Mail Order Baron (The Brides of Tombstone Book 3)

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Mail Order Baron (The Brides of Tombstone Book 3) Page 6

by Cynthia Woolf

  “I will. Goodbye, Hazel.”

  The thread would be perfect for decorating new linens stitched with her and Ben’s initials surrounded by roses. Head down looking into her sack, she bumped into someone as she went out the door.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  “That’s all right Molly,” said a deep gravelly voice.

  Molly’s head snapped up and she gasped. She knew that voice.

  “Tom? What are you doing here? Why aren’t you in Mexico or someplace other than Tombstone?”

  His eyes narrowed and even with his beard, she saw his nostrils flare. She looked down and saw his hands fisted.

  “I came to see you, my pretty, little Molly. I couldn’t go to Mexico without settling things between us.”

  Molly’s heart pounded in her chest and in her ears. She was sure Tom Marlow could hear it and know how much he frightened her.

  “There is nothing to settle. I did what I had to. You should still be in jail. Aren’t you afraid I’ll go to the marshal? There’s got to be a wanted poster out for you.”

  Tom advanced on Molly, leaving only inches between them.

  “Not all the way here from New York. I’ve been here for a while and so far no one has recognized me. Not even your precious husband.”

  A knot formed in her stomach. “You stay away from Ben. You hear me, Tom? He’s done nothing to you.”

  “Oh, but I do owe him. Someday you’ll find out how much. For now, I’ll be watching you. I’ll make you pay for every day of the sixteen months I spent in jail. Have no fear about that. You will pay, my pretty Molly.”

  He turned and walked up the street disappearing into a crowd of people.

  Molly shook all over and her sweating hands left marks on the paper bag she held.

  Ben will know what to do. But if I tell him, what if he thinks I duped him into marrying me. No. I need to handle this on my own. But what can I do?

  * * *

  Hope stayed with Ben and Molly for a week while Matt, Julia and baby Walt, settled in together. After they returned Hope to her parents, the suite felt empty. Hope added so much life to their lives. She was busy all the time and constantly had to be watched. She crawled everywhere and pulled herself up on the coffee table and the sofa. Soon she would be taking her first steps.

  Molly wanted to go visit the house Ben was building on a prime spot just outside the city limits. Their house. No, their home. She was more excited about it than any other part of her marriage since Ben had been clear that he wouldn’t love her. As horrible as that thought was, she did her best to accept it. The problem she had was not falling in love with him, but she was afraid she already had.

  They had just finished breakfast and were walking back to the suite. “Ben, can we go see the house today?” Two weeks had passed since their wedding and she still hadn’t seen the house. “Please.”

  He laughed and patted her hand tucked in his elbow. “You sound like a little girl, when you say ‘please’ like that.”

  “If I jump up and down and throw a tantrum will that help my cause?”

  “Goodness, no. I’ll take you soon.”

  “If I learned how to drive a buggy, I could go by myself. Well, after you show me where it is.”

  “I’ll take you tomorrow and we’ll discuss teaching you to drive the buggy.”

  “I could go see Lizzie that way, too.” She liked Lizzie Brandon. Ben had taken her out with him when he needed to talk business with Mal. Molly got to visit with Lizzie and had grown attached to baby Roy almost as much as she was to Hope.

  “Why don’t you go visit with Julia?”

  The question was asked nonchalantly but Molly knew he was concerned about Julia.

  “I…uh…I figured she’d be too busy with the new baby. They probably need their time alone.”

  He cocked his head. “Are you sure that’s the only reason? I don’t want to come between you. The two of you could be very good friends.”

  It was strange, him pushing Julia on her as a friend, but she decided to placate him. “I’ll go see her today, if you like. Perhaps there is something I can do to assist.”

  “Good. I’d like that.”

