Rodeo: A Bad Boy Romance (FMX Bros Book 2)

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Rodeo: A Bad Boy Romance (FMX Bros Book 2) Page 13

by Oliver, Tess

  I scooted past him, shoved my pile of clothes off the foot of the bed and kicked my shoes out of the way.

  “Don’t go to any fuss on my account,” Parker quipped. “I’m a simple man with very simple needs.” He reached forward and smoothed his right hand along the side of my body. “Like this simple set of curves.” He lifted his slightly unfocused gaze to my face. “And those simply perfect lips.” He kept his wrapped hand down at his side as he hooked his right arm around me and kissed me. “By the way, Howie pointed out that you are just as hot as ever. Not that I needed it pointed out. I was already fully aware of it.” His words were slow like his steps. The medicine was kicking in.

  “Parker, what you did for me today—”

  “I’d do it again. For you. No one else. Just you.” His lids drifted shut for a second. “I’m feeling mighty fucking fine. Thank you, doctor whatever your name was.”

  “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable, and I’ll order a pizza.”

  He nodded and it caused him to sway forward. I pressed my hands against his chest to keep him upright.

  He looked down at his feet. “Is it me or is this tin can tilted?”

  “You just noticed? I’m kind of getting used to it. The big problem happens when I step outside and the ground is flat again. It doesn’t feel right, like I’m wearing two different shoes.”

  He laughed as he scooted back to the bed and flopped down hard. “Ouch. Guess those pills haven’t hit my ribcage yet.”

  “You poor thing.” I knelt down in front of the bed and took off his shoes.

  He lifted his long legs onto the mattress, but his feet hung off the end. He scooted up and leaned his back against the wall. “The room tilts less if I’m sitting up. You know, Howie couldn’t get over you remembering that essay of his. Think you made his day. Just like you make mine . . . every damn day.”

  I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. I ran my fingers over the skin on his bandaged arm. My throat ached just looking at him, knowing what he’d done for me today. “Do you remember that time in high school when you got caught smoking with Tony”—I tapped my chin—“forgot his last name, that guy who always looked as if he hadn’t showered all year.”

  “Tony Lewis, and I don’t think you were off about the shower thing. He grew up with his dad, who was just about the meanest motherfucker in Montana. Always felt bad for Tony.”

  “Everyone did. But when the principal called you in to his office, you got Tony off by claiming it was your cigarette and that he was trying to talk you out of smoking.”

  “Oh yeah, forgot about that. I knew I’d probably just get a clap on the head and be grounded. But Tony’s dad would have strung him up and beat the shit out of him. It was no big deal for me, but for Tony—” He leaned his head back. The drugs were making him drowsy. “What made you think of that?”

  I shrugged. “I think I’ve loved you since that day.”

  He stared at me and a faint grin appeared. “You love me, Sayler Russell?”

  “Yes I do, Parker Stevens.”

  “Well shit. I want to call Howie back and tell him to print that in his little newspaper article.” He lifted his hand and dragged his finger and thumb across an imaginary headline. “Parker Stevens, successful Freestyle MX rider and lucky fucking dog who captured Sayler Russell’s heart.”

  I scooted onto the bed next to him. “Kind of long for a headline but it works.”

  His eyes drifted shut, and he leaned his head against the wall. “Hey, Sayler Russell—”


  “I still remember what you wore on your first day of high school. It was a blue dress with yellow flowers, and you had on these crazy white sandals with these long, thin straps that tied up around your ankles like a Greek fucking goddess.”

  I laughed. “I loved those sandals. Can’t believe you remember those.”

  “Sure do, cuz that’s the day I knew I loved you.”

  Chapter 25


  I walked out of the garage with the twelve inch metal file and a hammer, a city boy’s stash of weapons. In Montana, I’d be stashing a hunting rifle behind the seat of the truck, but now, I was relying on some tools that, if used properly, could definitely do some damage. I had no idea how things would go with the two-bit loser Sayler had tangled herself with, but I knew I wasn’t going to go out without a fight. And if the fuckers tried to lay a hand on Sayler, things were going to get really ugly. Even though I was sure a thug like Chambers would be armed, I was still going to make sure to crack some heads before any bullet took me out.

