The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1) Page 18

by Lanford, K. W.

Aram nodded, bid them both a goodnight and opened a portal to Blackenwood manor. Aram made his way to his mother’s room and knocked lightly on the door. It took a few moments and he was about to leave, when the door opened a crack. Aram saw his mother’s eye look out into the dark hallway, trying to see who was there. "Mother it's me, Aram." The door swung open and she smiled at him. Aram was amazed at how her look of love and pride made him feel. How he had ever managed all those years without it was a wonder.

  He stepped into her embrace and fourteen years’ worth of forgotten love rushed through him. For a moment he was four years old again and remembering her last wet kiss on his cheek as she left him at the Order. He remembered doubting she would actually leave him. Then he remembered being angry that she didn't return. Now all he could remember was how good it felt to be in her arms once again.

  Mayla felt his gentle sobs as he struggled with the rush of emotions he had buried for so long. She gently held him in her arms, shut the door and guided him to the edge of the bed. There she sat with him, quietly holding him until he fell asleep in her arms. Aram woke the next morning to find that his mother still held him cradled in her arms as she slept. Something profound happened inside of him. He knew from that moment forward that no mages guild, no army, not even the gods themselves would ever cause her harm while he drew breath.

  It struck him as odd that his love for his mother and his love for Arlaina could be so similar, yet be so different at the same time. Aram gently slipped out of her arms. She must have stayed awake late into the night just holding him. She was a small woman lying there, without that queenly bearing she normally held. He smiled to himself as he recalled his father’s words from the journal. How he too had marveled at how small and fragile she looked while she slept.

  Aram gently scooped her up and laid her more comfortably on the bed, covering her with the fluffy quilt. He slipped quietly from the room and left her to rest. Aram felt marvelous. He couldn't remember ever having a better night's rest. He made his way to the great hall to see if breakfast was going to be served soon. Jerald was seated at the table, along with Tollis, who smiled and waved him over.

  "Cousin we need to talk. If your fiancé plans on keeping my wife for herself; she and I will not get along at all."

  Aram looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

  Tollis waved a hand in the air. "They went into Warrington yesterday to buy dresses and such. Your mother opened the vault to them and said to spare no expense." Tollis barked a laugh. "Apparently your mother feels that gold belongs to you anyway."

  Aram shook his head in disbelief. "So the girls were out all night?"

  Jerald chuckled. "I will give you the same fatherly advice I just gave Tollis. If you give a woman a purse full of gold and send her to town, don't expect her back until the purse is empty."

  Aram laughed. "But still, shouldn't they have come home to sleep?"

  Tollis shook his head and chuckled. "Not everyone can have dinner in the Capital and be back in his room in two steps."

  Aram looked up at Tollis. "I suppose not, but I do know two men that can sleep in Blackenwood manor and have breakfast with two beautiful women in just two steps."

  Tollis grinned, looked at his father and said. "That is why he was and is my best friend."

  Aram pulled out the journal and slid it towards Jerald. "Would you see that my mother gets this? Tell her I meant to bring it to her last night before I got distracted and that I love her."

  Jerald smiled, assured Aram it would be done and warned them that if they wanted to be out of the manor before lunch, they should leave before the women of the house woke. That seemed like sound advice to Tollis, who jumped up and looked around nervously. "He is right Aram; we need to make good on our escape. My mother will have us doing chores before the sun rises if we're still here." Jerald laughed out loud, waving goodbye to the boys as they stepped through the portal.

  Tollis and Aram entered Warrington from behind the inn where they usually stayed. Tollis turned to Aram. "You don't think they would have stayed here after what happened last time, do you?"

  Aram chuckled. "If I know Arlaina, this is exactly where they stayed. Think about it. Only a fool would stay at an inn where they were almost murdered, so why bother looking for them there?" Tollis shrugged, it made some kind of morbid sense and followed Aram.

  Sure enough, they entered the common room and saw the two women seated by the fire place at a small table. Tollis had started to walk their way when Aram caught his arm. "I have a better idea."

