Kissed by The Dragon: (The Dragon Lords - Book 2)

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Kissed by The Dragon: (The Dragon Lords - Book 2) Page 63

by K. T. Stryker

  “Well, there are lots of humans in here, as you can see,” he said with a smile. “Gavin and I are looking to… recruit them.”

  “Recruit them?” Isabel asked, her eyebrows furrowed. “I thought only succubi and incubi were getting recruited?”

  “Yes, and?” Oz asked, his eyes darting from Gavin, to hers, and then to Gavin again. Something about the way they were glancing at each other made Isabel uncomfortable. It was like they knew something she didn’t. “Isabel,” Oz started again. “How did we make you?”

  Isabel wasn’t sure if that was a trick question. “I had sex with the two of you in one night,” she said.

  “That sounded more like a question than an answer,” Gavin said, amused.

  “Just tell me what’s going on, put me out of my misery,” Isabel said, turning on her heel to meet Gavin’s gaze.

  “Well,” Oz started. “We want to create more succubi, and we’re going to start by tonight.”

  Isabel was stopped dead in her tracks. For a second, she couldn’t really process what was being said to her. “So, what you’re saying is that you’re going to try and hook up with more people tonight?” she asked, her eyes darting frantically. She could barely hear them over the sound of house music blasting in the background, but she was adamant she must know the answer. Isabel never really liked to admit it, but she was growing a true connection to not just one, but both of them. She didn’t really want to see them sleeping around with someone else.

  Oz nodded. “It’s kind of our job, at this point,” he said, rather coldly. “You understand that, don’t you, Isabel? It’s not like we want to do this, it’s just the only way we could recruit more succubi to our cause.

  “You know what, no, I don’t understand,” she said, stomping her foot against the floor. “You’ve been starving me all day, and now you want to go out hunting for other people to feed on while I stay behind?!” Isabel was so angry, she could feel the hunger eating her alive. She didn’t know whether she really was developing an emotional connection with them, or if this was just the instinct talking. All she knew was that she really needed to feed on someone, even if that meant going up to a random person at a club in Paris.

  Oz reached his hand out to Isabel. “Listen to me,” he said. “You remember why you’re here, don’t you?” Isabel didn’t answer. “We’re here to summon as many of our kind as we can. To come together, as succubi, incubi and angels to beat the vampires at their own game. You remember that, Isabel, don’t you?”

  She paused for a second then, feeling Oz’s eyes bore into her, looked away. “But I’m starving,” she said again. Suddenly she could feel the power surge through her. It was such a foreign feeling to her, this feeling of utter and completely control; it was her instinct, manifesting itself in the form of unbreakable determination. She met Oz’s gaze and held it, focusing all her abilities on trying to get him to give her what she wanted. He stared back at her, not blinking, and for a moment Isabel thought she had him like a ring around her finger. She smiled at him and tilted her head to the side. “So, Oz, are you going to feed me or no?”

  Oz was caught in a trance. His hands were balled up into fists at first, but then they fell limp to his sides. His lips were slightly parted, like he was about to say something, but they were frozen that way. It was like Isabel had cast some sort of a spell on him. Gavin reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, and then suddenly, Oz jumped. “Whoa, there,” he said, his lips curving upwards. He let out a giggle, and then his giggle turned into uncontrollable laughter. Isabel shook her head, unable to absorb what was happening. Had Oz gone mad? “You think you can control me?!” he asked, his pearly teeth showing through his smile. “Isabel, my love, you’re still a young succubus! You haven’t mastered the skills to control vampires… or angels.”

  Isabel rolled her eyes. She was starting to hate him, little by little. But she knew she couldn’t. It was like Oz had her on a leash, and it was hard to get away. She could feel his eyes piercing into her again, like they were infiltrating her consciousness, her deepest utmost desires. She knew what she wanted, but she still wasn’t so brave to go out and get it. “This is all fun and games to you, isn’t it?” she asked, folding both arms across her chest. “Anyway, just go out and do what you have to do… I’ll be around, I guess.”

