Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

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Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras Page 13

by Ashton, Nikki

  “We can’t swim in there,” Amber cried screwing her nose up. “There’ll be all sorts of creatures in it.” They were standing in a wooded copse, surrounded by tall oak trees, whose canopy cast speckled shadows across the ground, and on the surface of the water. Birds called to each other in the trees and bluebells nodded in the gentle breeze.

  “I am not swimming in that!” Amber said. She pulled at the halter neck of her bikini underneath her clothes. It would be ruined.

  Jake started to laugh and hung his arm around her shoulder. “It’s a warm water swimming pool, Freckles. I wouldn’t make you swim in slime and gunk.” At the time Jake bought the land, the area that was now the pool had been a huge crater in the ground, so he’d had the idea of making it into a natural looking swimming pool. “I think it used to be a pond, but I had it built into a swimming pool, and got some conservationists in to create a wildlife pond further in the woods. Somewhere it wouldn’t be disturbed.”

  Amber looked up warily at Jake. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really.” He turned Amber to the left by her shoulders. “See that wooden cabin over there, well that’s the changing room and pump house. Go on, go and check it out,” he said gently nudging her forward.

  Amber skipped over to the cabin and pushed open the door. Inside, two walls were lined with shelves of thick, soft, cream towels, while a bench seat ran along another. In the corner was a small curtained off cubicle. As she stepped into the cabin, she felt Jake’s presence behind her.

  “Mmm, the floor’s nice and warm,” she said. “Underfloor heating? You thought of everything.” She turned and gave Jake a huge grin.

  “To be fair someone I know in L.A. did something similar, so I can’t take all the credit.”

  Amber moved past him and stood in the doorway, looking out at the pond. As the sun pushed through the trees, and glistened on the water, it looked absolutely natural. It was only now that she realised that the water was clear and that there were green tiles all around it and a path leading from the edge to the cabin. Even the tiles lining the pool were a muddy brown colour, so it didn’t look too incongruous.

  “I tried to make it look as unlike a swimming pool as possible,” Jake said, reading Amber’s thoughts. “The fact that you thought it was a muddy pond proves I managed it.”

  “It’s so clever, Jake,” she replied. “Come on let’s get in.”

  After stripping off their clothes, Amber and Jake ran along the path to the pool. Amber stood at the side, with Jake behind her.

  “Are there any steps?” she asked him over her shoulder.

  “Nah, it’s only seven feet deep here and then gradually inclines at that end, so that you can get out.” Jake pointed over her shoulder to the end of the pool, near to the entrance of the woods.

  “Okay.” Amber started to walk towards where Jake was pointing.

  “Oh no,” Jake cried grabbing hold of her elbow. “You’re going in this way.” With one swift movement, he had Amber in his arms, and with a huge yell jumped into the pool.

  As they hit the water, Amber screamed and struggled out of Jake’s arms. She sank down with her arms and legs kicking out, desperately trying to push herself back to the surface. She finally managed it, breaking through the warm water with a gasp.

  “Jake, you stupid idiot,” she cried splashing at Jake who was already treading water and grinning at her. “I might’ve drowned.”

  Jake swam towards her. “Ah, I’m sorry sweetheart. Did I scare you?” he asked, trying hard not to smile.

  Amber pushed Jake’s outstretched arms away and pouted. “Prat,” she muttered.

  “Ah c’mon Freckles, I’ve said I’m sorry.”

  Amber stroked the water with her arms as she bobbed up and down. “It took my breath away.”

  Jake moved closer and reached out to push Amber’s hair away from her face. “You take my breath away,” he answered softly.

  Amber smiled unable to stay mad at him. “Well, don’t do it again, you cheesy fool.”

  “Hey, cheesy lines are my best asset.” Jake grinned and beckoned to Amber. “Now, come here.”

  Amber floated into Jake’s arms and wrapped her legs around his waist and clung onto his neck.

  “You look pretty in your bikini,” Jake groaned as he placed a kiss on Amber’s shoulder.

  “Stop creeping.”

  “I’m not, you do look pretty. Not to mention sexy.” Jake ran a finger down her breastbone and between her breasts, flicking at the edge of her bikini top.

