Brock: Four Sons Series

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Brock: Four Sons Series Page 3

by René, Dani

  “Two plates of fries,” a familiar sweet voice comes toward our table, interrupting the conversation. We both glance up, and there in a white apron is our beauty from this morning. “Oh, hi.” She smiles, making my chest ache. When I glance over at Brock, he’s grinning from ear to ear.

  “Baby girl,” he coos, “aren’t you looking damn fine in that.” His blue eyes roam over her slight form appreciatively, and I can’t help smiling. This exotic beauty has definitely caught his attention.

  “Eat your fries,” she sasses, placing the bowls on the table in front of each of us. We both watch her stroll away, her hips swaying only slightly, and I wonder if she’s enjoying making our cocks hard. Because I know mine definitely is.

  “We need to get her between us,” he tells me, turning to meet my darkened gaze. My brow arches up at his insistence. “What? Jealous?” he quips. If there were ever a time I’d be jealous, this isn’t it.

  “You’re a dick,” I tell him, popping a fry into my mouth.

  “You love my dick,” he quips as he drowns his lunch in ketchup.

  “And you love mine, so we’re square,” I retort with a smirk.

  He shrugs in agreement before devouring his fries. The unspoken desire between us is at an all-time high. Perhaps I should make the move. If I did it, the pressure would be off. Our playful banter is no longer just fun, it’s become more.

  * * *

  We didn’t see Camila again before leaving the café, and I should've asked if she lives close by. The party we’re planning is this weekend, and I want to make sure she’s there. My phone buzzes, dragging my attention away from the project I’m working on.


  “Hey, Dad,” I greet after accepting the call.

  “How’s school?” he questions gruffly, and I wonder if the company is causing him a lack of sleep. Or if there’s something else bothering him, then I realize what’s coming up soon—the anniversary of my mother’s death.

  Sighing, I lean back in my chair and respond. “Fine. We’re thinking of heading home in a couple weeks, as soon as we get a break.”

  “I think you should,” he says. “I know Kristyn would like to see you, and Brynn needs to remember what her brother looks like.” They were torn between names just before Kristyn gave birth, but as soon as she arrived, the name Brynn stuck out. It has a nice ring to it. Brynn Kingston. She’s only six months old, and she’s already got my father wrapped around her little finger.

  I nod because I miss the little munchkin. “Yeah. I’ll bring her something from the store down the road. I’ll ask Kristyn what she needs.”

  “Good,” Dad grumbles. “How is Brock?” His tone softens. I’m sure everyone back home thinks we’re a couple, or at least suspect it.

  “He’s okay. You know, still an asshole.”

  “Watch your mouth, and no cursing around Brynn when you get here,” he bites out, ever the loving daddy.

  “She’s a baby, she doesn’t—”

  “You will respect her and Kristyn,” he retorts. Jesus, my dad can be a dick sometimes.

  “Yeah, I know, Dad.”

  “Say hi to Brock,” he tells me. "Let me know when you’re coming so I can make sure the spare room is set up for him.”

  “I will. Bye, Dad.” I hang up, knowing he meant to say Kristyn will ensure everything is ready for our visit. As soon as Eric was murdered, and they’d found Brock’s mother’s body in their backyard, my best friend practically moved into our house. He lived there for so long, he became part of our family.

  I turn my attention back to the screen to focus. If this shit isn’t done, I’ll get a bad grade, and that’s the last thing I need to hear Levi complain about.

  Chapter Six


  “So, we’re each going on a date with her?” I ask Ethan after he tells me his plan. Granted, I have to agree. She’s not like the normal girls we bring home, so perhaps he has a point.

  “I think it will make her feel more comfortable with us, and then gently nudge her into the direction of a threesome,” he says, sounding as though he’s planned this out.

  “And I go first?” He nods. “Okay.” Shrugging, I head down the steps as he makes his way to the Jeep. The quad is packed with students, but I see her through the crowd. Once I reach Camila, I tap her on the shoulder, and she jumps. “Hey, baby girl, just me.” I offer a smirk, and she blushes.

