China at War

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China at War Page 52

by Hans van de Ven

  People’s Republic of China

  Chiang Kaishek and 268; and Cold War 269; constitution 179; and demilitarisation 273; foundation 5; and Korean War 261; and new order 271; organisation 272–3; peace and friendship treaty with Japan 268; Provisional Government for the Republic of China 115; and San Francisco Peace Treaty (1945) 265; and wartime history 1–2

  Pescadores see Penghu

  Philippines 160, 181

  Picasso, Pablo, Guernica 82

  Pingxingguan Pass 144

  prisoners of war 96–7

  Pu Songling: Marriage Destinies to Awaken the World 100

  Purple Mountain 46–7, 55, 132


  Qian Duansheng 103

  Qian Liqun 272

  Qian Yishi 89

  Qin Hui 131, 132

  Qing Dynasty 21, 32

  Qingdao 106

  Qinghua University 277

  al-Qurashi, Abu Ubayd 7–8


  Rabe, John 85

  radio 38

  Rai, Gulshan 85


  Beijing–Suiyuan 59, 71, 78; Beijing–Tianjin 65; Beijing–Wuhan 107, 184, 234; Communists’ destruction of 238; Hanoi–Kunming 128; Longhai 103, 234, 237; Nationalists and 38, 40, 49; Peiping–Canton 180; post-Second World War 222, 229; Qingdao–Ji’nan 234; refugees’ use of 110; Soviet Union and 212; Tianjin–Nanjing 102, 237; Tianjin–Pukou 82; Yunnan–Hanoi 180

  Rangoon 163

  Red Army 25, 60, 137–8, 140, 244

  refugees 8, 38, 42, 56, 93, 94, 106, 107, 108, 110–12, 124, 188, 228, 249–50

  Rehe 39, 58

  Ren Bishi 198

  research culture 37–8

  Reuters news agency 84

  Revolutionary Alliance 22

  revolutions 4–5

  1848 134; China 134–5; Communist 2; post-First World War 25; Russia 134; Sun Yatsen on 49

  Reynolds, David 10, 11

  rice 129, 139, 163, 181, 225, 228, 253

  Rickert, Heinrich 54

  Ridgway, Matthew, General 263

  riots 225, 253

  Rogov, V. 101

  Romance of the Three Kingdoms, The 140

  Roosevelt, Eleanor 83

  Roosevelt, President Franklin D. 11, 40, 85, 160, 162, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 180, 191, 192, 193–4, 227

  Roundup (magazine) 197

  rural crisis 41–2

  Rusk, Dean 267


  civil war 25

  Communist Party 26; defeat of Napoleon 106; October Revolution (1871) 134; see also Soviet Union Ryuku islands 266


  Saburo Kobayashi, General 204

  Sakhalin Island 212, 266

  Sato Naotoko 68


  Communist influence 154; elites and 23, 30; Nankai Middle School 112; New Life Movement and 37; North-east Zhongshan 56; Patriotic Education 3; Sun Yatsen High School 110, 111, 112

  scorched earth policy 106–8, 119, 189

  Second World War

  aerial bombing 82; Atlantic Charter (1941) 162, 174; Cairo Conference (1943) 171, 176–7, 232; and civil war 6–7; concept of 10–12; Doolittle Raid (1941) 162; escalation to 69–72; Europe-first strategy 160; memorialisation 2–3, 4; Munich Agreement (September 1938) 116; Operation Carbonado 196, 197; Operation Matterhorn 194, 195; Operation Overlord 179; portrayal of 2; Potsdam Declaration 180; reconciliation 3; South East Asia Command (SEAC) 171; supplies 166, 167

  Seeckt, General Hans von 35

  Selden, Mark 142

  Selznick, David 176

  Shaan-Gan-Ning 239

  Shaanxi 58, 64, 144, 145, 184

  Shandong 23, 42, 58, 102, 147, 236, 238

  Shangdu 60


  Battle of see Battle of Shanghai; demilitarised zone 121; docks 229; International Settlement 24, 78; Japanese bombing of 71; Japanese withdrawal from 210–11; Little Tokyo 78, 79, 80; population 38; post-Second World War 223; protests 24; resistance to Japan 67; strikes 253; Sun Yatsen High School 110, 111, 112; trade 44; UNRRA in 228; World Expo (2010) 3

