Never Wanted More (Nashville Nights #0.5)

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Never Wanted More (Nashville Nights #0.5) Page 10

by Stacey Mosteller

  Wyatt's hands tighten on my hips, and he continues to rock me back and forth on his lap until I feel ready to explode. The little sounds coming out of my mouth every time I brush against him don't go unnoticed by him, and when he hears them, he stills my hips. "Damn girl," he gasps against my mouth as I continue trying to move against him. We continue kissing while I start unbuttoning his shirt, desperate to feel his skin. He lets me get his shirt undone and I begin running my hands up and down his chest and abs. He's muscular, but not in that way most jocks are. He's got a six-pack, but he's lean instead of bulky. Tearing my mouth reluctantly away from his I start to pull my shirt up but he traps my hands against my sides.

  "What are you doing?" he asks, pulling back to study me.

  Panting, I tell him, "I want you to touch me." His hands loosen and I continue pulling up my shirt.

  "Dammit Peyton," Wyatt groans, "not out here. I'm not having sex with you in my truck." Sex... in his truck... never before would that idea appeal to me, but now it really does. Right now, in this moment, I want nothing more than to have sex in his truck, in this dark parking lot where anyone can see us. Just the thought of it dampens my panties more than they already are. The more I think about it, the more I want to move against him and I begin to squirm.

  Wyatt moans low in his throat before sliding me back onto the seat and off his lap. Opening the door, he scrambles out of the truck allowing fresh air in. Even in my confusion, I notice that the windows are all fogged up. Extending a hand, he pulls me out of the truck so that I'm standing in front of him. Bending down so that our eyes are on the same level, Wyatt growls, "Our first time together is not going to be in my damn truck." My face goes hot at his words, but I'm not embarrassed. His eyes are a dark teal color, the way they were this morning, and I have to squeeze my thighs together to keep from jumping him here in the parking lot. I don't know what's wrong with me; I've never felt this way about a guy before.

  "Fuck it," he mutters before heading for the stairs that will take us back to his apartment, and his room. Wyatt's practically sprinting up the stairs, leaving me with no other option but to follow behind him since he's still gripping my hand like he's afraid I'm going to disappear.


  Entering the apartment, Wyatt doesn't slow down. Instead, he heads straight for his bedroom. As soon as the door closes behind me, he presses me up against it. In between heated kisses, he lets me take off his still unbuttoned shirt while he pulls my t-shirt over my head and removes my bra. He doesn't waste any time before toeing off his shoes and shucking his pants so he's soon standing before me in just his tight boxer briefs, which do nothing to hide the hard length of his dick. Dropping to his knees, he quickly removes my shoes and pants, leaving me in only my grey panties. Thankfully, they are one of the prettier pairs I own, but I still feel self-conscious.

  Seconds later, I'm completely naked and Wyatt is still kneeling in front of me. I have no idea why he's still down there until he lifts my left leg, putting it over his shoulder. My breath catches when his darkened eyes meet mine and he slowly licks me before lightly sucking on my clit. My hands fly to his hair as I moan loudly, unable to control myself. No one has ever done this to me before, but it's now my favorite thing in the world. He doesn't stay in one place for long, alternating between slow licks and sticking his tongue as deep inside me as he can. My entire body trembles as I get closer and closer to the edge.

  Trailing the fingers of one hand up my bent thigh, he uses the other to dip first one then two fingers inside me, pushing in deep and slowing sliding back out. Each time he pushes in, he rubs his fingers along the front wall of my vagina, touching a place inside me that makes me begin to unravel. When he can tell I'm close, he starts stroking the spot deep inside me while pulling my clit into his mouth and sucking hard. I explode around his fingers, clenching around them and at this point, he's the only thing keeping me upright. He continues to suck until the tremors begin to slow before slowly moving his fingers in and out of me while I come down from my orgasm.

  Looking at him in awe, I say the only thing I can think of, "Thanks." Wyatt chuckles before standing to lead me over to the bed so that I can lie down. He removes his underwear slowly, never taking his eyes off me as he grabs a condom from his drawer and slides it on. Climbing up on the bed, he spreads my legs so that he can move in between them.

