Madam Charlie

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Madam Charlie Page 9

by Sahara Kelly

  His breath fluttered against her ear.

  “I’d like to touch this little piece of skin here with just the tip of my tongue.”

  He blew a soft stream of air over the sensitive whorls, making her shiver. What was he doing?

  “You see, a woman’s ear is a place of endless fascination. Full of intricate curves and dips and little secret caves…”

  Once again the warmth of his breath caressed her. Charlie froze, afraid that if she moved a scant inch he’d be inside her ear.

  “It’s a very sexual place, Charlie.”

  She wriggled ever so slightly, dipping down even more and devoutly hoping that he didn’t notice the fact that her nipples were getting harder by the second.

  “A woman’s ear is not unlike another sexual place. Mysterious, dark, warm, just waiting for the touch of a lover’s tongue.”

  His hand swirled in the water again and the ripples lapped seductively against her body.

  “Have you ever had a man caress your ears with his tongue, Charlie? Ever let him take a long slow lick down the outside and then swirl…” His hot breath filled her ear, “…swirl around and around in tighter circles until you feel he’s in your brain and your body and your cunt?”

  Charlie jumped and frowned at his language.

  “Shocked, my sweet? Why? You have heard words like that before, I’m sure. Haven’t you, Charlie? Haven’t the girls told you how their customers slip into their cunts and how it feels? How their customers’ cocks can move quickly or slowly, and some even bring pleasure? How the pounding of their bodies against each other can release powerful drives that turn two people into roaring infernos?”

  Jordan’s hand continued its swirling motion, and now Charlie could feel every single ripple and current beneath the water.

  “Have you ever watched, Charlie? I’m sure you have the security peepholes in place. You must observe the rooms now and again, you’re too good a businesswoman and too protective of your girls not to. So tell me, Charlie. Have you watched?”

  Charlie’s mind flew back to the night she’d done just that. Fortunately, her eyes were still closed, or she knew that her expression would have given her away.

  Jordan’s hand moved slightly and she sensed him withdraw. Then the water slurped and she opened her eyes to see him ladling out some of the bathwater into a bucket.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just lowering the water level slightly. When you reach your bliss you’ll probably move around a lot, and I don’t want to ruin my Aubusson carpet.”

  Charlie snorted. “Don’t take too much out, I’ll get cold.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Damn the arrogant bastard, thought Charlie. I’ll show him. Gathering her wits and her control, she lay back again and closed her eyes, determined to best him at his seductive game.

  To her surprise she felt a tap on her raised knee.

  “Hold this between your knees.”

  “What?” She looked down to see that Jordan was wedging the ladle between her knees, spreading them to the very edges of the tub.


  “I’m not touching you. But we never said anything about using what was at hand. Now just be a good girl and hold this between your knees. Or are you afraid you’ll lose the bet?”

  Charlie curled her lip. “Hah.” Her knees widened and she felt the smooth wooden ladle spread her thighs wide.

  Jordan smiled. “Better.”

  Charlie smirked.

  Then she froze again as the washcloth was unceremoniously dragged across her breasts.

  “Hoi. You’re touching.” Her eyes turned angrily to the man next to her, meeting his intense stare with hostility.

  “No I’m not. The cloth is.” He quirked up a corner of his mouth. “Can’t take it? Give up?”

  Charlie shut her mouth with a snap. “No.”


  The washcloth dragged again, stimulating her nipples and making her gasp. As she did, her breasts rose from the newly lowered water, and Jordan moved quickly to blow on the damp skin.

  She choked as the sensation jolted every nerve ending between her heart and her pussy.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it, love? A man’s warm breath on those beautiful breasts. Breasts that were made for kissing and licking and sucking, and oh God how much I want to do all three. I want to hold them and squeeze them and bury my face between them. I want to do all sorts of wonderful things to your breasts, Charlie.”

  She tried to shift lower in the water, but couldn’t manage to submerge herself as fully as she’d have liked.