  Shanhaiguan Pass 58, 200

  Shanxi Army 144–5

  Shanxi–Chahar–Hebei Border Region 145

  Shenyang 248, 249

  September 18 Memorial Museum 2

  Shenyang Incident (1931) 56, 70

  Sherman, General William 108

  Shimenwan 223

  Shimizu Setsuro, Captain 66

  Shimura Kukujiro, Private 66

  Shizilin 80

  Shun Dynasty 32

  Sichuan 43, 67, 77, 129, 179

  Simon, John 86

  Singapore 160

  Siping 236

  Battle of (1946) 233, 246–7

  Smedley, Alice 101, 168

  smuggling 43, 197

  Snow, Edgar 101, 140

  Red Star over China 133, 244

  Song Meiling (wife of Chiang Kaishek) 41, 173, 175, 176

  Song Qingling (wife of Sun Yatsen) 268

  Song Zheyuan, General 58, 70

  Song Ziwen 40, 62, 63, 229

  Songhua river 111

  South China Daily 52, 118, 120

  Southern Tang Dynasty 225–6

  Soviet Union

  assistance to Communists 233; assistance to Nationalists 117, 129; bombing campaigns 187; and Chinese Communist Party 212; Chinese relations with 40–1, 64; Cold War 11, 230–1; conscription of Japanese soldiers 245; Far East Command 61; influence 28–9; intervention in war (1937) 94; and Japan 76, 116; and Korea 256–7; and Manchuria 6, 206, 217, 232–3; naval control of Shanghai 211; non-aggression pact with Germany 127; and Outer Mongolia 230; post-Second World War 230; reaction to Japanese bombing of China 85; Red Army 230

  Second World War 161; concept of 10–11; Operation Bagration (1944) 179; Operation Barbarossa (1941) 161; war with Japan 159; Treaty of Friendship and Alliance (1945) 212, 232, 244

  Spanish Civil War 82

  Spring River Flows East, A (film) 225–6

  Stalin, Joseph 159

  and Kim il-sung 256, 257; and Korea 259, 260–1; meeting with Churchill and Roosevelt (1943) 171–2; Potsdam Declaration 180; relationship with China 117, 159–60; support of Chiang Kaishek 61, 64, 94; and Xi’an Incident 61

  Stevenson, Ralph 234–5, 236, 248

  Stilwell, General Joseph 163, 164, 169–70, 194–5, 196

  Stilwell Affair 190–4

  Stilwell Road 195

  Stimson, Henry 10

  Story of Dr Wassell, The (film) 83

  strikes 253

  Stuart, Leighton 235–6

  students 27, 67, 110, 236

  Su Yu, General 255

  Sugiyama Hajime 69

  Suiyuan 60

  Sun Ke 180, 254

  Sun Lianzhang 109

  Sun Quan: tomb of 47

  Sun Tzu: The Art of War 256

  Sun Yatsen

  and Chiang Kaishek 24–5; cult of 26, 27; exile 22; ideology 49, 153; Last Testament 28, 48, 50; legacy 180; Mausoleum 46–50, 51, 122; memorial ceremony 30; and military 26; Outline for National Construction 48; and revolution 25; suit 50–1; Sun Yatsen question 278; Three People’s Principles 22, 37, 48, 49, 64

  Sun Yuanliang, General 108, 109

  Sunzi: Art of War, The 140

  Suzhou 83

  Suzhou creek 81, 86

  Syngman Rhee 256, 257


  Taipei 254

  Taiping Rebellion (1850–64) 23, 44–5

  Taiwan 21, 215, 224, 226, 234, 256, 257, 260, 265, 266, 267, 269


  Battle of (1937) 82; KMT political council 34–5

  Takeo Imai, Major General 207–8

  Tan Kah Kee see Chen Jiageng

  Tanaka Shin’ichi 67, 134

  Tang Dynasty 216, 277

  Tang Enbo, General 60, 71, 102, 130, 131, 182, 184, 185, 190

  Tang Shengzhi, General 94, 95

  Tanggu Truce (31 May 1933) 58, 70

  Tao Chenzhang 22

nbsp; Tao Xisheng 122, 201–2

  Tawney, R. H. 135

  Taylor, George E. 68, 101

  terrorism 6

  Thucydides: History of the Peloponnesian War 1, 21

  Tianjiazhen 104

  Tianjin 2, 38, 43, 67, 71, 83, 228, 238

  Tibet 226, 256

  Tibetan Empire 216

  Time and Tide (journal) 274

  Time magazine 118, 183

  Times, The 41, 66–7, 70–1, 79, 102, 188

  Timperley, Harold 84

  Tojo Hideki, General 187

  Tongguan Pass 184

  trade 44

  transport 38, 228, 229; see also railways

  Trotsky, Leon 1

  Truman, President Harry S. 10, 197, 230, 231, 235, 253, 260, 263, 264, 265

  Tung Wen-chi 249–50

  typhoons 42


  ‘United Association of Liberated Areas’ 235

  United Nations

  Charter 265; and Korean War 259, 260, 263, 264; San Francisco Peace Treaty (1945) 265–7

  United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (UNRRA) 226–9, 234, 238

  United States

  air force 180, 190, 194, 222, 229; bombing campaigns, 195, 196, 264, 269;

