Elite Dragoons 3: Loving Prue (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Elite Dragoons 3: Loving Prue (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Becca Van

  Elite Dragoons 3: Loving Prue

  Prudence Peters has been living with Thorpe, Huntley, and Adam Lathan for the last two months and is very attracted to the three men. But after being kidnapped by the Japanese Underworld criminals and being tied naked to a bed, she is very wary around the three men.

  Although they have done nothing to make her trepidatious, Prue is hell bent on keeping them at arm’s length. That is until the three men finally sit down with her and begin talking to her. What woman could resist three hunky, handsome, and brawny soldiers when they are intent on having a relationship with you?

  Just when the ménage relationship between the four people seems to be on an even keel, danger comes into their midst, but they are all unaware of the peril.

  Will the three Lathan brothers work out where the danger is coming from before it is too late?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 37,987 words



  Becca Van


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  First E-book Publication: October 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  “Fuck,” Thorpe Lathan muttered under his breath when he saw the way Prudence Peters was curled up on the sofa and trying not to touch him or his brothers, Adam or Huntley, in any way.

  He was so damned attracted to her, but after the way she had been kidnapped by the Japanese Underworld criminals and held captive in that house in Chadron, she jumped at every little sound or every touch he or his brothers gave her. He and the rest of the Elite Dragoons had rescued her, Nicole Maynard and Sara-Jane Cantor from a potential life as sex slaves. Nicole and Sara-Jane were in ménage relationships with other team members and he was feeling a little envious.

  Thorpe wanted what his teammates had with Prue but wasn’t sure she would ever feel safe enough to trust any of them. Even though she was trying so hard not to let any of her body touch theirs, she was also coiled tighter than a rattler ready to strike.

  Hunt was sitting on her left and Adam was sitting on the floor with his back resting against the sofa right in front of Prue. They had all just shared dinner in the main living room of the main house where their team leaders lived and also where they reconvened whenever there were issues to discuss. May was their chief cook and bottle washer and they would be lost without her. She had volunteered to come and take care of them after all their trainers from the Elite Dragoons had settled down with wives of their own. Most of them now had babies, too.

  Thorpe glanced sideways toward Prue from beneath his eyelashes and studied her beautiful face. She was such a stunning woman and every time he saw her, his body reacted as did his heart. Prue had the most beautiful expressive blue eyes he’d ever seen and such a sweet sexy body. She was probably way too young and innocent for the likes of him and his brothers but he couldn’t walk away.

  He wanted a chance to court her but had no idea how to go about that. His brothers felt the same way too, but they had spent so much time in the military with no time for relationships except for a quick bout of sex with a willing woman and had no idea how to go about broaching the subject of a relationship with her. Plus they had abilities beyond the norm of a human male after their whole team had volunteered to go through a military government experimental program and were injected with a concoction of drugs which had enhanced their senses and also given them empathetic abilities.

  They now worked for the government as secret black operatives and only a few select members of the government even knew they existed. The Elite Dragoons were currently being utilized in their own country as they tried to find out who was leading the Japanese Underworld sex slave ring, but just before the women had started being taken from the streets of America he and the rest of the team had been sent into Iraq to rescue two US humanitarian workers from their kidnappers. The mission had been a success and those two people were now back home with their families. The Elite Dragoons had been set up and were sent into places that no one else would dare to go, but with their enhanced skills they hadn’t had any trouble. They stormed that bunker, taken the insurgents out, an
d then led those two people to safety all in the matter of about half an hour.

  He glanced at Prue again and wondered if she would ever be comfortable around them. Apparently Sara and Nicole hadn’t flinched when their men had told them of their skills but he wasn’t sure how Prue would react if they told her what they could do. What pissed him off the most was that even after a few months of sharing their own house with them she was still so damned wary around them. He, Hunt, and Adam had helped to rescue her but still she jumped any time any of them entered a room and spoke to her and she never seemed to be able to keep eye contact either.

  He and his brothers had done nothing to make her react that way and Thorpe was getting downright surly with the way she reacted to them. Maybe using his empathy skills was in order? He quickly vetoed that idea, because when they told her about those abilities he practically knew what her first question would be. He could hear her quiet, sultry voice in his mind. “Have you used those skills on me?” Thorpe could just imagine her reaction if he told her yes. Maybe tonight he and his brothers would sit her down over coffee in their own home and tell her what they could do. The Elite Dragoons team members had begun talking amongst themselves about the women in their lives and from what he had gleaned Sara and Nicole had accepted their men’s talents without much to-do. He wasn’t so sure Prue would be the same.

  When everyone began getting up and leaving the main house, Thorpe was relieved. He wanted to spend as much alone time with Prue as he could. It was hard enough trying to get her to talk at the best of times but it was even harder when everyone convened at the main house.

  Thorpe rose from the sofa and his brothers got to their feet, too. Huntley turned toward Prue and offered her a hand up, but much to his irritation she shook her head and kept her eyes lowered.

  “I want to talk to Sara.”

  Every time Prue spoke she grabbed him by the balls. Her voice was always quiet, but it was sultry and husky and he wanted to know what sort of noises she would make when she was in the throes of orgasm. Thorpe cursed his wayward mind and headed for the door. He didn’t have to look back to know his brothers were following. The vibrations on the wooden floor alerted him to their presence, but not one of them made a sound as they walked.

  Adam looked around and then stopped walking. “What the hell are we going to do to get through to her?”

  “I don’t know,” Thorpe answered with a sigh and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “If she was any shier she would fall through the cracks in the floor.” Hunt started walking again and he and Adam followed.

  It wasn’t until they were inside their own house with a pot of coffee brewing that they sat around their dining room table across from the kitchen.

