Lawn Boys

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Lawn Boys Page 5

by K. Webster

  With Anthony and Aiden Blakely.

  Twin brothers.

  So, so young.

  Oh, shit.

  I’m about to protest, but then Aiden’s tongue has explored its way inside me. His fingers massage at my clit. The sensations surging through me at every direction are overwhelming. Anthony steals my mouth again and uses both hands to rub and tease my nipples.

  I come suddenly. Hard and unexpected. Sure, I use my vibrator a lot, but I haven’t come like this in over a decade. The kind of all-consuming, mind-shattering, obliterating orgasm. Anthony smiles against my mouth and I smile too. Aiden eases his tongue out and kisses his way up my stomach. Anthony moves his hands and allows Aiden to take over teasing my breasts with his hands and mouth. His kisses are gentle and sweet. Anthony, however, has latched onto my neck and sucks hard. He nibbles at my flesh and tugs at it until I’m whimpering.

  “You’re so pretty,” Aiden whispers against me as he kisses his way up to my mouth.

  “She is,” Anthony agrees, his voice a raspy duplicate of his brother’s. “Fucking beautiful.”

  Aiden’s lips press to mine and I sigh against him. He may look just like his brother, but his mouth is different. More curious and less demanding. I let him explore me with his mouth. His kisses grow deeper and his casted hand cups my jaw. With slow thrusts, he grinds against my sensitive pussy, drawing whimpers from me.

  I run my fingers through his hair and he groans against my mouth. It’s cute how he likes his hair touched. Anthony’s erection is hard pressed against my back and Aiden’s is just as hard pressed against my front. Too many dirty fantasies flit through my head.

  I want them both.

  At once.

  The thought is filthy, but I allow it to take root in my mind.

  A buzzing from the coffee table kills the moment and Aiden jerks away. His mouth is red from kissing and his hair is messy. While he takes the call, Anthony takes over. He grips my hips and maneuvers me into his lap. I straddle his waist and allow him to pull me to him. Our lips lock and I decide I love the taste of him. He kisses like he’s been doing it all his life. I, on the other hand, feel like I’m learning for the first time. It’s been so long.

  He spears his fingers through my hair and pulls on it until we’re separated. His steely gray eyes burn with lust. Between us, his erection doesn’t soften for a second. I’m not sure where this is going, but I know I don’t want it to stop.

  “Dude,” Aiden grunts. “We have to go. Dad is losing his shit. I told him about what Damien did.”

  Anthony grumbles, his palms roaming over my ass, clearly not in any kind of hurry. “Right now?”

  “Unless you want him showing up over here?” he pipes up.

  I wince at the thought of Quinn seeing me in a naked twin sandwich. Nope. Time to go. “We can, um, talk about this later,” I murmur, my voice breathy.

  Anthony’s gaze darkens, but he nods. “What’s your number?”

  I rattle off my digits and I can hear Aiden plugging it into his phone. Anthony plants a chaste kiss on my lips before moving me to the middle cushion. He snags the blanket off the back and covers me up—a gesture that’s sweet and I find myself smiling over.

  “See you around, Steph,” Aiden says with a goofy, embarrassed grin.

  Anthony winks at me. Seductive. Promising. Dirty as hell.

  And then they’re gone.

  What have I done?

  And worse yet…

  Why don’t I want to stop?


  Damien wisely hides out in his office when I show up to shadow Steph. I’d wanted to walk into his office and slam his face into his desk for hurting my brother. Instead, I was lured away by a throaty laugh, a floral scent, and the sexiest pencil skirt I’ve ever seen on a woman.

  “You’re not paying attention,” Steph says, amusement in her tone, as she sips from her hot tea.

  I peel my gaze from her naked thighs just below her skirt. “The packaged deal is a better option for the bigger companies because it saves them money in the long run, but the smaller companies can’t usually afford it, so they fare better with the à la carte options,” I recite flawlessly.

  She scoffs. “Ugh. So you were paying attention.” Her voice becomes soft when our eyes meet. “Something tells me you don’t miss much.”

  I reach forward and relish in the way her breath hitches. I pluck a blond hair from the front of her blouse and let it fall to the ground. “Nothing,” I tell her with a crooked grin.