  “Hey, I thought you left already,” she tells me.

  “No, we had a test to finish up.” My explanation is met with a nod. “Listen, I was thinking, we should have dinner, at our place?” I know it’s not what Ethan suggested, but I formulated another plan. Instead of doing this separately, she should get used to us together.

  “Sure, when?”

  “Tonight? Me, you, and Ethan,” I tell her, pointing to the Jeep. I can feel my best friend’s eyes on me, burning into me. “We’d like to get to know you.”

  “It sounds nice. Text me the address,” she tells me with one of those bright smiles, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

  “Sure will, sweetheart.” I lean in, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek, reveling in her smooth skin. As soon as I slip into the seat beside Ethan, he turns to me, but before he can say anything, I explain, “I decided a quiet dinner with us both is better.”

  “Perhaps you’re right,” he offers, starting the car. I can’t hide the shock on my face. At times, we’ve butted heads over my methods, but right now, I’m grinning like an idiot because he actually agrees with me.

  “Are you making dinner?” I ask, watching him from the corner of his eye. His hand rests casually on the steering wheel, his other on his thigh, tapping to the music.

  “Yeah. What do you want?” He chuckles. “Think if I make some pasta she’ll be impressed and offer us that sweet body?”

  “Ha! You’re sounding more and more like me all the time,” I chuckle.

  “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” he responds, casting one of his heated gazes on me before turning his attention back to the road. We’re pulling up to the apartment when my phone rings. I glance at the screen and Hayden’s name flashes at me.

  “Hey,” I answer, pressing the phone to my ear.

  “Brock,” my brother says in a tone that matches my father’s. Since he’s taken over the company, he’s changed somewhat, and that’s why I never wanted to do it. I never saw myself in a suit and tie every day sitting behind a desk.

  “How are you?”

  “Good. I was wondering when you were planning on coming home again,” he says easily. “I’m planning a family get together and I’m sure Erica misses you. Nixon and Rowan say she’s saying a few words here and there. They were excited when she said what sounded like your name.” At the mention of my little sister’s name, my heart expands with love. She’s incredible. I never thought I’d ever be comfortable around her because of my father and Rowan’s relationship. There was a certain tension about them being together. But Erica is innocent in all the shit, and I could never blame her for Dad’s misgivings.

  “Actually,” I tell him, glancing beside me into dark eyes, "Ethan and I were planning on coming down soon.”

  “You and Ethan?” The way he questions me tells me he suspects something my best friend and I already know. There’s more between us than just friendship.

  The corner of Ethan’s mouth kicks into a knowing grin. He places a hand on my thigh, stroking it slowly. Shaking my head, I clear my throat and attempt to focus.

  “Yeah. We wanted to come home,” I choke out as my best friend’s hand finds my crotch. My jeans are becoming unbearably tight when he squeezes my cock through the material, causing a groan to rumble in my chest. My heart thuds against my ribs as desire burns through me, heating my blood causing my dick to harden. Sure, we’ve touched on occasion when we’ve taken girls to bed, but this is the first time it’s just us.

  Of course, being Ethan, he’d choose the exact moment I’m on the phone with my brother to make a move
. He is making a move, right? Or is he fucking with me? I turn my glare on him, swatting his hand away, but his response is a quiet chuckle.

  He doesn’t look at me directly, and I’m sure he’s just messing with me, until he finally meets my stare. Ethan’s dark eyes burn with lust. For me. My cock jolts in his grip at the hunger in his gaze.

  “Okay. Bring Ethan to dinner,” Hayden says calmly—a little too calm. He knows. I know he knows. My brother is not stupid.

  “Yeah, sure. He’ll love that,” I tell him while Ethan massages my rock-solid cock through the material separating me and his hand. My mind whirls while I try to focus on the conversation with my brother.

