by M. T. Ossler

  We’re going to go nice and fuckin’ slow until we get the answers I’m craving.

  I start on the fucker in front of me, then Ace goes to town doing the same. I start with a huge circle and star covering his whole torso.

  Don’t judge me. I want this bastard to burn in hell, so I’m sending him directly to the devil himself.

  I drag the blade across his stomach, into his muscles, going deep, but not deep enough. I repeat my actions a few more times.

  Holy shit, we finally hit a small victory. Spooky screams like a fuckin’ girl for the first time.

  I move to his back, making sure not to insert the knife in any major arteries as I continue my masterpiece. I’m carving the shit out of his body and making a bloody mess.

  Now, I’ve had my full, and I need to step back a minute to observe my work.

  “Okay, Gator, boys, it’s your turn. Take your wacks on these sick fucks.”

  I step back and give the guys and Gator their dues before moving on.

  They throw the ropes and their fist at them, aiming for all the cuts we just made on their bodies. We get some more screams, grunts, and moans from these shitheads. Their breaking point is coming, it’s written all over their faces. Their pain level is at an all-time high, and they can’t take much more. After a while of watching them have at it, I stop them.

  I’m ready to cut him up some more now. Yes, literally. I still have a big fuckin’ knife in my hand, and I want him to suffer. I press the tip of the blade into Spooky’s big gut before pushing it in further. I’m about to drag the blade up when he jerks back with a bit more energy than he should have. Then he screams like a little girl again. Yes, like a little fuckin’ girl, full on squeal and all. Straight out of a horror movie, the girl being chased by the killer scream, causing us all to laugh hysterically.

  “Fuck, man, stop I’ll tell you whatcha wanna know,” Spooky squeaks out. Devil growls next to him after having the same incision done to his gut, but is still holding it together. He’s holding out for a quick death, that’s not coming anytime soon.

  “Keep your goddamn mouth shut, just let them kill us,” Devil says through short breaths. Before I can punch him in the face to shut him up, Ace throws his fist striking his jaw.

  “Not happening on my watch, buddy. I’m gettin’ my answers one way or another from you pricks or should I say this prick in front of me.”

  I turn my attention back to Spooky getting in his battered face.

  “Talk, motherfucker. All your brothers are gone, and soon you will be too, so spill.”

  And that’s exactly what he does, for the next few hours, he gives us all the answers we require. He squeals like a mother-fuckin' pig while his friend tries to bitch and yell at him to shut up.

  We keep Devil somewhat quiet, Ace and the boys shut him up with the wet ropes by giving him a beat down every time he opens his mouth. Devil is in bad shape, a few breaths away from his end, but still alive. The way Gator wanted him, for a few more days in case we have more questions for these two. Not like he’s giving anything up, though.

  After hours of back and forth with this shit, we finally have all our answers. We now know who is involved in buying all the missing girls. Where they were sent, and what exactly is being done with them. It’s worse than we could have ever imagined.

  The Hernandez Cartel has been paying the Macks Club to kidnap young girls. For the last year, and they have been shipping most of them to Mexico.

  From there, the Cartel auctions them off to the highest bidders, around the world, and sells them essentially into sex slavery.

  The girls they have been taking that are in their late 20s are sent to Germany, among other things, shipped out from the port in Miami. The shipping container I found on my honeymoon, that we couldn’t explain at the time, that is what it was intended for.

  There is no way to get any of those girls back once they’ve left the U.S., sadly. There is no trace of them after they went missing, let alone when they entered Mexico, Columbia, Germany, or wherever the fuck they were sent to.

  All the girls that have been taken are gone for good, they have vanished never to resurface again. It’s a damn shame, and unfortunately, this happens all the time, and we can’t stop it on our own.

  The girls we saved in Georgia were damn lucky, but regrettably, that’s not always the case.

  Fuck, this is horrible. That is a fate worse than death for those poor young girls.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck is taking over our world? The devil, he must be walking among us, leading this shit show that is happening to those innocent children and women. The fuckin’ devil, I tell you, God save us all or take us all before its too late. Is the world coming to an end from all this shit or what?

