Riding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Riding Her Cowboy Doms [Pleasure, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  “Ow. I think she just shot you one, man.”

  “Yeah. I got it.” Yet he didn’t come back at her. Instead, the corners of his mouth tweaked up. “We’re from a small town in Louisiana, although we hung out in The Quarter a lot once we were old enough to get a fake ID.”

  “Would I have heard of the town?” She stabbed a potato, then another one.

  “I doubt it. Maston’s the name of it.”

  She shook her head at William. “You’re right. Never heard of it. But then again, there’s no reason I should have. Were you ranch hands there?” She paused with another potato held in midair. The question about what they’d done had put a sad look on William’s face and a scowl on Gage’s.

  “We had our own spread there. Great land, lots of horses and cattle, and a house that our great-grandfather built.”

  She put her fork down, too stunned by Gage’s revelation to eat. “What happened? Why’d you leave?”

  Gage tucked his head, the scowl never leaving him, while William slugged back his drink, then answered. “The old story. Hard times hit and we couldn’t make the loans we’d taken out to keep the ranch going and pay the rising taxes. We tried everything we could think of—”

  “Including a dude ranch.” It was Gage’s turn to down his wine.

  “But nothing worked. It shames me to say it, but we lost our family home.”

  She felt terrible for them. The sadness, the heartache was etched in the lines of their foreheads. “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how awful that must’ve been. So then you came to Pleasure Ranch to work?”

  William’s sad mood lifted. She suspected he could always come back to being cheerful faster than his brother could. “Yep. We figured we might as well get a fresh start.”

  “And you knew about Pleasure all the way in Maston?”

  “Naw. We ran into Paul and Destin in Atlanta when we were visiting cousins there. That’s about the same time that they met their submissive, Georgia.”

  “Really? Wow. Talk about a small world.” She played with her food, pushing the potatoes from one side to the other on her plate. Her steak was almost gone anyway. “Are you going to try and buy some land around here? I don’t know if there’s a lot for sale in Pleasure, but Hard Times has a couple of smaller ranches that might be available.”

  “That’s the larger town close by, right?” asked William.

  “It’s larger, all right, but it’s no Amarillo, much less Dallas. It’s my hometown. My family has lived there since forever, but we never owned anything. I’m hoping to be the first one in my family to own something besides the shirt on my back.”

  “Are you going to buy a house?” Gage cast his gaze toward the rental home.

  She kind of figured she knew what he was thinking. The rental home needed a lot of repairs and she wasn’t the handy type with a hammer and nail. “Not this one. I’m going to need something closer to town once I buy my shop.”

  “Your shop?”

  William spoke with potato in his mouth, but she didn’t mind. Strange, considering that was a pet peeve of hers.

  “I want to open a dress shop. Between the three towns in this area, most of the women have to drive to Amarillo or some other larger town to find anything decent. It won’t make a ton of money, but I think it’ll do all right.”

  “That’s great, Eva Marie.” Gage pushed back his plate, having devoured his steak and a pile of potatoes.

  “What about kids?”

  “What about them?” She hadn’t expected that question, especially from Gage. “I like them, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  William seemed a bit thrown by Gage’s question, too. “I think he’s asking if you plan on having any.”

  Was it a casual question? “Not in the near future.” She laughed it off, although a sudden wash of emotion made her give it serious thought for the first time ever. “Yeah. I hope I’ll have a couple of kids in the future, but since I’ve never had a serious relationship, I haven’t really gone there. I need to find the man first, you know.” Or the men.

  Gage put his fork down, his eyebrows darting between his eyes. “Never? I mean, a girl who looks like you has to have lots of guys nosing around her.”

  “Nosing around me, huh? That sounds like I’m a bitch in heat.”

  “Never mind the way he said it.” William shook his head as though he’d suffered his brother’s blunt questions all his life. And he probably had. “We’re just surprised you haven’t had anyone try to stake his claim to you.”

  “Okay, so now I feel like a cow getting branded.”

  “No, no. I’m not getting it out any better than Gage did.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m only razzing you.” It was too soon to tell them she was a virgin, much less that she ended relationships before they could go too far and threaten her vow. And yet, as she studied their intense expressions, she wondered if they wouldn’t be worth breaking it.

  “But if some guy came along and you two got involved, you’d want kids, right?”

  “William, are you asking me if I want to have your baby?” She’d have started running if anyone else had asked the question. Fact was, she’d done exactly that when the last man she’d dated had started talking about marriage and kids. So why wasn’t she running now? When he didn’t respond right away with a no, she was doubly surprised.

  “Just checking.” His blue eyes darkened. With interest? With lust? Or with the possibility of something more?

  She suddenly found her plate very interesting. “Anyway, that’s the plan in the next year or so. Once I have enough money to open the store, rent a house closer to town, along with a fair-size nest egg, I’ll take the plunge.”

  Gage gave her an appraising look as he took another drink of his wine. “It’s nice to see someone with ambition.”

  “Thanks, but since you’ve already run a ranch, I’d say you two have plenty of ambition, too.” She wished she could take the words back once she saw the pain on Gage’s face. Losing their family home had hurt him a lot. “You never said. Are you planning on buying another ranch?”

