Island Promises: Hawaiian HolidayHawaiian ReunionHawaiian Retreat

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Island Promises: Hawaiian HolidayHawaiian ReunionHawaiian Retreat Page 19

by RaeAnne Thayne

  He chuckled. “Yeah. Really.”

  Finn followed Gabi to her room and helped compose a quick survey while she divided the samples into bags for members of the wedding party.

  “Are we leaving this stuff at the front desk?” Finn asked.

  “That’s probably best,” she said, then frowned. “We just need to make sure the samples are delivered right away.”

  “I’ve been told that I always deliver,” he joked.

  Surprised, she shot a sideways glance at him. Her heart skipped several beats at the sensuality in his tone. She wagged her finger. “You really shouldn’t tease like that. What if I believed you really—” She cleared her throat and shrugged.

  He snagged her hand. “If you believed I really what?” he asked.

  She felt a flood of self-consciousness and shrugged again. “I don’t know. What if I believed you really wanted me?” she asked, as if the notion was ridiculous.

  “Maybe I do,” he said, so seriously it scared her.

  She locked eyes with him for a long moment then forced a laugh. “Oh, stop,” she said.

  Finn pulled her toward him. “You underestimate your appeal.”

  Still unwilling to take him seriously, she smiled. “You think so?”

  “I do,” he said, and lowered his mouth to hers.

  His lips caressed hers and she couldn’t make herself pull away. The kiss pulled her up, over and under. She was dizzy from it. Dizzy from him. He slid his strong arms around her and she only wanted more, more, more.

  Her want started in her belly and spread throughout her body, throughout her blood. He lifted her hands to cradle his face while he made love to her with his mouth. During the next few minutes, everything turned into a sensual blur. He slid one of his hands down to her breast, another between her legs...

  He pushed his thigh between her legs, and she felt his hardness against her. One of his hands cupped her bottom and guided her against him.

  “You feel so good. I can’t get enough of you. I wanted you from the first time I saw you,” Finn murmured.

  “I don’t understand why you want me so much,” she said, as he made her dizzier with each caress and kiss.

  “How could I not want you?” he asked, and moved against the apex of her thighs.

  Gabi could hardly breathe from how her desire roiled inside her. She couldn’t keep her train of thought. She felt Finn tug at her dress, and it seemed to dissolve in a pool at her feet.

  He held her against him so that she knew unmistakably how much he wanted her. He kissed her deeply then pulled back. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” she said. “No. Don’t stop.”

  The heated kisses and arousing touches continued. She gasped. He growled. He put on protection and thrust inside her.

  Gabi gasped again. “Oh.”

  “Good or bad?” he asked, studying her face, his muscular body taut above hers.

  “Good,” she said, wriggling to adjust to him. “It’s just been a while.”

  Finn swore under his breath. “Stop. I won’t be able to control it.”

  She wriggled again. “If I can’t control it, why should you?”

  Then the thrusting and riding and loving began. Gabi held on for all she was worth.

  “Can’t wait much longer,” he said.

  She gave herself over to her sensations. “Don’t. Wait,” she said, and tumbled over the edge.

  Seconds later she felt Finn reach his climax, but she was still shuddering from her own experience. Finally, she took a breath. “Oh, wow.”

  Finn rolled over to his side and pulled her with him. “You’re pretty amazing, Gabi Foster,” he said.

  She laughed, still recovering from her orgasm. “Tell me that when I’m not naked.”

  “Done,” he said. “Although, I won’t complain any time you decide to get naked.”

  Finn kissed her sweetly and hugged her. Gabi couldn’t resist the sensation of his arms around her.

  “You make it hard for me to go home,” Finn said, rubbing his cheek against hers.

  Gabi thought of Kai and felt a sliver of guilt. “Oh, no,” she said. “You really should leave. Kai is waiting for you.”

  “His nanny is taking care of him,” he said. “But I do try to get home every night.”

