Riding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Riding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Jane Jamison

“Want me to add some rum? Paul doesn’t mind one or two drinks while you’re on duty.”

  As good as that sounded, she preferred to keep stone-cold sober while working. “No, thanks.”

  “Look.” Wilson leaned toward her. “We all feel bad for Bob, but we can’t let him keep bothering you. If you want, I can have a talk with him. The next time he doesn’t listen to you, he’s out.”

  It was a tempting offer, but she still felt sorry for him. He was a man learning to live life without his wife of thirty years. “Let’s give him more time. He’ll come around.” At least she hoped so.

  “I guess.” Wilson’s gaze drifted past her. “Don’t look now, but he’s signaling for another one. Want me to take it to him?”

  She drank most of the cola, then slid off her stool. “Thanks again, but I’ll get it.”

  “Okay.” He slid the frosty beer mug toward her. “Just holler if you need me.”

  “I will.”

  Straightening up, she took a moment to watch two of the ranch hands named Jordan and Eddie lift Sharon, one of the other waitresses, onto the counter. She laughed, then opened her legs wide. Jordan shoved her short skirt up to her waist, then pressed his face against her pussy. Sharon leaned back as Eddie pushed her halter out of the way and cupped her breast. Sharon let her head fall back and her eyes close.

  Eva Marie swallowed and felt the moisture form between her legs. Keeping to her vow to remain a virgin was hard to do when she witnessed sex every night. So far, she hadn’t even had a man go down on her. The closest she’d ever come was letting a man run his fingers around the rim of her pussy.

  Biting her lower lip, she imagined what it must feel like to have a man’s tongue slicking over her folds, parting them, then stabbing his tongue inside her. Jordan added a finger to Sharon’s clit as his head bobbed up and down, licking and nibbling at her. Familiar desire, desire that had never been quenched, ripped into her.

  Oh, how she wanted to feel what Sharon was feeling. She wanted to moan and thrust out her tits like she was doing. Eddie had both breasts free as he slid from one to the other, sucking her nipples in one at a time, then pushing her breasts together so he could suck in both of them at once.

  “Eva Marie?”

  She whipped a tongue over her upper lip and struggled to keep her hand out from between her legs. Closing her eyes, she captured the image of the two cowboys enjoying Sharon and replaced them with two other cowboys.

  William and Gage were all over her, their hands touching every spot of her, turning flesh that wasn’t erotic into centers of pleasure. She moaned, putting her head back like Sharon had done, and felt their tongues, their teeth devouring her.

  “Eva Marie? Hey, girl, snap out of it.”


  At once, she opened her eyes and froze. Her hand was under her skirt even as she held Bob’s beer in the other. Embarrassment flushed through her and it was hard as hell to meet Wilson’s eyes.

  “Um, do you want to finish what you were doing? Like I said, I can take Bob his beer.”

  Oh, shit.

  Playing with herself as part of a show was one thing. But zoning out as she rubbed her clit shocked her. “No. I mean…” She forced her attention away from Sharon, who was now getting fucked good and hard by Eddie. “Sorry. I kind of lost it for a second.”

  “No problem.” Wilson was as kind and as understanding as ever. “But if you don’t mind my saying, you need to get laid.”

  She didn’t bother trying to deny it. How could she? “Yeah. I do.”

  “Then why don’t you? Any guy would jump at the chance.”

  At least her breathing had returned to normal. “Maybe. But I want to wait for the right men.”

  Wilson grinned. “Men, huh? Okay, girl, then I hope you meet them real soon.”

  “Evie? Hey, Evie, am I gonna get that beer sometime soon?”

  Wilson pushed another mug toward her. “Here. Take him a fresh one. Hell, take him both. Maybe that’ll keep him busy drinking and he’ll leave you alone.”

  She took the other mug. “Yeah, right. Because drunks never cause any problems.”

  Wilson’s laughter followed her. “You’ve got me there. Good luck.”

  Eva Marie was determined to keep a smile on her face. It was difficult enough, but once Bob saw her headed his way, it got even harder. Still, she managed to keep it there.

