Teacher's Pet

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Teacher's Pet Page 2

by C. E. Starkweather

  He knew one thing for sure. He had to have Jadia Galvin.


  Where the first half of the day went by in a blur, the second half couldn't end fast enough. I couldn't pay attention in any of my classes. I just kept thinking about Alex. What would I wear? How do I even act on a date? What if he wants to kiss me? Finally the end of day bell rang and I went to find Carly. I spotted her walking out of her AP physics class.

  "How were the rest of your classes?" I asked.

  "Awesome!" She replied. "I love all my teachers." I laughed. Only Carly would say that the first day of school was awesome because of the teachers.

  "So, I need you to come help me pick out an outfit for tonight. I have no idea what to wear." I said. Carly smiled. Fashion was her forte.

  "Hell yeah Jay, that'd be awesome."

  Walking to my car, we talked about how I should dress and do my hair. "You should wear your hair up. You have such a nice slender neck. We'll wait until he calls you to plan your outfit. It depends on where he's taking you." Carly went on about my hair and makeup, but suddenly I was worried. What if he didn't call? I mean he said he would, but he was Alex Lipton, the hottest guy in school, and I was just plain Jadia. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry for much longer. As we got into my car, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Alex.

  Pick you up at 6? I'm thinking Italian :)

  "Ooh!" I squealed. "Carly look! He actually texted me!" She gave me a funny look. "Well yeah, he said he would, didn't he?" She asked. I texted Alex back with my address and told him I'd see him at 6. "I know he said he did, but I was afraid that he would realize how out of my league he is," I said.

  Carly stared at me for a minute. "Jadia, I don't think you realize just how pretty you are. Even before you lost the weight, you were gorgeous. Guys have been staring at you all day. Don't sell yourself short." I smiled at her gratefully. "Thanks Carly, I needed that."

  We got to my house and were greeted by my mom. "Hi girls!" She said. "How was your first day back?"

  "It was good," Carly said. "Jadia has a date tonight."

  I gave her a dirty look. I had wanted to be the one to ease her into the idea that her little girl was dating. To my surprise, she cried out "Oh, how exciting! It's about time! So who is this boy?"

  "Mom!" I cried. "What do you mean it's about time? I thought you'd be sad that I'm growing up too fast or something."

  "Honey," mom started, "you're going to be 18 next week. I've been mentally preparing for this day for a long time. Your father, on the other hand, might not be so excited. Let me work on him. You just run up and get ready." The one thing I wasn't looking forward to was my dad. Even if he was ok with me dating, I knew that he would have a million questions for Alex.

  "Oh mom, please don't let him embarrass me. I really like Alex and I don't want dad to scare him away."

  My mom raised her eyebrows. "Alex? As in Alex Lipton?"

  One of the more embarrassing moments of my life was last year when my mom caught me writing "I <3 Alex Lipton" in my notebook when I was supposed to be doing homework.

  "Yes mom, Alex Lipton. So you see why this is so important to me?" Carly laughed. She knew about my embarrassing notebook. "What are you guys up to tonight?" My mom asked.

  "He's picking me up at 6. We're going to an Italian restaurant, but I'm not sure which one, so I have NO idea how to dress."

  Mom chuckled. "Alright, calm down. Go find something to wear, and I'll call your father. We probably shouldn't spring this on him when he gets home."

  "Thanks, mom." I kissed her on the cheek. Carly and I ran upstairs to look through my clothes. We finally decided on a black knee length skirt, black ballet flats and a cute white sleeveless top. "It's perfect," Carly declared. "It's nice, but not overly dressy. And it's long enough that Alex won't get the wrong idea."

  "What idea is that, exactly?"

  "Well, that you're easy. If you look skanky, he'll think that you want it."

  I suddenly got very nervous. "Oh God, Carly, what if he wants to kiss me? Or more? I'm not ready!"

  She laughed at me. "You're almost 18 and you're not ready for your first kiss? Come on, Jay."

  "I mean, I guess I'm ready for him to kiss me, but what if he wants more? What do I do?"

  She gave me a funny look. "You tell him no, that's what. You don't owe him anything. It's just a date. Don't let him pressure you into anything."

