Lord Rogue

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Lord Rogue Page 16

by Tiffany Green

  Jeremy blew out a breath and nodded. Amelia said earlier he will keep the use of his legs. The feeling in them is returning.” Then he frowned. “Although I believe he would be happy to stay in bed forever so long as Mrs. Fagan keeps bringing him heaping trays of minced meat pies, all the while clucking over him like a long-lost chick.”

  That made Evie smile. “I am happy to hear he is recovering so well.” Then she remembered it could have been Jeremy lying there instead. She clenched her hands together before her, knowing it was all her fault. And that was the reason she could not face poor Myran. Not just yet. Not until the guilt subsided long enough to have a decent conversation with him. Where she could apologize without sobbing all over the man.

  Jeremy seemed to know her thoughts and gave her an earnest look. “You are not at fault, Evie. Quit blaming yourself.” Then he rocked back on his heels. “Are you ready?”

  Evie frowned. “Is it too late to change my mind about tonight?”

  He flashed a quick smile and turned toward Bentley, who held Evie’s matching green cloak in his hands. Then Jeremy surprised her by taking the cloak and settling it around her shoulders himself. He lifted the mass of curls Alice had arranged back into place, grazing her neck with his fingertips. The contact sent bolts down to weaken her knees and freeze her breath in her chest. She stared into his heated eyes, knowing his naughty thoughts. Knowing her own betraying thoughts were just as naughty. She wanted him. He wanted her. The atmosphere between them charged with sensual tension and grew day by day, swelling, nearly boiling over.

  Jeremy was patient with her, never going too far, although she could tell how much he wanted her. It was in his smoldering gazes, in his lingering touches. He would allow her to decide just how far things would go between them. And that worried Evie more than if he were to just toss her over his shoulder and carry upstairs.

  Evie drew in a shaky breath and turned away, not at all certain what would happen if it reached the point she could no longer resist him. If she did give in to her overwhelming desire for this man, how would she ever have the strength to leave when the time came? Yet, it was either leave him or watch him leave her again. She straightened her spine, steeling her resolve to keep her longings in check. This time, she would be in control. This time, she would be the one to leave without a backwards glance. And she would only be able to do so if she did not give in to him. So long as she did not give Jeremy the last piece of herself, one that he hadn’t yet claimed, then she would have the strength to say goodbye. Keeping her maidenhead would be her salvation.

  Evie clapped her hands together and laughed when she learned her friends had fought over who would host the party to celebrate her wedding. In the end, Megan had won out, claiming oldest friend privilege. Torie, who had argued she had known Evie longer, had to admit she hadn’t gotten so close to Evie until Megan brought them all together. Silver and Amelia had to agree and the Claremont town mansion had been quickly transformed to host the most important gala of the year. Jeremy’s wedding celebration.

  Sipping her champagne, Evie watched the teary-eyed young ladies sob, some not so quietly, into handkerchiefs. She wanted to roll her eyes. Others shot her looks of pure hatred and Evie smiled triumphantly, making them turn away. She wondered if a few of them would try physical violence before the evening was over. Good thing Belle had insisted on self-protection techniques, teaching her that women could be more violent than men at times.

  Then her gaze wandered back to Jeremy, as it had dozens of times in the last hour. It worried her how stiff and uncomfortable he presented himself to the commiserating audience surrounding him. The brooding eyes and downturned lips. He even drank much more than usual this evening.

  Oh, he had warned her in the carriage ride to Claremont he would behave in such a manner. After all, he had run from any mention of marriage all his life. He could not seem pleased in the least.

  Evie narrowed her eyes. Did he have to act the part so well, though?

  “You are deep in thought. Think you made a mistake?”

  Turning to Megan with raised brows, Evie didn’t know how to respond for several seconds. She set aside her empty flute and took a fresh glass of champagne from a passing servant. “That is a good question.”

  Megan glanced to Jeremy, her amethyst eyes narrowing to slits. “I wish, for once, he would put on an act and just pretend.”

  Evie nearly dropped her glass. She didn’t know if it was the amount of champagne she’d already consumed or something else, but a giggle escaped her lips, quickly followed by a hiccough. Then she giggled again.