  Aram led Tollis to another table out of direct sight and then took a seat. When the serving girl came to them, he ordered two sweet cakes and asked for them to be delivered to the girls’ table. Tollis finally caught on to the game and grinned. "When they come over, I will pretend interest in Arlaina; you pretend interest in Rianna."

  Aram snorted. "Sounds like a plan." It only took a few moments for the serving girl to exit the kitchen with two sweet cakes. She walked up to Arlaina, said something and pointed their way. Aram and Tollis feigned disinterest as they watched from the corner of their eyes.

  The girls carried their sweet cakes over to the boys' table and sat down. Arlaina sat by Tollis and Rianna by Aram. Arlaina spoke first as she rubbed a hand on Tollis' broad shoulder. "Why, thank you kind sir, for the sweet. Goodness! A woman could get the jitters when she gets the attention of such a fine, strong man."

  Tollis just sat there with his jaw hanging slack. It was Rianna's turn. She slipped an arm around Aram. "If you like that sort of thing; I prefer a smaller man with a commanding presence." Rianna playfully twirled her finger in Aram’s hair just above his ear.

  Tollis looked like he might explode until Aram let out a huge laugh. "We have to watch these two Tollis my friend; they have beaten us to the punch."

  Tollis suddenly realized they had just played his own game against him and joined in Aram’s laugh. The girls were having a great time discussing the looks on Tollis' face as he turned redder and redder by the second.

  Rix woke with a start as the door to his room burst open. Yantis came strolling in with a wide grin. "Time to wake; we have a long day ahead of us." Rix moaned and rolled over, covering his head with a pillow. The pillow was ripped from his grasp and before he could protest, came back at him with force, repeatedly. Yantis laughed like a six year old at a slumber party as he beat Rix with his own pillow. "Blame your brother for picking a fight with an arch mage, not me. I am merely trying to keep us alive and unfortunately you are all I have to work with."

  Rix was balled up in the fetal position, trying to ward off the blows. "Is it also my brother’s fault that you enjoy waking me up so much?"

  Yantis ceased his barrage and contemplated his reply. "No, I suppose that stems from your discomfort alone." Rix risked a look back at Yantis to allow him to see the scowl. It was a mistake; Yantis was ready and caught him full in the face.

  Yantis had relinquished the pillow in that one last swing and walked over to the curtains in Rix’s room. He threw them wide with a flourish and then frowned at the still dark sky. Rix was aghast. "It isn't even dawn and you’re here disturbing my sleep?"

  Yantis shrugged. "Oops? Well, since we are both up, let's get started."

  Rix could only sigh. He had to admit the newfound vigor Yantis had in his lessons was paying off. He felt he had learned more last night than he had since this all began. Yantis was teaching him how to enchant items. The ability to give magical properties to a mundane item was incredible. What's more, it appeared Rix had a knack for it. Where Rix struggled in more mundane magic was in how much of his magic to put into the spell. With enchantment, he just focused everything he had into it.

  He didn't fully understand why, but each item would only take in a certain amount. Yantis had told him it had to do with the quality of the item. Then he went into some spatial orientation and calculations, blah, blah, blah. Rix heard all he needed to hear. The better the quality, the better the enchantment woul
d be. Yantis pulled a dagger from his sleeve and held it before Rix.

  "This enchantment has saved my hide too many times to count." Yantis muttered some keyword and vanished.

  Rix looked around; he didn't see Yantis anymore and hoped he had teleported to the top of a volcano somewhere far, far away. So he lay back down on his bed and closed his eyes. Suddenly his pillow floated into the air of its own accord. As soon as it struck him however, Yantis reappeared.

  "That is the downside of invisibility; as soon as you make an attack on someone, the spell is nullified." Yantis grinned at his well taught lesson as Rix moaned yet again. Yantis produced another dagger. It was beautifully crafted. "I was given this by your newest cousin. Rianna's skill at the forge, combined with your affinity for enchantment, could be an astounding asset. I thought you could use a dagger like my own. As I said. it has saved me over and over again."

  Yantis pulled out a pouch of rather cheap rings. Rix knew the drill. Yantis would teach him the spell and he would enchant the rings until he had it down before trying it on the dagger. They worked at it all morning, even missing breakfast. Finally, just before lunch, Yantis decided Rix was ready for the dagger.