  Amber shifted her position, grinding herself against Jake. Red hot need stabbed at her body as she felt Jake’s desire grow between her legs.

  “God, Freckles,” he moaned. “Do we really have to keep up with that stupid bet?”

  Amber bit her bottom lip seductively and then arched her back, rubbing her bikini clad nipples against Jake’s bare chest. She reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair. Leaning forward, she took his earlobe into her mouth and nipped it gently drawing a throaty growl from Jake. Then she nipped along his jawline, while still tugging at his hair.

  “Jake baby,” she whispered,

  “Yeah.” Jake barely managed to utter.

  “You want to forget the bet?” Amber’s voice was breathy as she spoke, her lips inches from Jake’s.

  “Fuck yeah.” Jake pulled Amber harder against him, his erection pushing against his swim shorts and hitting Amber in just the right place.

  Amber ignored the pulsing between her legs and forced a smile.

  “That means I win then?”

  Jake pulled his head back and looked at her intently. “You sneaky little witch,” he cried breaking into a smile. “You tried to seduce me.”

  Amber started to giggle as Jake reached up to remove her arms from around his neck. “Jake, it’s not a failing to give in you know baby.” Her eyes glistened with mischief as Jake tried to push her away. “Don’t, I need you. I might drown without you to hold onto.”

  “Doubtful,” Jake hissed but with a smile on his face. “Witches are supposed to float aren’t they?”

  Finally freeing her from his body, Jake pushed Amber away. He then flicked water at her, landing it right in the face. Amber laughed and splashed Jake back as he turned and swam back to the edge of the pool. As he leaned back against the side, his arms outstretched, Jake watched Amber lie on her back and float. Her beautiful, blonde hair streamed out around her, and her gorgeous breasts stuck perkily in the air. Jake took in a deep breath and then slowly released it. She was amazing in every way and he knew that he couldn’t stand the thought of being without her ever again. The only blight on his future was that he had to go to L.A. for a while. But, but once he was back Jake was determined that he was going to have a serious talk with Freckles. He was going to make sure that they were on the same page as far as their relationship was concerned. He couldn’t let it just be about fun and sex – it was too good and it was deeper than that. As Amber walked out of the pool at the shallow end, she flicked her hair over her shoulders and stretched languorously. Jake grinned, knowing exactly what she was trying to do – and shit if she hadn’t succeeded. Jake pushed himself out of the pool and strode towards her.

  “You’re one little tease, you know that don’t you, Freckles?” Jake demanded as he roughly pulled her to him.

  Amber smiled up at him. “I don’t know what you mean,” she whispered, licking her lips.

  “Like hell you do.” Jake pulled Amber to his chest, and put his hands under her thighs. He pulled her up so that she wrapped her legs around his waist and walked them towards the cabin.

  Once inside Jake pinned Amber against the wall and reached up to pull her hands from around his neck. He held them above her head, holding them at the wrist, while his other hand pushed up her bikini top and caressed her breast. Amber’s mouth dropped open with a moan, giving Jake the access to her mouth. As their tongues sparred with each other, Jake thrust his hips against Amber’s pelvis, his erection pushing against h
er belly.

  “You taste amazing,” Jake said as his lips moved from Amber’s mouth down to her nipple, circling it with his tongue. As Amber pushed herself into him, Jake moved to suck on the pebbled nipple, before he slowly dragged his mouth away. His teeth gently grazing against the sensitive flesh.

  Amber groaned as Jake moved to give the same attention to her other breast. “Jake, please just fuck me. Now!”

  Amber gasped as Jake’s hand slipped into her bikini bottoms and between her legs.

  “Are you sure?” Jake whispered into her ear. “Really sure?”

  “God, yes!” she cried bucking towards him.

  With needing any further encouragement, Jake pulled his hand away from her and yanked down his swimming shorts. His other hand, still pinning Amber’s hands above her head, loosened their grip slightly.

  “All bets are off, Freckles,” he said as he then pulled down her bikini bottoms. “And I don’t fucking care.”

  He thrust into her and as Amber shouted his name Jake lost himself in pure pleasure.

