Kunocappo, Chief 154
Lamb, Edward 517
Lamb, Robert xx, 127, 192
Larkin, Lieutenant John 414–15, 474
Latoomy-lange, Chief 153
Launch 14, 15, 65, 124–5, 204–5, 207–8, 324, 363, 374
arrival in Timor 300–4
auction 366–7
discipline, maintaining 234, 252, 257
journey to Timor 230–4, 247–9, 250–2, 258–65, 277–83, 289–94, 297–304
map of voyage 298
rations 249, 259, 262, 271, 274, 289–90, 298, 313
supplies 210–13, 216–18, 223–5, 248–9
Lebogue, Lawrence xix, 60, 132, 282, 413, 551
Appendix 511, 517–18
Launch, in 208, 255–6, 263, 290
Ledward, Thomas xviii, 27, 54, 208, 282, 290
replacement doctor, as 80–1, 123, 339
Sourabaya 339, 342–6
Ledyard, John xxxii
The Letters of Fletcher Christian 524
Linkletter, Peter xix, 54, 208, 337
Macarthur, John 541
Maccaackavow 236, 241
McCoy, Billy xx, 41, 160, 308, 383
death 527
massacre on Pitcairn 496–7, 502, 503–7
mutiny 178, 180, 189, 192, 210, 466
Pitcairn 365, 384, 405, 491–2, 514, 520, 525
McIntosh, Mary 438, 452–3
McIntosh, Thomas xix, 79, 288
Appendix 511
boat-building 373–4, 379, 403
court martial 453, 459, 467, 477
Edward Christian, talking to 490, 511
Loyalist, as 219, 225, 252, 329, 350, 355, 358
mutiny 211, 215
Pandora, on 429
Tahiti, remaining on 358, 373, 374, 379, 419
Macquarie, Lieutenant Lachlan 62, 541–2
Mahoo 130–1
Maitea 81
Mareva 365, 394, 444
Martin, Isaac xxi, 137, 306–7, 363
death 495, 498
mutiny 177, 187, 192, 193–4, 196, 216–17, 219
Pitcairn 365, 494
Martin, Jenny (Teehuteatuaonoa) 362–3, 365, 372, 494, 507, 519, 549–50
Matavai Bay 83–4, 91, 97, 101, 105, 124, 128, 131, 284, 373, 403, 416, 438, 554
Mauatua ‘Isabella’ see Christian, Isabella
Memorandum and Particulars Respecting the Bounty and her Crew 455
Menalee 365, 394, 443–6, 492, 495–8, 503–5
death 505–6
Mercury 361–2, 364, 388, 418
Middlesex 2, 3
Mills, John ‘Jack’ xix, 78
mutiny 178, 183–4, 466
Pitcairn 365, 405, 495–8
Millward, John xxi
court martial 459, 466, 476
desertion 127–8, 134–7
execution 485–7
mutiny 191, 196–9, 210, 227
Tahiti, remaining on 359, 374, 419
Moannah 110, 122, 129
Montagu 545
Montagu, Captain Sir George 457, 483
Moore, Hamilton 223
Morrison, James xix, 31, 39–40, 43, 55, 59, 60, 126, 138, 169, 266, 436
account of mutiny 455–6, 481, 484
Bligh, on 68, 144, 455
boat-building 360, 373–5, 379, 380–2, 403–4, 406–7, 416, 425, 547
court martial 458, 459, 461–3, 465, 467–9, 474–7
Edwards, conflict with 434–5
execution of mutineers 485–7
journal 447, 547
Loyalist, as 218–19, 224–5, 252–4, 329, 350, 418, 419–20
mutiny 191–2, 196–8, 210, 217–19, 224–5, 460–1
Natives, on 69–70, 277
naval career 547–8
Pandora, on 420, 428–31
pardon 482–3
punishments, administering 47, 114, 136, 167
Tahiti 87, 88, 114, 116, 148, 329, 350, 360–1, 364, 373–5, 390, 398–9, 416–19
Tubuai 317, 320, 333
Moulter, William 431
Muspratt, William xx, 127, 178, 430
court martial 459, 469, 476, 480
desertion 127–8, 134–7
Tahiti, remaining on 358–9, 413, 419
mutineers 357–8
Articles 314
Bligh’s list 355, 368, 380, 449, 453
capture on Tahiti 420–2
court martial 451, 454, 457–77
England, arrival in 446
execution of 485–7
falling out 314–18, 327–30, 362–3, 383, 389–90, 394–9
Launch, preparation of 207–8, 219–28
Loyalists, relationship with 359–60, 373–5
marriages 287–8
Pandora, on 423–4, 427–32
