Jodie's Little Secrets

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Jodie's Little Secrets Page 1

by Joanna Wayne

  Table of Contents

  Cover Page



  Books by Joanna Wayne

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen



  “I need your help, Ray.”

  “You name it.”

  “I want you to take my boys and keep them safe,” Jodie said.

  His eyebrows shot up. “I’ll fight a madman for you, two if necessary…but take care of year-old little boys…? I’m not the man for that.” He stepped backward, a hand up as if to ward off blows.

  This time you don’t get a choice, Ray.”

  “But the boys need you. And they need their father, not some stranger they’ve never seen before this week. No matter what happened between you and their father, you have to let him know his sons are in danger.”

  “I agree,” she said, her voice dead level now that she’d made up her mind to do what she had to in order to keep her boys safe. “The boys’ father does deserve to know the truth. That’s why I just told him.”


  Joanna Wayne lives with her husband just a few miles from steamy, exciting New Orleans, but her home is the perfect writer’s hideaway. A lazy bayou, complete with graceful herons, colorful wood ducks and an occasional alligator, winds just below her back garden. When not creating tales of spine-tingling suspense and heartwarming romance, she enjoys reading, golfing or playing with her grandchildren, and, of course, researching and plotting out her next novel. Taking the heroine and hero from danger to enduring love and happy-ever-after is all in a day’s work for her, and who could complain about a day like that?

  Books by Joanna Wayne






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  Jodie’s Little Secrets

  Joanna Wayne

  With special thanks to my wonderful editor whose encouragement and insight help me make each book special, and to my hardworking agent who keeps me on task. And to Wayne, always.


  Jodie Gahagen—She’d left the town of Natchitoches to live and work in New York City, but a stalker had sent her running back to the one place she thought she’d be safe.

  Ray Kostner—All he’d ever wanted was to find fame and fortune in a city where the lights never dimmed. Now that he had, he’d willingly risk it all to save the life of the only woman he’d ever loved.

  Blake and Blair Gahagen—Jodie’s thirteen-month-old twins. Although she hadn’t planned on becoming a single mom, the boys are the best part of her life, and she’d face a killer on her own before she’d let him touch them again.

  Emily Gahagen—Jodie’s grandmother. Eighty years of living had taken a toll on her memory but not her spirit. She was as spry and as manipulative as ever and determined to find a husband for Jodie.

  Selda Mayan—Emily’s next-door neighbor. The two neighbors had cried and laughed together for years and they would always be best friends.

  Gentle Ben—A giant of a man who’d taken care of Miss Emily’s yard, garden and fishing boat for many years. Jodie was sure she could always count on him until events taught her that everyone was a suspect. Butch Deaton—A local cop who didn’t want or need big-city interference to handle Natchitoches crime.

  Greg Johnson—A photographer who concentrated his efforts on Jodie and her sons.

  Grady—Gentle Ben’s son. His father didn’t trust him. Could Jodie?


  There was no mistaking the signs. Jodie Gahagen had run away from him.

  Hands trembling, the man reached down and picked up a pillow from her bed. He hugged it to his chest, burying his nose in the folds of cotton and goose down. The smell of her hit him in the gut, heightening his anger.

  He dropped to his knees and rested his head on the pale pink sheets, sucking in the intoxicating fragrance. Two nights ago, the thought of Jodie Gahagen had woke him in the middle of the night. So strong, he hadn’t been able to fight his need for her. He’d crawled from his bed and driven through the night to come to her.

  Luckily, he’d found her that night, here in her bed. Alone. Her cotton gown had skimmed her flesh, waves of red hair spilling over her pillow, haloing her beautiful face and fanning her creamy shoulders.

  The images crawled through his brain, like a video in slow motion. He knotted his hands in the bedsheet. That night he had watched while she slept, her breasts rising and falling, maybe against this very sheet. He could have taken her then, but he was a gentleman. He could wait until she wanted him the way he wanted her.

  The only sign he had left of his presence was the note, carefully tucked inside the crib of one of the twins. A reminder that he had been there again and that he would return.

  After all, he was in love with Jodie Gahagen. She would love him, too, once she got to know him, the way she had loved the others.

  And there had been others. So many men. No. The memories were running together. His mother, his unfaithful wife, the waitress who’d flirted and then laughed in his face when he’d asked her for a date. They had used men. They were not ladies, not sweet and honest the way Jodie was.

  Familiar feelings washed over him, clawing at his in-sides, burning in his chest. Later, he would be strong enough to fight them into submission. Then his brain could take over, his cunning, logical brain that let him outsmart everyone, especially the stupid New York City cops. But for now, he pressed his head deeper in the pillow and longed for the day Jodie would be his.

  A few minutes later he slipped out the door and into the darkness, a faceless blur in the maddening masses that was Manhattan.