  Images of all the women Finn could have filled her mind. She clenched her eyes shut. “You probably want to make sure you don’t make the nanny stay overnight too often.”

  She felt his hand on her chin. “What do you mean by that?”

  Gabi opened her eyes but looked downward. “I’m sure you meet a lot of women. A lot of desirable women.”

  “Not necessarily desirable to me,” Finn said. “Look at me, Gabi.”

  Taking a breath, she met his gaze.

  “I don’t meet a lot of women that I want the same way I want you. You struck me the first time I saw you. Even before you nearly drowned,” he said with a chuckle, then he turned solemn. “You’re different.”

  Those two words made her feel a little better. You’re different. Gabi could believe that. She couldn’t believe she was the most beautiful, sexiest woman in the world. But she could believe she was different.

  “Well, I don’t know what to say,” she said.

  “How about you say that you’ll see me every day until you leave?” he said more than asked.

  Her stomach clenched at the reality that she’d be leaving. “That’s only two more days,” she said, and her heart filled with terrible sadness.

  They helped each other dress, then they brought the cosmetic samples to the front desk with urgent instructions for delivery. Finn escorted her back to her room and kissed her good-night.

  Gabi sank onto her bed, hoping for sleep. She tossed and turned, wondering if she should have given herself to Finn. Everything between them was happening so quickly.

  She wondered how she could possibly make such an impression on him. She was an average woman, not the usual beach babe he must encounter. She was a young woman with an imperfect body and more than a few insecurities. Why would he want her? She wished she knew.

  She finally fell asleep, and her dreams were filled with Finn and Kai. When Gabi woke, she felt exhausted. This was ridiculous. She needed to remain focused, she told herself, and checked her emails.

  Gabi felt a half-dozen regrets about making love with Finn. Had she done the right thing? She closed her eyes and struggled with her thoughts. Perhaps she should have turned away. Perhaps that would have been better for her mind and heart.

  After she’d spent the early morning on business, she heard a knock at her door. Her stomach took a dip. Heaven help her if it was Finn. Hopefully, it was the cleaning crew.

  Gabi rushed to the door and looked through the peephole. Her heart stuttered. It was Finn. She flung open the door. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t imagine anywhere I’d rather be,” he said. “Can’t imagine anywhere else I should be.”

  She pursed her lips to keep from crying. “We probably shouldn’t have—”

  Finn covered her lips with his fingers. “Hush. Don’t spoil the memory of such a beautiful night.”

  “You’re such a flatterer. I never know when you’re flirting,” she said.

  “There are different kinds of flirting,” he said. “But I’m careful about the way I flirt.”

  She lifted her head. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I don’t flirt when I don’t mean business with a woman,” he said.

  She squished her eyes closed. “You can’t mean business with me. I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I don’t want to miss this time with you,” he said. “I can’t really explain it, but it feels important.”

opened her eyes to meet his gaze, feeling confused but totally identifying with what Finn was saying. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders.

  “I don’t want to miss you, either,” she realized.

  “So, let’s make the best of the time we have together,” he said.

  She nodded slowly. “Suggestions?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “Let’s go back to my house.”

  “That sounds good to me,” she said.

  “Bathing suit,” Finn said.

  “I hear you.” She headed for the bathroom. She emerged moments later, showered and lathered with sunscreen. She grabbed a hat and extra clothes. “Ready to go,” she said.

  She found Finn lying on her bed snoozing.

  “Finn,” she said, and then repeated his name again.

  He awakened with a start. “What. What?”

  Gabi walked closer to him and looked down at him. “Do you need a few extra winks?”

  He slowly met her gaze and sat up, sliding his hand through hers. “An extra cup of coffee will keep me going. You were pretty amazing last night.”

  She shook her head. “There you go, flattering me again.”

  He shook his head. “Wrong, wrong, wrong. You are amazing.”

  “Stop. You’re making me blush.”

  He gave a low chuckle. “Oh, darlin’. I can do better things to make you blush.”