Pitcairn see Pitcairn Island recruiting 175–8
Tahiti, on 306–7, 349–52, 388–9
Timor 436
uniforms, creating 260, 263, 371
mutiny 173–4, 178–205, 323
Appendix (account of mutiny) 511–14
Bligh as cause of 347, 351, 464, 511–12, 513, 531, 552, 556
Bligh, capture of 181–4, 188
Bligh’s account 188, 206, 230, 354–5, 368, 380, 399–402, 404, 458–9
crew forced to stay on Bounty 218–19
Middlesex 3–4
Sourabaya 340–3
track of Bounty following 377
Nagatee 159, 160, 236, 242–3
Natives 103, 152–3, 277, 377, 405
Annamooka 153–61, 426
Feejee Islands 255–6
human sacrifice 320, 411
Pitcairn, on see Pitcairn Island
Purutea 370–1
Restoration Island 275
Tahiti see Tahiti
Tofoa 232, 235–46
Tongataboo 375–6
Tubuai 265–69, 272, 276, 309–10, 314–16, 320
Van Diemen’s Land 64, 68–71, 554
Navigators Islands 426
Nehow 365, 384, 394, 508
death 509
massacre 494–5, 503–7
Nelson, David xxi, 7–8, 25, 27, 69, 148, 154, 281, 282, 283, 292, 341, 464
death 319, 368
loading the bread-fruit 145–6
mutiny 186, 190, 209
Restoration Island 271, 273
Tahiti 85, 90–1, 100, 109, 110, 114
Tofoa 232, 233, 245
New Hebrides 261
New Holland 59, 148, 171–2, 247–8, 257, 261, 263, 275, 277, 289, 427
Noocabo, Chief 154
Norfolk Island 554–5
Norman, Charles xix
boat-building 373, 403
court martial 453, 459, 477
Loyalist, as 219, 225, 252, 329, 350, 355, 358, 419–20
mutiny 178, 183, 192–3, 201, 211
Pandora, on 420, 429
Tahiti, remaining on 358, 373, 374, 419
Norton, John xix, 208
Tofoa 235, 243–4, 246
Obuarei 365
Ohoo 336, 366, 394, 440–3
murder of 445–6, 456
Oliver, William 425, 436
Oparre 122, 124, 135, 554
Oreepyah 94, 101, 104, 118, 129
Otoo (King Tinah) see Tinah, King
(Otoo) Otoo (King Tu) see Tu, King
Palmerston Island 425
Pandora 410, 413–20, 433, 436, 438, 481
cage (Pandora’s box) 421, 422, 423–4, 427–32
Great Barrier Reef, wrecking on 427–32
map of voyage 437
search for mutineers 425–7, 437
Papara 416, 418–19, 421
Pasley, Commodore Thomas 432–3, 450–2, 454, 457, 477, 493
Patirre 398
Peckover, William xviii, xxxv, 18, 158, 166, 173, 282
Appendix 511
court martial of mutineers 464, 473
Launch, in 248, 263, 291–2
mutiny 186, 190, 209
Sourabaya 337
> Tahiti 85, 87, 98, 110, 115, 141, 413
Timor 297
Tofoa 240, 242, 245
Phillip, Governor Arthur 6–7, 12, 25, 247
Phillips, 2nd Lieutenant Molesworth xxxiv, xxxvi–xxxviii, 481
Pipon, Captain Philip 532–7, 557
Pitcairn Island 365–6, 377–8, 382–8, 392, 439, 523–4, 554–5
alcohol, brewing 525–6
building a settlement 393–4, 405
departure from 519, 554–5
dogs 393, 534
language 405–6
life on 404–6, 456, 491, 510
massacre of mutineers 494–502
Natives and mutineers, conflict between 441–6, 491–2, 494–510, 522–3
religion 529, 534–7
resettlement 555
sexual abuse case 555
visits by ships 530–7, 548–9
women on 440–1, 501–3, 507–10, 514–15, 519–20, 522–3
Pitcairn, Robert 377
Pitt, John (Second Earl of Chatham) 450, 493
Poeeno, Chief 91–2, 110, 122, 364
Point Venus 85–6
bread-fruit plantation 109–11, 117, 118, 122
Portlock, Lieutenant Nathaniel 493
Portsmouth 1, 23, 25, 88, 391–2, 446, 476, 483–5
Poulaho 241
Providence 432, 493, 547–8
Prudence see Tinafornia
Purcell, William xviii, 38, 49–50, 60, 283
Appendix 511
Bligh, conflict with 64–8, 121–2, 279–80, 311–13, 338, 339–40, 344, 347, 357, 408–10
Christian, and 167–9, 170