  Fuck, we’re doing this. He’s doing this. There’s no screwing around. My best friend is stroking my dick through my shorts and there’s not a woman in sight.

  “When is Cam coming here?” I ask, hoping to get the details of my little brother’s visit in an attempt to distract my growing desire.

  “He’s flying out in a couple weeks for some debate competition in SoCal. I’ll text you the date so he can hang out at your place, or stay over. Is that good for you?” Hayden takes on a formal tone when he talks about the other siblings. He’s had to grow up too fast, taking care of the rest of us and the business before he ever got a chance to live his life.

  “Sounds good. I’ll pick him up from the airport,” I respond to my brother. “I have to go,” I bite out as Ethan’s mouth finds the lobe of my ear, biting down hard. Dropping my phone in the console, I turn my attention to him, grip the dark hair at the nape of his neck, and bring his mouth to mine. Our lips hover so close, the heat of our breaths mixing together, and for a moment, everything is still. He waits for me to make the next move, offering me a second to stop this, but I can’t. I want this. I want him. There’s no rethinking the path we’re on.

  I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.

  With a groan, I move those few inches toward him, meeting him the rest of the way, eager for the line we’re about to cross.

  Our lips mold together, heat searing through me, his hand still jerking me off while my free one finds his hard shaft. Heat burns through me, wild and incinerating. So quickly, he brings me to the point where I feel like I may explode. Nobody has ever had such an intense effect on me.

  “I’m going to fucking lose it,” I growl, and his tongue dips into my mouth as mine duels back with equal ferocity.

  We’re just mouths, and hands, and tongues, and I thank God we’re parked underground so nobody can see us. A deep growl vibrates through Ethan’s chest when I suck his hot tongue hard, biting down and dragging my teeth along the length.

  Goddamn, we’re doing this. We’re finally doing this.

  “Taking this upstairs?” I hiss when he squeezes my steel shaft hard through my jeans. My balls tighten with the need to release.

  “Fuck yes,” he growls like an animal, and we’re out of the car and in the elevator. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but I’m not complaining.

  Chapter Seven


  We reach the apartment, and I’m already tugging my shirt off. Brock’s is on the floor in the next second, and then I’m pressed against the wall beside our door, his toned chest, chiseled abs, and smooth skin against mine.

  Finally. Fucking finally.

  The heat of his kiss burns me right down to my soul. I know it. I’ve always known it, but never admitted it. I’ve only ever allowed myself to think about it. I knew one of us had to make the move. And I decided it would be me. Why I chose to do it while he was talking to his brother is beyond me, but I did it, and he didn’t push me away. His frown, that tension that knots his muscles made me want to see him smile, and the only thing I could think about was touching him, feeling him hard in my hand.

  We’ve fucked around before with a chick between us, but this is different. I want him. Alone. Just the two of us. As his hands trail down each dip and peak of my chest and stomach, I realize I’ve always wanted him and nothing is going to change that.

  “This is—”

  “It is.” His hands find my belt, undoing it and me in the process. I’m no longer confused at what I want. I know he will always be in my life. Once the leather is pulled free from my jeans, I get to work on his, tugging it from the loops and dropping it on the floor with a loud clank.

  “Brock,” I breathe, inhaling him as he stands before me, both our jeans undone. We’re a mess, filled with need and hunger. “This isn’t a threesome, a fuck, a one-night stand.”

  “No,” he agrees with a nod. “It’s our lives.”

  “You want this?” I shove my jeans down and step out of them, but don’t drop my gaze. I’m locked on him. My cock is thick and hard in my boxers, ready for something—for him.

  He removes his jeans easily, allowing them to pool on the floor, and I watch as he steps out of them.

  “I’ve always wanted this," he affirms, affection and lust both present in his heated gaze. My chest aches, squeezing with emotion at his confession. I’ve only ever admitted it to myself, that I’ve wanted it too. It feels right, and I nod.

  Brock steps closer to me. We’re two men who need each other—two boys who grew together as one—and now, we’re taking a step we’ll never be able to go back from. And I never want to go back.