  Her cheeks turn rosy red, and fuck if she isn’t the cutest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Images of last night flit through my head. After Aiden and I came home, we had to listen to an epic tirade from Dad. Aiden retreated to his bed while I took the longest shower known to man. I jacked off to the image of a very naked, very hot older woman straddled on my lap. I’d taken plenty of time because something told me my twin was doing the very same thing. And nobody wants to see their brother jerk off.

  “Listen, Anthony,” she starts, her smile falling. “About last night…”

  I take her hand in mine and she doesn’t pull away. “What about last night?”

  Her brows furrow together, creating a worry crease in her flesh. She doesn’t have many lines in her flawless face, but a few can be seen when she makes certain expressions.

  “What we did…what I did…” Her eyes close and she lets out a breath of air. “That’s not me.”

  “You’re not allowed to feel good and have fun? You did feel good and have fun, right?”

  The flash of lust in her gaze is all I need to know.

  “That’s what I thought,” I say with a grin. “Sometimes, in life, you just have to go with it.”

  “I almost had a threesome with two of the hottest guys I’ve ever met. It was like all those times I walked into Abercrombie at the mall and was surrounded by helpful young model types. I didn’t belong there.” Her lip curls up as if she’s disgusted with herself. “I belong at Target in the home section.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Aiden and I are far from Abercrombie models. Have you seen my brother’s ugly mug? I mean, his face is purple right now.”

  Her features grow serious. “I’m going to speak to Damien about it. He should have never put his hands on Aiden.”

  “If it’s any consolation, he thought it was me. And I can guarantee that the next time he attempts to hurt me, he’ll be walking away with broken bones,” I grind out.

  My phone buzzes and I release her hand to check it.

  Ugly Twin: I’ve been let go at the bakery.

  A grunt of frustration escapes me. My brother loves that place.

  Me: What? Why?

  Ugly Twin: I can’t knead the dough or mop or anything. Paula says she needs someone who can do the hard tasks that she can’t do. I can come back once my cast is off, but until then she has to hire someone who can do the job.

  Me: That’s fucked up.

  Ugly Twin: Tell me about it. You know how Dad is. He’ll want me to find another job and not sit around on my ass the summer before college.

  Me: Want me to talk to him?

  Ugly Twin: No, just help me find a job.

  Stephanie plucks the phone from my grip and I give her a smirk.

  “Ugly twin? You’re a brat,” she scolds, her voice playful. She replies on my behalf.

  Me: Hey, honey, it’s Steph. I need help around the house. You can hold a paintbrush, right? I’ll pay you to help out.

  The three dots move and then stop. Move and then stop. I almost laugh out loud as I imagine my brother’s face bright red from embarrassment. He has zero game, although last night he seduced Steph right out of her panties.

  Ugly Twin: Hi, sexy lady. Someone has to go behind my sloppy brother and get the job done correctly.

  That sonofabitch.

  “Asshole,” I grumble.

  Steph laughs as she types.

  Me: Come over around six. I’ll make you boys something to eat and we can make a
plan on the repairs I need done.

  She’s all smiles, but a seed of irritation takes root in the pit of my belly that she called us boys. I tower over her and outweigh her by at least seventy pounds. I am not a boy.

  Once he replies that he’ll be there, I snag my phone and tuck it away in my pocket. We have about twenty minutes before we close up shop, so I take advantage of the time.

  “Come here,” I utter as I pull her chair closer.

  Her neck instantly burns bright pink and her lips part. Fuck, she’s gorgeous when she gets all hot and bothered.

  “Last night was just a sample,” I murmur as I run my palm up her bare thigh, skimming my finger against her silky panties beneath her skirt. “Tonight, I’m going to have so much more than a little taste.”

  Her breathing is sharp and ragged. “Anthony,” she chokes out. “You can’t do that here.”

  I tease her clit through her panties. “Do what?”


  “You like that.”

  A whimper rolls off her tongue. “It doesn’t matter. We can’t do that.”

  “But we are,” I taunt as I nuzzle my nose against her hair near her ear. “We so are doing that.”


  “Please don’t stop?”


