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A Master for Matthew (The Dungeon Book 6)

Page 1

by Aimee Brissay

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  About this title


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  A Master for Matthew

  The Dungeon series, book 6


  About this title

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, the models on the cover, places and incidents either are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  A Master for Matthew Copyright ©2020 Aimee Brissay

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other enquiries, please contact Aimee Brissay directly:

  More from Aimee

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  More books from Aimee Brissay:

  The Dungeon Series

  Switching Wesley (The Dungeon, book 1) - MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  Bending to Lucas (The Dungeon, book 2) - MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  Healing Alan (The Dungeon, book 3) - MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  Pushing Connor (The Dungeon book 4) - MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  Trusting Trace: Christmas at the Dungeon (The Dungeon book 5) - MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  A Master for Matthew (The Dungeon book 6) – MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  The Dungeon Boxset (books 1-3) – MM contemporary BDSM Romance

  The Perfect Timing Series

  Valentin: The Beginning (Perfect Timing prequel)- MM Paranormal Romance

  Out of Hope (Perfect Timing Book 1)- MM Paranormal Romance

  Out of Time (Perfect Timing Book 2)- MM Paranormal Romance

  Out of Choice (Perfect Timing Book 3)- MM Paranormal Romance

  Perfect Timing – The Complete Boxset : A Gay Vampire-Shifter Romance Story

  Nature of the Beast – Urban Fantasy


  Sometimes, daring to hope is all it takes.

  Matthew has never had a perfect relationship where love and kink mix. In fact, he doesn’t even think it’s possible to have it all. After all, to find someone who’s into the same things you are isn’t easy, especially when it comes to submission. But that’s what The Dungeon is for, right? Or it should be. But for Matthew even the best fetish club in town is not enough. His needs run deeper than the Doms at the club want to accommodate and he’s the only submissive without a steady Master. Until Hugh.

  In a rut, Hugh is happy to take the challenge of working at The Dungeon. He’s never been a paid Dom, but there’s a first time for everything. After all, he’s had a lot of experience. But what he’s not expecting is the beauty of Matthew’s submission or how it makes him crave more. More of Matthew, more play, more everything.

  Will Matthew find the courage to admit to Hugh what he truly wants? And can Hugh show Matthew that kink and love really go well together?

  Chapter 1

  “I hear you’re looking for a job.”

  Hugh huffed in amusement at his friend’s question. “Now, where did you heard that?”

  Hugh could picture Lucas’s smile. Lucas had been the one to introduce Hugh to the world of kink during their university days. Since then, they’d gone their separate ways, with Hugh opting to take a job in London and Lucas opening a BDSM club in his hometown, but they’d stayed in touch.

  “A little bird told me.” Before Hugh could call him out on it, Lucas continued. “Oh, bollocks. No one told me, but I was hoping you’d be interested in being part of my club.”

  Hugh’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. It wasn’t like Lucas to swear, and Hugh could hear the tension in his friend’s voice. “What’s the matter, Luke?”

  A warm laugh came over the phone. “Nobody’s called me that in years.”

  “Probably nobody dares to. You’re the boss now.”

  “Not everybody I know who’s into the lifestyle works for me. I do have friends.”

  “And yet you try to employ all of them.”

  “Point taken. And I do want to employ you.”

  Hugh sighed. “I’m not quite sure I’m up for the sort of job you might offer. Besides, I’m a private-time Master, not a pay-per-stroke or whatever it is you’re calling it.”

  “I call it a professional Master. And this is a nice way of saying you’re not interested. So British of you.”

  High grinned, though Lucas wouldn’t be able to see him. “I am British.”

  “You’re also one of the best Masters I know.”


  “As cocky as ever, I take it.”

  “Oh, you’re such a git.”

  Lucas’s laughter rang as Hugh ended the call. Working for Lucas. It was hilarious.

  But as the days passed, he found himself thinking about Lucas’s proposal. He wasn’t looking for a job, but maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. He didn’t care that much for his current job, and London was beginning to get a bit stuffy for his taste. Maybe a change of pace would be just what he needed. Of course, there had to be more to the offer than a simple job and he suspected it was connected to his personal preferences. He wasn’t your run-of-the-mill Dominant. His need for domination went deeper, covering more than the bedroom. He required submission in all aspects of the sub’s life. He wanted commitment and offered nothing less. Of course, that meant he was alone. Someone who met all his criteria was hard to find.

  Finally, he couldn’t put it off any longer and called his friend.

  “Tell me about him.”

  “Hello to you too. You don’t even know what the job is.”

  “I assume you need a Master, seeing as you called me. And you probably have someone in mind or you wouldn’t have called.”

  “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”

  “I prefer trimmed, thank you very much.”

  “Pffft. Who doesn’t? But wouldn’t you rather know how much money I’m willing to offer you?”

