning if he did not have such a perfect hold on her.

  “Enough.” Volod snarled the word. “You will respect each other. I will not have you fighting.”

  Both Monique and Elizabeth lowered their heads.

  “I am sorry,” Monique said.

  Elizabeth avoided looking at Monique and said nothing.

  Volod studied them a moment more. He focused on Monique. “Kurt and Gary—do you have further news of them?”

  Monique nodded. “Just before tonight’s celebration, Katy—I mean Katherine—visioned that Kurt is dead. Gary was taken by Nyx and her team of Trackers.”

  Fury flowed through him, hot and liquid. He reminded himself that the bitch would pay. She was paying the price already, and the cost had been something more than dear to her.

  “Gary must have talked,” Volod said in a growl. “Fools. They should have killed those two tramps the first night. I should have killed them for disobeying me. Now they were captured and they obviously talked.” Volod worked to keep his composure. “But neither of them should have known about tonight.”

  “Someone must have told him.” Elizabeth looked from Volod to Monique before looking back at Volod. “Then the imbecile talked.” Elizabeth raised her chin. “If he hasn’t already, he will ruin the advantage you have over the Trackers not knowing you are back and what you have planned.”

  “I am aware of that, Elizabeth.” Volod gave the female Vamp a chilling stare that caused her to shrink back in her seat. “I do not require you spelling out what has likely happened.”

  Monique ignored Elizabeth. “Only two others knew in addition to the three of us. If not Elizabeth,” Monique said without looking at the female Vampire who gave a low growl in her throat, “then it would be either Elliot or Reese. I cannot see Reese sharing that information. Elliot was friends with Kurt and Gary. He is probably the one who let them have the information.”

  “He will be dealt with immediately,” Volod said as he thought of the exact way he would handle that.

  Monique’s tone was even, respectful. “I do not think we need be overly concerned with him.”

  “I will decide whether or not I need be concerned.” The reprimand in his voice seemed to startle Monique, but he could not let her get away with making determinations for him any more than he could allow Elizabeth to.

  Monique snapped her mouth shut, and he saw a flash of something in her eyes before she lowered her head. “Yes, Volod.”

  Volod shifted on his seat and crossed his legs. “Does
the Witch think she can learn more?”

  Monique nodded. “Katherine will scry again tonight and let me know the results.”

  Volod turned his gaze to the window again and watched the limo pull up to the brownstone he had declared as a meeting point should anything go wrong at the hotel.

  Satisfaction rolled through him as he thought of Rodán lying in his coffin and of the pain that the bitch would be going through at this very moment.

  Elizabeth and Monique followed Volod into the brownstone, which he’d purchased years ago. He’d had it gutted and remodeled so that the first level was one huge meeting room. The bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom that had previously been on that level were unnecessary for Vampires.

  The basement level had also been remodeled. It served as their sleeping quarters with simple guest coffins lined side by side. Only Volod’s coffin was apart from the others, as befit his position as their Master Vampire. The two floors upstairs served to keep prisoners as well as their human snacks.

  Volod walked into the entryway and heard the buzz of conversation coming from the great room. Elizabeth helped him take off his coat and hung it on the coatrack. He didn’t need the coat for warmth, but its style fit the occasion.

  When he entered the great room silence fell. His shoes sank into the carpet as he walked the length of it to the fireplace. He’d kept it more to serve as a focal point for the room than for any warmth it provided.

  Monique and Elizabeth followed him through the crowd of thirty-plus Vampires who had been waiting for him. When he reached the fireplace, Monique and Elizabeth stood off to one side. As close to him as he would allow yet as far away from each other as possible.

  Volod ground his teeth as he looked through the crowd. When he spotted Elliot, he spoke to the Vampire-Werewolf. “Come here.”

  Elliot looked surprised but strode forward. The Vampire paranorm was large, what humans called brawny.

  “You told Kurt and Gary about our plans for tonight’s meeting.” Volod managed to keep his tone even.

  Elliot’s expression changed from casual interest to fear. “Why do you say that, sir?”

  “Why? Why do I ask you?” Volod kept his gaze fixed on the pathetic Vampire paranorm. “Do not lie to me and do not respond with questions. I need the truth. Now. You told them, did you not?”

  Elliot cleared his throat. The beat of his undead heart increased. “I did. I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure they were back in time to make it to the celebration. It won’t happen again. I’m truly sorry.”

  “I will not tolerate this. Were you told you were not to say a word?

  Elliot’s throat worked as he spoke. “Yes, I was.”

  Volod heard his own words come out in a deadly chill. “Yet you talked.”

  “It will not happen again.” Elliot’s eyes had a pleading look.

  Volod put power into his voice as he said, “No, it will not happen again.”

  The Vampire-Werewolf trembled.

  Volod took a step toward Reese who was standing next to Elliot. In one quick move he drew Reese’s sword and swiped it at Elliot.

  The blade met Elliot’s neck then sliced cleanly through. The head thumped as it dropped, followed by another thump when the body fell. Blood barely showed in the deep burgundy shade of the carpet.

  “No, Elliot, it certainly will not happen again.” Volod raised his gaze to meet everyone’s in the room. “Leave and find your supper. The time is ours.”


  “Bethany, be at my home office within thirty minutes for an emergency meeting.”

  With his keen hearing, Volod heard the Siren answer on the other end of the connection.

  The Fae representative, a Siren from the Bermuda Triangle, said, “Why? What’s happened, Leticia? Why can’t we meet in council chambers?”

  “They have been compromised.”