  Gabi felt a twist deep, where he made her weak and needy. She took a deep breath. “Shut up, Finn. I’m trying to function here.”

  He leaned toward her and took her mouth in a kiss that spun her upside down and around the world. “Oh, Finn,” she said against his lips. “How am I supposed to be sane with you?”

  He chuckled and the sound rippled throughout her body. “I like the idea of keeping you a little crazy. Crazy looks good on you.”

  Somehow, her clothes disappeared, as did his. Somehow, they made love to each other even though she’d thought they shouldn’t.

  With their kisses and bodies joined in pleasure, they sighed in ecstasy.

  “I’ve never met a woman like you.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “I’m not the most beautiful. I’m not the thinnest. I’m not amazing.”

  “Well, you’re wrong about the amazing part...and the most beautiful....” He slid his fingers through her hair and stared deep into her eyes. “You’re all in,” he said. “I’ve never met a woman who was more all in than you are.”

  “All in?” she repeated.

  He laughed at her lack of understanding. “All in means you’ll do anything to make it happen. You’ll put yourself out there to make it happen.”

  Gabi blinked. “Is there any other way?”

  He grinned and pulled her against him. “Not in your world. I like that about you.”

  Finn led Gabi to his Jeep and drove toward his home. “I’ll take you past another waterfall since you like them so much,” he said and took a turn onto a dirt road. Her teeth jangled as he drove down the bumpy road. After a couple moments, Finn took another turn and she spotted the waterfall.

  She gasped at the beauty. “It’s just amazing.”

  “Want to swim in the pool?” he asked.

  She glanced at Finn. “Can we?”

  “I know the guy who owns the land,” he said.

  Gabi again looked at the waterfall and the pool. “Bet it’s cold.”

  “Yep,” Finn said.

  She shuddered at the idea of drenching herself in chilly water.

  “But you can’t do this next week if you’re not here.”

  A huge sense of longing and sadness stabbed at her. “You’re right. Let’s go,” she said. “But be prepared to turn on the heat in your Jeep.”

  “The heat doesn’t work that well.” Finn laughed, following her out of his vehicle.

  “Don’t tell me that,” she said, covering her ears. “Lalalalala...” She stopped at the edge of the pool.

  “It’s not that bad,” he coaxed. “How many times have you been swimming near a waterfall?”

  “Never,” she said and took off everything except her bathing suit. She extended her hand to him. “Go with me.”

  He nodded. “I’m in.” He stripped down to his trunks.

  “I’m gonna freeze, aren’t I? Don’t answer that,” she said, clutching his hand and dragging him into the chilly pool with her. She stepped into a sudden drop-off and plunged into water above her head.

  Gabi bobbed to the surface and shrieked. She could feel Finn pulling her against him.

  “I swear I can swim,” she said breathlessly, waiting for her body to adjust to the cold water. “I thought Hawaii was supposed to be warm.”

  “It is. Chicago is much colder,” Finn said.

  She wrapped her legs around him instinctively. “I’m usually wearing a coat and tights and long underwear in Chicago. I’m never almost naked in a pool of water.” Her teeth chattered.

  “Well, if you want to get the rest of the way naked...” Finn suggested with a devilish grin.

  “You are a very bad influence,” she said. “Very bad.”

  “I dare you.” He grinned.

  Gabi closed her eyes. She just couldn’t resist him, she thought, and ditched her swimsuit.


  AFTER THE SWIM, Finn dried off both Gabi and himself. They hopped into the Jeep and Finn drove to his home. Pulling into the driveway, he spotted Kai running out of the house. This always alarmed him. He’d told Kai many times not to run into the driveway.

  Finn braked quickly and swore under his breath. Kai ran and jumped toward his side of the car.

  Finn opened his car door and immediately hugged his nephew. “Kai, I love you, but I want you to go back in the house and wait for me to give you our sign. Show me the sign.”