  American Military Advisory Group 234; ‘Benning Revolution’ 164; Chinese relations with 40, 41; Civil War 108; and Cold War 11, 230, 268–70; Communists 190, 269; credit agreement 120; east Asia policy 230; and Japan 211–12, 257; and Japanese bombing of China 85, 86; and Korea 193, 256, 257, 258–9, 261, 262, 263–4; navy 12, 161, 222; Pearl Harbor attack (1941) 7, 12, 158, 161; relief programmes 227;

  Second World War 10, 11–12, 157, 158–9, 193; American-British Conversations (ABC) 160; Army Observation Group (‘Dixie Mission’) 191; atomic bombs 205, 206, 230; Burma 164–5; Cairo Conferences (1943) 176–8; Europe-first strategy 160, 161; evacuation of Guilin 189; military aid 159; Plan Dog memorandum (1940) 160; victories 170;

  Sun Yatsen’s memorial service (New York) 27; and Taiwan 257; Vietnam War 6, 128; withdrawal from China’s war with Japan 194–7

  universities, 277

  admissions to 3; and change 2; Nanjing 2, 224; and New Life Movement 37; Qinghua 277; Wuhan 216, 223, 224

  USS Hornet 162

  USS Panay Incident (1937) 86

  USSR see Soviet Union


  van Fleet, General, James 263

  Van Slyke, Lyman 133

  Vetter, Colonel Hans 80

  Vietnam 233, 256

  Vietnam War 6, 269

  Vladimirov, Peter 142–3

  Voroshilov, Marshall K. Y. 94


  Wang Jingwei

  assassination attempt on 121; and Chen Kewen 52, 93; and Chiang Kaishek 29–30, 52, 147; and Communists 143; death 132, 225; early life 27; grave 47; and Japan 59, 117–20, 122, 174; ‘Just an Example’ 121; and Mao Zedong 136; as Minister of Finance 71, 90; negotiations with Japan 121; poetry 27; rise to power 28, 29

  Wang Kemin 115

  Wang Ming 101, 103, 151

  Wang Qisheng 90, 109

  Wang Shijie 199

  Wang Shiwei: Wild Lilies 151

  Wang Yangming 23

  Wanping 66

  War Crimes Tribunals 98

  War of Resistance 7, 10, 13, 40, 70, 91, 104, 118, 122–3, 233–4

  governments 153; Hundred Regiments Offensive 130; internationalisation of 178; Mao on 141; New Fourth Army Incident (1941) 147–9; resentments 226; war zones 127, 128; Winter Offensive (1939–40) 126–32; Yichang Operation 131

  War of the Central Plains (1930) 33

  war plans 75

  China 36, 76–8, 92; Japan 68, 75–6, 82, 92

  Wartime Rural Work Promotion Association 146

  Washington Post 41, 88, 102, 103, 107–8, 158

  Wavell, General Archibald 161, 190

  Weber, Alfred 54

  Wedemeyer, General Albert 189, 190, 191, 194, 196–7, 202, 212, 236, 255

  Wei-kuo 25

  Wei Lihuang, General 128, 144, 251

  Weizsäcker, Ernst von 85

  Weng Wenhao 53

  Whampoa Military Academy 26

  White, Theodore 183

  White Haired Girl, The (opera) 247

  Winant, John 157

  Wingate, Colonel Orde 168

  Wong, H. S. ‘Newsreel’ 84

  Woodhead, Henry 83–4

  Wu, Lily 140

  Wu Han 276–7

  Hai Rui Dismissed from Office 277

  Wu Sangui, General 32, 200, 201


  anti-Japanese demonstrations 67; Battle of (1938) 92–3, 102, 104–5; bombing campaign (1944) 195; Communists 101; evacuation of 111; food imports 129; fortifications 36, 78; government offices 94, 99, 100; KMT political council 34–5; population 38; scorched earth policy 107–8; trade 44; UNRRA in 228

  Wuhan University 216, 223, 224

  Wusong, 80

  Wusong creek 81


  Xi Jinping 3, 37

  Xiamen 36

  Xi’an 60, 182, 199–200

  Xi’an Incident (1936) 57, 61–4, 143

  Xiang Ying 148

  Xiangyang 123

  Xichang 214

  Xie Bingying: Diary of an Enlistee 101

  Xie Wendong 239

  Xikou 21, 136

  Xinjiang 25, 187, 230, 256

  Xinjing see Changchun

  Xu Da: tomb of 47

  Xu Yongchang, General 185

  Xuchang 184

  Xue Yue, General 119, 185

  Xuzhou (1938) 36, 92, 103, 105

  Battle of 106, 145


  Yan Huiqing 40

  Yan Xishan, General 58, 60, 71, 128, 144, 158

  Yanagawa Heisukei, General 95


  as Communist capital 2, 7, 133, 143–4, 198; food shortages 239; Mao Zedong in 139, 149; Nationalist offensive (1947) 236; US Army Observation Group in 191