  Spooky also tells us the Mendez’s Cartel in Mexico has joined forces with the Hernandez Cartel in Mexico and Columbia months ago. Around the time Antonio staged his attack on the Castellani Estate.

  The worst part of all this is that Antonio has been working with the Mendez’s, and is involved in all this shit. That’s how they found my Bella and Jules, he was the buyer for the girls.

  Antonio’s plan was to get the girls, and he would keep Bella and sell Jules off. He has a man in the Hernandez Cartel that wants her immediately and is paying top dollar for her purity. I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed, but I can’t confirm that just yet.

  With all the trouble my Club and I caused him, he wanted to teach us a lesson. He also has plans to sell off Gigi for marriage, being that she’s a young virgin. One of the men in the Mendez Cartel wants her. Selling both the girls off to Cartels it will cement their alliances and take them off his hands. He won’t get them, ever! Ace and my brothers and I will see to it that all three girls stay safe with us.

  Fuck, fucker, fuckery. This cyclone just keeps gettin’ bigger and has become a fuckin’ Tsunami in no time at all.

  The girls have to stay on lockdown until we end this. They are not safe outside of our fences or away from Ace, Blaze and me. No prospects can be alone with them either anymore, a patched member will only do.

  Hell, maybe the whole Club should be placed on lockdown to keep all the women and children safe and away from this mess, at least until we end this shit once and for all. That’s Gator’s call as Club Prez, though.

  We’ve known that each one of the girls had a purpose for Antonio, and none of them were good. I always knew he only wanted Bella to take over the Families. He wants Jules for money and the same as Gigi, but I didn’t realize how far he had gone to make all this possible. He doesn’t care about any of them, only his own fuckin’ greed. They are all a means to an end for him. Money, power, connections and fuckin’ greed.

  What the hell happened to the boy I grew up with? When we were growing up together, I never saw this side of him. Especially, not with my Bella, I thought for sure he was in love with her, in his own twisted way.

  I'll tell you one thing, and it’s that I never saw this coming in a million years. I’m sure Uncle Dominic and the guys didn’t either. What the hell happened to him to make him turn to the dark side? I’m at a fuckin’ loss for words here, blind sighted, hit over the goddam head, knocked on my fuckin’ ass by all this.

  Now, I really can’t wait to get my hands on that sadistic sonofabitch and tare his ass up, literally. Death is too good for that bastard. I’m gonna torture him for weeks, no months, then pull his body apart and keep him alive while doin’ it all. When I’ve had my full, I’ll be burning the fucker alive.

  I’m done with this bastard, for now. I need to clear my head. A shower is a good start and disposing of my clothes with all this blood on me. Then I’ll be able to see Bella and Gigi.

  I have so much anger built up inside me still, I should probably hit the punching bag first, for a while. Oh wait, lookie what we have here, it must be my lucky day, I have a human punching bag right in front of me.

  I spend the next hour or so, beating the
shit out of Spooky with my fists, trying to get out all my aggression. It doesn’t work, and both men are a hairs breath away from their end.

  Reluctantly, Gator orders me to stop, for now, and go cool off.

  By the time we leave the shed, it’s early evening, and the sun is starting to go down. I text Dusty and Red to find out where my girls and mom are. I need time to run into the apartment and shower without them seeing the mess I am. I look like I just committed mass murder. Dusty tells me my girls are on an evening ride with the horses, then they are supposed to go back into the main building for dessert. So, they should be out for a while longer. Red is with mom in the main building, she’s making dessert for everybody.

  I run to the apartment needing some time to myself to think. When I walk in it’s quiet, just the way, I require it right now.

  I throw my clothes in the garbage bag in the bathroom, turn the water on steaming hot, then step in. I stand under the blistering hot water for a long time letting the heat soak into my sore, tense muscles. I need to concentrate on sending the beast back to his cage for now.

  When the water begins to run cold, I get out and wrap myself in a towel.