  “This is a test for you, Izzy,” Gavin said, leaning in close to her, his face only inches from hers. “You’re going to go out there and mingle, with the promise of not feeding on anyone else here. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’ve got some hunting to do… and soon, those people will be our allies.”

  Isabel nodded, as always. “This is going to be a long night,” she thought.

  As the night dragged on, Isabel was getting increasingly more drunk. She had been sitting by the bar for almost two hours now, reminding her more and more of what her life had looked like before she turned into a succubus. Except she was in Paris. A lot of men (and women) had tried to make advances on her, but the truth was, she was too drunk to respond. In her mind’s eye, she knew she couldn’t feed on any of those people, so what was the point? She was growing weaker by the second: her body felt like it might dismantle at any point. In a way, it felt like she was dying.

  “Oh my God, what the fuck?” she heard a voice say from across the dance floor. Despite the loud music, Isabel could still hear the woman’s shriek. She looked over to identify the source of the sound, and then her eyes landed on a pair of swinging doors that led to the bathroom. A red-headed woman had barged outside, pulling her coat together and throwing her handbag over her shoulder. She was holding onto her side, as though she was in pain, but despite her high-pitched shriek that seemed to echo all across the club, no one really paid her much attention. Isabel followed the woman outside.

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” the woman muttered to herself, fumbling with her phone. “Hello??” she yelled into her phone. “Amelie, you won’t believe what just happened.” Isabel smiled at how convenient it was that she was speaking in a language she could understand. “I’m pretty shitfaced right now,” the woman said, slumping down on the sidewalk. “I met this really attractive guy, you won’t believe how hot he was, but anyway, he lured me into the bathroom… it was pretty empty, and then we got into the stall and made out for a while… then it got more intense and the next thing I knew we’re helping each other out of our clothes.” She paused for a moment, cradling the phone to her ear. “And then he pushed me up against the wall and started kissing me… then.”

  Isabel moved even closer. Stop eavesdropping, Izzy, she thought to herself. Her inner voice was starting to sound a lot like Gavin. She shook her head, trying not to let her curiosity get the best of her, but there was something about that woman, something that made Isabel eager to know what she had to say.

  “He was on his knees,” the redhead said, her hand flying to her mouth. She was louder than anything else, and soon enough, Isabel didn’t even need to eavesdrop. “And then, oh my God, Amelie, he looked up at me, and I swear, his eyes were red.” She flipped her hair to the side and started fumbling with her earring. “No, not bloodshot, just red! The whites of his eyes… and that’s not even the worst part.” She placed a hand on her hip again, this time, clenching her eyes. “Amelia, I don’t know what kind of freaky shit he’s into, but he bit me and I think I’m bleeding.”

  Isabel felt her heart skip a beat. She had to move in closer to make sure she heard right. “He fucking bit me, Amelia! It’s not even funny… I think I’m gonna go to a doctor… well, not now, but first thing in the morning.”

  No, it couldn’t be. But no matter how much she tried to dispel the thought, it was still nagging at her, and she had no choice but to believe it. Suddenly it all came back to her. It was true that Isabel was pretty drunk, but she had one hell of a photographic memory. That woman didn’t run out of that bathroom alone. Isabel closed her eyes, and what she saw terrified her. Those broad shoulders, that stiff gait. In her mind’s eye Isabel could see O
z staggering out of that bathroom stall, his hands stuffed into his pockets. “Oz? No, that can’t be,” Isabel said out-loud. She wanted to lie to herself that it wasn’t him she saw coming out of that stall. She closed her eyes again but it was still him. What did he have to do with the bite marks on that girl’s hip? Isabel needed some answers. Was Oz responsible for this? And if he was, since when did angels dig their fangs into other people? Since when did angels have fangs? “Goddammit!” She looked around and a couple of people outside the club were staring at her. “Great, now they think I’m crazy,” she said again. She reached into the pocket of her coat and pulled out her cigarette pack. “It’s been a long time.” Suddenly Isabel felt uneasy, like something was nagging her to go back inside and confront Oz. She tried to resist the urge, but then the feeling got the best of her, and she broke the cigarette in half and crushed it in her hand. Alright, I’m going back in there.


