Vampires Dead Ahead

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Vampires Dead Ahead Page 32

by McCray, Cheyenne

  My whole body trembled as my mind tried to process the facts.

  Volod was dead.

  Volod was dead.

  He would never harm another paranorm or human again.

  I dropped to my knees and tears flooded my face. I sobbed for the people I loved, their lives forever lost.

  And I cried for myself.


  “Let’s go, honey.” Colin wrapped his strong arm around my shoulders and helped me to my feet. “It’s all over.”

  I didn’t know if my legs would hold me as I rose and looked down.

  All the evil, all the pain associated with Volod, over.

  It didn’t seem real, but there he was at my feet. That cold lifeless face with a permanent look of surprise. I didn’t think it had ever occurred to him that he could lose. That I could kill him.

  “We should take him back to the others.” Desmond walked up to the opposite side of me. “They need to see that he’s dead.”

  I nodded slowly. “Yes. They do.”

  “Grab my arms.” Colin glanced from me to Desmond before he crouched and gripped Volod’s ankle with his hand.

  The moment Desmond and I each had a hold on Colin, we flew through the transference. In a breath we were back at the spot where Volod had slit Nadia’s throat and lined up my family and friends.


  A bloody battlefield. Beheaded and staked Vampires were lying everywhere. But not just Vampires—a couple of Trրlackers and Vampire paranorms were also dead …

  Desmond having jammed their guns obviously stifled what little firepower the Vampires had possessed over paranorms. The Vampires were no match for us without their weapons.

  But there were no Vampires still living. They were all dead. Volod had no chance when the Vamp paranorms turned on him.

  No mercy to the Vampires. They had deserved none.

  I saw my father and brother with the Drow warriors. I was never so grateful as I was at that moment to see them okay.

  It occurred to me then. The Great Guardian had said my blood would be sacrificed. It was. I was now a Vampire. My people are my blood, and their blood was sacrificed also. Rodán’s blood. Nadia’s.

  With my heart in my throat, I turned to Colin, buried my face in his chest, and cried. I cried real tears.

  Other Trackers started coming up. Angel touched my shoulder and I turned and hugged her. “Volod is dead, Nyx,” she said.

  Then Angel turned to the Trackers walking among the bodies and repeated loud enough that her voice carried across the battlefield. “Volod is dead!”

  A shocked silence was followed by cheers. Applause and shouts so loud that goose bumps broke out along my arms.

  Through the sadness I felt, there was an overwhelming relief. We had won. We stopped the great evil, and miraculously there were few of our own who had fallen in the last battle. I had to focus on the victory. We won. We won.

  I hugged Colin again. He knew it was best just to hold me. He needed to say nothing. The strength of his touch said it all.

  With the back of my hand I wiped the tears from my eyes then turned to Desmond, Ice, Joshua, and Penrod. And hugged each of them.

  Colin, Desmond, and I stepped away from Volod’s body so that anyone who wanted to could come up and see.

  “Yes.” I released my hold on Colin and raised my hands for quiet. “Volod is finished. He’ll never terrorize humans or paranorms again.”

  More cheering. I rubbed my arms as chills continued to roll over me.

  Everyone who still lived started hugging. At first paranorms and Vampire paranorms stood separately, but eventually they joined and embraced, too.

  A lump rose in my throat when I saw Max take Lawan into his arms and hold her close.

  Olivia came up in front of me and I hugged her. “Never thought I’d be even partially related to a Vampire.” Olivia rubbed her neck where Volod had bitten her. She patted me on the shoulder. “I’m ready for steak, bloody rare.”

  I appreciated her attempt at a little levity in the midst of so much tragedy.

  The crowd grew quiet and I turned to see that Leticia had joined us. She had been regal as a paranorm. As a Vampire paranorm, she was even mۀhe was eore so. She had her hands raised and motioned for quiet like I had.

  “Thank you for your trust in the Vampire paranorms,” she said. “We wish only to coexist with our brethren.”

  Murmurs traveled through the crowd, mostly of approval.

  “Vampires have been able to survive on synthetic blood all of these years,” she continued. “Vampire paranorms will do the same. We do not wish to drink the blood of our brothers and sisters. We wish only to be accepted for what we were made to be, which was not of our choice.

  “We of the former Paranorm Council will surrender our positions to paranorms who will vote in new leaders. We ask, however, that you allow Vampire paranorms one seat on the council, to represent those who wish to live in peace with our brethren.”

  Leticia stepped back and Armand took her place.

  “Vampire paranorms have proven they have a place among paranorms.” Armand swept his gaze from one fighter to the next. “We will work closely with our brothers and sisters.”

  The paranorms and Vampire paranorms across the battlefield applauded.

  Armand looked to me and said loudly enough for everyone to hear, “You may fight on my team anytime, Nyx Ciar.”