  I’d head to the bank first thing in the morning and cash the check I’d gotten for riding in the show. Usually, twelve grand was a nice chunk of money for doing something I loved, but I’d earned every fucking penny of it yesterday riding with a smashed hand and cracked ribs. In the end, my old friend, adrenaline, had kicked in, making the ride a little easier. The same old friend would get me amped up enough to take on Chambers and his pals, if things went sour.

  “You gonna fix some shit?” Cole called from the patio. I hadn’t seen him walk out. My roommates had been good about not asking any more questions about my hand, but I knew they were worried. The last thing I needed or wanted was to drag them into it. I would take care of this just like I planned to take care of Sayler. I’d left her back in Montana, but now that she was in my life again, I wasn’t going to lose her.

  Cole walked toward me as I dropped the hammer onto the passenger seat. He looked pointedly at my hand. “Guess you’ll be off a week or so. Too bad. We’re already shorthanded.”

  “Not a week. One day to clear my head of the painkillers, then I’m yanking this wrap off. Can’t stand having my fingers stuck together.” I lifted my hand. The fingertips were white from being wrapped tightly. “Is there such thing as hand claustrophobia? I’ve never wanted to stretch my fingers as badly as I do now that I can’t move the damn things.”

  He smiled, but it was obvious there was something on his mind.

  “Out with it, boss. I know you’re chewing your tongue to keep quiet.”

  He glanced into the truck. “Just want you to know, if you need us to step in, then we’re here for you. Don’t know what the fuck is up, but it sure as hell doesn’t look good.”

  I leaned against the truck and picked at the end of the gauze on my hand. “Sayler got in with some bad people, and she owes them money. I’m going to pay them off, and that’s it.” I lifted my hand. “This was just a little warning—nothing more. I’ve got the money, so it’ll be over tomorrow.” Again, I looked down avoiding eye contact. “I can handle it. I’ll be back at work on Tuesday.”

  Cole walked over and patted the hood of my truck. “I’ve seen you jump from girl to girl, hardly giving a backward glance at any of them, but for this one, you’re putting your neck on the line.”

  I nodded and looked up at him. “Yep.” It was all I needed to say. Now that he had Kensington, he understood.

  He patted my shoulder. “Just be careful, bro. Good riding buddies are hard to find.”

  I smiled. “I’ll be back throwing dirt in your face in no time, King. Thanks for offering to help. I’ve got your back too, bro. Always.”

  Chapter 26


  A tiny sliver of light poked through the dusty window on the trailer. I looked over at Sayler. Her lashes fluttered as if she was dreaming or maybe even sensing that I was watching her. We’d stayed up late talking about life after this mess was over. Thinking about a future together helped drown out the worry that this might not end smoothly. I wanted badly for her to move out of her dumpy little place and into the house. I’d already mentioned it to Cole and Denver, and they were fine with it. But Sayler had gone straight from her parents’ house to living under Kurt’s roof. She badly wanted to be inde
pendent and prove to herself she could make it on her own. I couldn’t deny her that. I’d been looking for that same sense of independence when I’d moved to California.

  Sayler mewled softly in her sleep and stretched as she turned on her side and nestled her bottom against me. Instantly, my cock hardened against her round ass. Even with the threat hanging over us and the pain in my hand, nothing could cool the heat between us. I basically spent all my time away from her thinking about having her naked in my arms, and when we were together, nothing, not even cracked knuckles and ribs, could stop me from touching her.

  I slid the long t-shirt she’d worn to bed up above her waist. She sighed sleepily and pushed her naked ass harder against me. She never said no. Just like when we were back in Montana. She always wanted it just as badly as me. My right arm was free. I draped it around her and pushed my hand between her thighs. She lifted her outside leg, inviting me to run my fingers through the folds of her pussy. I scooted down and pushed inside of her.