  I sighed. "Yeah, I know. I'm just psyching myself out. What if he expects more than I'm willing to give?"

  "Well then he's an asshole," she said simply. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Come on, let me do your makeup."

  Two hours later, I was ready. I heard the front door shut.

  Shit. Here goes nothing.

  "Hi daddy!" I said, coming down the stairs. "How was work?"

  "It was work. What's this I hear about you going out tonight?" I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "He's just a boy from school. He's taking me out to dinner. He's really cute and really nice and I really like him." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Alright princess. But I want to meet this boy before he takes my little girl out." I rolled my eyes. Little girl, really? Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh my god he's here! How do I look?"

  "Like an angel," mom said. "Now lets meet this boy who has my daughter so smitten." I ran to the door and opened it. Alex stood there with flowers (oh my god he had flowers!) and looked so handsome in his blue button down shirt and khakis. I felt immediately relieved at the way I was dressed.

  "Hi Alex. My parents want to meet you." I smiled apologetically.

  "Hi Jadia. You look amazing. These are for you," he said, handing me the flowers. I blushed at the compliment and opened the door, inviting him inside.

  "Hi Mr. Galvin. Mrs. Galvin. I'm Alex Lipton." My dad looked him up and down. I could tell he was trying to be intimidating. Please dad, don't ruin this for me, I prayed.

  Luckily, mom stepped in. "Hi Alex, it's so nice to meet you."

  "So Alex," dad interrupted, "What are your intentions with my daughter?"

  Oh god, kill me now.

  Luckily, Alex handled him like a pro. He smiled at my father. "Well, I thought I would take her to Basta tonight. If that's ok with you, Jadia?" He asked, looking at me. I smiled and nodded. Dad sized up Alex for another minute and apparently approved. He gave a quick nod and said, "Have her home no later than 10. It is a school night, you know." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, dad. See you guys later!" I grabbed Alex's hand and rushed out the door before my dad could say anything else.

  "I'm sorry," I said as we got into his car. "My dad is just really overprotective."

  "Nah, I get it. If my daughter was as pretty as you I'd never let her leave the house."

  I'm glad it was dark so he couldn't see my face turn red. We made small talk on the way to the restaurant. I hoped he couldn't tell how nervous I was. Once we sat down I started to feel a little more comfortable. "So what do you want to do after we graduate?" I asked.

  "I want to go to UCLA. Both of my parents went there. I'm hoping to get a football scholarship. I've always been pretty good with computers so I know I want to do something with them. What exactly I don't know. How about you?"

  "I want to be a teacher. There's a couple of schools that I want to apply to, but I don't really have a favorite yet."

  He smiled. "I could see you as a teacher. You're very sweet."

  I blushed furiously. "Thanks. You're sweet too."

  Ugh. Way to be awkward.

  "Yeah?" He asked, smiling even wider. God, he was so cute. We spent the rest of dinner talking about school and our plans for the future. Surprisingly, Alex was easy to talk to and I became way more comfortable. On the drive home, he reached over and gently squeezed my hand. My heart skipped a beat. We pulled up to my house. I didn't want this night to end. I wished there had been more traffic.

  "I had a really good time, Jadia" He said, staring into my eyes. He slowly leaned forward
and kissed me softly on the lips. Oh, wow. He was a good kisser. Just a soft, gentle kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?"

  "Okay," I said softly. I was on cloud nine.

  I walked in my door. Both of my parents were sitting in the kitchen waiting for me.

  "Oh come on. Have you guys just been waiting here the whole time?" I complained.

  "Of course not," dad said. "We just sat down. So how was it?"

  "Ah-mazing," I sang. "I gotta call Carly." I ran up the stairs. "Night!" I called.

  I flopped on my bed and texted Carly.

  So amazing. Best night ever!

  My phone beeped. I glanced at it, looking for Carly's response. It was Alex.

  Had a great time tonight. Meet me at your locker before 1st pd?

  I almost squealed in excitement. I waited a minute so I didn't look too desperate and typed back.

  Sure : ) I had a great time too.

  I fell asleep smiling and thinking about Alex. This was the best night of my life.