  Jordan’s hand was now producing rhythmic waves in the water between her legs and the current beneath combined with the ripples on top were starting to really make her edgy.

  Again and again the washcloth stroked her breasts, sometimes a light touch, then a rougher drag. Her nipples were now rigid and responded to each whiff of his breath as he spoke to her and allowed the warmth to tease her nipples.

  She wanted to bury her hands in his silky hair and draw his face down to her breasts. She wanted more than a breath or a lap of the water, she wanted to be suckled and tongued and even nipped a little. She was beginning to want him to do “all sorts of wonderful things to her breasts”.

  She stifled a groan and kept her hands firmly clenched beneath the water at her sides.

  “Did you know that a woman can peak just from having her breasts suckled, Charlie?”

  Oh God, why didn’t he shut up? His words and his voice and the visions he was creating were driving her mad. The way he kept repeating her name, softly, like a caress, was stirring her heart and her soul. She didn’t want to be stirred like that.

  “I wonder if you’d be one of those women. I want to find out very badly.”

  True to his word, Jordan was not touching her. His breath was brushing her body, and his voice was caressing her soul. But he had not, as yet, laid a hand on her.

  Charlie was beginning to get very tense. She assumed it was anger, she’d never felt quite as irritated or edgy as she was right now.

  “Of course, your breasts aren’t the only place I want to explore, my sweet. There’s so much more.”

  Charlie mentally groaned. She would not let go.

  Or at least she didn’t think she would.

  Oh God, she was going mad.

  * * * * *

  Jordan knew he was succeeding. Just watching her nipples bud and harden and ripen before his eyes told him the story he wanted to hear. Charlie was responding to him, and responding wildly.

  It was time to take this little experiment to the next level.

  He pulled a washcloth from the bucket of cold water and laid it unceremoniously across her breasts.

  “Aaagh. What the…” She jumped and her gray eyes opened, looking accusingly at him. “What are you doing?”

  Jordan watched her reaction. “Just making sure you’re still with me.”

  He removed the cold cloth and swished the warm water over her chillled nipples, observing the flush as the cold was replaced by warmth. His other hand kept up its slow undulation between her legs.

  He knew the water would be lapping against her clit since the ladle was holding her legs wide enough apart that she would be exposed to the little current he was creating.

  He moved his hand closer to her body.

  Sure enough, there was a different, more viscous sensation around his fingers. Charlie’s body was telling him that she was responding. Her cunt was ready for him.

  And oh God his cock was more than ready for her.

  “Your body wants me, Charlie.” His hand increased its speed a little and encouraged firmer ripples against her clit.

  She fidgeted very slightly.

  “Your cunt is filling with sweet slippery honey. It wants my cock sliding slowly inside…my hard cock, which can fill that empty place right up. It will touch all those secret places inside you, Charlie, touch them, stroke them, press and fill them.”

  His hand maintained the increased pace, making sure that now the water was pushing itself against her body. Her nipples hardened even more under his gaze and her head tipped back a little as she became further aroused.

  Jordan was spellbound by her response. Just watching her body as each different sensation caused a reaction was one of the most stimulating things he’d ever done. If his campaign succeeded and he got Charlie underneath him, fucking her would rank as one of the highlights of his life.

  His hand trembled for a moment as the full implication spread through his mind. His cock was leaking small beads of cum just from playing with Charlie. Was he really ready to go the distance with this woman when she could rouse him to such extraordinary heights without a single touch of her body?

  His rational mind chided him. This was simply a different and fun erotic experience. He might have been doing this with anyone. Hell, Elizabeth would certainly enjoy it.

  Yes, said his conscience. But would you enjoy it so much?

  Jordan mentally turned his back on that conversation and returned his attention to the woman who was now wriggling with arousal in the water.

  It was nearly time to seal his success.

  He reached for the bar of lavender soap and slipped it into the water above her body.