  When Megan turned back to her with brows raised, Evie drank more champagne to swallow down a fresh batch of giggles. Then her friend pulled her behind a huge white marble column and spoke quietly. “Evie, what happened? Did he seduce you?” she asked, concern glistening in her eyes.

  Now, what was she supposed to say? With a nod, Evie gave another hiccough. “Yes.” Then she shook her head. “Er, no. I seduced him.” She waved a hand from her bosom to her thighs. “He couldn’t resist.” A giggle slipped out. “We couldn’t resist each other, really, and spent the entire night in each other’s arms.” She gave what she hoped a wistful expression. “I was thoroughly…” she hiccoughed, “deflowered. And when the morning came, I made him take me straightway to Scotland.”

  Megan scowled. “He could have given you a proper wedding. Why, the blasted scoundrel could have called the banns. That would have given us plenty of time to make arrangements.” She crossed her arms with an angry hrumph. “Or he could have gotten a special license.”

  Evie bit her lip, then shrugged. She had already lied to her friends so much, a few more didn’t really matter. “No, no. I forced the issue. It was my choosing, Megan. Truly. I-I couldn’t give him the chance to change his mind.” People had to believe the charade and think she forced this on Jeremy. It wouldn’t work, otherwise.

  Megan was still clearly upset at Jeremy and continued to send him angry look pricks from across the room. She threw out her arm. “Will you look at him? The rogue is flirting with yet another woman.” She hissed out an angry sigh. “Not half an hour ago, I overheard Lady Wesley tell Lady Skeffington she is glad Jeremy is married because his home is no longer off limits. The woman went on and on about how she can come to him now for their pleasurable visits.” Megan rolled her eyes over to Evie. “Those were her very words. And she admitted Jeremy was quite receptive of the idea.”

  Evie gulped back her champagne and reached for another. She hadn’t thought about what she would do regarding Jeremy’s women. He dallied with many of them, surely. Lady Wesley had been openly bragging about the liaison for two months. Evie had no idea what she would do if those women started showing up at Jeremy’s house.

  “Speaking of the very devil, Evie. Lady Wesley just greeted Jeremy with an indecent curtsey. Now she is holding her hand out for a kiss.”

  Unable to help herself, Evie turned in time to see the familiar wolfish smile appear across Jeremy’s lips as he took Lady Wesley’s bejeweled hand and press quite a lingering kiss right on top. The woman leaned forward as he straightened and whispered something into his ear. Something that turned his smile wicked and made him whisper something in return. Evidently, she liked what she heard and nodded several times, then she gazed up at him with open, raw hunger and pressed even closer to his side.

  Evie couldn’t stand to look another second and wheeled back around.

  Megan shook her head. “I should go right over there and do something.”

  “No, don’t.” Evie touched her friend’s arm. “I love how much you care about me, Megan, but if you truly care, please just leave him alone.”

  After several seconds, Megan turned back to her with drawn brows and sadness in her gaze. “I had wished for you a husband like my Nicholas, Evie. Truly, I did.”

  Swallowing back the sudden hot press of tears clogging her throat, Evie gave her friend a long hug. “I know you did.” She pulled away and gave a
bright smile. “Perhaps, one day, Jeremy will be happy with me.” And as she said those words, an idea sprang to her mind. Perhaps it was the champagne bubbles muddling up her thoughts, but once the idea had taken root, she could think of little else.

  Evie brought her glass up to her lips as she watched Jeremy lead Lady Wesley to the dance floor. Then she spied Ghost speaking to several people near the refreshment table. She turned to Megan. “Do not worry so much about me, my friend.” Setting her glass aside, she squared her shoulders. “I will let nothing make me unhappy. Now, if you will excuse me, I see my next dance partner.”

  A smile sprang across Megan’s lips. “You, dearest Evie, are a brave girl. By all means,” she threw her arm out, “have some fun this evening.”