  “Why do we need to meet so early in the morning?” Bethany asked in a sleepy voice. “It’s only two AM.”

  “Something has happened. I cannot talk about it over the phone. It is urgent that all of you arrive as soon as possible. There are decisions we have to make now. Lives are at stake.”

  “What’s the code word, Leticia?” Bethany sounded a little more awake.

  “Solstice. I’ll be on a conference call with the other council chiefs until you arrive. Now hurry.”

  “Good to know it’s really you.” Before she hung up, Bethany added, “I’ll be there within thirty.”

  Volod watched as Janet, the female Vampire-Metamorph, hung up the phone and turned toward him, shifting out of Chief Counsel Leticia’s form. “It is done, sir.”

  “Very good.” Volod glanced at the real council chief, who sat on a nearby chair. “I thought Trackers and the Paranorm Council would be more challenging. Obviously I was wrong.”

  Although she was cuffed and gagged, in her gray eyes Leticia amazingly had the look of someone who believed herself to be far superior to him. Special handcuffs, designed to impede paranorm powers and magic, would soon be on each of the council members, not just Leticia.

  Volod studied the chief, keeping emotion from his features. He would wipe that haughty look off Leticia’s face and replace it with one of fear. It was something he loved to see in his victim’s eyes.

  She would serve him. Earlier he had chosen to bite her himself to ensure total control over her once she was turned.

  Leticia, a Doppler lioness, tilted her chin at a regal angle, arrogance in herfrownWhat demeanor. Her silver hair was drawn back in a knot at the base of her neck, but disarrayed, and her once elegant clothing was torn.

  Volod had determined that the council members were more valuable to him as Vampire paranorms rather than dead. Turn and use them as he pleased. He motioned to a pair of his Vampire paranorms. “Take the council chief into her office.”

  Leticia looked at Volod with contempt before one of the members of his dream team lifted her from the chair and carried her through the doorway of the large Manhattan condo.

  The Metamorph shifted once again into a perfect double of Leticia. Volod’s team of Vampire paranorms moved through the doorway Leticia had been taken through. The next council member escorted through that doorway would be taken.

  Volod stepped back into the shadows.

  First to arrive was Eric, five minutes earlier than expected. “Leticia” met him at the door. “Come to my office,” she said by way of greeting.

  “What is this meeting about?” Eric was saying as she guided him through the doorway.

  The moment the Werewolf was on the other side of the doorway, two Vampire paranorms grabbed him.

  Shock followed by anger shot across the Werewolf’s features, and he snarled and fought against the Vampires’ holds. With strength that Volod found impressive, Eric threw one of the Vampire paranorms across the room.

  The Vamp hit the wall with a loud thud. The crash of glass followed as he dropped onto a small table that had held several glass objects.

  Volod frowned. If they weren’t careful, the next council members to arrive would hear the noise.

  Eric snarled and fought but was taken down to the carpeting and restrained with silver-lined cuffs along with rope that had silver woven through it. He was gagged and dragged into the room where Leticia was being kept.

  Volod gave a smile of satisfaction. Then he ordered his dream team and the Metamorph to take their places again.

  Reginald opened the door and walked into the condo without knocking. Fortunately, the Metamorph was ready to greet him as Leticia.

  When the elderly Shifter walked through the doorway that led to her office, he glanced at the mess across the room. Before he had a chance to digest what he saw, Volod’s team attacked.

  The Shifter fought surprisingly well, and Volod wondered at how much he had underestimated Reginald. He growled as he transformed into a tiger followed by a wolf, then a bear, each time slipping the grasp of the Vampire paranorms who were trying to restrain him.

; Finally another Vamp was able to inject a serum made with silver into the Shifter’s arm. Immediately Reginald dropped. He transformed back into his human form before he hit the floor.

  The Shifter was removed from the room and taken to the office where the Werewolf and Leticia waited.

  Moments later Volod watched as Bethany and Caolthaen to the an entered the condo together. The Siren and the Light Elf paused when they crossed the threshold.

  The Metamorph greeted them urgently. “We have little time,” she said. “Come.”

  “Something is not right.” Caolan reached for his sword, ready to draw it. “I scent …” He looked puzzled. “I do not know.”

  “Yes, something is off.” Bethany put her hand on a silver dagger at her side. “We need to leave.”

  “Everything is fine, do not be absurd.” Janet glanced at where Volod was hidden and he scowled even though none of them could see him. Stupid bitch shouldn’t have looked in his direction. She could give him away. “Hurry now,” the Metamorph was saying.

  “No, something is wrong,” Bethany repeated. “I can smell Vam …”

  A side door burst open. The Vampire paranorms who had been waiting outside rushed in to take care of the last of the council members.

  Volod thought about ending the fight as Caolan unsheathed his sword and swung it at one of the charging Vampires. The lifeless head hit the floor and rolled. Bethany drove her sword through the chest of a second, who fell immediately.

  Volod decided to simply watch. The two council members were no match for the six other Vampire paranorms who surrounded them. Katherine, the powerful witch from Los Angeles, held out her hand, and light sparked from her fingertips.

  Energy suddenly seemed to leave Caolan and Bethany. They moved, but in slow motion. Jorge, the Vampire-Werewolf from San Diego, aimed a gun at Caolan that looked like a toy and pulled the trigger. A dart filled with potion made from a Basilisk eye pierced his shoulder.

  Janet pointed the end of a fire extinguisher at Bethany and fired a stream of freshwater at her, drenching the Siren. Bethany cried out as if in pain. Sirens came from the saltwater sea—freshwater created a severe burning sensation on Siren skin and slowed them down.


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