  “Now are you teaching me how to drive a buggy or not? Maybe I could get Robby to teach me. Then you wouldn’t have to take any of your precious time to—”

  He stopped took her around the waist and pulled her to him. “Molly, you are precious to me. You’re my wife and I want to spend time with you. I promise I’ll take you to see the house tomorrow, and I’ll teach you to drive the buggy on our way there. Today, however, I must deal with my saloons and the payroll for the mines. My accounting team will be issuing the payments, but I still need to sign off on the reports and the checks.”

  “I understand.” She felt more than a little dejected. She’d only had two weeks as his wife and already he was spending more time with his businesses than he was with her.

  “Smile for me.”

  Fighting her true feelings, she gave him a half-hearted smile.

  He leaned down and kissed her. “Now smile for me.”

  She gave him a dazzling smile.

  “That’s my girl.” His lips touched hers, and he gave her one of those curl-your-toes kind of kisses. He could get her to do anything with those kisses. “Now you go see Julia, and then meet me back here for lunch. I might have a surprise for you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist. “I like surprises…if they’re good ones. Is this a good one?”

  “You’ll like it I promise.”

  They reached the suite, and he opened the door and ushered her inside. When he closed the door, he took her by the arm and brought her body flush with his.

  “You know, I’d really rather spend the day in bed with you.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “I’m glad to hear it. Glad you’re not tired of me yet.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of you.” He stroked her cheek. “You’re amazing and you learn so quickly. I have many more things to teach you.”

  She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed one corner of his lips. “And I want to learn them all.” She kissed the other corner of his lips. “I want to learn everything you want to teach me.” She kissed him fully, enjoying the quickening of her heart rate. “Anytime you want to teach me.”

  “Oh, Molly,” he groaned. “You shouldn’t send me out into the world in this state.” He rubbed his erection against her belly.

  “It’s early, maybe you could be a little bit late to your meeting. Hmm.” She looked at him beneath her lashes.

  “You’re wicked woman. I like it.”

  They spent the next hour in bed. Molly was anxious to learn what pleased him and he was teaching her.

  “I’ve got to go.” He rose from their bed and pulled on his under drawers and pants.

  Molly lay back against the pillows with her arms folded behind her head, naked as the day she was born. “Sure I can’t keep you her?” The more she thought about being alone, the more she worried about running into Tom again. He said he was watching. Did he watch me all the time? Would he see me go to Julia’s? I don’t want to put anyone else in danger. The police in New York warned me he’d escaped and he’d promised to get even with me. I came to Tombstone shortly thereafter, hoping he would never find me, but he had.

  He put on his shirt and looked over his shoulder at her. “Not this time, you wicked wench. I have to go to work.”

  “Hmpft.” She swung her legs off the side of the bed and got up. I won’t think any more of Tom Marlow. I won’t let him ruin my life and I won’t run again. My life is here and I will protect it at all costs. “Guess I better get going, too. I don’t want to get to Julia’s too late.”

  “Too late for what.”

  “If I get there too late, then I’ll be offered lunch because she’ll feel obligated. If I get there too early then I’ll disturb her breakfast. This way I’m in between and we can just visit. I’ll
admit I’ve wanted to go see the baby and play with Hope.”

  “Then I’m leaving you in good hands.”

  He finished dressing before she did and came over to her. She was putting on her chemise and corset.

  “I thought you weren’t wearing that thing anymore.” He pointed at the corset in her hands. “You don’t need the darn thing and you admitted you’re much more comfortable without it.”

  “Our wedding was an exception. It’s not seemly to go about without a corset. In New York I wore it every day, without fail.”

  “This is Tombstone not New York, I don’t want you wearing that torture contraption.”

  “You can’t tell me what to wear and not to wear. Just because the women here don’t wear them.”

  “I can tell you to do anything.” He stalked over to her. “You promised to love, cherish and obey. So start obeying.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. That wasn’t about corsets.” She continued to hook the corset up the front.

  “What was it about then? It’s about whatever I want it to be about.”