  “Here you go, Bob. Two beers and one’s on the house.” She just hoped getting a free one wouldn’t let him think that his actions were okay.

  “A free one, huh? Looks like someone wants to make up for treating me bad.”

  Damn. I knew he’d take it the wrong way.

  “Just drink up and enjoy, okay?”

  She’d just placed the first beer in front of him when his hand found its way between her legs. Unlike before, he made it all the way up to push his fingers between her folds.

  She let out a yelp and lurched away, still holding on to his second beer. “Damn it, Bob. I told you to keep your paws off me.”

  “Aw, come on, Evie. You know you want to do a private strip tease for me. I’m getting you in the mood, is all.”

  She bit back the angry cuss words she wanted to hurl his way and remembered the rules about striking customers. Maybe she could pay him back in a different way. Once again, she plastered on a smile.

  “Sir?” She’d called Bob sir as she did most of the other patrons, but that had been before he’d started giving her trouble.

  “Yes, Evie?” He wiped his mouth with a swipe of his forearm. “You ready to take it all off?”

  She eased closer. “I know you’re all hot and bothered.”

  “Oh, I am.” His bushy eyebrows went toward the ceiling.

  “And you need something to get you cooled off. Am I right?”

  “You are so right. It hurts right here.” He cupped his crotch.

  She put her hand on his shoulder then leaned forward, giving him a good shot of her bountiful cleavage. “I have just the thing to cool you right down.”


  “Yeah.” Her smile grew even bigger as she straightened up, held the mug over his head, then turned it upside down.

  The two men seated with Bob, friends of his from way back, scraped their chairs across the floor as they hurried to get out of the way. Bob didn’t seem to understand what had happened at first. When he did, he let out a bellow that caused everyone to turn his way.

  “What the fuck?” Anger turned his face red as he stood up, arms out. His wet, stringy hair, what little there was of it, hung in front of his face. His shirt stuck to his protruding stomach and a large, dark stain covered his crotch area.

  She pressed her fingers to her mouth. “Oops. Did I do that?”

  “What’s going on here?” Dom Hank Irons rushed to Bob’s side, caught the gist of what had happened, and grinned. “Well, hell. If you needed to cool down, Bob, you could’ve used the water trough out back.”

  A hand grabbed her and turned her away from Bob and Hank. Hank’s friend, Ron Callows, pulled her away from the table. “Damn it, Eva Marie, why didn’t you let us handle him?”

  She yanked her arm free. “Oh, do you mean like you have so far?”

  “We’re cutting the guy some slack. Maybe too much.”

  “Ya think?” She felt bad being the only one who seemed to have a problem with Bob.

  “Yeah, I get you, but no more. Just give him a little more time. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She glanced back at Bob and Hank. Bob waved his arms around, his voice rising to a higher pitch. “I’ll get a mop and clean that up.”

  “No, don’t. Go on back to the break room and catch your breath. By the time you come back, we’ll have everything, including Bob, squared away. Deal?”

  “Fine.” That was the best it was going to get for now. At least, maybe she’d finally gotten their attention and something would get done about Bob. Catching Wilson’s eye and pointing toward the hallway to let him know she was going on bre
ak, she stalked out of the main room.

  She didn’t make it, though. Halfway there, Paul stepped out of his office and waved her to a stop.

  “What’s going on back there?” He thrust out his chin, indicating the main room where Bob was still going loud and strong.

  Telling Paul she’d dumped good beer over Bad Bob was the last thing she wanted to do. At least not right then while Bob was still hollering. “It’s fine. Doms Hank and Ron are handling it.”

  He didn’t look like he believed her, but he let it go. “Are you about to go on your break?”

  “Yes. Unless you need something.”

  “Yeah, I do. I wanted to introduce you to a couple of new members.”

  Meeting new members instead of taking her break? Not what she wanted, but it was Paul asking. “I’d love to meet them.”

  “Great.” He pushed open the door to a private room, then motioned her ahead of him.