  “We can’t go on like this,” Adam clenched his fists. “Prue Peters is the most beautiful, sexy woman I have ever seen. I want to court her.”

  “We all do, Adam.” Hunt scrubbed a hand over his face. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep away from her, but she is the jitteriest person I have ever met.”

  “Is that even a word?” Thorpe smirked at Hunt.

  “Who cares?”

  “We don’t know what those assholes did to her while they were holding her captive. Sure she told the feds and the local law, but she hasn’t once opened up with us and told us what she went through.” Adam got up to get the coffee.

  “We haven’t exactly been of fount of communication either,” Hunt reached for the mug of coffee Adam placed on the table.

  “Then that’s where we start,” Thorpe sipped his drink. “When she gets in, we collar her before she can go and hide in her room. We sit her down here, with us and we tell her about our enhanced skills.”

  “Yeah, and then we hope like hell she doesn’t go running to her room screaming at the top of her lungs,” Adam said with sarcasm.

  * * * *

  “Sara, can I please talk to you in private?” Prue wondered if she was doing the right thing, but she was so attracted to the three men she was currently sharing a house with and had no idea how to talk to them. She needed some advice from a woman already involved in a ménage relationship.

  “Sure. Do you want to go out on the verandah?”

  Prue looked around and saw that Whit, Dalt, and Hayward Cartwright, the leaders of the Elite Dragoons, were just entering the living room again and gave Sara a nod. Sara took the lead to the door and Prue followed. She took a few deep breaths when her new friend turned to face her.

  “Are you okay, Prue?”

  “Yeah, thanks. I–I was wondering if you would mind if I asked you a few personal questions?”

  Sara smiled, reached out, took Prue’s hand in hers, and led her over to the chairs along the wooden deck and house siding.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “What’s it like having three men?” Prue cursed under her breath when she felt her cheeks heat and knew she was as probably as red as she felt. She hated that her light coloring showed what she was feeling. She squeezed Sara’s hand. “You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

  “It’s okay. Don’t stress.” Sara turned so she faced Prue more directly. “Are you asking about the physical or the emotional aspect of having a relationship with three men?”

  “Uh, both I guess.”

  “It’s wonderful.” Sara smiled and sighed at the same time. “My three fiancés treat me like I am the most precious thing in the world to them. They make sure I’m taken care of in every way.”

  “Don’t they get jealous of each other?” Prue asked.

  “No. I thought they would too at first, but I have never seen a hint of jealousy on any of their faces.”

  “How do you…”

  “Make love?” Sara asked softly and then a dreamy expression crossed her face as if she was remembering being with her men. “Sometimes in a one-on-one situation, other times there are just two of them, and of course with all three.”

  “But how…” Prue’s face felt hotter than before and hoped she didn’t look as red as a beetroot.

  “One in my pussy, another in my ass and last but not least my mouth.” Sara looked away and her face was tinged pink, too.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Prue released Sara’s hand and rose to her feet.

  “You’re not, not really. It’s just that every time I think about them…I get all hot and bothered.” Sara stood and walked closer to Prue.

  “It’s that good?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Doesn’t it hurt? You know…”

  “Well, sort of. Not really, maybe a little at first.” Sara turned and leaned her back against the porch rail. “But they were so gentle with me. They made sure I was prepared beforehand.”

  “Prepared how?”

  “Oh. Um, they used lots of lube and their fingers to stretch me out.”

  “Huh? Oh, okay.”

  “Can I ask you a question, Prue?”


  “Why are you so scared of Thorpe, Huntley and Adam?”

  “Uh, I’m not scared of them. Not really.” Prue sighed.

  “Then what is it?” Sara asked. “Why are you so nervous around them?”

  “Well for a start they are freaking huge.” Prue used her hands to indicate how tall and muscular the three men were.

  “Yes, all the men are, but you know they would never hurt you, right?”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s just that after what I went through, I’m sort of nervous around such big men. They beat me pretty bad. You saw me when I first got here. I know they can’t hurt me anymore but one of the guys who helped to kidnap me was built nearly as big as a sumo wrestler and none of it was fat. He was the one that smacked me around, too, and he touched me.” She whispered so no one else would hear and shuddered. “Every time he came to check on me he would stand in the doorway and stare at me.”

  “I know how that feels. We had a guy that did the same to Nicole and me. It was damn creepy.”<
br />
  “Yeah, but you weren’t naked and tied to a bed.” Prue shivered as revulsion shuddered through her. “I have never been so scared or felt so vulnerable in my life. I don’t ever want to experience anything like that again.”

  Sara must have realized what she’d said because all of a sudden she grabbed hold of Prue’s hand. “My God, Prue, do the Lathan’s know? Are you okay? D–Did they rape you?”

  “No,” Prue answered, but she couldn’t get the image of the sumo guy out of her head as he squeezed her breasts and licked his lips, or when he had run his fingers through her pubic hair. Prue had been sure that she was going to end up being raped and then killed. She’d had no idea that the assholes who had abducted her had every intention of selling her to the highest bidder or whoever had put in an order that matched her physical characteristics.

  “You’re safe here, Prue. None of the men would let anyone hurt you.”

  “I know. I just can’t get the images out of my head. You know?”

  “Yes I know exactly but you can’t let what happened in the past rule your future.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know what to feel, Sara.”

  “What do you mean? Are you talking about your men?”

  “They’re not my men, but yes I am talking about the Lathan brothers. I don’t know how to talk to them, Sara. They are such confident alpha men and every time they look at me I feel like they can see into my soul, but I can never maintain eye contact and they just sigh and let me walk away or they do. I feel like I don’t measure up.”

  “What?” Sara asked in a near screech and then cleared her throat as she glanced toward the door. “Are you kidding me, Prue? Whenever they look at you the heat in their eyes nearly singe the clothes from your body.”


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