  “Are you really making our first fight about my corset? I’m not willing to fight about it.” She was irritated that his behavior changed so quickly, but she knew when to pick her fights and this wasn’t one of those times. She undid the hooks and dropped it to the floor. “There. Happy?”

  “Yes.” He grinned and pulled her to him. “I like feeling your breasts against me when I kiss you. I like it very much.”

  His lips clashed with hers in a soul-searing kiss. She opened her mouth and dueled with his tongue. He tasted of coffee and sweet prickly pear jam. And him. That wonderful flavor that was his.

  He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “You’re a passionate woman, Mrs. King. I like that.”

  She pulled away and put her emerald dress over her head, and buttoned the bodice closed. “Don’t forget it, Mr. King.”


  Twenty minutes later, Molly took a deep breath and knocked on Julia’s door.

  Julia answered holding Walt. “Come in, Molly. How are you?”

  “I’m fine. How are you? You look wonderful especially for just having had a baby.”

  “Walt and Hope keep me busy. I’m tired all the time, but I got used to that when Hope was tiny. Please, sit. Let me put him in bed—”

  “No, let me have him.” Molly sat on one end of the settee and lifted her arms. “I need all the baby time I can get. I’m hoping Ben and I will have one soon.”

  Julia laughed and handed Walt to Molly and then sat on the sofa next to her. “You’ve only been married for about two weeks. Give it time. You’ll become pregnant, if you’re not already. I don’t imagine Ben has kept his hands off of you.”

  Molly’s cheeks heated and she looked away. “No. We’re getting to know each other very well.”

  “I’m sorry.” Julia put her hand on Molly’s leg. “I’m being very forward. I don’t know you well enough to tease you about your marital relations. Forgive me. I don’t have enough visitors I guess.”

  “That’s all right. We’ll get to know each other better.”

  “Good. Ah, look who’s here.”

  Hope toddled into the living room from the hallway.

  Molly gasped and then grinned. “Oh, look at her! She’s walking. When did she start?”

  “Almost as soon as you and Ben brought her back. I thought for sure she took her first steps with you two.”

  “No. She only crawled with us. I’m so pleased you got to see her first steps.”

  Julia smiled and brushed the back of her hand over her forehead. “Keeping her out of things was tough enough when she was crawling, but now, it’s nearly impossible.”

  “Come see me.” Molly smiled at Hope. She put Walt in one arm and held the other out to the baby girl.

  Hope tottered over, unsteady on her legs. When she reached Molly she grinned, and Molly saw one more tooth had broken through.

  “My goodness, she’s got another tooth, too. Just a few days since I’ve seen her and look at all the changes.”

  “Speaking of a few days.” Julia looked at Molly. “Why haven’t you come to see me before now? I get the feeling you’re avoiding me. Are you?”

  “Well.” Molly’s throat was suddenly dry. “I guess I was. I’m still not sure how I feel because Ben is still in love with you, you know.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” She waved her arm in front of her and frowned. “He knows I love Matthew. I always have.”

  “I know and he knows that, too, but he’s certain he won’t ever be able to love anyone again.”

  Julia cocked her head. “You’ve fallen in love with your husband, haven’t you?”

  Molly nodded and felt a tear run down her cheek. “I’d hoped we could have what you and Matt have. That we could love each other eventually, but Ben has made himself fairly clear that won’t happen.”

  “Pshaw. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

  Molly sniffled as she jostled Walt to keep him happy. “Oh, I think he does. He’s so…certain about it.”

  Julia leaned back against the sofa, her body angled toward Molly. “The change will come on slowly, but one day he’ll realize he loves you and then he’ll hope it’s not too late. Will it be too late, Molly? Can you give him the time he needs to discover what he really wants?”

  “Yes, I can give him the time.” She wiped a tear from her eye and slowly shook her head. “What else am I going to do? I married him and as I told him, I take my vows seriously.”

  “Good. I’m sure he does, too. It’s not like him to go into anything any less than wholeheartedly.”

  “Well, he said he does.”

  She nodded and held out her hand in Hope’s direction. “Then you can believe it. He won’t lie to you.”