court martial of mutineers 464–5, 473
death 552
Edward Christian, talking to 490, 511, 552
journey to Timor 251, 270, 273–4, 278–80, 294
mutiny 186–7, 202–5, 211–12, 216–17
naval career 552
Resource, outfitting 311–13
Restoration Island 273, 274
Sourabaya 337–41, 343, 344, 347–8
Sunday Island 278–80
Tofoa 241–2, 243–4
tool chest 212, 214–15
Purutea 370–2
Quintal, Matthew xxi, 41, 46, 55, 155–6, 308, 383
death 526
massacre on Pitcairn 497–8, 502–7
mutiny 176–7, 181–6, 188–9, 194, 196–8, 212–13, 217, 466
Pitcairn 365, 384, 386–8, 405, 491, 492, 514, 520
Tubuai, trouble on 316, 328
Resolution xxix, xxxi, xxxiv, xxxv, xli, 4, 90, 102
Resolution (Morrison’s boat) 406, 417, 419, 425–7, 436, 547–8, 547–8
Resource 311, 321, 322, 330, 337–8, 340, 346, 357, 363
auction 366
route 353
Restoration Island 268, 269–76
Rickman, 2nd Lieutenant John xxxiii, xxxiv
Rogers, Captain John 3
Roti Channel 297
Royal William 407
Rum Rebellion 541
sabotage 138–9, 361
Samarang 354, 358, 436, 547
Samuel, John xx, 34, 39, 48, 74, 166, 170, 232, 282, 341, 356, 369
England, back in 391
mutiny 177, 184, 190, 201, 208, 212–13
Sourabaya 343, 347
San Josef 539
Santa Cruz Harbour 36
scurvy 78–9, 80
Seaman’s Complete Daily Assistant 223, 248
Simon’s Bay 60, 61
Simpson, George xix, 208, 232
Skinner, Richard xxi, 54, 335, 359, 430
death on Pandora 432
slaves 62–3, 543
Pitcairn, on 405, 492
Smith, Alec (John Adams) xxi, 40, 172, 250, 363, 371, 557–8
death 549
massacre on Pitcairn 498–502, 505
mutiny 177, 181, 187, 197–8
Pitcairn 365, 388, 405, 412, 509, 514, 520, 526–31, 534–7, 548–9
punishment of 113–14
religious epiphany 528–9
Tubuai 324–5, 328
Smith, John xx, 190, 201, 210–11, 282, 302–4, 369, 391, 413
Appendix 511, 517
Smith, Sir Sydney 557
Society Isles 7, 59
Sourabaya 322, 330, 337–49
South America 47–8
South Pacific islands 253
Southey, Robert 561
Spikerman, Captain 301–4, 309, 313
Spithead xvii, 23–4, 26–9, 85, 407, 410, 527
Stewart, Charlotte 432, 438, 452, 548
Stewart, George xviii–xix, 19, 35, 229, 265, 424, 548
Christian, and 168, 170, 171, 173, 305, 351–2
death 432
mutiny 173–4, 175, 200, 219, 453, 462, 471–2, 551
Pandora, on 414–16, 430–2
Tahiti 102, 116, 143, 288, 329, 358, 359
Stewart, Peggy 143, 416, 424, 432, 438, 548
Sumner, John xxi, 116, 153
death on Pandora 432
mutiny 177, 181–6, 188–90, 194, 196, 198–9, 466
Tahiti, remaining on 359, 416, 419
Tubuai, trouble on 316, 328
Sunday Island 268, 278–82
supplies 22–3, 25, 35, 37
Launch, in 210–13, 216–18, 223–5, 248–9
restocking en route 61, 65, 67
Tahiti, in 97–8, 101, 143–4, 147, 307
wood 64–6
Swallow 377
Tagus 532–7
Tahiti 6–7, 25, 34, 61, 71, 79, 82, 188, 306–8, 327, 453, 553–4
Arreoys 111–12, 115
arrival of Bounty 83–91
Bligh’s rules for the crew 86
chiefdoms (map) 89
Cook’s visit xxiii–xxviii
departure of Bounty 146–9, 305–8, 350–3
friendship (tyo) 99, 101, 103
kingship, nature of 89–90
language 7, 9, 87, 89, 110, 115, 241, 243, 310, 374
Mahoo 130–1
naming practices 88–90, 378
return of Bounty 284–7, 295–7, 330, 349–50
thefts from Bounty 94, 102–3, 113, 141
trading with Bounty crew 87–8, 96–8, 143–4
watersports 103–5
women xxv–xxvi, 79, 83, 85, 87–8, 91, 94, 97, 102, 106, 114, 118–20, 140–1, 229, 286–7, 353, 362–3, 399, 424
Talaloo 365, 394, 440, 442, 456
murder of 443–5
