Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

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Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras Page 10

by Ashton, Nikki

  Jake smiled tenderly. “Come on, sweetheart, I’ll give you a foot rub.”

  “Ah, would you?” Amber almost groaned with the thought of the pleasure that it would bring.

  “Yeah, of course I will. I can practice on you for Valerie,” he replied with a grimace.

  “Okay,” Amber giggled. “I’ll just nip to the ladies.”

  Jake agreed to wait at the bar for Amber while she tottered off on red hot soles. Amber was just about to push open the door to the ladies, when a hand grabbed her arm. She turned around, a huge smile on her face, expecting to see Jake. The smile immediately faded as Amber eyed the man in front of her. Her hands began to shake and her breathing quickened, it was so fast that she thought that she must be having a heart attack.

  “Daniel,” she whispered.

  “Hey Ambs, how are you doing?”

  Amber gasped and swivelled around on the spot, pulling away to distance herself from him. As her body turned, one of her feet tangled with the other causing her to stumble. Amber staggered forward, her arms flailing, grabbing at fresh air. Her momentum pushed her forward, while gravity pulled her down to the floor with a yelp. Amber’s chin hit the floor and jarred her head causing her to bite her tongue.

  “Oow,” Amber groaned and held her hand to her mouth. As she pulled it away, bright red blood was smeared across her palm.

  Suddenly the music sound muffled, as though she was listening to it under water, Amber’s eyes rolled up into her head and then she passed out as blackness engulfed her.

  Chapter 15

  Jake had been waiting for Amber for almost fifteen minutes and was getting a little anxious. This was a really exclusive club, and not the sort of place where you had to stand in line to pee. He decided to go and find her, worried that some sleaze was hitting on her and stopping her from getting back to him.

  As he opened the door to the hallway where the toilets were, he saw a small crowd of people. Jake instantly knew that it was Freckles.

  “Excuse me,” he shouted pushing through the crowd who didn’t seem to want to move. “Move out of my way.” Jake bellowed as he manhandled a big, bearded guy to one side.

  Amber was on the floor, with a dark haired man holding her hand and rubbing her wrist while someone in a bartender’s uniform stood to one side on a ‘walkie talkie’.

  “Freckles,” Jake cried throwing himself onto the floor next to Amber’s prone body. He pulled her hand away from the man holding it and starting to kiss her palm. “Freckles, sweetheart, are you okay? What the fuck happened to her?” he cried looking first at the man and then people standing around. “Tell me!”

  “She fell and banged her chin. I think she passed out when she saw the blood.” The dark haired man spoke but looked at Jake with disdain. “Is she with you?” he asked.

  Jake ignored him and put his arm under Amber’s shoulders and lifted her up, hugging her to his chest. “Has anyone called an ambulance?” he cried as he stared down at Amber with fear in his eyes.

  “He’s talking to someone on that radio,” the man inclined his head towards the bartender.

  “Hey sweetheart,” Jake whispered softly. “You gonna wake up for me?” He gently kissed her and smoothed her hair away from her face.

  Amber stirred and slowly opened her eyes. “Jake,” she groaned.

  “Oh, thank fuck for that,” Jake gasped as he kissed her again.

  “I’ve got a first aider on the way down,” the bartender said kneeling down next to Jake.

  “She needs an ambulance, not a fucking first aider,” he roared before turning back to Amber. “Do you have any pain?”

  Amber winced as she reached up to put her hand on his shoulder.

  “My chin is sore, and I bit my tongue.” She flicked out her tongue for Jake to inspect. “Is it bad?”

  Jake looked closely and shook his head. “It’s still bleeding a little, but I don’t think it’s too bad. I still want you to go to hospital to get you checked out though.”

  “No way, Jake. I’m fine. Please, I don’t want to go to hospital.” She looked up at the bartender and shook her head.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “I can call an ambulance if you’d prefer.”

  “Honestly,” Amber replied. “I don’t need one.”

  “Okay, but I’ll go and get you a bottle of water.” The bartender stood up and moved away from Amber and Jake.

  “You’ve been out cold,” Jake protested his eyes following the bartender.