  “Thank you, Julia. I hope, as Ben does, that we can be friends.”

  “Of course, we can. Ben is one of my, and Matthew’s, dearest friends. That also extends to his wife, if you would like it to.” She looked around at the diapers, stacked on the nearest chair, that needed folding and put away. “Perhaps when I get a more normal routine, we can have you down for dinner.”

  “I think the better idea is for you and Matt to come to the hotel for dinner. No cooking, no cleaning, and Sadie is the best cook I’ve ever seen. You can handle that, I’m sure.”

  “Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve nearly quit cooking. Matthew is a much better cook than I am. But I still do a right fine breakfast meal though.”

  Molly laughed. “I’ve been taking lessons from Sadie. I’ve got to learn the things that Ben likes or he’ll never come home to eat.”

  “I take it you’d like to have him home more.”

  “Yes, I would.” She felt guilty for complaining. She was safe and her circumstances were much better than when she was in New York. She should be grateful. “But he’s already told me he won’t be very often because of his business interests.”

  Walt started to fuss. His little mews were precious, but she was certain he could really holler if he wanted to.

  “It’s time for him to nurse. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” Molly handed the baby back to his mother. “I should go, anyway. Ben told me he’d have a surprise for me when I got back.”

  With one hand, Julia unbuttoned her shirtfront, and then she opened her dress and put the baby to her breast. “Do you like surprises?”

  “Sometimes.” She didn’t like the surprise of finding out Tom was here in Tombstone. “I’m hoping I’ll like Ben’s surprise.”

  “I’m sure you will. Mind if I don’t show you to the door?”

  “Since it’s right behind me, I think I can find it.”

  Both Molly and Julia laughed.

  “I hope you’ll come again and be able to stay longer when you do, don’t we Hope?” Julia looked at her daughter playing with wooden blocks on the floor in front of the sofa.”

  Hope looked up. “Bababababa”

>   Molly laughed. “I will, and I will. Promise.”

  Molly let herself out and walked toward the hotel. There was a slight breeze which made the heat of the day less oppressive. She enjoyed walking on the shady side streets. There wasn’t the hubbub of Main Street. There were few people and she could walk at her own pace. She was crossing Fremont Street to get on to Main Street, when she turned and saw a wild buggy came careening toward her from down the block. With a gasp, she jumped to get out of the way just in time and fell into the dirt, landing on her hands and knees.

  Her heart pounded in her chest and her hands shook. She had some scrapes and her dress was torn, but she could have been killed and the driver never stopped. Never even looked back to see if he’d hit anyone, but she saw the side of his face as he passed. It was Tom. He was trying to kill her.

  Molly took two deep breaths and walked quickly on shaky legs to the Tombstone Hotel. She let herself in to their suite and rested her back against the closed door. Ben wouldn’t be back for a while, and she was more than a little alarmed. What if a child had been in the street? What if that accident wasn’t an accident at all?

  Tom Marlow flashed across her mind. Tom was driving that buggy, she could swear to it. She should tell Ben about Marlow. Today’s incident was a random accident, nothing more. It wasn’t Tom. Molly, do not let your imagination run away with you. Tell Ben. Remember no secrets.

  She looked down at her dress and held the fabric out from her body. The skirt was torn where she’d hit the dirt on her knees. Unfortunately, the dress wasn’t the only thing torn up. Her hands were scraped and bleeding. She pulled up her skirt to see her knees and there were gashes from rocks and bruises were already forming. Still, she considered herself lucky.

  Molly went out to the front desk and ordered a bath be brought to her room. Fifteen minutes later, two men arrived, one with buckets of water, the other with the tub which she had them put in the living room. They moved the table and chairs, replacing them with the tub.

  After the men had finished bringing more water and she had it to the temperature she wanted, she put up the privacy screen and disrobed. Her muscles were already starting to ache. She had just stepped into the tub and was sinking into the hot water when Ben came in.


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