by M. T. Ossler

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Protecting His



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  Protecting His


  Dragons FURY MC


  Book 2


  Copyright © 2017 by M.T. Ossler

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, incidents, and places are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real except where noted and authorized. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events are entirely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or names featured are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  M. T. Ossler

  Cover By:

  Maria Ossler

  Editing By:

  Letti Rushton

  Published by M.T. Ossler

  © February 2017


  WARNING: This book contains emotional triggers, sexual situations, violence and other adult themes. Recommended for ages 18 and older.

  Table of Contents

  Protecting His



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  Chapter 1


  How did our night turn so upside down like this? One minute, Jules and I are drinking and dancing, having a blast, at the nightclub the guys brought us to, while the guys watched us from the bar. Then out of nowhere these assholes come barreling through the crowd, zeroing in on us, to take us. Well, to be more precise, as the asshole holding me just said, sell us off to the highest bidder for our bodies.

  Our mini-honeymoon started out perfectly. My new husband and I had the most memorable wedding night, I could have ever asked for. This trip was going great and getting better and better as it went on. Even with the addition of Gio’s other brothers from another Club joining us. Now, this shit is happening, and I don’t know what to do.

  Then all of a sudden recognition hits me, like a hard slap on the face, glancing at the name on the back of their kuttes. These are the men, Ace and the guys were talking about at lunch the other day when we were at the mall. They are members of the Club the Dragons have been having a problem with around here.

  I know, we need to get us away from them and as scared as I am, I’m going to try. The asshole holding onto my right arm has an iron-tight grip on me. If I could only get it lose a little bit, I could hit him in his ugly face. I’ll have to take my chances with my left hand and see what kind of damage I can do.

  If the opportunity presents itself, I’m taking it. You can bet your goddamn ass on it. This asshole is not leaving here with us tonight.

  In the meantime, I grab Jules with my right hand so we can run to the guys together when I make my move. You can bet your ass I will be making a move. I’m a fighter, not some weak wilting flower.

  All of this is happening so fast, and I hope Gio had eyes on us and saw this all play out. I need him now, I know he’ll help save me. I know my man will always be there for me when I need him. He is Il mio cavaliere splendente in pelle, after all. (My knight in shining leather.)

  About two seconds later, the opportunity arises for me to swing my hand at the man’s face. I pull back to get my momentum, as my hand flies back, I feel a hand go around my wrist. I tense at first, but then I know it’s him, my knight. He snatches my arm back, and it feels like he just tore it out of the socket. I wince, but deal with the pain just to have this connection with him, and it helps to calm my frazzled nerves.

  The man holding me starts to yell at Gio to back off, and they argue back and forth. I’m afraid to look at Gio and have him see the fear in my eyes. So I keep my face away from him, and my hair helps to hide me from his view. He may do something stupid and get himself hurt or worse. I won’t let anything happen to him if I can help it.

  The man, Spooky, that is holding me rubs his junk against my lower back, and I just may be sick. It reminds me of him and what he did and now I can’t breathe. The only thing that is keeping me from losing my shit is the connection to Gio. I keep my eyes on his hand on my wrist, still not able to look at him until I can get my emotions under control. I need to be in his arms, not this assholes.

  I can’t think with all the screaming going on around us, and the guns pointed in my direction. Well, not all of them really, Gio and his guys have them pointed at the man behind me. Spooky’s gun is pointed at my temple, and he is threatening to kill me if they don't let us leave the club with them.

  Ace and Blaze are at Gio’s back and look as pissed off as he does. One of them is going to do something stupid if this doesn’t end soon.

  Finally, Gio pulls the last card he can think of to play, going for broke.

  “My wife’s not leaving here without me, asshole. If I had any intentions of letting her go, she would be back in New York with the new head of her Mafia family. The one she was engaged to before I stole her away from him,” Gio yells at him venomously before continuing. My heart is hammering in my chest, and a lump is forming in my throat from his words and his implication. I don’t ever want to go back there, but right now, I wish I was at the Clubhouse in our little room.

  “You want a fuckin’ war, you’ll have one. You won’t just have all of the Drago
ns’ on your ass, you’ll also have the entire Italian Mafia. Being that she is their Princess.” At Gio’s words, I feel the man behind me tense up. He just got hit with a major whammy he would have never expected in a million years.