  I inclined my head. “It will always be my pleasure to serve with those like you who keep our world safe from evil.”

  “As for Volod,” Armand said to the crowd. “We shall burn what is left of him.”

  Armand began giving orders on disposing of the dead. Not only would we set fire to Volod’s body, but we would burn all of the other Vampires as well.

  As everyone set off on their tasks, I hurried to my father’s side.

  “Father.” I flung my arms around him and he wrapped his own around me.

  “I am so proud of you, my princess.”

  “Thank you for coming.” I kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  “I could not see you hurt anymore.” Father looked around at the paranorms working side by side with Vampire paranorms. “Your people fought well.”

  “They did,” I said. “As did you and your warriors.”

  “Of course,” Father said in Drow. “For I brought only the finest.”

  I kissed Father then hugged my brother. “Thank you, Tristan.”

  “I did no more than anyone else,” he said. “You are the one to be commended for all that you have done.”

  “No.” I shook my head. “These people are the reason why we survived and ultimately why I was able to kill Volod. It is they who deserve praise.”

  Tristan kissed my cheek and hugged me again.

  For a long time I walked through the baۀhrough tttlefield, talking with Trackers, paranorm and Vampire paranorm alike. A heaviness weighted me down as I thought about all that I had loved and lost because of Volod.

  I tried to think of Nadia how I’d known her. Radiant and beautiful, full of life and love. And not to think of her as Volod had left her.

  When my thoughts turned to Rodán, I remembered all of the good times we’d enjoyed since he had recruited me. My former lover, friend, confidant, mentor, and Proctor. He had been so many things to me. The emptiness he left behind would never be filled.

  The two of them had left an indelible stamp upon my life and I would think of them always.

  Later, when it was getting close to daylight and time to burn Volod’s body, Colin and I met up again and he put his arm around my shoulders. We didn’t talk at all for a long time as we watched Volod’s body burn to ash.

  “He almost had victory but he got too greedy,” Colin said.

  “And evil.” I shook my head. So much evil I didn’t even want to think about it.

  After a while I sighed and looked up at him. “I need a vacation.”

  He touched the tip of my nose with his finger.
“You deserve one.”

  “Where do Vampires and Dragons go on vacation?” Olivia said as she walked up to face Colin and me.

  I lightly punched her arm. “Anyplace that doesn’t involve other Vampires of any kind.”

  Colin tilted his head to the side. “I think I might know just the spot.”

  Rain pattered on the windowpanes of our New Hampshire cabin. It was dark outside, branches scraping across the panes as a late-spring storm whirled its way through the country.

  Colin and I snuggled up under a blanket in front of the fireplace. I rested my head on his shoulder.

  “Demons, Werewolves, Vampires, Zombies, and more Vampires.” I sighed. I’ve had enough excitement in the last year than most people face in a lifetime.”

  “Just Zombies and Vampires were enough for me.” Colin stroked my hair, the feel of his fingers sending delightful shivers through me.

  “Nice of Armand to give us a two-month paid leave of absence along with a nice fat bonus.” I tilted my head up to meet Colin’s beautiful gaze. “And I want to spend all of it with you.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He continued to run his fingers through my hair, soft and wonderful. “I wasn’t about to let you go off without me.”

  “Olivia should be having fun with her boyfriend in the Bahamas,” I said. “Wonder if they brought the whips and chains with them.”

  Colin snorted with laughter. “Knowing Olivia, I am sure.”

  I snuggled deeper in our blanket, enjoying the warmth of Colin’s body. Loving hۀody. Lovis scent, loving everything about him.

  “Do that little bite thing you do,” Colin murmured, his words rumbling in his chest. “I love it.”

  “I thought you would never ask.” My fangs dropped at the mere mention of biting him and I licked his neck then scraped my fangs along his neck.

  He hugged me tight. “I love you, Nyx.”

  “Mmmmm …” I moved my lips to his ear. “I love you, Colin,” I whispered. “I love you.”


  Present Day

  Dark Elves/Drow: live belowground in Otherworld, never aboveground. Except for me. I’m unique—sometimes I wonder if that’s a good thing.

  Demons: not a problem. We plan to keep it that way.

  Dopplers: these shifters can transform into one specific animal form—unlike Shifters, who can choose whatever animal form they want.

  Dragons: you think fire is hot?

  Fae: you asked for it. Don’t blame me if you get a headache—Abatwa, Brownies, Dryads, Dwarves, Faerie, Gnomes, Goblins, Nymphs, Pixies, Sânziene, Sidhe, Sirens, Sprites, Tuatha, and Undines.

  Gargoyles: there’s a reason birds poop on statues.

  Light Elves: can we say “Divas of the Otherworlds”?

  Mages: powerful male wizards.

  Magi: young, precious, omniscient female beings whom Trackers are sworn to protect and keep hidden safely away.