  “Oh, Parker,” her whisper trailed around the room. The sound of it making me even harder. I moved slow and deep. She held my hand tightly between her legs as she moved her body against me. I kissed the back of her neck, and she responded by pushing harder against me, taking in more of my cock.

  I moved faster, knocking the bed against the wall, until we both came. “There is nothing so fucking right in my life as you, holding you, kissing you, fucking you.” I wrapped my arms around her, and in the weak dawn light, we fell asleep, content, for now, because we had each other. No one was going to take that away from us.

  Chapter 27


  I watched from the truck as Parker walked out of the bank. He took a few glances back over his shoulder as he crossed the parking lot and climbed into the truck. “I feel like a bank robber making his getaway with a bunch of bills stuffed in my pocket.”

  “It’s a lot of money. And I will pay back every single cent, Parker. I promise.”

  “Stop, baby, we’re together now, and I could give a shit about the money. I just need you. That’s all I know. I need you.”

  “I need you too.” I scooted across the bench seat to sit next to him and wrapped my arm around his as he pulled the truck out of the parking lot.

  We were silent on the ride back to the trailer. There was no way to know what would happen today. We had not heard from Chambers since his last awful visit. He’d taken the terms of getting the money on Monday, but he’d left behind a horrid reminder of what was waiting for us if we didn’t deliver.

  My mind had been racing trying to figure out the best plan. “Parker, now don’t say no until you hear me out. I think you should drop me off with the money. Then you should leave, and go somewhere safe.”


  “No wait, just listen. If you went over to the job site you’d be safe. There would be too many people around. I’ll wait alone and give him the money.”

  “Not happening.”

  “I’m not finished. Look, the only reason I haven’t gone to the police about this is because I’d be arrested too. Chambers can afford a good lawyer, and he’d probably get off with nothing more than a mug shot. I, on the other hand, would end up behind bars. But, if Chambers decides the money isn’t enough and he hurts me or grabs me or whatever might be in his sick mind, you could go to the police.”

  “It’s a good plan, but as I said before, not happening. Don’t ask me to step off from this now, Sayler. I can’t. I’m going to be there with you. In fact, you’ve given me an idea. You drop me off and take the truck. Go to the job site just like you planned for me. You’ll be safe.”

  “Forget it.” I wrapped my arm tighter around his. “I’m staying with you. See. We’re both just as stubborn as ever. But if something happens to you—” My voice broke off, and I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I won’t survive it. All of this is my fault.”

  “You forget that you had a deal worked out with Chambers, and I stepped in and fucked it up for you.”

  “Only because you were protecting me.”

  “Damn right. And I’ll do the same today.”

  He turned the truck down the street that would lead to the mobile home park. My stomach knotted around the flurry of butterflies. A black sedan with darkly tinted windows was parked outside the lot.

  A short laugh shot from Parker’s mouth. “Shit, why doesn’t he just have the words ‘drug dealer’ painted in pink letters on the back fender. What a dick.”

  Parker drove the truck up to my trailer. My heart was thumping in my chest. I stuck my hands between my knees to stop them from shaking. The front door was open. I had double-checked that it was locked and securely shut.

  “And the dick has no fucking manners.” Parker was cool and calm. He reached below the front seat and pulled out a long strip of metal with a series of sharp bumps on one side. I stared at it.

  “It’s a file, but you definitely don’t want to use it for a manicure.” He stuck it in the back waistband of his jeans and pulled his shirt over it. “It’s not a forty-five, but it’ll do in a pinch.” He was talking lightly. I knew it was strictly for my benefit. But I was feeling nervous enough that my stomach was pushing up the toast I’d eaten two hours earlier.

  Rodeo took off his sunglasses and put them on his dashboard. He took hold of my chin and kissed me. “You sure you don’t want to just take off?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not leaving your side.”