  Her words die in her throat as she gives in to the pleasure. Slightly, as much as her skirt will allow, she spreads her legs. I take that as a clue she wants more. Pushing her panties to the side, I slip my finger between the lips of her pussy and dive into her tight heat. Fuck, she’s going to feel so good when I have her wrapped around my cock. She’s soaked, which means she’s been lusting after me the entire time we’ve been cooped up in this small office. I guess it’s only fair since I’ve been hard the moment I caught wind of her scent.

  “Howard sure does pay you well to get fingerfucked on the clock,” I observe against the shell of her ear. I nibble on her lobe through her wild mane of blond hair.

  “We should stop,” she whimpers.

  Her body that’s rocking to the rhythm I’m setting with my finger suggests otherwise.

  “We’re taking a break,” I tease. “What we do on our break is our business.”

  “You’re so bad,” she chides, but there’s absolutely no bite to her voice.

  “Are you going to punish me?” I taunt as I run my nose along the side of her neck. Using my other hand, I pull her hair away from her shoulder and expose her flesh to me. My mark from yesterday is crudely covered by makeup. With a snarl, I set to sucking that shit off so I can see the pretty purple bruise.

  Her moan encourages me. I suck until I’m fucking ravenous. And then I bite. Steph likes to be bitten because her body trembles and her pussy is making the wettest fucking sounds I’ve ever heard on a woman.

  “That’s it, teacup,” I say as I bite her again. “I didn’t get to taste your sweet cunt last night. I want you soaking my finger because I’m fucking thirsty.”

  My words send her over the edge and the fact that my thumb has found its way to teasing her clit doesn’t hurt either. She shudders as she climaxes. Before she even comes down from her high, I slip my finger from her and let her panties slide back into place. With my eyes on her hooded ones, I slide my finger past my lips and suck off her perfect taste.

  “You’re so dirty,” she breathes but certainly doesn’t complain.

  I lick the last of her off and flash her a smoldering grin. “All clean now.”

  She laughs, and fuck if my cock doesn’t jump in my slacks at the sound. Her blue eyes are soft as she regards me, sad almost. “What’s with the whole ‘teacup’?”

  I lean forward and press a kiss to her supple lips but only pull away slightly so that we’re just an inch or two apart. “You’re small. You’re classy with your pinky in the air. You taste sweet like honey. And you’re hot as fuck.”

  “That is weirdly romantic,” she says, a grin on her pretty pink lips.

  “I have a whole lot of weirdly romantic shit in my arsenal. Just wait and see.”

  She stands on wobbly legs and runs her fingers through my hair in an almost absent way. Her sweet affection is something a man could get addicted to real quick.

  “I’m going to run to the ladies’ room and freshen up. Can you close everything down here?” she asks.

  I tug at her wrist until our mouths are pressed together. This time, I kiss her deeply and without hurry. Her knee rests on my thigh as she all but climbs into my lap. Someone laughs outside her office door, causing her to jolt away from me.

  As she’s walking away, her round ass swaying for my benefit, I call after her, “Later, teacup. I’m going to fill you up…later.”

  Her open mouth and wide eyes coupled with her bright red cheeks have me laughing as she hurries to escape my flirtatious advances. I’m still grinning long after she leaves.

  “Someone likes his job a little too much,” a deep voice grumbles. “Is it fun getting to dress up like Daddy and play big people games?”

  I snap my gaze up to lock eyes with fucking Damien. My jaw clenches and I grit my teeth. Both my fists are curled and eager to pummel the asshole. “About as fun as playing doctor with your daughter.”

  “What’s that?” he snaps.

  I rise from my chair and stalk over to him. My chest bumps his. Damien may have me on height, but I could tackle his lanky ass before he even knew what hit him.

  “What’re you going to do, kid?” he taunts, his spittle hitting me in my face.

  “Same thing you did to my brother.” My tone is deadly.

  Steph’s laugh outside her office has both Damien and me stepping away from each other. He turns his snakelike charm on the moment she walks into her office.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he greets, his smile forced. “I wanted to see if you’d like to go get drinks after work. Same place as the other night?”