  Chapter One

  Jodie Gahagen completed her hamstring stretches as the first sounds of a southern morning began their wake-up chorus. A bird’s call, the splash as a turtle slipped from the bank into the Cane River. The sound of her own feet as they crunched into a pile of dry leaves. She and her sons had invaded a world that had been isolated from human contact.

  Her nerves grew shaky at the thought. She’d never expected to be the only jogger on the trail this morning. But she shouldn’t be surprised. After all, it was also six o’clock on Sunday morning, and the majority of the town’s inhabitants were still snuggled in their beds.

  Jodie yawned widely at the thought and stretched to touch her toes. Obviously, the sleepers hadn’t been blessed with the dual alarm system she possessed. At thirteen months, her twin dynamos showed neither religious nor humane considerations for Sunday as a day of rest.

  She tugged at her shorts and walked to the front of the stroller to check on them. Blair offered a smile, but Blake just stared at her over the plump thumb that was stuck in his mouth. “Are you early birds ready to roll?” she asked, brushing a wisp of red hair from Blair’s forehead and
dabbing at a spot of drool that dribbled down Blake’s cute little chin.

  Blair cooed a response and waved his hand like a frustrated traffic cop.

  “Then let’s get this show on the road,” she said, giving the safety buckles of the double jogging stroller a final check. Movement behind her jerked her to attention and she spun around. A gray kitten stared up at her.

  “A cat, just a cat,” she whispered, steadying her breath and reaching down to run long fingers through his thick coat. Nothing to worry about, not here in the haven of hometown familiarity. Natchitoches, Louisiana, was a world away from New York.

  Squaring her shoulders, she wrapped her hands around the handle of the stroller and started off at a brisk pace. In seconds, the world seemed to slide into order. The morning exercise ritual rejuvenated her, got her blood pumping and forced her mind into gear. The boys liked it, too, although the exercise for them consisted of swinging their pudgy arms and craning their necks to see any and every bit of action along the river route.

  Trees, birds, tail-wagging dogs. They liked everything about their new hometown. Why not? Their unemployed mom was now home all day instead of only for rushed breakfasts in the morning and hurried dinners, baths and hugs at night. Besides, on the rare occasions she strayed from sight now, they had a doting great-grandmother jumping to supply their every want or need.

  She was glad for this time with Grams. That was the one good thing that had come from the bizarre web that entangled her. Still, running away from trouble was not her style. If she’d had only herself to think about, she would have never given up, not as long as she’d had a heartbeat. But the night the lunatic had laid his murdering hands on her sons, the stakes had soared.

  Now she and her boys were safe, but the man who’d turned her life into a house of horrors still walked the streets of New York City, and sooner or later his sick games would entrap another innocent victim.

  An icy tremor shivered along her nerve endings, and she reined in her thoughts. Forcing body over mind, she picked up her pace, concentrating on the gentle strain to her muscles, the surge of pulse and power. The first mile rolled past, and the sun climbed over the tops of the brick storefronts, layering the town in heat and humidity.

  A drop of perspiration slid down her forehead, and she whisked it away with her wristband. It was already November, but you’d never know it by the temperature. The weather was one of the fickle charms of north Louisiana.

  Summer lingered into fall, then shocked the system with frigid cold fronts that swooped down from the northwest and plunged the temperature into the teens in a matter of hours. But until the icy winds blew in, she was going to enjoy exercising in the great outdoors.

  A pickup truck rattled by on the street that wound up the hill from the river, and the driver honked and waved. Jodie waved back. She didn’t recognize the man or the vehicle, but he undoubtedly knew who she was. Miss Emily’s granddaughter, visiting from the big city. The girl was married finally, with adorable twins. She was visiting for quite a long spell, too, already heading into the fourth week. And without her husband. Jodie Gahagen was the talk of the town.

  Fortunately, the hometown folks relied on speculation and their own imaginations to fill in the details. Jodie intended to keep it that way. Secrets secured the foundation of her new life, erected the barriers that kept her and her sons safe. As if in agreement, Blair waved his hand and giggled.

  “You got it, tiger. Mommy won’t let anything or anybody get to her boys.”

  Her boys. Hers and hers alone. The familiar tightness settled in her chest. Hers alone because she’d never told their father they existed. Until a few months ago, she’d been sure she’d made the right decision. Now she only prayed she had.

  She rounded a curve, and her breath quickened. A man stood a good fifty yards ahead of them, half hidden in the shadows and overhang of a weeping willow. His shoulders were stooped, and an old jacket was pulled tight around him in spite of the rising temperature. Jodie’s hand slid to the whistle in her pocket.

  Head high, she gulped in huge helpings of air. This was exactly the kind of crazy, senseless fear she was forced to fight. But there was no reason for her heart to race here, in the middle of Natchitoches.

  Still, she had jogged far enough for one morning. She slowed, steering the stroller into a 180 degree turn. Safely headed in the opposite direction, she twisted her head and stole a glance behind her. The man had disappeared.

