Lord Rogue

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Lord Rogue Page 30

by Tiffany Green

  “Jeremiah?” he suggested as the corners of his lips curved up.

  Eleanor frowned down at her son. “You have a beautiful name.” She leaned down and settled a kiss over his forehead, then was gone.

  “For the first time in years, she didn’t smell like a gin bottle.” Jeremy heaved a sigh. “A remarkable improvement.”

  Evie nodded as another knock sounded. Belle and Elder walked into the room, their faces somber. “Montague is dead,” Elder began, “and from what we have learned, his Hell Fire Club and the Viper Nest will die right alongside him.”

  Belle spread her arms out. “Those groups will not survive without a leader. And we already know who many of the members are, so dispersing them should be easy.”

  “Well, we should let you rest,” Elder said, backing up a step. “We will talk more when you are feeling better.”

  Evie rose from the side of the bed. “Wait. I would like to say something.”

  Elder and Belle glanced at her, waiting for her to continue.

  She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. “I was given a month to decide on becoming a Guardian. That time is nearly up.”

  When she paused, Elder nodded. “In four days. And every member would have to give unanimous consent, as well.”

  “Yes. And since my husband has already made his objection known, I will not seek membership—”

  “No, Evie,” Jeremy interrupted. “I’ve been unfair.”

  Stunned, she turned and watched him reach out to her, wincing but not lowering his arm. She sat and took his hand, seeing the regret build in his eyes.

  “You are good at being a Guardian.” He squeezed her hand. “Damn good. And I allowed my feelings for you to get in the way of you doing something you love.”

  Evie sat still, mesmerized by the sincerity of his voice and the graciousness of his words.

  “I allowed how much I love you strike fear in my heart. Fear of losing you. Fear that if something happened to you, I would be lost. No longer able to exist. So, I refused to let you have any say in the matter, even though I knew it meant a great deal to you.” He stopped, his eyes roving her face several seconds. “But I have changed my mind. While my feelings for you have grown even stronger, I refuse to clip your wings, little bird. If it is still your wish, I will not stand in your way of becoming a Guardian.”

  He meant every word. Evie’s heart pounded as she considered having everything she ever wanted. Jeremy was her husband and loved her, and she would lead an exciting life with adventurous missions…that could often separate her from him and her friends. Missions where she would not have much time to be with the man she loved.

  Evie slowly shook her head. “I have changed my mind, as well. Being your wife would bring me the greatest joy. I don’t need the Guardians.”

  His eyes flashed and he brought her hand up to his lips. “I don’t need them, either, Evie. All I need is you.”

  She nearly gasped. Never had she thought he would quit the Guardians, nor had she expected he would do so for her. “But you’re the legendary Rogue.”

  His smile turned saucy, then he grew serious. “Rogue isn’t the real me. He lies and steals other men’s wives. He cheats and takes what isn’t his. Jeremy, your husband, is the real me. He speaks the truth, remains faithful to his wife, is true to his word, and will never stop striving to be a better man. Someone he loves has taught him that.” He kissed her hand once again. “That someone is you.”

  Through her tears, Evie managed a smile, overwhelmed with the most powerful love she hadn’t known could exist. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead to his. “I love you, Husband.”

  “I love you, Wife,” he whispered back and pressed a lingering kiss to her lips.


  Jeremy sipped his champagne slowly, watching Evie above the frothy bubbles tickling his nose. Her chestnut curls glimmered as she moved through the dance, her sherry eyes aglow with that special light, full of love and happiness. All night, he found it difficult to look away, to concentrate on anyone else.

  She made her turn, nodding to Jack and Torie, then reunited with Myran, or rather Stephen Spencer. He flashed a grin, creating quite the stir among the young ladies watching his every move, as he held Evie’s hands.

  Jeremy gave a brotherly sigh of pride and glanced over to his mother sipping lemonade between Phyllis and Freddy, who had his arm around Mother’s waist. His other hand held tight to his new cane, having thrown the old one out the day he left his sickbed and dismantled the Viper Nest. All the adders had been set free, as well, at Mother’s insistence. She’d take no chances on her grandson, the new little Lord Montague, getting hurt.

  Ignoring the invitation in Lady Hartley’s sultry smile across the room, Jeremy turned back to his wife and brother and nestled a shoulder against the marble column. Just as he was planning exactly what to do to Evie once he got her home in a few hours, someone stepped right up to him and cleared her throat.

  About to tell the chit to shove off, that he could no longer be enticed with anyone but his wife, as he’d had to do dozens of times in the last two months, he glanced down and swallowed back his words. “Your Grace,” he said instead, inclining his head.

  The Duchess of Claremont folded her arms and glared up at him.

  “Careful, pet, lest you find yourself stuck for all time with such a scowl.” He peered around the room, wondering where the deuce Nick had gone. Couldn’t he come fetch his lovely wife? When she still hadn’t moved, he sighed. “All right, Megan, what is it now? What have I done this time?”

  The frown slowly melted away and her arms slid down to her sides. “Is it for real, Jeremy? Or are you just playing games with her?”

  He straightened from the column and leaned forward so she could see the seriousness in his eyes. “The Rogue is gone for good. I love Evie and intend on spending the rest of my life showing her just how much.”

  She stared hard for a moment, then nodded, a grin spreading across her lips. Tapping him on the arm with her ivory fan, she said, “It took you long enough.”