  Making my way back to the bedroom, I sit at the end of the bed. I get comfortable with my elbows on my knees, head bowed and my face in my hands with my eyes closed. It’s almost 8, and I know the girls and mom will be home soon. Gigi will want to see me and spend time with me before she has to go to bed for the night, she has school with Rosie tomorrow. Bella and I agreed her bedtime should be 10, Rosie likes to start at 8 in the morning and work her till 3. I know she hates it, but she knows it's only temporary. Next year, hopefully, we will be able to register her for her sophomore year at the local high school, and she can be around kids her own age.

  I’m reflecting on the last 24 hours, trying to make sense of everything Spooky had to tell us. Probably the last thing I should be doing, but I can’t stop my mind from replaying it.

  Thinking about Anton is not a good idea right now at all, it will only bring the beast back out. I need to calm my shit before my girls get home. My breathing is heavy, and I still want another round with my fist on that asshole.

  We have Church scheduled for early tomorrow morning, and Gator will announce to the guys what we got out of Spooky. From there we will figure out together what course of action to take, where the Cartels are concerned.

  Out of nowhere, I feel a silky, soft tiny hand on my bare shoulder, startling me. I was so consumed by my thoughts, I never heard the bedroom door opening, closing or her footsteps approaching me.

  As soon as her hand makes contact with my skin, all the anger evaporates from my body and sexual tension takes its place. The beast is back, but this one isn’t angry, he’s horny and in need of release. My cock is hardening by the second. I need her closer to me, skin to skin, but I still fear I may hurt her. So, I move my hands to my sides, on the bed, and into fists not to touch her just yet.

  She, on the other hand, has no such reservations what so ever as she moves closer to me, sliding between my legs. She takes a steady hand to the side of my face, gliding her fingers down to my chin. Raising my head to look at her, into her beautiful, loving, honey colored eyes and her gorgeous face. Her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail.

  Then she gives me a sexy, mixen smile as she kneels before me, ready to worship my cock.

  I stay frozen, locked under her spell, watching her carefully run her tiny fingers down my chest, drawing her fingers around her name over my heart, along my nipples, and every defining line of my abs.

  She makes her way down to my navel and stops to regard my eyes. When she see’s I won’t stop her, and I’m enjoying her touch, she continues.

  Then she slowly moves her fingers to the top of the towel, around my waist. My breathing hitches, she gingerly moves them to unknot the towel, throwing it open. I’m wide open and exposed to her in more ways than one, and she has no clue what she’s doing to me.

  She glides her soft fingers, lightly along my shaft. I was semi-hard from just her hands on my upper body, now I’m rock fuckin’ hard and throbbing, pulsing for more of her sweet touch.

  She doesn’t break eye contact with me, nor do we talk. She grabs hold of my root in her tiny hand and strokes me a few times.

  Licking her lips before leaning forward to kiss my tip, then drags her tongue around my mushroom head.

  My heart is rapidly beating in my chest, and I gasp for air in my lungs, watching her like this is erotic. After circling a couple of times, she opens her mouth engulfing me between her luscious, pink lips, taking all of me into her warm mouth.

  She’s only done this a few times, but damn is she a fast learner, knowing just what I liked already. Not like it matters, she’s all he wants, anyway she wants to give it to him, he’ll take.

  She’s playing me like her own personal fiddle, running her tongue around my head again and into my slit around my piercing, then down and up the underside of my shaft. Shivers run through my body, and I can feel my nails in my palms as I tighten my fist. Her tongue is magical, and I’m mesmerized as I look in her eyes and watch her.

  She loves to play, and before her, I wasn’t a big fan, but with Bella, everything is different and incredible. Everything feels a million times better with her, she holds all the power over me and my body.

  She opens her mouth wide and takes me in slowly, nine inches all the way to the back of her throat. Her nose is getting tickled by my pubes. I absorb all the pleasure of her lovin’ on my cock, trying my damnest not to blow down her throat. Her pussy is the only warm hole that is getting my cum until I put a baby inside her.