  Kai lifted three fingers and wiggled them. “Good job. Now go back to the house and we’ll try this again. Don’t leave the porch until I give you our sign.”

  “But, Dad—” Kai protested.

  “Go,” he said.

  Kai skittered to the side door.

  Finn saw his sweet face staring out the window. Finn lifted three fingers and wiggled them.

  Kai immediately ran to Finn’s side of the car with a questioning smile on his face. “I do okay?” the boy asked

  Finn nodded. “You did perfect. Do it that way next time. The first time.” Finn got out of the car and gathered Kai into his arms. “Right?”

  “All ’ight,” Kai said, dropping his R. She remembered Finn mentioning the speech impediment the first time she’d met the little boy. “Can we go swimming?”

  Finn laughed. “Sure.”

  Kai looked toward Gabi. “Can she come, too?”

  “Yes,” Finn said. “Miss Gabi can come, too.”

  Finn motioned to Gabi, and she got out of the car.

  “Hi, Miss Gabi,” Kai said with his childish exuberance.

  Her heart dipped at his sweetness. “Hi, Kai.”

  “We’re going swimming again,” he said, practically dancing from one foot to the other.

  Gabi glanced at Finn. “You bet we are.”

  The three of them went into the house and found Nanny Alani at the kitchen table looking very weary.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Finn asked Alani.

  “I’m seeing the doctor tomorrow afternoon,” the nanny said. “I don’t know why I’ve been so tired lately. Maybe I just need some vitamins.” She took a deep swig from her bottle of water.

  Finn nodded, but Gabi still saw the concern on his face.

  “Maybe you could lie down while we go out for a swim,” Gabi suggested.

  The woman smile
d. “It may take both of you to keep up with him.”

  Gabi felt a strange mix of emotions. Alani’s weakness worried Gabi. She also worried that the nanny might not be strong enough to take care of Kai.

  “I’m sure I’ll be better after a rest. Don’t trouble yourself about me,” Alani said. “Go enjoy the ocean.”

  “As long as you promise to rest,” Finn said.

  “I will. Now go,” Alani insisted.

  Finn smeared Kai with sunscreen. Gabi added some more of her own sun protection, then the three of them trotted down to the beach.

  Finn took Kai into the ocean with a surfboard and helped him take on the waves. Gabi watched the guys for several moments then checked her cell phone. She wished she didn’t feel the compulsion to stay in touch with her business colleagues. But it was necessary. She had too much to lose if she didn’t stay on top of work right now.

  She returned several messages then tossed her cell into her tote bag and tried to focus on her surroundings. She looked at Finn and Kai in the ocean.

  The boys laughed at the top of their lungs. Gabi smiled and waved.

  Finn and Kai waved in return.

  Gabi couldn’t help wishing she could be with Finn for longer than a day. Longer than a month. She didn’t want to think about how long she wanted to be with him, because it was far longer than today.

  Gabi ran toward Finn and Kai to join them in the ocean. Kai jumped up and down. “Miss Gabi is here,” he said.

  Finn and Kai ditched their boards, and Gabi jumped in the waves. The feeling of Kai’s sweet little hand clinging to hers did something to her heart.

  Eventually, she and Finn successfully wore out Kai. The boy collapsed on the sand next to Gabi, and she pulled him onto her lap. Soon enough, he fell asleep. Gabi didn’t want to awaken him, so she sat very still, even when she started to feel pins and needles in her feet.

  “Why don’t you just wake him up?” Finn asked.

  “Because he’s sleeping. He feels safe,” she said, stroking Kai’s dark hair.

  Finn studied her for a long moment. “How do you know he feels safe?”

  “Because he’s so relaxed,” she said, and lifted his limp hand.

  Finn couldn’t help wondering if Kai was longing for a mother figure. Although his nanny filled many needs, Finn suspected Kai needed more. He was surprised that Kai had attached himself to Gabi so quickly. It made him curious, but it bothered him for some reason, too.


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