  Rix held the dagger in his hands and could feel its exceptional quality. He focused his mind and cast the spell. He pushed the spell into the dagger with all his will. The dagger soaked in the magic like a dry sponge, taking in almost everything Rix had put into it. Rix stared at the dagger in shock. He knew instinctively his enchantment was potent.

  He looked up at Yantis with awe on his face. Yantis leaned forward eagerly. "Well, how did it go? Were you able to get the spell into it?"

  Rix suddenly grinned. "I would say this dagger is the greatest dagger in the known world."

  Yantis laughed. "Your first enchantment and you have already made an artifact? I truly doubt it. Go ahead then; let's see the results of your work."

  Rix held the dagger reverently, muttered his personal keyword for the spell and vanished from sight.

  Yantis cheered. "Well done! Let's go find something to eat and see how long your spell lasts. My dagger's enchantment lasts for about five minutes, but it was enchanted by a master enchanter at the Isle."

  Yantis and an invisible Rix entered the great hall of Blackenwood manor. Jerald and Mayla were just finishing up their lunch. Mayla waved Yantis over. "Yantis I am so glad you're here. Aram has run off with a woman and Rix hasn't been seen all morning. Jerald and I were just discussing going to the Order to get word on what has happened with Broden."

  Yantis slapped himself on the forehead. "Oh Lala I am so sorry. So much had happened last night that I got distracted. I never even took the time to consider you two weren't there. I will give you the short version." Yantis explained what had transpired last night. He told how Broden wasn't the man they thought and how the Mages Guild was behind it all.

  Mayla took it all well. Even too well, one would think. "This isn't all that surprising to me. I saw the way Broden looked at Aramis in those last days. I also know how Aramis spoke about Broden and that he wasn't as bad as he seemed at first. That he was starting to see things in a different light."

  She patted the journal sitting before her on the table. "Besides that, Aram had left me this before he left. I was more concerned about what Victor might do."

  Yantis smiled. "When I left, I think Victor had a change of heart as well. I however, am starving. Let me have some lunch and we shall go and see about our guest."

  A serving girl came out of the kitchen and to everyone's surprise, Yantis ordered two plates of food. When the two plates arrived, Yantis pushed one to the opposite side of the table, towards an empty seat beside Mayla. The chair suddenly pulled away from the table of its own accord. Yantis chuckled when Mayla gave a small, startled shout.

  The knife and fork suddenly went to work on the food, seemingly of their own will. Mayla and Jerald looked on in amusement, thinking it was some trick of Yantis'. A fork full of roasted pork floated up into the air and suddenly appeared to be getting chewed up. Mayla screwed up her face in disgust. "Yantis, that is disgusting. I insist you stop whatever it is you’re doing."

  Yantis barked a quick laugh. "Rix, please chew with your mouth closed." The mashed up pork vanished. Mayla looked back and forth from the empty seat to Yantis. Before she could ask the pressing question, a great burp came from beside her. Now she knew beyond doubt that her youngest son was there. Even without being able to see him, she reached out and cuffed him on the back of the head with well trained precision.

  Rix let out an "ouch!"

  Mayla tisked at him. "Just because you’re invisible is no reason to forget your manners!"

  Yantis and Jerald laughed heartily at the sullen "yes ma'am" that came out of nowhere.

  They finished eating and Yantis was deeply impressed that Rix was still invisible. Yantis opened a portal to the small closet in Broden’s room. Jerald entered first and knocked. The door was opened by Victor. "Jerald my good man, please come in." Jerald stepped out of the closet, making room for Mayla to enter. She stepped into the room and Broden immediately went to a knee.

  "My Queen, I am glad you have returned to us."

  Mayla turned a questioning look at Victor. "He is sincere, I assure you. I have spent the entire night with him and am pleased to say he isn't the tyrant we had assumed."

  Mayla stepped forward, holding her hand out to him. Broden gently took her hand and kissed the finger where her ring of office should be. "I tried my best to hold the throne for your return, but I am afraid I have made a mess of things. Please forgive me my failure."

  Mayla gently pulled him to his feet. "The failure is not your own to bear; I should have returned sooner. Forgive me for the doubts I held for you."

