A History of the Roman World

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A History of the Roman World Page 74

by Scullard, H. H.

  Drilo, river, 173

  Drinus, river, 228

  Duenos bowl, 340

  Duilius, M. (trib. pl., 357), 106

  Duilius, C. (cos. 260), 153, 325, 333, 463 n.23

  Duoviri navales, 114, 122, 152

  Ebro, river: treaty of, 177, 178–9; naval battle at, 191; Scipio’s victory at, 198, 443 n.12

  Ebusus, 143

  Ecnomus, battle of, 154, 437 n.14

  Education, 323, 324–5, 327–8

  Egerius, 84

  Egypt, Roman friendship with, 131, 221, 224, 258–9; Roman embassy to, 222, 448 n.6

  Elba, iron of, 20

  Elea, 31

  Elis, 193

  Elpeus, river, 252

  Emporia (N. Africa), 142, 214, 277

  Emporiae (Spain), 177, 190, 268, 269

  Enna, 153, 195

  Ennius, Q., 328, 329, 335, 340, 347, 361, 372, 464 n.7

  Ephesus, 235, 239

  Epicureanism, 343, 365

  Epicydes, 194–5

  Epidamnus (Dyrrachium), 173

  Epirus, 173–4, 226, 228, 254, 260, 456 n.8

  Equites, 65–6, 82, 412 n.39, 459 n.1; growth of, 288–9; influence of, 295; in provinces, 295–6; see Trade

  Eretria, 228

  Eretum, 89

  Eryx, Mt, 158

  Esquiline, 38–41, 316, 335, 349

  Este, see Atestines

  Etruscans, on Villanovan sites, 13, 24; origin of, 23–6, 400 n.26; language, 24, 28–9, 339, 402 n.32; civilization, 26–30, 313–16, 347–9, 464 n.9; confederacies, 30–1, 32, 402 n.35; religion, 26–7, 28, 402 n.31; empire of, 30–7, 402 nn.37 & 41; decline of, 67–70, 74–5, 84, 87, 89–90, 95, 99; influence in Latium and Rome, 35–6, 48–56; effect on Roman religion, 358; wars with Rome, see Rome. See also 400 nn.26–41

  Euboea, 232, 238, 239, 261

  Eudamus, 241

  Euhemerus, 343, 347, 361

  Eumenes of Pergamum, 233, 235, 236, 238, 240–3; benefits from war with Antiochus, 244–5; claims Aenus, 248; complains of Perseus, 250, 455 n.4; negotiates with Perseus, 252, 255; discredited, 255

  Euryalus, fort of, 195–6

  Fabian gens, 70, 89, 301, 307, 424 n.10

  Fabius Buteo, M. (cos. 245), 178

  Fabius Maximus, Q. (cos. 213), 199

  Fabius Maximus Cunctator, Q. (cos. 233), 187–9, 197–201, 202, 209–10, 215, 298, 301, 326, 347

  Fabius Maximus Rullianus, Q. (cos. 322), 109, 111, 123, 124–5

  Fabius Maximus Servilianus, Q. (cos. 141), 272

  Fabius Pictor, Q., annalist, 149, 180, 346, 369–70, 372, 407 n.13, 422 n.1, 466

  Fabius Vibulanus, M. (cos. 480), 89

  Fabrateria, 119

  Fabricius Luscinus, C. (cos. 282), 127, 129, 130

  Faesulae, 26, 186

  Fagutal, 38

  Falerii (Falisci), 17, 55, 91, 97, 123, 125, 168, 283, 314, 316, 409 n.24, 425 n.13

  Family, 56–7, 323–5, 326–7, 351–4, 462 n.14

  Famine, at Rome, 75, 94, 419 n.11

  Fanum, 207

  Fasti, 357–9, 465 n.2

  Faunus, temple of, 331

  Federation, Roman, 102–4, 133–8; loyalty of, 122, 136, 143, 159, 168, 186, 189, 201