  She gasped as he let it slide from her belly down over her clit into his waiting hand. Very carefully, so as not to touch her at all, he allowed the soap to press against her hot flesh.

  She gasped, forgetting to stifle the sound.

  “And now, Charlie, the moment has come. If we were naked together, your breasts would be pushed hard against my chest. You’d feel the heat of my body all over yours, from your shoulders to your toes. Your belly would feel empty, your legs would spread wide for me. You’d be hungry, needy, wanting my cock, Charlie.”

  She moaned, lost now in the images his words were creating.

  “Perhaps we would be lying amidst my sheets, perhaps you’d be feeling the roughness of the carpet against your soft backside or the warmth of the fire on your breasts…”

  Jordan slid the soap down over her swollen flesh and towards her cleft.

  She sucked in a breath and tilted her hips slightly to give him greater access as he spread her cheeks with the soap.

  He grinned, painfully, feeling every one of her responses echoed in his cock.

  “Maybe we’d have decided to try fucking from behind, Charlie. What do you think? Would you like me to position myself behind you as you knelt on all fours? I could slide right into your hot wet pussy that way, and as I pushed in, you’d feel my balls against your thighs.”

  The soap continued its pressure, running over all the places Jordan mentioned. Charlie’s sounds continued as her body began to pulse beneath the water.

  “I could use one hand to fondle your nipples, Charlie. Touching and teasing them, in time with my cock as I pulled out and then thrust back in…”

  The soap thrust against Charlie’s clit. She grunted as her lips peeled back from her clenched teeth.

  “The other hand would find your sweet clit. The spot where your world would begin and end. The spot that I want to make my very own, Charlie. I want to suck your clit, lick your clit, rub my face all over your clit. I want to have it jerk against my cock as you come with me so deep inside you neither of us knows where one begins and the other ends. I want your clit, Charlie. It’s mine. The things I’ll do to it will make you scream, and sob, and beg me for more. And I’ll give you more. Each time you ask there’ll be more. There’ll be more even when you don’t ask.”

  The soap was rubbing hard now, and Charlie’s muscles were tensing. Her breath was coming in irregular gasps, her nipples solid, and her breasts flushed. She was seconds away.

  “I want to fuck you Charlie, fuck you until the world ends for both of us.” It burst from him, surprising him with the force and emotion of his words.

  “Open your eyes. Charlie. Open your eyes. Look at me…”

  Gray eyes opened wide and a second later, she grunted as her whole body spasmed beneath the water.

  Jordan was helpless to resist. He dropped the soap and plunged his hand to her pussy, sliding a finger into her cunt to share her explosion.

  Her eyes were stormy and brilliant, like thunderclouds slashed with lightning. Her pupils were dilated, there was sweat on her face, and her mouth was open in an “O” of surprise.

  Her cunt clamped down on his finger for what seemed like an eternity, releasing it only to clamp down again.

  He gingerly thumbed her clit, only to send her into more paroxyms of pleasure. She was incredible. And very, very tight.

  He couldn’t stop his other hand from leaving the tub and grabbing his cock. In time with Charlie’s spasms, he squeezed himself hard, needing only a few quick touches to bring himself release.

  Her gaze was unfocused, so lost was she in her orgasm. He probably could have come several times right in front of her and she’d never have noticed.

  The water roiled as her body rode out the sensations, and Jordan gently withdrew his hand.

  She moaned slightly as he disentangled his fingers from her cunt. “Please, Jordan…”

  “Please what, my sweet?” Jordan dropped a light kiss on her forehead.

  “Touch me there again…now…please…”

  Cautiously, Jordan obeyed, slipping his hand back under the water. He eased the ladle away from between her legs as he followed her instructions only to find her thighs clamping his hand to her clit.

  Amazingly, she orgasmed again, the instant he slid a finger into her cunt. He gently slid a second finger inside, stretching her slightly. As he moved them around he felt the spasms build once more.