  Her feet flew now, eager to return to the homey warmth of Grams’s house. Grams’s world was timeless, slow and safe. Tall, white columns greeted you there, like protecting sentinels, ushering you into a world of cushioned couches, lacy curtains and dark, rich woods.

  Grams and her unchanging world had sheltered and comforted Jodie when she had lost both her parents in a plane crash. She’d been only ten years old, frightened and alone, and wishing she had died with the people she loved most in the world. Somehow, Grams had convinced her that what her parents would want most was that she embrace life the way they had.

  Now Jodie had returned to Grams’s world, this time seeking safety for herself and her sons.

  She jerked around as the sound of footsteps at her heels roared into her consciousness. The back left wheel of the stroller ran off the edge of the asphalt trail with a grinding bump.

  “You better teach your mom to drive, kid.” The voice was thick and husky. And shockingly familiar.

  She kept her head down, praying to go unrecognized as the hulk of a sweating body dodged the stroller.

  “Jodie Gahagen, is that you?” He stopped on a dime and changed directions.

  She tried to answer. The words died in her throat, and all she managed was a nod.

  “I can’t believe you’re out here at the crack of dawn.” he said, matching his pace to hers. “Mind if I jog along with you and the kiddos?” he asked, after the fact.

  Did she mind? Oh, yeah. So much so she could feel the cold sweat popping out on her body. In fact, next to the madman she was here to escape and the reincarnation of Jack the Ripper, she didn’t know of anyone’s company she minded more than Ray Kostner’s.

  “You can run wherever you like,” she panted, her gaze straight ahead so that he couldn’t see the anxiety he created. “It’s a free country.”

  “I need to meet your tax man.”

  She felt his gaze all over her body, from the top of her clinging T-shirt to the bottom of her brief running shorts. Déjà vu? No. Everything had changed since she’d seen him last.

  “You’re looking great,” he said. “Motherhood must agree with you.”

  Small talk. Nice and easy, give nothing away, not until she was in full control and calling the shots. “Thanks,” she managed to reply. “It does. The same way bachelorhood agrees with you.”

  A puff of wind whipped a tuft of hair loose from her ponytail. She brushed the flying strands from her face, all the while aware of Ray’s nearness and the fact that she couldn’t afford to let down her barriers for even a second.

  Two men had the power to hurt her, in different ways, but no less destructive. Ray Kostner was one of them.

  “What are you doing back in Natchitoches?” she asked, determined to play his game of cordiality at the same level of perfection he managed. “Don’t tell me you’ve given up the Big Easy quest for fame and fortune.”

  “No way. But Dad had a bypass last week.”

  “Oh, no.” This time her response was genuine. Parker Kostner was a dear. He’d helped half the town out of one jam or another, whether they could afford him or not. His son was not a chip off the old block.

  “Grams must have forgotten to mention it. Is he okay?” she asked, panting.

  “Yeah. He’s mending well, just ornery as ever. He’s determined to get back to the office and take care of business. Mom is just as determined he’s going to follow the doctor’s orders.”

  “And she’s recruited you for backup.”

  “That’s about the size of it. I
’ve settled into the spare office in Dad’s suite while I help him out with a pressing case. If he comes near the office, I’m required to throw him out.”

  “I can’t imagine anybody throwing your dad anywhere.”

  “I didn’t say I was always successful.”

  “That’s not what I hear about you.”

  “So, have you been asking about me, Jodie Gahagen?” His voice was low and teasing.

  A sudden tingling feathered her skin, caressing her face and neck like a summer rain. Her grip tightened on the stroller handle until pain skittered her nerve endings and jolted her to her senses.

  “No,” she said, her voice shaky in spite of her resolve. “But you know how my grandmother likes to talk. Your name came up.”

  She slowed her pace to a near crawl, hoping Kostner would rebel at the lack of challenge and leave her behind. She was in no condition to one-up him in conversation or speed. The truth was she never had been.

  Apparently the lack of physical exertion didn’t faze him anymore than her cool responses to his small talk had. He stayed at her side, stopping when she did at the corner where she’d parked her car.

  “Do you need a ride back to Miss Emily’s?”

  “No, I have my car.”

  “Then how about a cup of coffee? We could—”

  “I’m afraid not. The boys are ready for their cereal.”

  Ray stooped beside the stroller. “Cute kids,” he said. “Bright red hair, just like their Mom.”

  “We have to go now,” she insisted.

  He didn’t budge. He took Blair’s hand, and the small pudgy fingers wound around Ray’s. “Those dark eyes must have come from his lucky dad, though.”

  “No, neither of the boys looks anything like their dad.” Her words were too caustic. If she kept this up, he would pounce on her inconsistent responses like the expert lawyer he was. But he had no right to do this to her. She wasn’t a book he could pick up and put down whenever time or interest swayed him.


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