  “Yes, fuckface, my wife and I are also part of the La Famiglia Mafiosa as well as the Dragons’. Now, get your fuckin’ hands off her before I light your ass up,” he growls with a rumble in his chest, not taking his eyes off the man behind me. The tone of his voice would scare me if I didn’t know his heart the way I do.

  Spooky freezes behind me as he absorbs all Gio’s words.

  The look on my husband's face changes to pure satisfaction, knowing he just won this round settles me some.

  “This isn’t over, Beast, this means war. I’ll fuckin’ have your balls for this,” Spooky says as he lets me go slowly and backs away. The guys let him and the other man, Devil, leave the dance floor. They both practically run out of the Club faster than lightning.

  Gio grabs ahold of me, taking me in his arms, and I can finally breathe again for the first time in what feels like hours. I’m safe in my man’s arms where I belong. He saved me like he promised he always would, he will always save me.

  “Sex trafficking,” I barely hear Gio say to Ace. “We have to let the others know. Now, let’s get out of here before the pigs show up,” Ace says rushing past us, grabbing Jules from Blaze.

  “We gotta run, baby, now!” Gio tugs me along by my hand. Then he gives up, because I’m not as fast as he is, and takes me up in his arms running out the Club.

  I see Ace lift Jules in his arms and run out with her in front of us. The other men are surrounding us as we leave.

  We make it back to the bikes and the SUV in no time, without anyone following us.

  “I’ll call Gator. Let’s get back to the resort, he’s gotta call Church ASAP. He’s probably going to call a mandatory lockdown. Let’s roll,” Gio says as he places me in the passenger seat and seat belting me in tight. He gives me a soft kiss on the lips before locking and shutting the door.

  Then he jumps in the driver’s seat. Once he’s settled, and it’s started, he takes my hand in his.

  The guys surround the cage on their bikes as we head back to the resort. At the stoplight, before he calls Gator he looks me over, head to toe.

  I wish he could pull over on the side of the road and hold me. I need to be in safety of his arms, surrounded by his strength and warm embrace. But it will have to wait till we get back to our room.

  He stops at a red light down the street and looks at me. “Baby, are you okay? Do you need me to do anything for you? You’re safe now. I’ll always protect you, no matter what. I promise you,” he declares panicked, still looking over at me.

  “I’ll be okay. I just need to be in your arms for a while. I knew you would protect me if I couldn’t… It was just that man…” I take a deep breath and look down at my tiny hand on his big one as he starts to drive again. He tucks my hair behind my ear before I look up at him as he drives down the road.

  “Gio, am I ever going to stop having those feelings. Will I ever be able to move on fully?” I can’t stop the tears from running down my face uncontrollably. I want to be me again, not this weak, scared, broken little girl. I hate the person I’ve become, the person he turned me into. I was always a fighter. I was never weak or afraid of anything and could stand on my own two feet.

  “Baby, you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are the strongest and bravest woman I have ever known. Never forget that, baby.

  “You just need more time and none of my shit to interfere with your recovery. I’m sorry, mio angelo.

  “When we get back, I’ll hold you as long as you want me to. Ti amo, mia Principessa.” He takes my hand to his lips and kisses the back. I entwine our fingers and feel myself relax a little from his touch.

  “Ti amo, amore mio,” I whisper squeezing his hand tight and lean over the center console. I wrap my arms around his and lean my head on his shoulder.

  I feel like this is all a bad dream, and I’m going to wake up any minute.

  Gio tells the car’s Bluetooth to call Gator. He answers on the second ring. “What the fuck is so important that you’re calling me at this hour,” Gator grunts through the phone.

  “Sorry, man, but we got a shit storm brewing over here.” Before he can go any further, Gator cuts him off. “Spit it out, Beast. I’m kind of in the middle of something here, and I’d like to get back to her.” He sounds totally pissed. Well, he’s about to become furious once Gio tells him what happened.

  I know this is his Club business and I probably shouldn’t be listening. However, the way I see it, though, is that I’m involved now, and he’s giving me this little piece of information.

  “Prez, the Macks joined us at the Club tonight, and they tried to kidnap the girls. They’re safe now, but they declared war for this. We know what they’re involved in now. They’re into sex trafficking. They wanted the girls to sell them off. They said the buyer picked them out specifically which means they’re here in Orlando. I think they’re involved with the missing girls around here. We need to call Church and let everyone know,” he says looking over at me. I flinch from the realization of his words.