  “It was just the sight of the blood, Jake,” Amber groaned. “I’m fine, I promise.”

  Her eyes then darted to the dark haired man who’d held her hand. Jake’s brow furrowed as he saw recognition on her face.

  “Freckles?” Jake looked at the man. “Does she know you?” he asked.

  “Yes, she does,” the man replied

  “And you are?” Jake demanded, his dark eyes narrowed and pinned themselves to the man’s face.

  “Jake, baby, it’s fine,” Amber said.

  “Who are you?” Jake asked again ignoring Amber.

  “I’m Daniel Armstrong,” Daniel said sniffily, “and who are you.”

  Recognising the name, Jake’s grip on Amber tightened. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he roared, making a move towards Daniel.

  “Jake,” Amber cried. “Don’t.” She threw herself at Jake and held onto him with all her strength, in the hope of stopping him launching himself at Daniel. The force made Jake fall to the floor on his backside and, despite having Amber sprawled on top of him, the rage he felt instinctively made him try to scramble to his feet.

  “You fucking wanker,” he yelled, his face black with anger. “Do you have any idea what you put her through?”

  “Please, Jake, don’t do this here,” Amber begged, kneeling in front of him. “I don’t need this.”

  “What the hell is your problem?” Daniel asked pulling his shoulders back.

  “You really need to ask, dickwad?” Jake shifted to Amber’s side, and gripped her hand.

  “Whatever happened between me and Amber is nothing to do with you,” Daniel replied. “I’m sure Ambs can fight her own battles.”

  Jake’s eyes narrowed and his breathing quickened. “Her name is Amber,” he snapped. “Now back the fuck away from her.”

  As the two men stared each other down, a couple of black suited men pushed through the handful of people that had stayed to watch the show.

  “What’s going on?” One of the men asked as he stared down between Jake and Daniel.

  “This prick is pestering my girlfriend,” Jake answered without taking his eyes away from Daniel. “He had his hands all over her.”

  “Is this true, Miss?” the bouncer asked. “Because if it is, he will be removed from the club.” The man mountain smiled kindly at Amber.

  “No it’s fine. He was just trying to help, but can you just move all these people away, please?” Amber’s cheeks were tinged with crimson as she gazed up at everyone staring at them.

  The bouncer nodded and started ushering people out of the corridor and back into the main part of the club. While he did, the other bouncer who had been silent so far, leaned down and spoke into Jake’s ear.

  “Mr Hughes, can I suggest you and the lady move back upstairs.”

  Jake glared at him. “What about him? Aren’t you going to do anything about the fact that he’s pestering her?”

  Daniel stood up with a sigh and shook his head. “Your boyfriend is a complete idiot, Ambs,” he said.

  On hearing his words Jake’s nostrils flared and he scrambled to get to his feet.

  “Jake please leave it,” Amber cried.

  “No I won’t fucking leave it, Freckles.”

  Jake was on his haunches ready to pounce and as his fists clenched, Amber started to sob. It was bad enough seeing Daniel, but to have Jake embarrass her like this just added to her misery. Her grip on Jake’s shoulders relaxed as she shifted herself back, and leaned against the wall. Her eyes flickin
g between Jake and Daniel who were staring at each other like a bull and a matador about to do battle in the midst of a gathering crowd, keen for blood.

  “You’ve upset her now, you prick,” Daniel shouted, pointing at Amber.

  Jake’s head whipped around towards Amber and he saw her pushed against the wall. She was hugging her knees tears of mortification slid down her cheeks.

  “Fuck, Freckles. I’m so sorry,” he said crawling over to Amber’s side.

  Amber held her hand out and pushed him away. “No Jake, don’t. I can’t even look at you right now.”

  Jake’s mouth dropped open. “What the hell did I do?”

  “Well, if you don’t know, then we have a problem,” Amber sobbed.

  “He’s the one you should be mad at,” Jake said, glaring at Daniel. “Not me.”

  The bouncer who had spoken to Jake touched him on the shoulder.

  “What?” Jake snapped without taking his eyes off Amber.

  “The first aider is here, do you want her to look at your girlfriend?”