  Evie took a deep breath and walked to Ghost. She did not glance in Jeremy’s direction. When everyone quit speaking, Ghost turned to her, his brows shooting up to his hair. “Lady Fielding,” he said and gave a bow, his smile growing as he straightened, “I’d like to congratulate you on your marriage.”

  “Lord Bentwood,” she purred, dipping into a low curtsey, “I am delighted to see you here.” When she straightened, she could read the flash of surprise as he tried to discern her flirtatious behavior. She allowed her lips to curl up at the corners as she placed a hand on his arm, rubbing gently in a circle. “Please, do not let me intrude on your conversation.”

  Ghost shook his head, a smile springing to his lips. Once again, he was allowing his facial hair to grow out and Evie thought him most handsome with the shadow along his jaw. “You can never be an intrusion, my lady. Perhaps, you would like to dance?”

  Her smile widened, for he finally asked the very thing she wanted, and she nodded. “I would be delighted.”

  She placed her arm in his and they swirled into the waltz. Lord Bentwood danced quite well, although not as well as Jeremy. Then she chided herself for thinking such a thing and resisted looking anywhere other than kind brown eyes that crinkled slightly at the corners when he smiled.

  He leaned forward and spoke quietly into her ear, looking for all the world as though he were flirting outrageously. “Belle has told us what has happened and that Montague is not Viper. In addition to the army Jeremy has hired, we have people watching out for you as well. You will be protected, Falcon.”

  Evie widened her smile as though Ghost just said something sinfully suggestive. The fact that he still called her Falcon told her everything she needed to know. Not only had everyone been informed she and Jeremy weren’t really married, she was still a Guardian. Turning her head, she whispered, “How are Blade and Dragon?”

  “Doing very well.” He pulled her a bit closer. “Thanks to you. We have them safely hidden away where Viper’s men can’t find them. They can’t stop speaking about you.”

  Evie wanted to ask a dozen more questions, but the song ended. She glanced around and did not see Jeremy anywhere. Lady Wesley was missing as well. A pox on them both, she thought sourly, and lifted a fresh glass of champagne from the offered tray.

  When Jeremy did manage to resurface an hour later through the doors leading out to the garden, Evie gave the man a good frown and turned back to her friends. Megan’s grunt of outrage had her spinning back around, just in time to see Lady Wesley entering through the very same doors. Even knowing she shouldn’t feel so miserable about what they were likely doing out there in the garden, alone, she couldn’t help it. The deep wound of betrayal burst open and bled crimson.

  Evie wanted to stagger off into an empty room, throw her head back, and release anguished, bitter tears. She knew full well she had no right to feel the way she did. Jeremy had spoken honestly with her, even informed her he would not change his behavior this evening, but the hurt was there, nonetheless.

  This was exactly what she feared would happen. Since Jeremy had sneaked back into her heart, he had the ability to hurt—no destroy—her. If only he wouldn’t flaunt the women right before her eyes in such a way.

  If only he had eyes for her alone. There had to be some way to make him yearn for her. Some way to make him think of her at all times. Some way he…

  Evie nearly choked on her drink. Yet, the more she thought about it, the better the idea sounded to her. If she didn’t have to worry about Jeremy parading his lovers through the house, she could concentrate on her mission of discovering Viper’s identity. And if Jeremy could feel the tiniest bit of regret when she left for France, even better.

  She smiled slow as she watched the women flock around Jeremy, liking her idea very much.

  Chapter 16

  It had taken a quarter of an hour to find the perfect hiding place. Then Jeremy had to wait another half an hour for Lady Wesley to move on from that part of the garden so he could come out and meet with Elder. Glancing up, he frowned at the near full moon’s silvery glow. Made things a deuced more difficult to hide and move about.

  He had gotten Elder’s message just after dancing with the woman and tried to make his escape when offering to fetch refreshments. Of course, the chit couldn’t keep her eyes from him and followed him outside.

  When it was safe to move out from behind the tall hawthorn hedge, Jeremy made his way to the silver birch, just east of the stables and found Elder standing there with arms crossed and a frown puckering his brows. Music, the shuffling of dancing, and sporadic bursts of laughter sounded in the distance.