  She was into the room where two men stood, their backs to her. The men were broad in the shoulders and lean in the waist with legs that stretched on forever.

  “Boys, I’d like you to meet Eva Marie McAlister. She’s one of the waitresses here.”

  When they turned around, she stole a quick breath and told herself to keep calm. There wasn’t any reason for her heart to jump like it was doing. After all, she’d kind of expected them to show up. Yet having William and Gage there threw her for a loop.

  Both men had followed the rules and removed their hats. But that was the only difference between how they’d looked by the pond and now.

  I was right. They were tall. More than six feet. And as handsome as the Devil himself.

  Gage stepped forward, extending his hand. The twinkle in his eyes was unmistakable. “It’s nice to meet you, Eva.”

  So we’re playing that game? Like we haven’t already met?

  “It’s Eva Marie. And it’s nice to meet—”

  The rest of her sentence was cut off as he yanked her forward and crushed his mouth to hers.

  Chapter Three

  Eva Marie believed in true love. And at that exact moment in time, she thought she might have found it. Her true love did exist and he was holding her in his arms. At least, that’s what her body told her. But the real test would come later, after she’d gotten to know him.

  Amazing her, his kiss intensified, the urgency felt against her lips and in the strong arms wrapped around her. He nibbled on her bottom lip then swept his tongue inside her mouth. Her pulse picked up both speed and sound, pounding in her ears. And yet, was she sure that it was really her heart? Or was she hearing his heart beating just as fast and as hard as hers?

  He held her, but he didn’t have to any longer. She leaned into him, letting his strength and aroma envelop her. Her hands slid from his chest where she’d started to push after he’d first grabbed her, then around his waist and up to grasp his mountainous shoulders. He was almost a foot taller than her five-foot-five-inch frame and she had to bend her neck back to accommodate the kiss. If she had to bend over backward, she would. Anything to keep his lips pressed to hers.

  And yet, it wasn’t meant to be.

  She let out a small yelp at the tug that dragged her away from Gage. But she didn’t mind where she ended up. William took her behind the neck and bent her back as though dipping her in dance. His dimples flashed a second before he devoured her mouth.

  If she could’ve dragged in a breath of air, she would have. A similar sensation, like the one she’d felt with Gage, struck her, weakening her knees.

  How was that possible? Sure, some women had found more than one man, usually a pair of Doms, to love, but those weren’t true loves, were they? Could she have found two men at the same time? True love was hard enough to find between two people, but with a third? It was what she’d hoped for, dreamed of, but she’d never thought it was a real possibility.

  Until now.

  As she’d done with Gage, she moved her palms away from his chest. But this time, she locked her fingers behind his neck. His kiss was just as intense, just as compelling as Gage’s. They were similar in many ways, but they were different, too. That difference wasn’t something she could define easily and, frankly, didn’t care if she ever could as long as it was there. Instead, she whimpered her need, knowing a major change in her life had just occurred.

  The kisses could’ve lasted a few minutes or half an hour. She wasn’t sure. If she could’ve stayed in their arms, moving back and forth between the men, she would’ve been thrilled. Paul, however, had other ideas.

  She heard him clearing his throat and ignored it. If he wanted William to turn her loose, he’d have to tell him. She wasn’t about to break the kiss. Yet it wasn’t Paul who finally took hold of her and brought her out of William’s arms.

  She was unsteady on her feet when Gage pulled her away. Her lips parted, ready for another kiss.

  His dark eyes, so different from William’s blue ones, stared straight into her soul. But it was the curvature of his mouth that finally brought her back to her senses. She could guess what he was about to say.

  “Guess I finally got the truth out of you. Admit it. You did know we were watching.”

  She had to give him his due. He’d said he’d kiss her the next time he saw her, and damned if he didn’t. But that didn’t mean she’d give him the satisfaction of admitting he’d been right.

  “So you three have already met? Or are y’all just being really friendly?”

  Somehow she kept from touching her lips to see how plumped their kisses had made them. She fought against the embarrassment crawling its heated path up her neck. What would Paul think? “We have. I met them out by the swimming pond.”