  “Maybe,” offered William. “Once we’re sure we’re going to stay in this area, then we might. It’ll depend on a lot of factors.”

  “Like what?” She was being nosy, yet they were asking as many questions as she was, so they were even.

  “Like how much money we can save and how fast. Like if there are any spreads we’d be interested in buying.” Gage paused, then added, “Like if there’s anything or anyone else worth hanging around for.”

  She didn’t know what to say. His statement could be taken several ways. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help hoping he’d been hinting about her.

  “So until then, you’re working as hands and helping out at the club?”

  “Right. But that’s more out of curiosity and just wanting to lend a hand.” William ran his finger around the rim of his glass. “Besides, what red-blooded American man would turn down a chance to hang around a BDSM club with pretty women?”

  Gage took another drink. “Do you think you can save enough working as a waitress to buy your shop soon?”

  She had to hand it to Gage. He’d kept up with the conversation, joining in as much as William had. She had the impression that wasn’t always the case. “That’s the plan. Hopefully, I won’t be too old when I finally earn enough to quit.”

  “Yeah. I don’t think the members would be big on a sixty-year-old girl slinging their drinks.” William leaned back. “Sorry. It’s sexist and ageist to say so, but it’s the facts.”

  “I know. Prettier and younger are better. But Paul and Destin would probably hire an older woman if one ever applied. They’re great.”

  “So who’s the oldest staff member there?”

  “Damn, Gage.” William wiped away the bit of wine he’d spilled on his chin. “What’s next? Asking her how much she weighs?”

  She laughed because she really didn’t mind. “Don’t tell her wher
e you heard it from, but Lucinda’s the oldest. I think she’s turning forty-one this year, but she’s more of an executive assistant to the Casing men.”

  Lucinda Garcia was the official manager for the staff at The Club at Pleasure Ranch, but since most of the employees did their jobs well, she spent a lot of her time in the Casing home, helping out with everything from household chores to assisting the men with business details.

  “What about Belinda? She’s no spring chicken.”

  Again, William got caught unprepared for Gage’s blunt question. “Damn it. I can’t take you anywhere.”

  “It’s okay. I won’t tell Belinda what you said if you don’t tell her what I’m about to say.” She wasn’t sure she should, but still felt like they needed to be warned. “Belinda’s a bit older than most of us—I’m twenty-one, by the way—but she looks great for her age. The problem with Belinda is—and again, you didn’t hear this from me—that she’s out to find a man, or more, to marry and settle down with.”

  “So? A lot of girls want husbands.”

  “True, William, but that’s her only goal. She doesn’t care about falling in love or having kids. She wants a man to take care of her so she can quit working and live off him. She’s already propositioned several of the Doms, including the Casing brothers as well as Hank and Ron.”

  Her stomach dropped as the men glanced at one another. “Are you kidding me? Please tell me she hasn’t already come on to either one of you. Wait. Both of you?”

  “I guess the girl doesn’t waste any time.” Gage offered to refill her glass, but she turned it down.

  “And?” William acted way too sheepish to make her feel any better.

  Gage, however, had his damn scowl back. “We’re only men, Eva Marie.”

  She closed her eyes and fought back a mean retort. After all, she didn’t have any right to tell them what or who they should do. “But how? You two just started.”

  “We ran into her again yesterday in the barn,” answered William.

  It figured after how Belinda had acted in the private room. She’d already set a target on them.

  She didn’t want to ask, but couldn’t keep from doing so. “And?”

  William cleared his throat. “Let’s just say the girl’s persistent. Nothing serious happened, though.”

  Nothing serious? That depended on what “nothing serious” meant. She couldn’t and wouldn’t ask. “Hey, whatever you do on your own time is your business. I’m just warning you. Be careful where she’s concerned.”

  She had to move. Had to put distance between herself and them. It wasn’t right, but the pain she felt was all too real. At first, she picked up the empty plates, then thought better of them following her back into the kitchen. Putting the plates down, she headed away from the house toward the neighboring field.

  Belinda. Damn it. Anyone else would’ve been bad, too. But Belinda? Ugh.

  “Eva Marie? Hey, hold up.”

  She wouldn’t stop for William.

  “I don’t get it. What’s got her wound up?”

  It figured that Gage wouldn’t understand.

  She kept moving as though putting space between them would keep the awful thoughts from coming. She was wrong.

  A vision of William bent over Belinda ripped into her. Just thinking about Gage, his face between Belinda’s legs, almost brought her to her knees. If she couldn’t shake the images now, she was sure they’d invade the sweet dreams she’d had and ruin them for good. Although considering they’d messed around with Belinda, maybe that was a good thing.

  She got to the wooden fence and climbed over it, landing in the field. Straightening up, she’d started to stalk away again when a hand grabbed her and whirled her around.

  Chapter Five

  “What the hell got into you? We didn’t do anything with Belinda other than pulling her off us.”