  Chapter 19

  Jake paced up and down the lounge, tutting with each smirk or wink that Amber threw his way. Luke and Martha were due home within the next half hour, and Jake was panicking at the prospect.

  “He’ll kick my head in,” Jake muttered.

  “No he won’t.” Amber stood up and stopped Jake in his tracks, placing her hands on his shoulders. “But, if you really don’t want to tell him, we don’t have to.”

  Jake shook his head. “No Freckles, we need to tell him, but I have to admit I’m shitting myself.”

  Amber pulled Jake into her arms and hugged him. The last few weeks with him had been magical and although neither of them had said as much, their feelings for each other had moved to another level. Amber though, was still wary of committing totally to Jake; still scared that he’d wake up one day and realise that having sex with lots of different women was preferable to monogamy. Jake, however, couldn’t think of anything worse than going back to his old life of a different woman every night.

  “Look,” Amber said as Jake pushed out of her arms and continued pacing. “Let’s not tell him the minute he walks through the door, give him time to settle in first.”

  Jake turned to face Amber, his eyes narrowed. “Don’t you want to tell him?” he asked. “Are you chickening out?”

  Amber shook her head. “God no. I think we should tell him, but we should maybe do it over dinner.”

  Jake laughed. “Fuck, we’re grown adults. Why the hell are we so scared of telling Luke bloody Mahoney that we’re in a relationship?”

  Amber smiled, realising the ridiculousness of the situation.

  “I don’t know,” she replied. “It’s not like he’s my brother, or my dad. He’s only my cousin.”

  “Yeah, I know. But, I care what he thinks,” Jake replied hugging Amber to him. “He’s one of my best friends, and I don’t want anything to spoil that.”

  “Jake, don’t be silly. Whatever happens between me and you is exactly that, between me and you.” Amber tilted her had back to look up at Jake. “I know he’s protective of me, of all his family. He has been ever since Dad died, but he’s a big softy underneath it all.”

  “You’re right,” Jake cried. “If we want to be together, then who is he to tell us otherwise?”

  “Well I hope you mean that Jake,” Amber said, moving over to the window. “Because they’re back.”

  “Oh shit!”

  “So you didn’t kill each other then?” Luke asked as Amber passed him a cup of coffee.

  “No,” she replied indignantly. “We behaved like proper grown-ups, Luke. We even worked out how to use the washing machine and everything.” Amber sat down next to Jake on the sofa. “See, we can even sit next to each other.”

  Jake took a deep breath as the warmth from Amber’s body permeated through his clothes and flooded his own. Needing to touch her, Jake put his hand between them and finding Amber’s, linked their little fingers.

  “So how was the holiday?” Jake asked, calmed, albeit fractionally, by Amber’s touch.

  “Really good thanks. You should’ve seen Rocco in the pool, he loved it.” Luke’s eyes lit up at the mention of his son. “He was kicking his little legs and giggling.”

  “What, he was swimming?” Jake risked taking hold of all of Amber’s hand, as Luke was distracted with talk of Rocco.

  “No, but Martha’s going to start taking him regularly, so I don’t think it will be too long before he is.”

  “He’s not even nine months old yet,” Amber exclaimed. “That’s brilliant.”

  Luke’s face broke into a huge grin. “I know, amazing eh?”

  “Hey, is that mine?” Martha appeared in the lounge having just put Rocco down for a nap. She reached for a cup of coffee from the tray on the coffee table.

  “Yes,” Amber replied with a smile. “You look amazing. The sun did you the world of good.”

  Martha smiled lazily. “It was so lovely. I feel totally refreshed.”

  “Where’s Mamma?” Luke asked, squeezing Martha’s hand as she walked past. .

  “She’s just unpacking,” Martha said, sitting in an armchair, “then she’ll be down. She turned to Amber and Jake. “So, how are you two?”

  “Fine.” Jake smiled weakly at Martha.

  “Do you need to puke?” Luke asked Jake.

  Jake shook his head. He swallowed hard. “No, why?”

  “Because you look like you do.”

  Feeling Jake’s tension, Amber gently squeezed his hand and turned to Martha.