Tane (god) xxiii–xxiv, 288
tapa cloth 91–2, 101, 147
Taroamiva, Chief 332, 335–6
Taroatchoa, Chief 315–16, 320
Teatuahitea ‘Sarah’ 308, 365, 441
Teehuteatuaonoa ‘Jenny’ see Martin, Jenny
Teio 308, 365
Tenerife 36–7, 42, 60, 432
Teppahoo 134
Teraura 365, 503, 507–8, 526, 550
Terreeoboo xxxii, xxxiv–xxxvi, 242
Tetaheite 336, 366, 394
death 508–9
massacre 494–8, 500–1, 503–7
Tethuroa 128, 129, 131
Tettahah 133–5
Tevarua 365, 498, 502, 505, 507–8, 519, 526
Thompson, Matthew xxi, 41, 121
death 398
mutiny 177, 185
Tahiti, remaining on 359, 373, 375, 388–90, 394–9
Tubuai, trouble on 310–11, 314–15
Tierra del Fuego 48
Timoa 365, 394, 442–5, 492, 494–6, 498, 503
Timor 248, 262, 289, 291–3, 297–304, 308–9, 319, 434
Tinafornia 366, 394, 440
Tinah, King (Otoo)
Bligh, and 89–90, 93–101, 103, 105–8, 110–11, 114, 117–20, 122, 124–5, 128–9, 139, 141–2, 147–8, 362, 452
Bounty, return of 284, 295–7, 350–1, 352, 359
Cook’s visit to Tahiti xxiii–xxiv
Tinkler, Robert xx, 19, 35, 118, 214, 220, 239, 240
Tinnarow, Chief 310, 315–16, 322, 324–6
, 330, 331–6
Tofoa 162, 168, 172, 177, 213, 226
Loyalists on 231–46
volcano 172–3, 233
Tonga 98, 153–61
Tongataboo 232, 241, 247, 375–6, 382
Toofaiti 365, 394, 440–5, 494
Topaz 530–1, 557
Transit of Venus xxiv, xxvi–xxvii, xxviii, 85
Tu, King 89–90, 106–8, 410–12
Tubuai 229, 254, 260, 265–9, 272, 276–7, 306, 309–10, 314–18
Fort George 317–18, 320, 322, 326–9, 332
map 318
war on 324–7, 330, 331–6
women 267, 324, 327–8
Tummotoa, Chief 310, 315–16
Tutuilia 426
Tyarrabboo 378, 389–90, 394–5
Vahineatua 365
Valentine, James xxi, 31–2
death of 71–3, 76–7
Van Diemen’s Land 25, 59, 63–71
Natives 64, 68–71, 554
Van Este, Willem Adriaan 301, 313, 346, 356
Vay-heeadooa, Chief 378, 398
venereal disease 82, 102, 120
Vlydt 369, 372, 382, 391
Wallis, Captain Samuel xxiv
Wanjon, Timotheus 321, 436, 482
Warrior 539–40
doldrums 45
monsoon season 122
snowstorms 49, 52, 57
storms 29–32, 34–5, 48–51, 53–9, 63, 121–2, 251, 259, 426
water-spout 151–2
Webber, John 93, 99
West Indies 4, 6–7
Wewitzer, Ralph 400
Whydooah 94, 135–6, 361
Williams, Dr Peter 557
Williams, John ‘Jack’ xxi, 43, 383
death 494–5, 514
mutiny 177–8, 192, 210
Pitcairn 365, 384, 439–40, 442–5
Williamson, Lieutenant John xxxviii
Windham, William 400
women 426–7
Pitcairn, on 440–1, 501–3, 507–10, 514–15, 519–20, 522–3
Tahitian xxv–xxvi, 79, 83, 85, 87–8, 91, 94, 97, 102, 106, 114, 118–20, 140–1, 229, 286–7, 353, 362–3, 399, 424
Tubuai, on 267, 324, 327–8
Wordsworth, William 525, 558–9
Wytootacke 153, 286, 295, 297, 362, 425
Young, George 534, 537
Young, Matthew 555
Young, Moses 555
Young, Ned xix, 19–20, 162–3, 166, 199, 329, 555
death 527
massacre on Pitcairn 501–9
Pitcairn 365, 405, 491, 492, 501–3, 505, 514–15, 520, 522–3, 525–7
Bligh’s portrait, c. 1776, by John Webber. Bligh, in Master’s uniform, is about to be posted to James Cook’s ship the Resolution. National Portrait Gallery, Canberra
Fletcher Christian – detail from Robert Dodd’s engraving of the Mutiny on the Bounty.
Sketch of bread-fruit by George Tobin. Tobin was a Royal Navy officer and artist who accompanied Bligh on HMS Providence. Mitchell Library, SLNSW, PXA 563
‘Matavai Bay, Island of Otahytey, sunset’ by George Tobin. Mitchell Library, SLNSW, PXA 563
Mutiny on the Bounty Page 73