  I never realized how bad this situation with his Club could be. How can men want to sell women for sex, like a piece of meat? I guess I’ve been too sheltered my whole life to be able to comprehend the level of this situation.

  “I want everyone at the Clubhouse by nine in the morning for Church. I’m calling a mandatory lockdown. We’ll have all the Clubs here, it’s going to be a full house. I’m sending out a mass text now. You get in touch with Romeo, have him and Cotton escort your mom and little sister back here in the mornin’, safely. Now, go take care of your girl, Beast,” Gator says and hangs up.

  Gio immediately calls Romeo and gives him the lowdown before we get to the resort. He assures him, his mom and Gigi are in good hands. He and Cotton will have them at the Clubhouse by nine, safely. He hangs up in time to park the SUV. He tells me to stay put as he jumps out and rushes around to help me out. I launch myself at him needing the haven only his arms can provide me.

  He carries me bridal style to the elevator. I see Jules in Ace’s arms shaking from the event of the night. I want to comfort my best friend, but I can’t move away from Gio.

  When we’re secure inside our room, Gio tells the guys Gator’s orders and the plan for the morning. Ace orders Blaze to stay the night with us. I’m not good with him being in our room, but I don’t get a say, so I just keep my mouth shut. I know Ace is just doing it as a safety precaution and I would rather it be him than one of the two other men I don’t know as well.

  He retrieves his things and settles in the front guest room.

  After locking up, Gio takes me to the bedroom undresses us and slips one of his shirts on me to wear. Then he helps me into bed and takes me back into his arms for the night.

  I want to sleep, but I’m not sure I can after what happened. I feel safe and loved in his arms, exactly the way I desire to feel. That shit just really freaked me out and brought me back to a bad place in my mind. Every time I close my eyes, I see my monster front and center.

  After listening to his heartbeat for a while, my frazzled nerves calm down, and I finally allow myself to fall asleep.

  It’s not a peaceful sleep at all, the nightmares come with a bloody vengeance. My blood-curdling screams could be heard across the whole state of Florida and probably Georgia too.

  I feel his grip tighten around me and his words soothing me back to sleep.

  His touch and words help send the demons to their cage, for a little while anyway.

  Chapter 2


  When Gio wakes me up, it’s still dark out and way too early in the morning for me. His eyes are bloodshot from no sleep. He has our bags already packed and waiting by the bedroom door. We just have to throw our night clothes and b
athroom bag in before we leave.

  He tells me I can rest in the SUV for the hour ride back to the Clubhouse. Then, if I want, I can try to sleep while he’s in Church. I didn’t get much sleep last night, but apparently, I got more than him.

  He says he’ll have Aunt Cindy look after us girls while he’s in Church. Having my sister and Aunt Cindy with me will help me stay calm and grounded. I hope.

  We arrive back at the Clubhouse, an hour before Gator ordered us here, and head to the bar to wait for them. Gio leaves me on one of the bar stools to talk to Gator over by the edge of the room, to be able to keep an eye on me.

  I’m sipping my hot coffee while I wait for my sister and Aunt Cindy to arrive. The end of Guns N’ Roses’ Civil War is playing on the jukebox. As I continue to sit here the song changes to AC/DC’s Dirty Deeds.

  The Clubhouse is crawling with men and women from the other Clubs. It’s a little unnerving, to say the least, but I put on my brave face, I can get through this. Gio needs me to be strong for him, and I need to be strong for my sister and myself. ‘Fake it till you make it,’ that’s my new motto these days.

  Jules is in Ace’s room sleeping since we arrived. A half an hour ago, Ace had Sam give her a sedative to relax. She’s freaked out pretty bad, rightfully so, and has been up all night, he told us.

  Apparently, the man that had her did more than hold her. He touched her and said some graphic things that he was going to do to us.

  Ace hasn’t left her side once through all this. He really stepped up and is taking care of her like he’s her man. His ass better claim her after all this shit, or he’ll be answering to me.

  I’m so tense, I just need to be near Gio, I wish he would hurry up with Gator. I know I can’t stay with him forever, we need our space, but I need him now so I can breathe. I will learn to deal with shit on my own, without using him as my crutch, soon.

  He assured me none of the men here would hurt my sister or me. They will only protect us with their lives. I trust Gio immensely, more than I have ever trusted anyone in my life. I don’t even have to think about it, he has my heart and soul, so there is no second-guessing anything when it comes to him and his word.


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