  Eva Marie had no choice but to confront Gage, but didn’t want to tell him why she was upset. She still had her dignity to protect. Never mind that she didn’t have a leg to stand on when it came to telling them who they could or couldn’t mess around with.

  But Belinda. Damn.

  “Nothing. Turn me loose. You’re hurting my arm.”

  “Talk about a load of bullshit.”

  William eased beside them. “Take it easy, Gage. And let her go.”

  She wasn’t sure Gage would listen to anyone, even his brother. He did, however, take his hand off her. At least he had the decency to wince when he saw the red marks he’d left on her arm.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Then don’t fucking grab me again.” To get back to the house, she’d have to get past them. Instead, she spun around and started through the field. The neighbor’s cattle scattered, but as had happened before, the couple of goats he kept among the cattle herd began following her. She’d often given them treats, but even without a carrot, they’d still follow her, begging for a little attention.

  “Eva Marie, hold up. Tell us what’s got you upset.”

  “I’m not upset.” It was a stupid thing to say. Anyone with any sense could see she was. “I just need a walk.”

  “Okay, then, we’ll come along.”

  “No.” She did a quick circle, shot William, then Gage, a glare and kept on going.

  “You’re mad because you think we fooled around with Belinda, right?”

  “Leave me alone, William.”

  “But that’s what we’re saying. We didn’t. Not really.” Gage’s tone was low and angry, but she didn’t care. “That’s messed up.”

  “Baby, come on. You’ve got to admit he’s right. You know how she is.”

  “I don’t know a damn thing anymore.” She turned around again, almost making them run into her. They were right and she had to have lost her mind. Why else would she be so damn jealous? She had no right to be. Worse, she didn’t want to be. None of it made sense, but the feeling, green as hell, was there.

  Gage was at his limit of trying to understand. That much was clear by the hard look he gave her. William, on the other hand, was more confused than angry.

  She drew in a ragged breath, fighting more with her own feelings than with theirs. “I don’t know why it got to me. Maybe because it was Belinda. I mean, she’s a good person and all, until she sets her eyes on a man or two she wants. She’s come on to a lot of guys and she’s getting worse, desperate even.”

  “She doesn’t mean a thing to us.” William rubbed his palms up and down her arms.

  “Is that right, Gage?”

  “Damn straight.” He crossed his arms and rested his weight on one leg.

  William tugged her close. “Belinda is nothing compared to you.”

  She hated feeling the way she did. Not understanding why was even harder. Unless she was ready to accept what her heart and her head both kept telling her.

  Was she falling for them? But how? And so fast? And yet, she could hear her Nana McAlister’s voice telling her not to question love when it found her.

  “What if she wants to do a scene with you? With both of you?”

  “Then we’ll politely but firmly turn her down.” William’s dimples came out.

  “Yeah. Besides, you’re supposed to be our teacher.”

  “I’m not sure that’s going to work. I can only teach you so much before you’ll want to do more. More than I’m willing to do.” At least for now. Yet she couldn’t help but believe she’d be willing to do a lot more soon. Maybe even taking it all the way.

  The last idea was both unnerving and exciting. More one than the other.

  “Then teach us now.” William tunneled his fingers through her hair. “You’re our submissive and you’ll do what we say. Remember to use your colors. We won’t fuck up again.”

  She wouldn’t have argued if she’d wanted to. And she didn’t. She had to believe the best way to teach them was to just do it. Besides, if Belinda was after them, then she’d fight fire with fire.

  She peered up at h
im through lowered eyelashes. “Please, sir, tell me what you want me to do.”

  Being with them was different. Doms were supposed to be in charge, not her, even if she was showing them how things worked. And yet, all of a sudden, she had as much to learn as they did.

  She’d give into them, her submissive nature wanting to serve them, to make them happy in whatever way she could. If they were natural Doms—and she had a sense they were—then they’d take over and show her. They could learn the rules of the club just by watching and by talking to the other Doms. But the rest of it, the part that was the most important, would come from within themselves. Her job as both a teacher and a submissive was to allow them to bring that part out. In the end, they’d all get what they needed and wanted.

  Yesterday had been a mistake. She shouldn’t have tried teaching them. In a way, she’d taken over the role of the Dom. No wonder it had ended badly. Any Dom/submissive relationship was a learning and teaching relationship. She’d learn from them, and in doing so, they’d learn how to treat her.

  And once they’d learned? She didn’t want to think about them with anyone else.

  “Please, sir.”

  William hesitated a moment too long. Gage grabbed her, taking her mouth with the force of a hurricane. His tongue swept into her mouth like the driving rain to wash through her, sending her quaking in his wake. His hands possessed her, molding her body to his, finding their way below her clothes to push them aside.

  William groaned, then came behind her. Between the two of them, they had her dress off and lying on the ground.


  It was too soon to ask, but William was being careful. No one wanted a repeat of the last time.


  A slap to her thong-covered butt came swift, but didn’t pack much power. “Green what?”

  She would’ve smiled if she was sure Gage wouldn’t get angry. “Green, sir.”

  “Bend over and put your hands on your knees.” Just as he did a lot of the time, Gage took control, leading the way for his brother.


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