  Isabel walked back in through the revolving doors. She looked around, her eyes scanning the place. It looked as though it had gotten darker somehow, and she cursed under her breath, squinting her way past the pivoting neon lights. “Where the fuck did he go?” she asked herself. She squeezed past the sweaty bodies gyrating on the dancefloor, only to find Gavin seated at the bar. He had been talking to a beautiful young woman with short raven black hair, and when his eyes met Isabel’s, he flashed her a wide grin.

  “Izzy!” he said. “Where have you been?”

  “Where’s Oz?” she yelled over the music.

  “I don’t know, he bumped into a pretty good looking girl over there, though,” he said, pointing towards the swinging doors.

  Isabel could feel the anger boiling up inside her. She felt like a clueless little child. Why did they drag her all the way over here if they were going to just release her in the midst of a drunken, good looking crowd? She had hoped they would give her what she wanted—

  just like every time— but this time, they left her hanging. They just wanted to see how much she could take. “What did the girl look like?” she asked.

  “I don’t really know,” Gavin shrugged. Isabel looked away. She was starting to feel ashamed again, ashamed of her instincts that were now so strong, so profound that they were driving her insane. “Isabel,” Gavin said, getting off the bar stool. “I promise you, this will all be over in a couple of hours, and then everything will go back to the way it was.”

  “Hold on,” Isabel said, catching a glimpse of Oz barging out of the club. “Oz, hold up!”

  “Isabel, come join me for a smoke,” he said, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and handing it to her.

  “I’ve got my own, thanks,” she said, turning away. The two of them stood side by side, Isabel trying to resist the urge to blow up in his face. The truth was, she felt like she could blow up in anybody’s face, at this point. “I overhead this girl talking on the phone,” she started. “She was sitting right there, and she was talking about-”

  “Let’s go back inside,” Oz interrupted her. “I think we’ve kept you waiting for long enough.” He took a couple of drags from his cigarette then threw it away. “Come on, follow me.”

  Isabel rolled her eyes and followed him back inside. This entire night had been a rollercoaster for her, and at that point, all she wanted was to end it on a high note. She knew Gavin and Oz wouldn’t leave her to starve, but right now, it sure felt like it. She could feel the heat rising up inside of her like flames, and with every step she took, with every moment of eye contact she had with a random stranger, she could feel her core pulsate with sheer animalistic desire.

  At that point the place was full of theatrical fog, and Isabel had a hard time seeing in front of her. The lights were shining through the dust particles in the air, and through the haze she could make out the back of Gavin’s head. He was seated at the same spot, but this time, he was talking to a different girl. How many girls was he planning on fucking tonight? Isabel thought about asking if the two of them had succeeded in having sex with the same girl, but she figured she was going to find out anyway.

  “Gavin,” Oz said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Gavin turned to look at him, and when the two of them locked eyes, he rose to his feet, motioning for Isabel to follow them.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, pushing her way through the people on the dancefloor. She was pretty drunk herself, and the truth was, she hated every second of it. This was nothing like the old days. It was like she was stranded. There she was, feeling lost in the middle of a club in Paris, and although her teenage self would’ve loved that, Isabel pretty much felt like the world was spinning around her. And not in a good way.

  Gavin and Oz stopped at a red velvet curtain next to the swinging doors. Gavin stepped in first, and then Oz followed, the two of them hurrying down a long-hidden corridor. “We’ve booked a VIP lounge,” Gavin said. “Just for the three of us.”