  “Luke was just saying that Rocco loved the pool.”

  Martha grinned and reached into her jeans pocket. “Yes, he loved it. I’ve got some photos here.” She moved over and sat on the arm of the sofa next to Amber, scrolling through her mobile of endless photographs of Rocco splashing around in the pool with her and Luke.

  As Amber and Martha chatted and laughed at the photographs, Luke leaned forward and around the two women, to look at Jake who sat deadly still, staring into thin air.

  “Jake, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  Jake turned to Luke. “Nothing, why?”

  “Because if you don’t want to puke, then you must be constipated.”

  “Luke, leave him alone,” Martha said, nudging Luke’s leg with her foot. “Maybe he’s tired, eh Jake?”

  Jake nodded and smiled gratefully at Martha. If Luke kept up his questioning, he’d spill the beans before dinner and he wasn’t sure he was ready yet.

  “Yeah, I’m just tired.”

  Luke huffed out a laugh. “Hah, what’s her name then?”

  Amber shifted uncomfortably next to Jake and took a huge mouthful of coffee.

  “I was down at the house until late, if you must know.” Jake responded.

  “Right, if that’s what you want us to believe,” Luke laughed. “He didn’t expose you to his dirty man whoring ways did he, Amber?”

  Amber shook her head. “No,” she squeaked.

  “Good, because if I find out you’ve been having sex in my house with random women, in front of Amber, I won’t be happy.”

  Jake made a quiet whimpering noise. Amber drew in a sharp breath.

  “Luke, stop being such a misery guts,” Martha said as she walked back to her seat, and ruffled her husband’s hair. “Ignore him Jake, he’s just being a grouch because he’s tired.”

  Luke started to laugh and gazed at Martha. “Your fault baby.”

  Jake groaned. “Please,” he said, throwing a cushion at Luke. “We don’t need to know.”

  Luke caught the cushion and threw it back at Jake. “Don’t be jealous because I’m getting it and you’re evidently not.”

  “Luke!” Martha snapped. “Don’t be so crude.”

  Luke dipped his head and chuckled. “Sorry.”

  “Ooh, thank goodness that’s all done.” Lucia announced, gliding into the room and bringing a halt to the banter. “I hate unpacking, don�
�t you?”

  “Yes, that and the washing,” Amber replied. “So did you have a good time Auntie Lucia?”

  Lucia smiled and sat next to Jake. “I did darling, it was lovely. But, we can talk about that later. Why don’t you tell me all about you and Jake? What have you been doing while we’ve all been away?”

  “Oh nothing special,” Amber replied, glancing quickly at Jake.

  “Nothing?” Luke said. “So, that woman holding his hand and hiding her face with her hair going into Elite, wasn’t you in the “Spotted” section of Heat Magazine then?”

  Luke’s hands were on his hips and his nostrils were flared as he stared at Jake, who cowered back against the sofa in the pool room.

  “I asked you not to make her one of your conquests,” Luke snarled. “What didn’t you understand about that?”

  “It’s not like that,” Jake cried. “We really like each other…a lot.”

  Luke tilted his head and frowned at Jake. “Jake, don’t forget that I’ve known you a bloody long time, plus you hated each other just six weeks ago,” he said. “So, you can’t blame me for worrying about it.”

  “I understand that, but why can’t you just trust me for once?”

  “I know that you think I’m an overbearing dick, but I made a promise to my dad to look after all of the family. And that includes Amber and Auntie Thelma. So, it’s not just about you and your loose sexual morals.” Luke grinned and lightly punched Jake in the arm.

  “I know,” Jake sighed. “But you have to trust me, Luke.”

  “I do, but she’s been hurt badly before, and I don’t want that happening again.”

  The thought of Daniel made Jake’s hands instinctively ball into fists. “I know all about it,” he said. “She told me.” Jake took a deep breath. He needed to calm down and not go off on one about Daniel. Luke had no idea about the baby and Jake didn’t want to be the one who blurted it out to him.

  “Yeah?” Luke asked. “Well you also have to understand why I worry that you’re the wrong man for her. You’re not exactly the sort to settle down are you?”


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