  “Ah. Got it.”

  Paul studied her, but once she took her focus off him and over to William, the embarrassment was gone in a flash. Another kind of heated flash erupted, washing away any thoughts except those about the sexiest men she’d ever met.

  Damn, but William’s dimples could drive any woman to kiss him. Between his brother’s flashing dark eyes and wicked looks and William’s dimples and engaging smile, a woman could find it tough to think straight. But she was no ordinary woman. Her ideas of true love that had overshadowed where she was and what they were doing were gone. She believed in true love, but true love wasn’t love at first sight. She needed to know more about the man, or men, she’d fall for. But first, she had to get a grip on the wild emotions keeping her unnerved.

  “Eva was skinny-dipping—”

  “Eva Marie. I don’t go by just plain old Eva.” She set her sights on first William, then Gage, daring them to keep calling her Eva.

  “Sorry.” William continued, “Eva Marie was taking a swim when we came along.”

  “I see.”

  She was willing to bet that Paul did see. He knew her well enough to know she was out at the pond a lot.

  “Anyway, I wanted to introduce Eva Marie to you and ask her if she’d help you two learn the ropes around here.”

  She jerked her attention to Paul. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “I think Paul wants you to show us around, give us the lay of the land, help us get used to this Dom thing.”

  “It’s a Dom/submissive thing. You can’t have one without the other.” She didn’t give Gage time to react. As difficult as it might be, she had to keep her wits around them. “Wouldn’t one of the other girls be a better choice? I don’t get into doing the scenes.”

  “Maybe.” Paul crossed over to the wet bar and lifted a carafe of whiskey, asking if any of them wanted a drink. Some private rooms held only beds, while others were equipped with wet bars and big-screen televisions. But all of them had a big black box filled with sex toys and tools.

  She shook her head, even though Paul really hadn’t meant the offer for her. He knew she didn’t drink on the job.

  “That’s kind of the point. All the other girls have been really busy lately. Business has picked up and it’s hard for them to keep up. I figured, s
ince you don’t play, you’d have more time to give them.” He handed the glasses to the men, then slugged back a shot. “Still, you know how it is here. Nobody does anything they don’t want to do. If you say you’re out, then you’re out. No problem.”

  “Tell that to Bob.”

  Paul’s face fell. “Aw, hell. The old coot’s starting to get on my nerves.”

  “Like I said, Hank’s handling it.” She put her hand on Paul’s arm, needing to let him know that she was sorry. At least, sorry she’d made trouble for him. She wasn’t sorry she’d dumped the beer on Bob. “I kind of lost it. A little.”

  “Lost it how?” Paul wasn’t one to get too worried, but he shot her a skeptical look, nonetheless.

  “I kind of dumped a tall mug of beer over his head.”

  She couldn’t tell if Paul was upset or trying to keep from laughing. He was good at keeping his face unreadable.

  “Then I guess I’d better get out there. So what’s your answer, Eva Marie?”

  She held back from saying she wanted out. Maybe if he’d asked her before they’d kissed her, she might’ve turned him down. Besides, Paul had always treated her fairly and had never complained about her not getting involved with any of the Doms. He’d never asked her for any favors, either, so how could she say no?

  “I guess I kind of owe you one, so yes. For you, Paul, sure.”

  “Thanks, Eva Marie.” He poured another drink for the men, then put his glass down. “I’ve got to check on another matter, so I’ll just let you three talk. Thanks again.” He passed by her, his expression telling her how grateful he was. “You three play nice.”

  * * * *

  “This is terrific. We were hoping we’d run into you again.”

  William couldn’t believe their luck. He and Gage had talked at length about the beautiful woman they’d met at the pond, but they’d figured someone who looked like her had to have at least one boyfriend. They still didn’t know if she did or didn’t, but at least she’d been assigned the task of helping them out.

  “It’s not much of a coincidence considering you knew I worked here.”

  The way she walked would’ve seemed like a practiced flirtation from any other woman, but her walk was natural, making it even sexier.


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