  Hugh smiled to himself. “I’m sure you’ll give me a fair deal, so that’s a moot point. Besides, I’m more interested to know what I’m getting into.”

  “Fair enough. Here’s the deal.”

  Hugh listened quietly to Lucas explained about his client. It was obvious Lucas cared for the man, despite him being just a customer. The more he heard, the more intrigued Hugh became. But he wouldn’t let his friend’s opinion influence him, as tempting as it was. He asked his questions, and while Lucas addressed them all, the answers left Hugh with more questions. Eventually, when it became clear Lucas couldn’t tell him anything else, Hugh knew he’d have to wait and find out the rest for himself.

  A spark of excitement shot through him at the perspective. It had been over two years since someone had held his interest. Maybe this change would turn out to be the right thing for him. A fresh start.


  “Mr. Brentwood would like to talk with you, if that’s okay.”

  Matthew stilled in the p
rocess of buttoning his pants, his eyes flying to the Dom. Dom Connor. He was one of the newest additions to the club, but Matthew had mixed feelings about him. He wasn’t bad, but Matthew could sense a hesitation in Connor that rattled him. Then again, hesitation was the reaction he generated in most Tops. Jaws clenching, he bit back the sigh. Sometimes he wished he wasn’t wired to go this deep, to extend his need outside the bedroom. To search for a Master, not a Dom.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

  “Do you know what this is about?”

  As he waited for Sir Connor’s answer, he went over everything in his head, wondering if there was something he’d done that broke the club rules. He came up empty. But why else would the owner of the club look for him?

  “No, but I don’t think it’s bad.”

  “I understand. When does he want me?”

  “You can go up now, if you want.”

  “Thank you.”

  No time like the present, I guess.

  The elegant, gold letters on the door read: Lucas Brentwood. Matthew shuffled his feet , his anxiety rising. What am I doing here? Maybe he had done something wrong and had missed it somehow? Worrying at his lower lip, he debated turning around and leaving. But if he left, he might not be able to come back. And The Dungeon, while not perfect, was the place where he felt truly safe.

  Feeling the weight of the receptionist’s gaze boring into the back of his head, Matthew knocked. The sound rang louder than he’d expected, making him jump. He took a step back. The door opened before he could bolt, catching him mid-step.

  “Hi, Matthew. I’m glad you’re here. Come on in.”

  Matthew’s eyes flew to Sir Brentwood’s face. The warm, understanding smile he found there made him feel a little more at ease. Sir Brentwood was one of the Doms at the club who had previously attended to Matthew. He couldn’t hold back the spark of resentment at the thought. From what he knew, he was the only sub who didn’t have a permanent Dom assigned to him. They passed him between the three, never consulting him on the matter. Not that he had anything against any of them, but he would have loved to belong to someone, even for the short span of a session at The Dungeon.

  Swallowing around the knot in his throat, Matthew fought his fidgeting, squared his shoulders, and followed Lucas inside. A second later, his gaze landed on someone sitting in front of the desk, and his heart stopped as he stared at the stranger. Deep, soft brown eyes looked back at him, pulling Matthew’s gaze like a magnet. The man got to his feet, his lips curved in a soft smile, and the break in their visual contact allowed Matthew the opportunity to study the stranger.

  His head was covered in a thin layer of grey mixed with the occasional brown hair, cut close to the scalp. The cut suited him, and while Matthew hadn’t been particularly attracted to bald guys in the past, this was an exception. He wasn’t especially tall, but his shoulders were broad.

  “Matthew, this is Hugh Spencer. He’s a good friend of mine and he just joined the club. Hugh, this is Matthew.”

  Mr. Spencer offered his hand and waited, the warmth never leaving his face. Matthew stared at it before reaching out and shaking it. Strong fingers wrapped around his, giving them a little squeeze. Despite the lightness of the touch, Matthew noticed the strength beneath it. His stomach fluttered and he wet his lips. His gazed into Mr. Spencer’s eyes, before lowering his gaze to the ground.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Matthew.”

  Mr. Spencer’s voice sounded like melted butter. It washed over Matthew, giving him shivers. Heavens, he had to be British.

  So focused on Mr. Spencer, Matthew missed what Mr. Brentwood was saying.

  “Excuse me, Sir. Could you repeat that?”

  “Of course. I was asking if you’d care to sit down?”

  Mr. Brentwood pointed to the seat next to Mr. Spencer. Matthew blinked at the empty chair in confusion. Sit down? It was as if the words held no meaning to him. Then, their sense broke through the haze in his head and he nodded. Carefully, weighing his every move, Matthew sat, perching precariously on the edge of the seat, ready to bold if need be. And if he kept glancing toward the stranger...well, that couldn’t be helped.

  “Thank you,” Matthew managed, remembering his manners.