  Felsina (Bologna), see Bononia

  Ferentinum, 88, 92, 97, 123, 290

  Feronia, see Lucus Feroniae

  Fescennine verse, 340

  Festivals, 329

  Fetiales, 60, 224, 335, 355, 410 n.31

  ‘Fetters of Greece’, 220, 229, 231, 232

  Fibula of Praeneste, 314, 339–40

  Ficana, 34, 55, 403 n.44

  Ficorini cista, 316, 349

  Fidenae, 48, 55, 89–91, 424 n.11

  Finance of Roman Treasury, 319–21, 461 n.10

  Firmum, 132, 135

  Flamen Dialis, 352, 355

  Flamininus, see Quinctius

  Flaminius, C. (cos. 223), 439 n.6; and reform of Comitia Centuriata, 438 n.5; and ager Gallicus, 169; supports Lex Claudia, 169; attacks Insubres, 171–2; and agrarian party, 181; defeated at Trasimene, 185–8, 442 n.6; tradition biased against, 297

  Flaminius, C. (cos. 187), 264

  Flavius, Cn. (aedile, 304), 111, 333, 337

  Foedus Cassianum, 85, 367

  Fora, 266, 291, 317

  Fordicidia, 61

  Formiae, 103, 119, 290

  Fornacalia, 61

  Fortuna, temple of, 52, 331, 462 n.18; at Praeneste, 357

  Forum, Boarium, 20, 39, 40, 52, 331–3, 462 n.18; Romanum, 51–2, 329, 330, 332–3, 335; Holitorium, 335, 463 n.23

  Fossa Grave culture, 16, 34, 40

  Fossa Regia, 458 n.17

  Francois fresco, 49, 402 n.33, 407 n.12

  Freedmen, 110–11, 289, 322–3, 459 n.2

  Fregellae, 120, 121, 122

  Fregenae, 158

  Frentani, 18

  Frusino, 119, 123

  Fulvius Centumalus, Cn. (cos. 229), 173

  Fulvius Flaccus, Cn. (cos. 210), 200–1

  Fulvius Flaccus, Q. (cos. 237), 199, 298, 301

  Fulvius Flaccus, Q. (cos. 179), 270, 313

  Fulvius Maximus Centumalus, Cn. (cos. 298), 124, 430 n.10

  Fulvius Nobilior, M. (cos. 189), 244, 247, 303, 343

  Fulvius Nobilior, Q. (cos. 153), 271

  Fundi, 103, 119, 134, 290

  Furius Camillus, L. (cos. 338), 102

  Furius Camillus, M. (dict., I. 396), 91, 94–5, 96–7, 102, 107–8, 311, 331, 334, 428 n.5

  Furius Purpureo, L. (cos. 196), 264

  Gabii, 50, 55, 56, 67, 103, 409 n.25

  Gades, 19, 143, 176, 206, 268, 318, 399 n.19, 433 n.2

  Gaesati, 170, 172

  Galatia, 221, 241, 244–5

  Galice, 272

  Gallia Cisalpina, 3, 32, 93, 95, 124, 171–2, 231, 263–6

  Games, see Ludi

  Gaudo, 8

  Gauls, see Celts

  Gaurus, Mt, 427 n.28

  Gavius Pontius, Samnite leader, 121

  Gellius, Cn., annalist, 370

  Gellius Egnatius, Samnite general, 124, 125

  Genoa, 208, 264, 265

  Gens, 57–9

  Genthius of Illyria, 252

  Genucius, L., 106, 108

  Gerunium, 188

  Gladiatorial games, 329, 349–50, 358

  Goloseccans, 15

  Gomphi, 228, 251

  Gonni, 238

  Gracchus, see Sempronius

  Graccuris, 270

  Gravisca, 21, 400 n.23

  Great Plains, see Campi Magni

  Greek influence, on Rome, 54, 74, 314, 325–30, 462 n.15; on Roman policy, see Philhellenism; on Roman law, 79–80, 336, 338; on Roman literature, 340–6; on Roman art, 347–50; on Roman religion, 357–65; opposition to, at Rome, 209, 301

  Greek world, 219–21; Roman settlement of, 260–2; see Achaean League, Aetolian League, Macedon, Athens, Corinth, etc.