  "You okay?" he asks, genuinely concerned. I can do nothing but nod and he smiles down at me before pressing a light kiss to my lips. I can feel his cock nudging my sex as he leans over me, and he groans. "I've wanted this since the day I first met you," he murmurs before positioning himself at my entrance.

  Wyatt pushes in slowly letting me feel him stretching me almost to the point of pain. He's bigger than Brad was, and it's been almost a year since I had sex so it's a tight fit. When he's fully inside me he pauses, breathing heavily and looking down at me in wonder. "Shit baby, you feel so fucking good," he says before starting to move. He's pushing in and pulling out of me slowly at first, until I start lifting my hips involuntarily to meet him. He begins to speed up, slamming in fast and pulling out slow until I'm begging him to go faster and harder. If it didn't feel so damn good, I'd be embarrassed by the words that are coming out of my mouth. I can feel myself climbing higher, but my orgasm is just out of reach. His movements are becoming erratic as he reaches between us to circle my clit with his finger. The combination of him moving inside me while stroking my clit is almost enough to make me explode. Then he presses down hard, and I come, arching my back off the bed and calling his name over and over. He thrusts inside me once, twice, three times more before growling my name and grinding against me as his own orgasm hits him.

  Breathing heavy, he bends to take my mouth with his and I can still taste myself on his tongue. It's strange, and I'm not sure if I like it, but I don't want him to stop kissing me, so I don't stop him. Once our breathing has returned to normal he gets up, disposes of the condom, grabs my panties off the floor and tosses them and one of his t-shirts to me as he puts on his underwear. Sliding back into bed he pulls me over to him and I lay my head on his chest.

  "You were definitely worth the wait." He's laughing lightly but I can't bring myself to be mad at him right now. It would take too much energy, and I'm too sleepy now.

  Slapping him lightly on the chest I mutter, "Shut up Wyatt."

  Pulling me tighter against him, he kisses the top of my head before rubbing his hand up and down my back soothingly. Shutting my eyes, I relax in his embrace, struggling to stay awake. We lay in the quiet room, both alone with our thoughts and I think he's asleep when he says, "I'm glad you decided to stay with me this week, Peyton."

  "Me too," I reply with a yawn. And I am glad. If I hadn't stayed with him this week, I don't think we would have ended up here. I'm too stubborn, and he's too pushy. When everyone else is around we drive each other crazy. I hope that isn't the case anymore. My last coherent thought before I fall asleep is, "Please don't leave me Wyatt."

  I don't realize I said it out loud, nor do I hear Wyatt's indrawn breath or his whispered response, "I don't think I could ever leave you Peyton. I'm in love with you."

  Chapter 19

  The rest of the week passes quickly between Wyatt helping me with math, his shifts at Drench, his workouts, and the time we spend in bed exploring each other. I'm not even close to being ready to go back to the dorms tomorrow or to share him with everyone else. We've been in our own little bubble this week and frankly, having to be a couple around everyone else freaks me out. There's sure to be lots of teasing and I know for a fact Clay and Emmett will have plenty of lewd comments about our time alone. Not to mention, I'll have to put up with Clay if I'm planning on spending any amount of time here. He's funny at times, but usually he's a pretty big jerk, teasing everyone and turning practically everything anyone says into something sexual. I don't even want to think about how unbearable Scarlett will be over this. I'm sure she'll think that she's the sole reason Wyatt and I got together
, and she'll make my life miserable with her "I told you so's".

  "Aren't you supposed to be studying?" Wyatt asks from behind me. He startles me and I whirl around in his desk chair with a hand clutched to my chest.

  "Jesus Christ Wyatt, hasn't anyone ever told you not to scare your girlfriend half to death?"

  I'm glaring at him, but it doesn't faze Wyatt at all. He walks over and pulls me up out of his chair to wrap his arms around me. My stiff posture lasts about half a second before I relax into him; I slide my arms around his waist to hug him tightly.