  His heart fluttered at the sight of the little quirk at the corner of Mr. Spencer’s mouth. Was that approval he saw on the man’s face or was it just Matthew’s wishful thinking? Now, why he wanted a stranger’s approval was a completely different matter and not something he could dwell on at the moment.

  “The reason I asked you here was to introduce you to Hugh. He’s going to be your new Master, if that’s all right with you.”

  At the mention of the word “Master,” breath hitched in Matthew’s throat. Knees going weak, he was happy be seated. Was this for real?

  “My new…Master?”

  “Well, he’ll be working for the club and, if you agree, you will be his first assigned client.”

  Matthew swallowed, trying to hide his disappointment. For a second, his hopes had soared. A Master of his own. But then reality came crashing down as he remembered where he was. Throwing Mr. Spencer a sideways glance, Matthew weighed his options.

  “I’d be honored if you’d do me the honor of accepting me as your Master for your time here at The Dungeon.”

  Matthew stared at him. “Why?” As soon as the word was out of his mouth, Matthew wished he could take it back. But it was too late. Mr. Spencer’s brow furrowed as pondered the question.

  “Why what, Matthew?”

  “Why would you want me as your sla…sub, Sir?” The Sir slipped out easily in response to the man’s presence.

  “Mr. Brentwood thought I would be better suited to you than the other Doms here.”


  Oh God, that accent. That voice. Excitement, spiked with arousal, shot through Matthew’s system. Gathering his courage, Matthew looked Mr. Spencer up and down. The man sat facing him, his shoulders resting casually against the back of the chair. He wasn’t particularly tall, maybe a couple of inches shorter than Matthew, his body lean. However, there was strength in him, as Matthew had seen during their brief handshake. But was that strength dangerous? Maybe.

  Matthew raised his gaze to Mr. Spencer’s face again. His eyes were a warm shade of brown. Or maybe it was the warmth on his face reflecting in his eyes.


  Matthew looked back at Mr. Brentwood and nodded. He didn’t know Mr. Spencer, but he liked what he was seeing.

  “Yes, Sir, that would be fine with me.”

  Mr. Spencer’s lips quirked into a wide smile. “Excellent. I’m looking forward to our first session.”


  As the door closed behind the sub, Lucas turned to Hugh.

  “What do you think?”

  Hugh pursed his lips, pondering. What could he say? His heart had jumped the moment Matthew had called out the first “Sir.” There had been such need, such reverence in the young man’s voice. It called out to Hugh on a deep level. He’d looked so scared, ready to bolt at any given time, yet Hugh could see Matthew also wanted to be there. When Lucas had announced Hugh was joining the club, Matthew’s reluctance had been written all over his face. Hugh smiled to himself. Was Matthew conscious of how open his face was?

  He hadn’t missed Matthew’s slip of the tongue either. He’d wanted to say slave, but had changed his mind at the last minute and switched it to sub. He’d noticed Matthew’s blush at the blunder, his own heart speeding up at the sight. There was something appealing about the concept of a slave, but he hated the connotation of the word and settled to use the term “submissive.”

  Bollocks! This wasn’t good. While Hugh was used to paying attention to his subs, never had he watched someone so closely. And, damn it, the man was just a client. Hugh sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. Would he ever get used to this new routine: Master to a paying
client? The thought of it made him feel cheap.

  Lucas cleared his throat, calling Hugh’s attention back to his original question.


  “He is.” There was no judgment coming off Lucas, for which Hugh was grateful. It was difficult to put into words something he himself didn’t quite understand, and he was lucky Lucas was experienced enough to appreciate that.

  “Will you do it?”

  “Yes.” The answer came easily, before his brain could catch up with his mouth. Once it was out, Hugh realized he didn’t want to take it back. Now, if only he could get used to his new position… Sighing, he looked at his friend. “Tell me again how this thing works.”

  Lucas let out a cheerful laugh. “There is no sex. That’s not what we’re selling. The clients know that, but if anyone pushes for it, you tell me and I’ll take care of it.” At Hugh’s quirked brow, Lucas grinned and continued. “No, I won’t sleep with them, you perv. Nor will I kill them. We’re not in the Cosa Nostra, you know. I’ll give them a warning. Another strike and they’re out. But they’re pretty good at following rules.”

  Hugh gave him a half-nod in agreement. Yup, he could see the reasoning behind the exclusion. Not one he would have used to punish a misbehaving slave, but there weren’t that many options to admonish a paying customer. Besides, in a private relationship, the no-sex rule wouldn’t be an issue, unless otherwise agreed, in which case, neither party would push for it.

  “Of course, the same goes for the staff. No sex with the clients. No bodily fluid exchange of any kind.”

  “So spitting is out.”

  “Yes. And blood play can be done only under controlled situations.”

  “Makes sense. Please continue.”

  “We have profiles on all our clients, both Doms and subs, and you will receive a copy for each of yours at the beginning of the day until you get to know them. After that, you’ll get an update if and when it’s needed.”


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