  Over the next few weeks Alex and I were practically inseparable. I ignored the jealous looks that I got from other girls. He would walk me to class whenever he could and sit with Carly and I at lunch. Any reservations that Carly had with me dating Alex completely dissolved when she saw how sweet he was to me and how happy he made me. All we had done so far was kiss, and he didn't pressure me to do anything else. Which was fine with me. I loved kissing Alex. Alex walked me into first period English and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you after class."

  "Excuse me Mr. Lipton. Are you in this class?" A loud voice boomed. We turned to see a very angry Mr. Hayes glaring at us. "No sir, I was just saying goodbye to my girlfriend." I almost gasped. We had been dating for a few weeks but had never defined our relationship as boyfriend/girlfriend.

  "Well I suggest you leave immediately. Class is about to get started."

  "Sure. Sorry." He smiled apologetically and practically ran out the door. Mr. Hayes stared at me pointedly. "Jadia, I shouldn't have to remind you about the school's policy on PDA."

  "Sorry, Mr. Hayes," I apologized. He narrowed his eyes at me then looked away, almost as if he was disgusted with me. My face burned with humiliation. I was sure the whole class was staring at me. What was the big deal? It was just a kiss on the cheek. It's not like we were dry humping in the middle of the hallway like some kids practically did. Mr. Hayes started his lesson and I tried my hardest to concentrate, but I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Alex had just called me his girlfriend. In front of the entire class.

  "So Jay," Carly said excitedly, sitting down next to me at our lunch table, "There's a party tonight at Marcus Digby's house."

  "Mmm, I don't know. Alex and I are going out tonight."

  She scoffed. "God, you two are such party poopers. Why don't you both come after you're done doing whatever it is that you're doing?" I giggled. She still couldn't believe that all we had done was kiss.

  "I don't know, we'll see." Truthfully, I had no desire to go to a party with obnoxious drunk people that I didn't even like when I could be spending time with Alex. On Fridays I had a midnight curfew and I didn't want to waste any time. Just then Alex slammed his tray down on the table.

  "Fucking Mr. Hayes gave me a detention for being 10 seconds late. 10 fucking seconds! What the hell is his problem today?"

  Carly smirked at him. "Well, you get no sympathy from me just because one teacher doesn't think you're charming." It was true. Alex had a way with teachers as well as students. Everybody loved him.

  "He's just a dick. He was mad this morning because I kissed Jadia on the cheek. He acted like she was giving me head behind his desk."

  I gasped and Carly burst out laughing. He saw my reaction and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry baby. I shouldn't have said that."

  "No, it's ok," I said, trying to act casual. Alex was great, but some of his choice phrases made me uncomfortable.

  "So Alex," Carly changed the subject. "Party tonight? You guys haven't come to any yet this year and I really want to go." He looked at me and I shrugged. I didn't really want to go, but if he did then I would. "I don't know," he said, reading my mood. "I'll see how we feel later tonight." I gave him a small smile. Carly rolled her eyes. "You guys are like an old married couple already. If you change your mind I'll be there getting blasted."

  "Is Jason going?" Alex asked.

  Carly shrugged. "I don't really care."

  I looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean you don't care?"

  "I mean I don't fucking care. He can do whatever he wants."

  Alex cleared his throat. "So you guys broke up?"

  Carly looked down at her hands. "Well not officially, but pretty much, yeah."

  "Oh Carly I'm sorry. I had no idea." I said. I felt hurt that she didn't confide in me, but then immediately felt guilty. I had been so busy with Alex that I didn't even notice that anything was wrong. I made a mental note to spend more girl time with Carly.

  Carly stood up. "Well, I'm out. I have a presentation in history and I want to get there early to set up."

  Alex watched Carly leave. "Why don't you want to go to the party?" He asked me.

  "It's not that I don't want to go. I'd just rather spend time with you."

  He stood up and kissed me on the head. "That's sweet. I'll pick you up at 6 tonight ok?"

  I smiled softly. "Okay."


  "So," I asked Alex as I got into his car, "What are we doing tonight?"

  He smiled mysteriously at me. "It's a surprise."

  I hated surprises.