  He kissed me. “Let’s get this done, baby.”

  Scarecrow’s hideous, gaunt face appeared in the doorway as we walked up the steps. I’d been walking next to Parker, but he swiftly maneuvered me behind him as we stepped inside. Hawk had made himself comfortable on my bed. Chambers leaned against my counter flipping through my mail. He continued to read it as he spoke. “Thought you two had tried to skip town.”

  “Told you I had to cash a check at the bank. Banks don’t open until nine.” Parker spoke calmly as if he was just talking to a neighbor or acquaintance about something as mundane as bank hours.

  Chambers looked slightly surprised. “So you have the money?”

  “Sure do. Eighty-five hundred bucks. I hand it over and you and your two sidekicks walk out of here for good. Any ties with Sayler are cut. No more visits. No more threats.”

  Chambers glanced down at Parker’s bandaged hand. “You’ve got some balls, kid. You’ve only got one paw, yet you’re talking to the three of us as if you’ve got the upper hand.”

  For the first time since we’d walked in, I sensed some tension in Parker’s shoulders. Chambers looked at his two men, then back at Parker. “I like you, kid. Just like I like that little pretty bird standing behind you. Let’s see the money.”

  Parker reached under his shirt and pulled the envelope out of his waistband. He handed the cash over. A tense silence followed as Chambers flipped through the money and counted it. Hawk and Scarecrow stood like two ugly sentries with arms crossed, ready, apparently, to jump into action if we were even a cent short.

  Chambers sealed shut the envelope and stuck it under his coat. “Paid in full, Pigeon. Have a good day.” We stepped clear of the doorway as he motioned for his men to follow him out. Chambers stopped on the top step and my heart skipped a beat thinking that damn second shoe was about to drop. “Like I said, Pigeon, I always liked ya. Good luck.” With that he turned and left.

  Parker and I stood stock still in the center of the trailer until we saw them disappear out of the trailer park. He turned to me. As my stunned state melted away, a wave of relief washed through me that propelled me right into his arms. We rocked my little tin hovel with laughter.

  Parker pulled the file from under his shirt and placed it on the counter. “Holy shit. I did not expect that. Have a good day,” he repeated in an impressive Chambers imitation. “Have a good day.
Thanks, buddy, we sure as fuck will.”

  I reached up, took hold of his face and planted kisses all over it. “You saved me, Parker. You’re my knight, my hot FMX dude, my bad ass cowboy all rolled up into the best thing that ever happened in my life.”

  He smiled and pulled me hard against him. “Damn right, baby.”

  Chapter 28


  Denver’s bike flew past me, and I leaned down and grabbed some throttle. He’d been having a good time throwing dirt at me all fucking day, and I was getting tired of it. After a few days taped up, my hand had felt way better. I’d gotten back to work fast, which made my wallet and my boss happy.

  I flew off a jump and closed the gap some. Rett was just pulling off the track as I raced past the exit. He and Finley had driven out so Rett could take a break from barn chores to have some fun in the dirt. It was the first time Sayler had met Cole’s sister, Finley. They’d hit it off right away. Kensington had come too.

  It had been a week since we’d handed the money off to Chambers. Things were going smoothly for Sayler for the first time in years. Every once in awhile, when we were just sitting around or driving somewhere, she’d reach over and pinch me just to make sure it was all real. She’d had a tough road up until now, but with Chambers out of the picture and her job at the dance studio being everything she’d hoped for, she was getting back to the carefree, happy girl I had hung out with in high school.

  I finally found an inside line and shot past Denver. He wasn’t the type of guy who let you just pass. He was right on my tail. We exchanged positions at least five times before I decided I’d had it. I fell back and pulled off the track.

  Kensington, Finley and Sayler were sitting on chairs around the ice chest, sipping water and snacking on crackers. Cole and Rett were sitting on the tailgate of Cole’s truck watching the action.


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