  Amber shook her head. “Thank you, but I’m fine. But, maybe she should just check my boyfriend out for a missing brain instead.”

  A grin touched the bouncer’s lips as he nodded and moved away to his colleague, who was now talking to Daniel. Jake sighed and looked over at the three men with a scowl.

  “I’m sorry, I just saw red,” he finally said to Amber.

  Amber dropped her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay,” she sighed. “But there was no need to react that way.”

  “I just hate that he hurt you.”

  “That’s still no reason to almost attack him, Jake. He’s not worth it believe me.”

  Jake’s shoulders stiffened. As far as he was concerned there was every need and Daniel Armstrong was definitely worthy of a punch to the nose. The dick was responsible for hurting Amber, and worse still abandoning her and his child. He was obviously a sleaze. Jake only had to look at his tight black trousers and black shirt, with just one too many buttons undone displaying a gold chain at his neck, to know he was a sleaze. He’d also bet that he smelled of Old Spice or Brute, or some other 1970’s aftershave, and probably waxed his chest too.

  Jake stood up and held his hand out to Amber. “I’m sorry that I embarrassed you,” he said, truly meaning it.

  Amber reached up for Jake’s hand, and in one movement he pulled her to her feet and held her to his chest. He wrapped his arms around Amber’s waist and leaned his forehead against hers.

  “As well as hating that he hurt you, I also didn’t like him touching you, Freckles,” he whispered.

  Amber gave a watery smile and lifted her hands to Jake’s shoulders. “Can we go now?” she asked. She suddenly needed to be away from Daniel, worried that if they didn’t leave Jake’s temper would escalate.

  Jake kissed Amber gently and, taking her hand, started to lead her back into the main part of the club.

  “Wait, Ambs,” Daniel called. ”We need to talk.” He pushed past the two bouncers who had been acting as a barrier between him and Jake.

  Jake turned on his heel and moved menacingly towards Daniel. “She has nothing to say to you, dickhead.”

  Daniel drew himself up to his full height and fisted his hands at this side. “If she doesn’t want you arrested for threatening behaviour she does.”

  “Just try it you prick.” Jake turned to pull Amber away, but from the corner of his eye he saw Daniel’s arm move towards Amber. “Don’t even think about touching her,” he growled, turning back to face Daniel.

  Daniel sneered at him and then let his eyes drift to his fingers that were resting on Amber’s shoulder. “I meant what I said.” He turned to Amber and smiled. “Please Amber, just five minutes, or I will report him; I have plenty of witnesses.”

  Jake snarled and took a step forward. “No Jake,” Amber said softly, shaking her shoulder away from Daniel’s touch. “Let me talk to him.”

  “Freckles!” Jake’s tone was one of warning.

  “Five minutes, that’s all.” Amber reached up and kissed Jake softly on the lips. “Go and wait upstairs for me.”

  Jake stared at Amber and Daniel, fighting everything he had not to just deck Daniel and be done with it. The way he looked at Amber was unnerving – as though she belonged to him.

  Finally, Jake let go of Amber’s hand. “Five minutes and no longer,” he warned.

  Amber nodded, and as Jake slipped back into the club she turned to Daniel. “Okay, say what you’ve got to say and make it quick.”

  Chapter 16

  Any effects of the alcohol that Jake had been drinking were quickly wearing off. The bright, light mood he’d been in earlier had sunken beneath a rising tide of jealousy and fear. He leaned over the balcony of the snug and stared down at the club below, his eyes searching the crowd for Amber. She had been gone for much longer than the five minutes they had agreed, and Jake was tempted to go and look for her, but the possibility of finding her with Daniel all over her made him sick to his stomach.

  Jake groaned and turned away from the balcony, wondering what to do for the best. The snug’s appeal had long since disappeared and now he just wanted to see the back of it – to get Freckles out of this damn club and take her back to the hotel. He snatched up a bottle of beer from the table and drank it back in two gulps before dropping gloomily onto the sofa.

  He knew that she had loved Daniel, but surely she wouldn’t just abandon him here without a word. She was a kind hearted, loving woman, and wouldn’t do that sort of thing surely. He looked at his watch to see that she had now been gone almost half an hour.