  This surprise, however, was amazing. Alex took me to his house. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

  "It's a surprise, sweetie. You have to wait and see." We walked into the kitchen and it smelled amazing. "You cooked for me?" I asked incredulously. I had no idea he knew how to cook. "Yeah, it's kind of a hidden talent of mine. If I can't play football, I might become a chef."

  "That's great, Alex. I had no idea you liked to cook. Where are your parents?" I asked casually.

  "They're away for the night. It's their anniversary."

  "Oh." Well, shit. I hoped he didn't have ulterior motives for tonight. The food was wonderful. He made chicken cordon bleu and red roasted potatoes, along with a bottle of wine. After we ate, I was feeling pretty giddy from the wine. "Come here," Alex said. "I want to show you something." I followed him into what I was sure was his bedroom. It was pretty plain except for a shelf filled with trophies. It was obvious that he had cleaned up for me, and I felt a little bit flattered that he went to such great lengths to impress me. Alex took my hands. "Come here," he said softly. He led me to his bed. I laid down and he climbed on top of me.

  "You're so pretty, Jadia. I can't believe how lucky I am." He kissed me deeply. "Mmm," I moaned. His kisses felt amazing. He moved his hand over my shirt to my breast. "This ok?" He asked me, looking into my eyes.

  "Oh, God yes."

  He took that as an invitation and reached his hand under my shirt. He slid his hand under my bra and lightly pinched my nipple. I moaned with pleasure. "Sit up," he whispered. I sat up and he pulled my shirt over my head. He unhooked my bra and tossed it across the room. I knew I should stop him before we went too far, but my head was swimming from the wine and it felt so good. He rubbed his hands down my body. "God damn, you are so fucking hot."

  He took my nipple in his teeth and flicked it with his tongue.

  Oh. My. God.

  He reached his hand down to the button on my jeans, and suddenly I snapped back to reality.

  "Wait," I said breathlessly. "Stop."

  He paused for a moment and sighed, rolling off of me. He stared up at the ceiling.

  "I'm sorry," I said, turning towards him. "I'm just…I'm just not ready."

  "It's fine," he said flatly. "Let's just go. I'll bring you home."

  "We don't have to go, Alex."

know what? I'm getting pretty tired. Let's make it an early night. It's fine, really. I'm just tired."

  "Ok," I whispered.

  Alex drove me home. It was a pretty quiet drive. I stood by my decision to stop, but I was terrified that he would break up with me.

  "Alex?" I asked tentatively once we pulled in my driveway

  "Hmm?" He responded, distracted.

  "Are you mad at me?"

  He looked at me for a minute as if searching my face. "No sweetie, I'm not mad. It's just hard to stop myself when I'm with you. It's cool if you don't want to have sex, but I need more than just kissing. Just go get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

  "Ok," I whispered.

  All I wanted to do was sleep and forget tonight, but I was nowhere near tired. I texted Carly. I needed to take my mind off of things.

  Where are u? At Marcus's?

  After a few minutes she still hasn't responded. I made up my mind to head out anyway. I knew she'd be there. It was probably just too loud to hear her phone. I texted her to tell her I was coming. Marcus lived less than a mile away, so I decided to walk. This way I could get drunk if I wanted to. And I'm pretty sure I wanted to.

  I could hear the music as soon as I came up on Marcus's street. I'd be lucky if I got two drinks down before the cops showed up. I walked in and found the bar right away. I glanced around but didn't see Carly anywhere. I poured three shots and downed them quickly. "Jesus, slow down!" I heard from behind me. I turned and saw Amber Lewis smirking at me.

  "Don't get sick."

  "Thanks Amber, but I can handle my liquor," I replied, taking a not so subtle jab at her reputation for getting smashed at every party and ending up in some random dude's bed.

  "Well I'm just trying to help," she huffed. I shrugged. "It's cool. I won't get sick. I just had a shitty night and want to unwind a little." Her eyes widened.

  "Why was it shitty? Because of Alex? Did you guys get into a fight?" I'm sure that Amber would love nothing more than to sink her slutty claws into Alex.

  "No," I snapped." Alex and I are fine."

  "Oh. Did you come here with him? I saw him earlier talking to Carly and he looked pissed off."


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