  “My apologies for keeping you waiting,” Jeremy said. “I was being followed.”

  Elder unfurled his arms. “I will get to the point since we do not have much time. Ghost informed me everything he knew and Belle has been sending messages. It is not safe for her to attend meetings just yet, but we are managing to stay informed.” He lowered his voice. “Most alarming is the news Montague is not Viper. We must find out who he is. Soon.”

  Jeremy nodded. “I agree.”

  Elder narrowed his eyes. “You realize we would already know if it weren’t for your interference.”

  Jeremy was in the process of pulling a cheroot from his silver holder and raised his head. “What?” He couldn’t have heard correctly.

  “Falcon would have learned all we needed to know had you not—”

  “That little bird was about to get slaughtered, Elder.” Jeremy’s own anger rose when he recalled what almost happened to Evie. It would plague him the rest of his life. Her in that cave, surrounded by all those madmen about to do unspeakable things to her. Her face, pale and drawn, and the terror shimmering in her eyes would haunt him until the grave.

  He threw the cheroot to the ground and withdrew his snuffbox instead. Evie did not like the smell anyway, recalling how her nose had wrinkled when he lit one in Scotland. So, he would end the habit and now was as good a time as any.

  Elder’s sigh made him look up. “It matters little now. We will have to see that she has another chance. I believe her plan will still work.”

  Jeremy could only stand there and gape at the man for several seconds. “You want her to try again? With Montague?” He shoved the snuffbox back into his pocket and shook his head. “Absolutely not. Evie isn’t going anywhere near that monster.”

  “You have no say in what Falcon—”

  “Evie is my wife,” he interrupted softly, trying to control the raging emotions within.

  Elder’s dark gray brows shot up, then came slowly back down as suspicion formed in his eyes. “Belle told me the marriage isn’t real.”

  “Oh, it’s real.” He clasped and unclasped his hands at his sides. “And as her lawful husband, I will not allow Evie to be a member of the Guardians. From this moment forward, you will not contact her regarding the Guardians or any missions involving Guardian business. Am I understood?”

  It took several seconds, but Elder nodded. “Yes.”

  Jeremy took a deep breath, as though he had been holding it in for some time. “Good, now I would like to inform you of what I have learned.”

  Elder placed his hands in his pockets and leaned forward, but said nothing

  “Evie’s father was somehow involved with Viper. Ashton gave me a ledger with the snake insignia, identical to the one I took from Montague’s office.”

  With a swift intake of breath, Elder’s head came up. “Do the ledgers tell you anything?”

  “I am still going through them, but one thing I have learned is Evie’s father would pour a great deal of money into a business and then sell it off at a loss.” He paused to flick a dead hawthorn leaf from his sleeve. “Montague would then purchase the business and increase his fortune.”

  “Have any idea why Ashton would do such a thing?”

  Jeremy shook his head. “Montague must have had some hold on the man. Perhaps even blackmailed him. I do know one thing for certain. The current Lord Ashton inherited crushing debts and failing businesses, but has only made things worse with his gambling habits.”

  Elder cocked his head to the side. “You mean to help him?”

  Blowing out a breath, Jeremy nodded. “Not only were his father and mine like brothers, I am married to the man’s sister. I am obligated to help.” He shifted from one foot to the other. “Besides, helping Ashton may reveal more clues about Viper.”

  The door to the stables opened, spreading a golden light across part of the grass, and two grooms stepped out. Elder inclined his head, then stepped quietly back into the shadows. Jeremy walked back across the garden, pretending as though he hadn’t just seen Lady Wesley rushing in his direction, and stepped through the open door.

  Jeremy took a quick glance around and relaxed when he found Evie surrounded by her friends across the room. He lifted a glass of champagne from a passing servant and found Nicholas standing several yards away, scowling right at him.

  With a sigh, he walked to the man, just as the click of Lady Wesley’s shoes marched right up behind him. Facing Nick seemed the lesser of two evils at the moment. Thankfully, as he turned to the right, the chit scrambled away when she saw he wasn’t alone. This endless game of chase had grown tiresome and he was glad for the respite, no matter how short it would be.


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