  She winces at the reminder and shoots me an embarrassed look. “No, but thanks. I have some things I need to do once I get home.”

  Yeah, like me.

  And Aiden if he’s lucky.

  He gives her a clipped nod and me a death glare before storming away. Once he’s gone, I take her hand in mine and give it a squeeze.

  “I need to run by the house to change out of this suit and then I’ll be over,” I tell her with a conspiratorial grin.

  She bites on her bottom lip and then points at me. “You better be ready to work, mister. I know you have some dirty thoughts running through your head right now. Clean them up quick. We have baseboards to paint.”

  I loosen my tie at my throat and arch a brow at her. “As long as you feed me”—I make a show of dropping my gaze to where I had my hand a few minutes before—“I’ll do whatever you want.”

  I don’t wait for a reaction and bolt before she can change her mind.

  Things are stiff and awkward the moment Aiden and I walk into Steph’s house. She’s nervous. Clearly been overthinking shit that she needs to just let happen. Aiden—nonplussed—makes his way into her kitchen and starts rummaging around in the cabinets. While he’s occupied, I grab her hips and push her ass against the nearest wall.

  “Calm down, teacup.”

  Her tight features relax at the pet name. “This is all so strange. I’m too…” She frowns and her nostrils flare. “I’m too old for you.”

  I roam my palm up her front and cup her tit through her oversized paint-speckled T-shirt. “These tits don’t feel old at all. They feel perfect.” I run my nose across her cheek as I chase her sweet scent into her hair and inhale. “You smell pretty fucking perfect too.”

  “You’re an animal,” she says with a laugh but doesn’t break from my touch.

  “Rawwr,” I tease as I nip at her throat.

  “Is this half-and-half still good?” Aiden calls from the kitchen.

  “Uh, yeah. Should be. Why?” she replies.

  “I’m cooking supper. I’m fucking starved,” he grunts.

  I smirk at Ste
phanie. Her eyes are wide in surprise as she mouths, “He cooks?”

  “All the time.”

  “He sounds like a keeper,” she says with a smile.

  “It’s the only reason we keep him around.”

  She swats at me and I pin her to the wall with my hips before grabbing her wrists and trapping those too. Her body writhes against mine as she attempts to free herself. All it does is serve to make my dick hard as stone. The moment she realizes how aroused I am, she lifts her chin up at me with a sweet expression.




  I release one of her wrists and cup her jaw with my hand. My hand is so big it appears giant against her feminine features. I like the way my tanned thumb looks when I run it along her porcelain skin to her pouty pink bottom lip. Her mouth parts and I’m fixated on how perfect she is. Every girl I’ve dated has just been a means to pass time until the next one. Steph intrigues me. She makes me want to throw her over my shoulder and claim her like some damn caveman. I want to know everything that makes her smile so I can keep that pretty look on her face always.

  “Anthony…” Her eyes flutter closed. My name on her lips is a plea.

  Answering her with a kiss, I lean forward and brush my lips along hers. I love the way her breath sucks me in. Pressing into her, I dive my tongue into her mouth and explore her sweet taste. Despite her unsureness, she kisses me like a woman who’s enjoyed kissing all her life. With practiced ease. It sparks me to dominate her with my kiss—to show her she’s never been kissed like this before.

  A small moan rumbles through her when I nip at her bottom lip. Then, I’m diving back in, running my tongue along hers and showing her how a real man kisses his woman.

  She’s mine.

  I think she’s beginning to realize that.

  I’m a Blakely and once we Blakely men set our sights on what we want, we don’t let go.

  Her free hand that’s not pinned in my grip slides up to my hair. I let out a groan of pleasure when she rakes her fingernails along my scalp. It makes me want to devour her.

  “Jesus, teacup,” I mutter, “I could get addicted to this mouth.”

  She whimpers, but my words please her. I can tell by the way she eagerly tugs at me. The way her body begs to be held and kissed. Releasing her hand, I grab her ass with both hands and haul her into my arms. Almost greedily, she wraps her legs around my waist and we never break the pace of our kiss. I grind my cock against her soft center as I push her back into the wall. Now that I’m holding her up and her arms are free, she touches me everywhere—a mix of curiosity and desperation.


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