  She takes all of me in again, then comes back up and moves back down. She builds a steady rhythm, sucking on me hard, humming as she moves up and down at a moderate speed. Then she moves faster soaking my pubes with her saliva, bobbing her head faster on my shaft.

  Taking one hand to my balls, massaging them, just the way I like it, and the other tracing along the inside of my upper thigh with her feather-light touch.

  After a couple of more minutes of enjoying her mouth, I can’t take it any longer. I can’t hold back if she continues and I need my tasty treat first, her delicious pussy. I’m a starving man for her sweet cream.

  “Stop, baby!” I say startling her. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth, I want your hungry pussy to eat up all my cum. Strip for me so I can eat that luscious, tasty pussy, baby,” I coo and she moves slowly back up my shaft with her mouth, but not away before placing a kiss on his head over my piercing. She slowly rises up from the floor before me, at a snail's pace, strips off her jeans and tank top. In record time, because I couldn’t take the deliberate torture any longer. She stands in front of me in just her pink lacy bra and matching thong. Then, with keeping up the same pace, she shimmies her panties, over her heavenly curves, and down her long slender legs.

  She needs to be faster, the beast inside me is ready to tear her bra off and pounce on her. I’m yearning for her body, now!

  I haven’t touched her yet, I’m longing for that first touch of her silky body. To feel every inch of her sun-kissed skin, and suckle on her breast.

  Once she’s upright, she unclasps her bra in the back, the straps fall forward off her shoulders, and she removes it from her body. Then she finally throws her bra to the side with all her other clothes.

  Standing completely naked at last, looking gorgeous with her sensual smile. I rise up from the bed, finally taking her in my arms, smashing my mouth to hers, spinning her around, and guiding her onto the bed. I break our kiss once I have her lying on the bed where I want her and stare into her eyes. I take her lips again for a slow, passionate kiss and her hands find their way to my hair. She runs her fingers around my scalp.

  I keep my hands around her, on her back. Feeling her smooth skin is arousing.

  Then I move down to her neck, licking, nibbling and sucking, working my way down her sinful body, till I land on
my intended target. Her beautiful, pink, bare, soaking wet, delicious pussy. She smells sweet like honey. I can’t wait any longer to taste her, but I do tease her. I start with running my tongue on the outside of her lips, then I flatten my tongue along her seem and work my way down to her entrance before opening her flower. I devour her, swallowing up all her essence, slowly and tortuously making my way to her pulsing, throbbing, swollen, waiting clit. The second my tongue touches her pearl, her hips jerk up off the bed and she moans so loud, I hope no one is in the apartment to hear us. I love to make my girl sing like this for me, but no one but me gets to hear the music I make her body play. Her moans, gasps, screams are all mine, only mine forever.

  I suck her little, throbbing nub into my mouth and show her no mercy as I gobble her down. I take every drop she drips into my thirsty mouth, like a man who’s been on a desert for months. I suck, nibble, working my tongue in every direction, writing her my own personal, private, love letter and a promise of a spectacular future together.

  Inserting two fingers inside her warm channel causes her to witter, and she’s at my mercy as I rub against her tight walls. Working her g-spot fast, pumping my fingers in and out, in and out. Her hands tighten in my hair, grabbing ahold of chunks.

  My tongue moves faster up and down, side to side, circles, and before long she's exploding in my mouth, raining out all her sweet juices all over my face. I eat up every drop she squirts into my hungry mouth, working her through her orgasm as she screams out my name in ecstasy. Her hands finally drop from my head to her sides.

  This is one of my favorite things to do every day. Eating her sweet, tasty pussy, and ease her through her orgasm, I give her while sucking up every last drop of her delicious arousal, her body makes for me.

  I crawl up her sensitive body with kisses, stop to suckle her nipples, waiting for her breathing to regulate. Then I make my way to her lips before slowly watching every inch of my cock disappear into her warm, tight cave. Heaven, that’s what I feel when I’m snug inside her warm body that I own every inch of, and her other most precious part, her heart.


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