  Yan’an Way 142–3

  Yang Hucheng, General 57, 58, 60, 61, 63

  Yang Kuisong 88, 148, 232

  Yang Tianshi 23

  Yang Weizhen 105–6

  Yangzi region 115, 129

  Yangzi (Yangtze) river 25, 36, 42, 78, 92, 94, 97, 102, 104, 110, 127, 128, 132, 190, 198, 222, 224, 229, 254

  Yanmen Pass 144

  Yardley, Herbert 168

  Yarnell, Admiral Harry E. 126

  Ye Ting 148

  Ye Zhaoyan: Nanjing 1937: A Love Story 44

  Yeh Kung-ch’ao 267–8

  Yellow river 36, 42, 106–7, 183–4, 228

  Yen, Jimmy 42, 135

  Yichang 123, 124, 130

  Yixian 250

  Yongfeng 111

  Yoshida Shigeru 55, 264, 267

  Youth National Salvation Association 146

  Youth Party 129

  Yu Hanmou, General 53

  Yu Xuezhong, General 148

  Yuan Shikai 4, 22, 46

  Yue Fei, General 131

  Yuelu Academy 185

  Yuelu Mountain 186

  Yun Hanmou, General 119


  Zeng Guofan 23, 113, 202

  Zeng Zhongming 121

  Zhabei 71, 86

  Zhang Dafei 111, 215–16

  Zhang Fakui, General 53

  Zhang Guotao 146

  Zhang Xueliang, General 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 186

  Zhang Zhenglong: White Snow, Red Blood 249

  Zhang Zhizhong, General 108, 130–1, 199

  Zhang Zuolin, General 53, 55

  Zhangjiakou 115

  Zheng Dongguo, General 249

  Zheng Sixiao: The History of My Heart 22

  Zhenjiang 36

  Zhongtiao mountains 127

  Zhou Enlai 62, 63, 64, 101, 200, 212, 213, 232, 235, 260, 261, 266

  Zhou Fohai 119

  Zhu De, General 128, 209, 210, 212, 214

  Zhu Guangqian 216

  ‘Oh Captain! My Captain!’ 170

  Zhu Rui, General 245, 250

  Zhu Yuanzhang 276–7

  Zhukov, General Georgy 127

  Zunyi 140

  Zuo Zongtang 23

  1. Chi Pang-yuan.

  2. Chen Kewen in his study as a young man.

  3. The Sun Yatsen Mausoleum in Nanjing, March 1934.

  4. A relieved Chiang Kaishek and his wife, Song Meiling, return to Nanjing after Chiang Kaishek’s capture in Xi’an, December 1936.

  5. Wang Jingwei, the Nationalist Number Two known for his handsomeness and his oratorical skills, in a white Changpao (Long Gown) at an outdoor rally. Date unclear, probably 1930s.

  6. The famous Great World Amusement Centre in Shanghai was destroyed by a stray Nationalist bomb on Shanghai’s ‘Bloody Saturday’ – 14 August 1937. Images like this drove home the consequences of aerial bombardment around the world before it was used to such devastation. Japan, not China, was blamed around the world for unleashing this kind of destruction.

  7. Chinese refugees waiting by a steel gate to gain access to Shanghai International Settlement during the Battle of Shanghai, August–November 1937.

  8. Japanese soldiers during the Battle of Shanghai, summer or fall 1937.

  9. In early June 1938, the Nationalists decided to break the Yellow River dikes near Zhengzhou in an attempt to stop the Japanese advance into central China. Large areas of land were inundated. Hundreds of thousands of people died and many more were forced from their homes. This photograph by Robert Capa was taken near Zhengzhou in June or July 1938.

  10. A Presbyterian Mission orphanage in an unoccupied area of Guangdong Province, 1941. These 300 orphans were under the care of the missionaries who ran this orphanage.

  11. The Nanjing Atrocity: bodies washed up on the shore of the Yangzi River, December 1937.

  12. This young Nanjing boy lost all his family during the Nanjing Atrocity. He was taken in at Jinling Women’s College in the city. Under the leadership of Acting Principal Minnie Vautrin, the College offered sanctuary to thousands of victims. Date unclear, probably December 1937 or winter 1938.

  13. The Japanese advance toward Wuhan, 1938.

  14. Children being evacuated in orderly fashion from Wuhan, summer 1938. The Battle of Wuhan took place during the summer and early fall of 1938. The Nationalists did not want a repeat of the Nanjing Atrocity and did not stage a fight to the death for the city.

  15/16. Harrison Forman was a journalist and photographer, working for The New York Times and National Geographic. He took these photographs of refugees from the Henan Famine in 1942 or 1943.

  17. Henan Famine: Families like this took to the roads with all their belongings in search of survival.


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