  Greeks in Italy, 10–11, 19–23, 99–100, 120, 397 n.7, 399 n.18, 400 n.21; in Spain, 142–3

  Group vote, 66, 77

  Grumentum, 207, 446 n.5

  Guilds, at Rome, 315

  Hadria, 22, 125

  Hadrumetum, 212, 213

  Halaesa, 162

  Halicyae, 162

  Hallstatt, 22

  Hamilcar, Carthaginian general in First Punic War, 153, 156

  Hamilcar, Barca, in First Punic War, 158–60; in Truceless War, 165–6; in Spain, 176, 180

  Hannibal, Carthaginian general in First Punic War, 151–2, 157

  Hannibal the Rhodian, 157

  Hannibal, Barca, swears hatred to Rome, 176; campaigns in Spain, 176–88, 201; supported by Carthaginian government, 198, 208, 214; plan of campaign, 183, 189; size of army, 183, 184, 441 n.1; crosses Rhône, 184, 441 n.2; crosses Alps, 184, 441 n.3; campaign in Italy, 184–90, 197–201, 206–9; alliance with Philip, 193, 444 n.15; marches on Rome, 200, 445 n.19; evacuates Italy, 209, 212; defeated at Zama, 212–13; causes of failure, 214–15; joins Antiochus, 234; supposed advice
to Antiochus, 235–6, 238, 454 n.5; defeated at sea, 241; extradition order for, 243; suffete, 275, 458 n.15; intrigues against, 276; exiled, 276; death of, 254

  Hanno, Carthaginian commander in First Punic War, 150–1

  Hanno, Carthaginian explorer, 143

  Hanno, Carthaginian general in Spain, 190, 205

  Hanno the Great, 158, 165–6, 176

  Hanno, son of Bomilcar, 199

  Hanno, son of Hasdrubal Gisgo, 210

  Hasdrubal, Carthaginian commander in the First Punic War, 156

  Hasdrubal, democratic leader and son-in-law of Hamilcar Barca, 176–7, 179

  Hasdrubal, general in Third Punic War, 280–3

  Hasdrubal, grandson of Masinissa, 280

  Hasdrubal, son of Gisgo, 191, 203, 205, 211

  Hasdrubal Barca, brother of Hannibal: in Spain, 190–2, 203–4; invades Italy, 205–8; killed at Metaurus, 208

  Hasdrubal the Bald, 192, 198

  Hatria (Adria), 100

  Heirkte, Mt, 158, 437 n.18

  Helice, 176

  Hemeroscopium, 143, 177

  Heraclea, in S. Italy, 128, 129, 130, 131, 198

  Heraclea (-ad-Latmum), 301

  Heraclea (-ad-Oetam), in Greece, 239

  Heracleides of Pontus, 315

  Heracleum, 251–2

  Hercules, 358; altar of, 20, 331, 358, 399 n.20, 462 n.18

  Herdonea, 199, 200

  Herdonius Appius, 86, 406 n.10, 423 n.5

  Hermaean Promontory, 155

  Hernici, 17, 85, 87–8, 92, 95–7, 123, 423 n.4

  Hestiaeotis, 248

  Hiero I of Syracuse, 31, 90, 403 n.40

  Hiero II, attacks Mamertines, 148; alliance with Carthage, 148, 150; with Rome, 151; loyal service to Rome, 157, 159, 194; Lex Hieronica, 162–5

  Hieronymus of Syracuse, 194–5

  Himera, Greek victory at (480), 31, 142; in Second Punic War, 196

  Himilco, Carthaginian explorer, 143

  Himilco, Carthaginian commander in Second Punic War, 195

  Hippo Diarrhytus, 165–6

  Hippo Regius, 142

  Hippocrates, agent of Hannibal, 194–5

  Hirpini, 18, 132

  Historians, 346, 369–72

  Homer, 20, 282, 400 n.22

  Hoplites, 65, 412 n.40, 424 n.10

  Horatii, 55

  Horatius Cocles, 68, 414 n.46

  Horatius Barbatus, M. (cos. 449), 81

  Horatius Pulvillus, M. (cos. 509), 417 n.1

  Hortensius, Q. (dictator, 287), 112

  Hostilius Mancinus, A. (cos. 170), 251

  Hostilius Mancinus, C. (cos. 137), 273–4, 429 n.4

  Hostilius Mancinus, L. (cos. 148), 281

  Human sacrifice, 147, 352, 358

  Ibera, battle of, 191

  Iberians, 273

  Icilius, L. (trib. pleb., 456), 76

  Iguvium, 356, 398 n.15, 465 n.5

  Ilergetes, 269

  Ilipa, battle of, 205, 269, 446 n.3, 457 n.10

  Iliturgi, 191

  Illyria, 12, 15–16, 18, 226, 439 n.10, 450 n.11; First Illyrian War, 173–4; Second, 174–5; Third, 252; settlement of, 254, 439 n.11; dialects of, 18