  Kissing the top of my head, he says, 'Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you; you just looked like you were miles away. What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

  "Nothing," I mutter, burying my face in his chest so that he doesn't see the pleased blush on my cheeks. I'm not used to the compliments he gives me yet and each time he says something sweet it embarrasses me. Scarlett's going to get a huge kick out of this nicer version of myself.

  Wyatt doesn't say anything; he just waits for me to come clean with what I'm thinking, so finally, with a sigh, I tell him. "I'm just thinking about what it's going to be like tomorrow when everyone comes back. Everything will change, and I'll have to share you."

  His arms tighten around me in reassurance. "Things don't have to change just because everyone is coming back. Them being here doesn't mean we can't be together does it?"I can hear the uncertainty in his question, and want to kick myself for not explaining what I meant.

  "No! That's not what I meant, Wyatt. It's just..." I trail off, trying to gather my thoughts before continuing, "Our roommates will all be home tomorrow, along with Max, Annabelle and Scarlett. Things will just be different."

  Pulling back to gaze down at me, Wyatt frowns, "Different how?"

  "Just different! You'll still be here; I'll be at the dorm. Classes start back Monday which means I won't see you as much, it just won't be the same as it is right now." I sound like the boy-dependent girls I can't stand. The ones who change their lives for whoever they are with, but I'm beginning to understand why they do it. Thinking about everyone returning to school makes me want to hole up in Wyatt's room and never leave. I'm worried that once everyone comes back Wyatt won't need me anymore.

  Wyatt stiffens against me, and I realize that I just said that last sentence out loud. Before I can defend what I said, he drops his arms from around me and backs up. His eyes are wounded, and the fact that I'm the one that put that emotion there makes my chest hurt.

  "Is that what you think? That I've been with you this week because I was lonely? That I took you to meet my family, who I never take anyone to meet, because I was bored?" His voice is incredulous, and rising with every word. "Goddammit Peyton! I've been chasing you for weeks! This isn't just a way to entertain myself." He runs both hands through his hair, pressing his palms against the side of his head before taking a deep breath, he shouts, "I'm in love with you!"

  I can only stare at him in shock, my jaw practically hitting the floor. He said he loved me the first night we slept together, but I figured it was just a reflex. You know, sleep with a girl, and tell her you love her, even if you don't mean it. I tried to just pretend it didn't happen because I didn't want to know for sure that he didn't mean it. My moment of silence costs me, because I stare at him dumbly, until finally he turns on his heel and walks out of the room without another word, slamming the door behind him. The sound of the door slamming shut snaps me out of my stupor and I take off after Wyatt, terrified of what's going to happen next. I don't have to go far, because Wyatt's standing at the sliding glass door, one hand on either side of frame, with his forehead resting against the glass. He looks defeated, and I have no idea how to make this better.

  Unable to help myself, I rush over to him, squeezing between the glass and his body to wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face in his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I whisper over and over, wanting nothing more than to redo the last thirty minutes. "I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

  Wyatt steps back, removing my arms and letting them drop to my sides. Raising an eyebrow he crosses his arms over his chest, making his t-shirt stretch across his shoulders and pecs in the most delicious way and drawing my eyes down to them. He clears his throat and my eyes fly back up to meet his. He's smirking at me, but it doesn't last long. "Then how did you mean it Peyton?" he asks, the disbelief in his voice obvious.

  "I wasn't trying to say you were bored," I say with a sigh, knotting my fingers together in front of me. "It's just, you're popular, everybody likes you, and I'm the bitch no one wants to be around. You could have your pick of any girl on campus, so why would you put up with my shit?" The knot in my throat makes it hard to speak, it's taking everything I have not to break down and cry. I've got to make him understand that this is about me, not him. For all my bitchiness, I'm really just a girl who's desperate for love, for someone to give a shit and put me first. Of course I'm fucking everything up and not making anything clear to him.

  Wyatt still looks upset, but he no longer looks like he's trying to decide between throttling me or throwing me out of his apartment. That makes me a little braver, and I tell him, "I just don't want to lose you, and I'm terrified that once everyone comes home you'll realize that you don't want me anymore." Glancing up to see him watching me, his expression softer, more accepting, I blurt out, "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you, so that would kill me."