  Metamorphs: can shift into human form, mirroring any human they choose before practicing criminal activities against humans. These jerks have no redeeming qualities. None.

  Necromancers: did you have to ask? They talk to and raise the dead.

  Ogres: Kermit isn’t the only one who’s green and eats flies.

  Seraphim: not your average Angels.

  Shadow Shifter: in my opinion their ability to shift into shadow form is pretty cool. But you do not want to tick one of them off. Do. Not. Make. Them. Mad.

  Shifters: like I said, these guys can choose any animal form they want.

  Sorcerers/Sorceresses: I never knew some Sorcerers could be so sexy.

  Specters: haven’t seen one and don’t plan to.

  Succubae and Incubi: avoid them. Just stay away. That’s all I have to say.

  Trolls: me, Troll. You, dinner.

  Werewolves: some of the good guys. Until the full moon.

  Witches: females born of norm parents but with strong magic.

  Zombies: don’t even go there.

  Vampires: Stay tuned and see for yourself … because they are dead ahead.

  St. Martin’s Paperbacks Titles By CHEYENNE McCRAY


  Demons Not Included

  No Werewolves Allowed

  Vampires Not Invited

  Zombies Sold Separately

  Vampires Dead Ahead


  The First Sin

  The Second Betrayal


  Dark Magic

  Shadow Magic

  Wicked Magic

  Seduced By Magic

  Forbidden Magic


  Moving Target

  Chosen Prey


  No Rest for the Witches

  Praise for these other novels from New York Times bestselling author CHEYENNE 怅GMcCRAY


  “Something weird is going on, and it is up to half-human half-Drow Nyx to figure out what it all means. The versatile and talented McCray is slowly unveiling a supernatural society fraught with menace and plagued by prejudice and discord. Her Night Tracker series continues to be fast-paced and populated with intriguing characters. Hang on, for McCray is about to send things into overdrive.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “Set in an intriguing new world, romance, adventure, and non-stop action fill the pages.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “If you enjoy a kick-ass heroine, a sexy romance, and a compelling story that leaves you begging for more, this is the series for you.”

  —Nocturne Romance Reviews

  “An excellent continuation of the compelling Night Tracker series.”

  —Fresh Fiction


  “Nyx is back and ready to kick more butt in the second installment of the Night Tracker series … McCray introduces some interesting secondary characters that add depth to this developing world. As always, there is a seductive sensuality mixed in with the hair-raising adventures.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews

  “McCray has written a wonderfully hot story that has characters we will love … beautifully fleshed-out, believable, and intelligent. The storyline is fascinating, intriguing, and fast-paced. This book is a fantastic page-turner that has great romance, lots of the paranormal, adventure, thrills, and chills.”

  —Night Owl Romance

  “Interesting characters, [a] fast-paced plot, and fascinating world-building make this a must-read.”

  —Fresh Fiction


  “The hot new Night Tracker series promises plenty of thrills and chills. McCray does an excellent job establishing this world and its host of intriguing characters. The action is fast and furious, and the danger escalating. Add in some sexy sizzle and you have another patented McCray gem.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews

  (Top Pick, 41/2 stars)

  “McCray weaves a supernatural tale of mystery, murder, and blossoming romance. Demons Not Included has a well-rounded cast, a captivating storyline, and plenty of suspense to keep readers guessing.”

  —Darque Reviews


  Winner, Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Paranormal Action Adventure of the Year

  “McCray does a stellar job layering the danger, passion and betrayal. Awesome!”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews (Top Pick, 41/2 stars)

  “Action, romance, suspense, love, betrayal, sacrifice, magic, and sex appeal to the nth degree! [McCray’s] heroines kick butt and run the gamut from feminine to tomboy, and her heroes … well, they’re all 200% grade-A male. YUM! Her love scenes left me breathless … and I’m surprised I have any nails left after the suspense in this last book.”

  —Queue My Review

  “Vivid battles, deceit that digs deep into the coven, and a love that can’t be denied.”

  —Night Owl Romance

  “A fabulous finish to a great urban fantasy … Master magician Cheyenne McCray brings it all together in a superb ending to her stupendous saga.”

  —Harriet Klausner


  “Erotic paranormal romance liberally laced with adventure and thrills.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews (Top Pick, 41/2 stars)

  “A sensual tale full of danger and magic, Shadow Magic should not be missed.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “Cheyenne McCray has created a fabulous new world. You won’t be able to get enough!”

  —Lori Handeland, USA Today bestselling author



  “Blistering sex and riveting battles are plentiful as this series continues building toward its climax.”

  —Romantic Times BOOKreviews

  (4 stars)

  “Has an even blend of action and romance … An exciting paranormal tale, don’t miss it.”

  —Romance Reviews Today

  “Sure to delight and captivate with each turn of the page.”

  —Night Owl Romance



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