  “Yes, unfortunately.” He gazed over Megan’s head to watch Evie make the next turn in the dance. “And I will regret every lost moment.”

  She lifted up and he leaned forward, thinking she had another threat to whisper. Instead, she surprised him with a kiss on his cheek. “I am happy for you both.” Then she drew back and walked away, a smile spreading wide over her lips.

  A champagne tray was presented to him and Jeremy shook his head, lifting his near full glass. When the tray didn’t move, he glanced over, about to blister the man’s ears, but stopped when he saw Ghost’s grinning eyes behind the disguise. He leaned back against the column. “You working tonight?”

  A sigh sounded. “I’m not supposed to say.”

  Jeremy’s heart picked up speed and he took a sip of his champagne. “But you need something.” When Ghost didn’t reply, he glanced over and lifted a brow, knowing he was on the mark.

  Looking none too happy about it, the man nodded his disguised head.

  Jeremy watched Evie for several more seconds. “What do you need?” If it was anything beyond information, he would tell Ghost to go hang.

  Before the man could answer, Evie marched up to them and lifted a glass of champagne from the tray. “What’s going on?” she whispered, glancing from him to Ghost. “Are you stuck on a mission?”

  Ghost groaned. “You aren’t supposed to recognize me.” He adjusted the gray wig on his head.

  Evie waved away his concerns. “You look fine. Just tell me what is going on.”

  Jeremy realized she was actually eager to hear about the Guardians as much as he.

  With a glance around, Ghost said, “Someone is trying to restart the Hell Fire Club here.”

  Evie pulled a face and Jeremy settled an arm around her waist. “I thought everyone had been caught,” he said.

  “In this area, yes,” Ghost said slowly.

  “This area?” Evie gasped. “Yo
u mean there are other groups?”

  “In this country, plus a few others, I am afraid.”

  Jeremy was about to tell his friend to stop speaking and leave. He was scaring Evie and that could not be tolerated. But she spoke first.

  “What do you need help with?” she asked with a very determined glint in her eye.

  “Oh, no.” Jeremy shook his head. “We had an agreement. Taking on assignments would keep us apart, remember?”

  “Not if you two worked together at all times,” said a man’s voice from behind.

  Jeremy turned and found Elder and Belle standing there, arms folded. “What do you mean?” he asked, glancing from one to the other.

  Elder sighed, then stepped forward. He looked down to Evie then back at Jeremy. “We simply do not have anyone better than the two of you. You are incredibly effective, but damn near invincible when working together. We’d like the two of you to return to the Guardians.” Jeremy started to speak and Elder held up his hand. “There would be no solo assignments. You would work together on everything.” He glanced over to Belle, who smiled her encouragement. “I made the mistake of not implementing this idea once and do not intend to make the same mistake twice. What say you? Will you at least give it a try and see how it works out?”

  Jeremy’s heart nearly leaped right out of his chest and he realized he wanted to agree. But the decision was not his alone. He glanced down and found Evie crossing her arms, glowering up at Elder.

  “Rogue is gone,” she said, “and he isn’t coming back.”

  Releasing his breath, Jeremy drew her close and pressed a kiss to her temple, understanding her words perfectly. “I can have a new name, little bird,” he chuckled.

  Elder relaxed his stiff shoulders and nodded. “What do you suggest?” he asked Evie.

  Still glowering, she said, “Married.”

  Jeremy’s lips twitched. “Doesn’t have a nice ring to it.”

  “Neither did Rogue,” she grumbled. Then she went still and her eyes lifted to his. She stared for several long seconds and a smile slowly spread over her lips. “What better way to combat hell than with an Angel?”

  “Perfect, Cherie,” Belle said and Elder agreed.

  “It fits,” Ghost said with a grin. “He’s as pretty as an angel.”

  Jeremy frowned over at his friend. “Go fix your nose. It’s crooked.”

  Elder leaned forward. “Meeting tomorrow morning at ten.” He flashed a quick smile. “Angel.” Then he turned to Evie and gave a slight bow. “Falcon.”

  When the three Guardians departed and he was left alone with his wife, he turned and pulled her behind the column. “Are you happy with this? Truly?”

  She wound her arms around his neck. “I am happy with you.”

  Jeremy pulled her close and gave her the longest, deepest, most delicious kiss he could, promising much more to follow when they got home.

  The Secrets & Scandals series will continue…


  Instead of whiling away her teenage summers at the pool or the mall, Tiffany Green found the incredible world of romance novels. Then, ten years later, she got the greatest epiphany of her life: why not write her very own romance novel? And after reading a couple Judith McNaught’s Regency-set historicals, Tiffany found her favorite time and place. Although historical romances are her first love, she has recently delved into some fantasy, having grown to adore all the ladies of the Arthurian legend.

  When Tiffany is not working on her books, she helps her husband of twenty-two years run an automotive paint and body business in central Texas. She considers herself living proof that opposites do attract; as she enjoys cruises and traveling across the pond, her husband would rather stay home and add to his growing hearse heard and other oddball collections. While having an MBA has certainly helped Tiffany grow the family business, she dreams of the day when she can set her full-time business life aside for getting in print all those demanding characters who will not leave her alone.

  just a note…

  If you would like to receive information on Tiffany’s upcoming releases and other exciting news, please join her mailing list at http://eepurl.com/buBnhj or visit http://tiffanygreen.com. Tiffany would also like to thank you for reading her books and for making her writing dreams come true.




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