  Finally, one side of Wyatt's mouth curls up in a grin and he starts towards me. "You're pretty sure? Or you are sure?"

  I sigh in relief, "I'm sure. Absolutely, positively, 100% certain that I'm in love --" Wyatt's mouth on mine cuts me off as he presses me into the glass door. Wrapping his arms around me, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist automatically. He kisses me like it's the last time he's ever going to kiss me, his tongue tasting every single part of my mouth.

  "You make me so damn crazy," he says around my lips before wrapping his hands in my hair and pulling my mouth to his again. My hands are gripping his shirt, trying to pull him even closer to me. I don't ever want this to end. I have no idea how long we stay like this, kissing each other almost desperately, but finally Wyatt's hands let go of my hair, traveling down my back to grip my ass. Once he has a good hold on me, he carries me back to his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him and laying me down on the bed. He slowly undresses me before shedding his own clothes and climbing on top of me. I'm more than ready for him, and after sliding the condom over his erection, his eyes meet mine, silently asking if it's okay before he slams inside of me hard and holds himself still, buried deep inside as he allows me to get used to his size before he really starts to move.

  It's different this time, Wyatt is less controlled and it feels more urgent than it did before. Gone is the sweet, gently lover from the previous times we've had sex. This time, Wyatt's more focused and it's like he's trying to claim me. I can feel myself climbing, getting closer to the edge and the longer he thrusts, the more erratic he gets so I can tell he's getting close too. Gripping his arms, I try to press harder up against him to get the friction I need, but Wyatt puts his hands on my hips to hold me steady.

  "Please Wyatt," I moan, my voice breathy. I'm so close, but I'm not one of those girls who doesn't need stimulation to get there.

  Wyatt stares down at me, the look in his eyes fierce as he shakes his head. "Don't move," he growls.

  I start to whimper in protest, but it's cut off when his fingers trail across my hip to the apex of my thighs before his thumb presses down right there in the exact spot I need him to be. His thumb moves in slow circles at first, driving me out of my mind until I'm almost crying. "Please, oh god, Wyatt," I pant as his thumb begins to press harder.

  Wyatt pinches my clit between his finger and thumb and that's it. I'm flung over the edge into my climax and am barely aware of his thrusts speeding up before he slams into me hard, finding his own pleasure. His head drops down into so that his forehead is resting between
my breasts and his breathing is just as heavy as mine. Bringing my hands up I run my fingers through his hair soothingly as he continues to shudder above me. We lay like this until both our hearts slow to normal before Wyatt finally slides out of me and gets off the bed.

  When he comes back, he lays down beside me and pulls me back into him so that my back is against his front. I can feel his breath ruffling my hair as he wraps his arm around my middle. Taking my hand in his he entwines our fingers together and I can feel his body relax along mine. As his breathing begins to slow, I close my eyes and revel in the sense of belonging. Something I've never really felt before. I fall asleep easily, remaining wrapped in his arms until morning.

  Chapter 20

  As my eyes open, I become aware of the warm, naked chest my cheek is resting on and the strong arm wrapped around me. My hand is splayed on his hard abdomen and Wyatt's still asleep, his breathing deep and even. Even though I've been sleeping in his bed for the past few nights, this is the first time I've woken up before him, so I take advantage of it. Balancing myself on my arm, I start at the top of his head, gazing at him in wonder. He's so freaking adorable when he's sleeping. Wyatt's face is relaxed and the worry lines that are usually present on his forehead are smooth, his mouth tips up in a small smile making me wish I knew what he's dreaming about.

  I trace his full lips with a finger, unable to keep my hands to myself. His hand at my hip tightens and my eyes fly up to meet his now open ones. His expression is amused and I know I flush bright red. He's caught me studying him which makes me feel vulnerable. Add to it the fact that waking up with someone else is still pretty new to me and I'm feeling bashful, which is completely unlike my usual abrasiveness.


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