  Ilorci, 192, 205

  Imbrivium, 121

  Imperialism and Roman foreign policy, 150, 173, 174–5, 179–81, 209, 223–5, 233–6, 240–1, 243–5, 246, 253–4, 260–2, 265–6, 278–80, 287, 292–6, 297, 302–3

  Imperium, 62, 164, 203, 268, 291, 299, 418 n.4

  Industry, Etruscan, 26–7, 308–9; at Rome, 313–17; Punic, 145, 146, 152

  Ingauni, 265

  Inscriptions, early Latin, 36, 44–5, 314, 316, 333, 339, 347, 366–7, 465 n.1

  Insubres, 93, 170–2, 183, 264

  Intercatia, 271

  Interrex, 62

  Intibili, 191

  Iron Age, 11–16

  Ischia, 11, 16, 20, 399 n.19

  Issa, 173

  Isthmian Games, 174, 231

  Istria, reduced, 172; wars against, 266–7

  Italic dialects, 17–18, 339, 398nn.14 & 17

  Italica, 206, 268

  Italy, subject to invasion, 3; physical features, 3–5; central position, 5; organization of, by Rome, see Confederacy; population of, 138, 170

  Ius, civile, 336–8; gentium, 338–9; migrandi, 459 n.5; praetorium, 338; honorarium, 338

  Jalon valley, 270, 271, 273

  Janiculum, 38, 331

  Janus, 41, 170, 318–19, 333, 335, 353, 355, 404 n.5

  Jews, Roman treaty with, 259, 456 n.12

  Judas Maccabaeus, 259

  Jugurtha, 275

  Junius Brutus, D. (cos. 325), 121

  Junius Brutus, D. (cos. 138), 272

  Junius Brutus, L. (cos. 509), 67–8, 348, 417 n.1

  Junius Pera, M. (cos. 230), 197

  Junius Pullus, L. (cos. 249), 157–8

  Junius Silanus, M. (praetor, 212), 203, 205

  Juno, 357–8; temples of, Lucina, 335; Moneta, 334, 367; Regina, 331, 424 n.12; Sospita, 335

  Jupiter, 354, 357–8; Feretrius, 352, 408 n.18; Latiaris, 35; Optimus Maximus Capitolinus, 50, 52, 334, 358; Stator, 332

  Kings, seven kings of Rome, 45–50; functions of, 62–3; abolition of, 71

  Knights, see Equites

  Labici, 87, 88

  Lacinian Promontory, 126, 127

  Lade, 222

  Laelius, C. (cos. 190), 203, 211–12, 240, 303

  Laelius Sapiens, C. (cos. 140), 282–3, 326

  Lake-dwellers, see Palafitte and Terramara

  Lamia, 237, 241, 248

  Lampsacus, 233–4, 242

  Land tenure, 75–6, 105–6

  Lanuvium, 84, 96–7, 102, 133, 349

  Laodicea, 259

  Laos, 22

  Lapis niger, 45, 51–2

  Larcius, T., 73

  Lares, 349–50, 353, 464 n.3; temple of, 332

  Largo Argentina, 463 n.23

  Larinum, 208

  Larissa, 238, 251, 322

  Lars Porsenna, see Porsenna

  La Rustica, 34

  La Tène, 23

  Latial culture, 14, 33–4, 40, 403 n.43

  Latin language, 17, 327–8, 339–40, 463 n.1

  Latin League, 35, 50, 55, 73, 85; changed relations with Rome, 85, 92; treaty renewed, 97; dissolved, 102, 133

  Latins, 97–8; early life of, 33–7, 403 n.45, 422 n.1; and foundation of Rome, 34; wars against Aequi and Volsci, 86–8; against Rome, see Rome; status after 338 BC, 102–4; in Rome, 110; in Pyrrhic War, 128–9; Latin allies, 134–5; in second century, 289–91; expelled from Rome, 291

  Latium, geography of, 4, 33; early settlements in, 33–5, 403nn.42–6; Etruscans in, 35–7, 404 n.47; Sabines in, 40, 46–7, 57–8, 86, 406 n.10; federal movements in, 35, 85; trade in, 314

  Lautulae, 122

  Lavinia, 42

  Lavinium, 33, 35–7, 42, 44, 84, 96, 403 n.44, 404 n.48, 405 n.8, 423 n.9

  Law, 335–8, 463 n.25; in provinces, 162–3; in Italy, 291; see Twelve Tables and lex