  Isabel felt her heart drop to her knees. She could feel that surge of energy surge through her for the millionth time that night. Were they finally going to give her what she needed? Gavin stopped at a red painted door at the very end of the hallway. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and took out a copper plated key, which he used to unlock the glossy looking door. “Oh,” Isabel said, her eyes landing on the black leather couches inside. The lighting was dim with a bit of a warm feel to it. The music outside had boiled down to nothing but a dull, distant thud. “It smells like jasmine and liquor in here,” she said, brushing a hand through her hair. “I need to be sober for this.” She walked over to the bar and grabbed a water bottle, popping the lid off and chugging it all in one gulp.

  “We’re going to take care of that,” Gavin said, slamming the door behind them. Isabel looked over and the two of them were staring at her hungrily. “Take it off,” Gavin whispered, stepping closer to her. Instantly, Isabel could feel herself getting wet. She had been waiting so long for this, and when she finally found herself locked up with the two men she had been craving all day, it felt like time had stopped.

  “What do you want me to do?” Isabel asked, raising an eyebrow at Gavin.

  “Take it off,” Oz said, coming up from behind her. The thought of being in a threesome had been hanging at the back of Isabel’s mind for so long now, but she never thought it would actually happen. A million thoughts were racing through her mind, a part of her wondering if she could even handle it.

  “Okay,” she said, throwing off her stilettos. “I can’t reach my zipper; will you help me?”

  “You don’t need that now,” Oz said, smiling at Gavin. The angel placed both his hands on her shoulders and forced her down onto her knees, her line of sight directly at Gavin’s crotch.

  “You’ve been wanting this, haven’t you?” Gavin whispered, gently rubbing a thumb against Isabel’s cheek as her hands began to unbuckle him. She nodded, not saying a word, and worked his zipper. “Both of us, feeding you?”

  Isabel pulled his pants down, reaching into his briefs quickly and pulling his hard cock out. Before she could do any more, Gavin grabbed her by the chin and lifted her so that she was looking directly into his eyes.

  “Say it!” he said.

  “I’ve wanted this so bad,” Isabel quickly replied, trying to pull from his grip, but he held her fast. “I’ve wanted both of you. Now. Here.”

  Gavin chuckled and looked over at the angel. “I believe she’s getting better at this,” he said.

  Oz grabbed Isabel by the hair and pulled her head back, but she kept her grip firmly on Gavin, stroking him. “There is so much we’re going to do to you, Isabel,” he said. “So much.”

  He let go of her, and Isabel immediately went for Gavin’s cock, swallowing him into her mouth as deep as she could take him. His hand clutched her hair, and as her tongue swirled around his shaft, he began to move against her. He slid in and out, slow at first, then quicker, pushing his cock deeper down her throat.

  “Look at me,” he ordered, and Isabel’s eyes shot up to hi
s as he rocked his hips against her. She reached out and grabbed his ass, squeezing his cheeks, urging him deeper into her mouth. When he pulled out, she gasped for air, but kept her grip on him. Isabel leaned in, licking his shaft, her tongue flicking at the tip before she took him in again. She wanted more, so much more, and she quickly pulled her dress up around her waist to reveal her ass to Oz.

  The angel bent down and smacked her, a quick slap that made her flinch and whimper in delight. She shook her ass at him, and moaned when his fingers reached around and into her panties, slipping between her pussy lips and into her wetness.

  “She’s ready,” Oz said with a chuckle as his fingers continued playing, rubbing at her clit. She began to move against him, and when he slipped his fingers inside her, Gavin’s cock slipped out of her mouth as she cried out in pleasure.

  Gavin grabbed her head again and brought her forward, pushing back inside her mouth, rocking against her with faster and deeper thrusts. She felt like he was going to tear her throat apart, but when she looked up at his face and saw the way his eyes rolled back in ecstasy, she began to suck on him harder. Oz continued his assault on her pussy, and Isabel quickly succumbed to the orgasm that rocked through her body and sent shivers up and down her spine.


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