  She was incredible. It was as if he’d opened a door to her body that she’d never known existed. Now that he’d shown her what a climax was all about, her body was demanding its due.

  Her third climax clearly drained her, and he felt her muscles weaken as the tremors finally subsided. The tension eased from her spine, and her nipples softened as he watched them.

  She had closed her eyes once more against him, but Jordan knew that this time it was not to keep him out of her thoughts. It was to keep her thoughts away from him.

  Rising, he stripped off his soaked breeches, and quickly rubbed himself down, wrapping the towel around his waist.

  Within seconds he had Charlie out of the tub, and held tight against him. Weak as a kitten, her legs refused to support her weight, so he carried her over to the fireplace and grabbed towels on the way.

  Efficiently, he balanced her against him and dried her off, whisking the towel roughly over her damp skin and bringing a moan to her lips as he touched her sensitive breasts.

  His cock stirred, but he sternly told it to take a rest. He’d accomplished the first part of his strategy.

  Patience would be called for in the next phase of his campaign.

  Chapter Eleven

  Charlie didn’t know what to feel. What to say or what to do or what to think either.

  She was warmly cuddled into a large and soft dressing gown, as was Jordan, who had manhandled them both quite efficiently into some semblance of dryness following their bathtime adventure.

  She was now held firmly on Jordan’s lap as he lazily ran his fingers through her tangled curls, straightening out the knots and spreading it over her shoulders to dry in the warmth of the fire.

  Her muscles were languorously content, as if a pulse of energy had over stimulated them only to leave them relaxed and limp.

  Her skin tingled, whether from her “blissful” experience or the brisk rub that Jordan had administered, she had no idea.

  And her mind, for once, was adrift.

  This was very unusual for Charlie, she reluctantly admitted. It seemed impossible for her to focus on the many things she should be doing. Chief amongst which was getting as far away from Jordan Lyndhurst as she could at the earliest possible moment.

  Well, she probably would have to do th
at—but not right at this minute.

  For once, she was going to allow herself the sensual pleasure of being cherished by a man who had brought her senses to life and her body to orgasm.

  She quietly smiled. So that was what it was all about.

  “That is a very enigmatic little grin,” said Jordan, brushing a finger along her lips.

  “Is it?”

  “You know it is. Want to share the thought?”

  Charlie tilted her head back and looked at him. Brown eyes stared back, golden lights catching the flicker of the fire and dancing in their depths.

  “That was my first…my first experience with that, Jordan.” Why she confessed that, she had no idea. But it seemed that the moment called for nothing less than complete honesty. “Thank you.”

  His arms tightened around her and he dropped a kiss on her head.

  “The first of many, I hope. You are beautiful when you’re aroused, Charlie. You’re beautiful all the time, don’t misunderstand me, but there’s a special sort of beauty that comes from within when a woman is in the throes of her passion. You have it. Your eyes become stormy. Your cheeks glow…” His fingers traced her eyelids and ran over her cheeks, “your lips swell and redden, and your scent, aaah, Charlie, your scent.”

  He buried his face in her neck and drew a deep, dramatic breath, making her giggle.

  “I could find you in a dark room even if I was blindfolded. Your scent is inside me now.” He pulled back slightly. “And, if I’m not mistaken, that, Miss Charlie, was a real giggle.”

  Charlie looked at the fire pensively. “There hasn’t been much to giggle about in my life.”

  “Tell me?”

  The warmth of the fire and the warmth of Jordan’s arms were working their magic, and Charlie felt many of her inhibitions melting along with her muscles.

  She knew there were secrets that must remain hidden, but a part of her yearned to share others, ones that had burdened her for so long.

  She sighed. “It’s not an uncommon story, Jordan. You’d be bored within minutes.”

  Jordan shifted slightly and reached for his brandy decanter with his free hand, pouring two healthy glassfuls. He passed one to Charlie and took the other himself.


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