  Lectisternia, 359–60

  Legati, 164

  Legis actiones, 81, 111, 338

  Lemnos, 24–5

  Lemuria, 353

  Leontini, 195

  Lex, leges, regiae, 63, 412 n.37; Valeria, 71, 114; Icilia, 331; sacrata, 76; sacrata militaris, 108; Publilia, 77; Valerio-Horatian, 81, 420 n.20; Canuleia, 81–2, 421 n.20; Ovinia, 82, 111, 116; Licinian-Sextian, 106, 107–8, 428 n.1; Genuciae, 106, 108, 421 n.20; Poetelia, 107; Publiliae, 77, 108, 419 n.15; Ogulnia, 111, 368; Valeria, 111; Maenia, 112; Hortensia, 112, 297, 420 n.20; Hieronica, 162; Rupilia, 162; Claudia, 169, 287, 291; Porciae, 291, 459 n.6; Sempronia, 323; Calpurnia, 296; Aelia Fufia, 298, 459 n.11; Baebia, 299; Villia Annalis, 299; Voconia, 327; Furia Testamentaria, 327; Oppia, 328; Orchia, 328; Fannia, 328; Aebutia, 338

  Libri lintei, 334, 367, 370, 419, n.12

  Libyphoenicians, 142

  Licinius Crassus, P. (cos. 205), 209

  Licinius Crassus, P. (cos. 171), 250–1

  Licinius Lucullus, L. (cos. 151), 271

  Licinius Macer, C., annalist, 367, 370, 466

  Licinius Stolo, C. (cos. 361), 107

  Ligurians, cave dwellings of, 7; ethnic relations, 15, 93; wars with Rome, 170, 264–5

  Lilybaeum, 153, 156–8, 163

  Lingones, 93, 170

  Lipari Islands, 7, 8, 10–11, 156

  Liris, 102

  Lissus, 174, 175, 193, 252

  Liternum, 304

  Litubio, 264

  Livius Andronicus, poet, 325, 340, 341, 360, 464 n.5

  Livius Drusus, C. (cos. 147), 282

  Livius Salinator, C. (cos, 188), 240–1, 302–3

  Livius Salinator, M. (cos. 219), 175, 206–8, 331, 341

  Livy, 371–2, 467

  Lixus, 19, 399 n.19

  Locri, 22, 127, 129, 130–1, 198, 206, 208, 210, 432 n.21

  Lomello, 185

  Luca, 265, 457 n.4

  Lucania, 17, 99–100, 120, 124–31, 189, 197, 199, 429 n.2

  Luceria, 122, 124, 125, 126, 129, 187–8, 199

  Lucilius, C., satirist, 326

  Lucretia, 67

  Lucumo, 29

  Lucus Feroniae, 409 n.24, 445 n.19

  Ludi, Apollinares, 360; Roman (Magni), 49, 53, 408 n.19; Megalenses, 328

  Luna, 170, 265, 457 n.4

  Luni, 11

  Lupercal, 332; Lupercalia, 40, 352, 356

  Lusitani, 269–72

  Lusones, 270, 273

  Lutatius Catulus, C. (cos. 242), 1159

  Luxury, at Rome, 304, 328–9

  Lycia, 255

  Lycortas, father of Polybius, 247

  Lydia, 23

  Lyncestis, 227

  Lysimacheia, 221, 242

  Maccius Plautus, T., 317, 325, 328, 335, 344–6, 361

  Macedon, 174–5; First Macedonian War, 193–4; causes of Second War, 223–6, 451 n.12; outbreak of Second War, 221–3; strategy of, 226–30; course of, 226–30; Third War, 250–4; divided into four republics, 253, 260; Andriscus restores monarchy, 260; defeated, 260; becomes Roman province, 260; see also Philip and Perseus

  Macellum, 333

  Maelius, Sp., 75, 419 n.12

  Maenace, 143, 399 n.19, 433 n.1

  Maenius, C. (cos. 338), 102, 330, 427 n.28

  Magic, 351–2, 354

  Magistracy, under kings, 54; and Imperium, 71–2; checks on, 72, 299; insignia of, 54, 78; division of, 82; nature of, 112–16; re-election to, 298–300; in second century, 299–300; exclusiveness of, 293–4; age limit, 299–300; and jurisdiction, 336–8; in Italian towns, 133–4; see also Consul, Praetor, etc.

  Magna Graecia, 20

  Magna Mater, 360; temple of, 332, 360


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