  Broden stood and smiled. "There is nothing to forgive. You have done as you must to protect yourself and your child. I wish I could give you back the castle, but it isn't safe. The mages seem to be able to teleport into it at will."

  Mayla nodded to herself and then shook her head sadly. "Aramis let pride be his downfall. There is a protection circle around the castle. There is a keystone in the wall that has to be set to activate it. Aramis didn't see the point, but I do and I know where the keystone is."

  Broden looked stunned. "Aramis knew a way to keep the mages out and didn't use it? He was either braver than I gave him credit for, or undeserving of the praise I gave his intellect."

  Mayla chuckled softly, remembering her lost husband. "I would wager a fair share of both."

  She turned to Yantis. "Can you get us to the castle?"

  Jerald stepped forward. "My Queen, I cannot allow you to go there until the shield is in place and the castle secured."

  Mayla sighed. "Yes of course, I keep forgetting I am no longer a farmer’s wife."

  Broden scoffed. "When have you ever been a farmer’s wife?" Mayla smiled with fond memories. When she mentioned the name Browman, it seemed Broden had swallowed a rather large bug. Then when she said she had lost him to a freak accident involving a wagon, he had no doubts. "Forgive me, my Queen, I am afraid I have terrible news."

  Mayla held out her hand to stop him. "If you are about to confess it was your son who hired his murderers, there is no need. I am already aware. I am also aware that you have punished him far worse than I could punish a child of my own and I accept what you have done." Broden bowed his head in shame over the actions of his offspring.

  Mayla walked over to Yantis and whispered into his ear. Yantis nodded that he understood. "If I activate the shield, will it not make it difficult for us to move to the castle?"

  Mayla shook her head no. "When you activate the shield, whisper a keyword; it will attach itself to the shield and any mage with the password in mind can penetrate it."

  Yantis nodded his approval and then looked to Broden. "Would you care to join me and instruct the house guard to not skewer me on sight?" Broden blanched. He looked at Mayla and then resolved not to show cowardice in her presence. He gave Yan
tis a firm nod.

  Before Yantis could open a portal, Mayla grabbed his arm. "Before you go, I would dearly like a way out of here." Yantis winked at her before opening a portal to Victor's study. All but Yantis and Broden went through. Mayla looked back at them. "Please be careful until we can have the castle checked." Yantis assured her he would use the utmost caution and then closed the portal.

  Yantis and Broden stepped in to Broden’s living quarters in the castle. Yantis had used the pattern in the rug Aram had shown him. The two of them were standing in the little alcove when they heard a voice. It was Stolly’s voice. "What do you mean he vanished? By the gods! Surrounded by incompetent people like you, it is no wonder my father was useless. Find him; he can't have gone far. Braxton said I would be named king as soon as he was dead and I intend on providing proof." The captain of the guard bowed to Stolly and saluted, then left the room.

  Broden was livid. Yantis was half afraid Broden would just storm into the room and choke the little bastard then and there. Thankfully, he showed some restraint as another voice came from the room. "I am glad to see you are a much more firm leader than your father. With the Mages Guild by your side, you can take this kingdom to greatness." Both Yantis and Broden recognized the voice of Braxton.

  Yantis was about to get them out of there when Stolly started to speak again. "There is something going on at the Order, I am sure of it. My father was too big of an idiot to pay it any attention, but I am not. Can you send a mage there to check things out? I have a man there named Maddox. Have the mage pose as his father. I will send word to him to expect the visit."

  Braxton nodded to Stolly and even bowed a shallow bow. "I will send a mage there myself, in say, three days? Will that give you the time you need?"

  Stolly considered it for a moment. "That will be pushing it, unless you would be kind enough to send my messenger to Warrington in the morning." Braxton smiled and Broden could tell that Stolly was buying favors that would one day come due with interest.

  Yantis quickly opened a portal to his own room at the Order and practically shoved Broden through. The portal closed and Yantis exhaled the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "This doesn't bode well. It would seem Braxton has found a willing puppet." Yantis told Broden to make himself at home and left the room. He paused only long enough to lock Broden in with a spell and then ran towards Victor’s room.


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