  “Fuck this,” Jake hissed to himself.

  He reached over and pushed the button to call Andre. Within a couple of minutes, he entered the room.

  “How can I help you, Mr Hughes?” he asked with a smile.

  Jake stood up and fished his wallet out of the back pocket of his charcoal grey trousers.

  “Here,” he said, thrusting a wad of notes at Andre. “Take two of those for yourself, and give the rest to Miss Mahoney to get a cab, or a hotel, whatever she wants.”

  Andre, trained to perfection, didn’t flicker at the amount of money he was holding, or the fact that Jake was leaving alone. “Thank you Mr Hughes, I’ll see she gets it.”

  Jake ran a hand through his hair and glanced longingly at the doorway, hoping that Amber would suddenly appear. “If you don’t find her just share it out between you and Lana.”

  “I’ll make sure I find her,” Andre replied with a nod. “Can I order you a taxi?”

  Jake shook his head. “No, I’ve got a car waiting outside.” He knew he could send Harry, his driver, back for Amber but he’d be damned if Daniel would benefit from a ride in his limo. “Just make sure she gets in a licenced taxi…if she’s alone. If she’s with some greasy looking, dark haired bloke then I don’t really care.”

  Jake stormed past Andre, stopping only briefly to give him a single pat on the shoulder and a grunt of thanks.

  Amber glanced at her watch anxiously. She’d been talking to Daniel for so long that she had visions of Jake getting angry and coming to look for her soon if she didn’t hurry up and get away. And with her aversion to the sight of blood, she’d seen enough spilt for one night.

  Daniel had droned on about the pressure he had been under when they were together and how much he missed her, not once asking about the baby or how Amber was. Within minutes Amber was bored and irritated and desperate to get back to Jake.

  “Why are you with him anyway?” Daniel asked as he ran a lazy finger down Amber’s arm.

  “Why would I not be with him? He’s adorable, talented, sexy, and I like him…a lot,” she replied.

  “He seems like a complete prick to me. I noticed he’s got tattoos; since when have you liked men with tattoos?”

  Amber sighed as she thought of Jake’s tattoos. He had worn a pair of grey, tailored, skinny trousers and a crisp, white shirt for her tonight, because he k
new that she liked him in more formal clothes. Then when Amber had moaned that she couldn’t see his tattoos, he’d rolled his sleeves up to give her a peek. She smiled. He really would do anything to please her.

  “Listen Daniel,” Amber huffed as she pushed away from the wall. “As much as it’s been great fun catching up outside the toilets, I need to go.”

  “But we’ve not talked properly.” Daniel grabbed hold of Amber’s wrist and pulled her back against his body.

  As their chests collided, Amber held her breath, waiting for the dance company of butterflies that usually performed ‘Riverdance’ in her stomach when he touched her; but nothing happened. She no longer had any desire for him, whatsoever? He was dull, boring and smarmy. As she watched him rake his eyes over her body, she felt nothing but disgust for him. The only person she thought, or cared about was Jake.

  “Oh shit,” Amber groaned with the realisation that, despite all her best efforts, emotions had crept into their relationship.

  “What’s wrong, Ambs?” Daniel’s fingers moved up to her neck.

  Amber shivered. “Please get off me Daniel. I need to go back to my boyfriend.”

  “Why waste time on some bum like him?” Daniel pursed his lips and moved them closer to Amber’s.

  She pushed him away and stepped back. “What are you doing?”

  “Kissing you, what does it look like?”

  Amber pulled a horrified face, and turned to walk away.

  “Ambs, you know you don’t want him. I can give you a good life, what can he give you?”

  Amber started to laugh, realising that Daniel was so self-obsessed that he had no idea who Jake was. She paused and thought about her feelings for Jake. Finally, she nodded.

  “Love, Daniel,” she said after a moment. “That’s what he can give me.” Without further comment, she pushed through the door back into the club to find her boyfriend.

  As she pushed through the crowds, Amber’s looked up at the floor above. She couldn’t wait to get back to Jake. Just as she reached the staircase, Andre came rushing over and placed a hand on her forearm.


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