  Dropping to my knees, I tug Brock’s briefs down and take in his hard cock, never wanting something so bad in my life. My hand grips him firmly, and I start moving slowly, up and down, jerking my best friend. Arousal glistens on the tip, and I lean in to lap at him—something I’ve never done before.

  The salty juice coats my tongue as I suck him into my mouth, taking it slow. My gaze darts up to his, meeting those blue orbs. I take him deeper, reveling in his silky hardness on my tongue. A groan from Brock rumbles down toward me, his eyes shining with unrestrained desire. I’ve seen him fuck, I’ve seen him make woman scream his name, but this…it's so much more.

  “Touch yourself,” he pleads, his voice raspy and dripping with the seduction he normally offers the girls who smile at him. My hand fists my cock, stroking it, feeling him and me throb with pleasure.

  I move my mouth up and down, faster and faster, until he grips my hair, holding me steady. Allowing my mouth to pop off his cock, he smirks down at me and shakes his head.

  “My turn,” he offers, and I rise, leaning back against the wall once more. Brock drops to his knees, and his hot mouth engulfs my dick. My balls tighten, and I almost come in his mouth, but breathe through the sensation. Everything about this moment feels far too good. His lips around shaft. His eyes gazing up at me. His lean body kneeling before me. The sight is otherworldly. It’s fucking intense. I’ve never experienced this before. No girl has made my body shudder with need as much as he does.


  “In my mouth,” he utters, then works me into his throat. Blue eyes glisten, and I can’t hold back. My body overrules my mind as I shoot jet after jet of release into my best friend’s mouth.

  He swallows every fucking drop before rising to his full height, and I take my turn again, swallowing as much of him into my throat as I can. My hand jerking the base of his cock, I watch in awe as he finds euphoria, grunting in pleasure.

  The line between what we’ve had and what we’ve so clearly wanted has been blurred. Brock and I took a step we can never go back from. My chest is tight with emotion, with elation, and I don’t know what we’ll do next. But I can’t fucking wait.

  Chapter Eight


  As I near the apartment, there are butterflies in my stomach. They’re alive and attacking with a vengeance. I’m not sure what they expect, or what they have planned, but I find myself eager to know more about both of them.

  My hands are shaking, palms sweaty. It sounds cliché, but all the emotions both Brock and Ethan have stirred in me have me trembling. I’ve heard rumors about them. When I mentioned Brock’s name to one of my classmates, she said they have a reputation of
sharing girls, and I wonder if that’s what they want with me.

  I talked myself into coming here because I like them. I haven't been on many dates. Hell, I’ve only had two boyfriends—one when I was sixteen and the other only a year ago when I turned eighteen. We dated for a few months before we broke it off.

  When I think about Brock and Ethan however, I find myself grinning like an idiot, like I’m excited to be venturing on a path I never thought I’d take. Something new and different. Wondering how it would work with them both, I inhale deeply attempting to calm my nerves, which doesn’t help at all, I doubt anything can at this stage.

  Guys have not been on my radar because I wanted to focus on school, but I want to also have fun and enjoy my time here. Who’s to say I can’t have it all? At first, I thought I liked Ethan, but then Brock swooped in, and now I’m confused. I like them both. And it seems they’re okay with that.

  I guess, why choose if I can have both?

  Does that make me greedy?


  I lift my hand and press the buzzer to their apartment. As soon as the door opens, I’m breathless. Ethan is dressed in a plain green t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans that make him look relaxed, yet sexy. His dark hair is styled back, showing off his dark eyes. There are times his hair falls into his left eye, making him seem more innocent than I’m sure he is.

  “Hey,” he greets, taking my hand and leading me into their apartment.

  “Wow.” A gasp of shock falls from my lips. The place is amazing. The modern furniture, along with the white and gray color scheme make the space seem huge, but it’s the wall of windows overlooking the ocean that does it.


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