The Fashion Princess

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The Fashion Princess Page 3

by Janey Louise Jones

  “Good idea,” said Berry, opening her goody bag to get out her sketchpad.

  “Saffron has taught me to do proper fashion drawings like the ones she does,” said Poppy. “I just adore drawing clothes.”

  “Me too,” said Berry. “I’d love to be a fashion designer just like Saffron one day. Not like the silly pretentious designers here.”

  Much as Orlando tried to distract them, the girls were very focused on their drawing. So much so that he eventually gave up with the tormenting and went off to explore.

  “What kind of stuff are you going to design?” Poppy asked.

  “I dunno – how about you?” said Berry.

  “Well, I really love New York, or what I’ve seen of it so far,” replied Poppy. “Maybe we should do designs based on this city?”

  “Hey, nice idea. I’m going to do a Big Apple dress!” said Berry. “But it will be something we could really wear, something pretty.”

  “And I’ll do one based on the dress the Statue of Liberty wears. It’ll be a perfect party dress,” decided Poppy.

  After sketching for a while, Berry looked up and was amazed to see one of her fashion heroines walking by.

  “Poppy, look!” she whispered. “That’s Clara Hughson over there. She’s my absolute favourite designer of all time. She makes the most amazing party and wedding dresses. They look like they’re out of fairytales.”

  “Wow!” said Poppy. “That’s so cool.”

  “I sent her some of my designs once too,” explained Berry breathlessly, “and she replied and said she really liked my ideas. Oh my gosh, she’s coming this way – look!”

  “Hey, girls,” said Clara. “You look about the same ages as my daughters back home. Which of these tops do you think they’d prefer?”

  She held up two different styles, and Poppy and Berry both pointed to the same striped top.

  “Just what I thought!” agreed Clara, glancing at their pads. “What are you guys sketching?”

  “We’re just trying to design some things that people can really wear, not like the stuff we’ve seen in the shows,” explained Berry.

  “I know exactly what you mean, girls,” replied Clara. “Shock tactics are so tedious – I’ve always tried to design for real women. These look really great, you know. They’re so fresh. Tell you what, girls, I’ve got a spare slot at the end of my Bridal Extravaganza at the Carlyle Hotel in three days’ time. If you can come up with a few more cute ideas like these, I’ll give you the slot! Oh – I’m Clara Hughson, by the way. The only snag is that you’ll have to make up the outfits yourselves and model them too. It would be like putting on a whole little show of your own. Are you interested?”

  “Wow! That sounds amazing,” exclaimed Berry. “We’d love to do it, wouldn’t we, Poppy?”

  Poppy nodded enthusiastically, not fully understanding what was involved, but thinking it sounded cool anyway.

  “Call me and let me know if it’s coming together,” said Clara as she handed them her business card. Then she looked at Berry. “You know what, I feel like I’ve seen your work before.”

  Berry smiled and explained about the fan letter and designs.

  “What a coincidence!” exclaimed Clara. “We were destined to meet, obviously. You’ve really got talent, Berry, and so has your friend.”

  And with that, she was off to mingle with the throngs of journalists, designers and models who were wafting around the glamorous event.

  “Now I really am dreaming. I’ve met my absolute all-time favourite designer and a world-famous supermodel on the same day, and we’re going to put on our own show. This is amazing!” said Berry.

  “I know!” Poppy could hardly believe how exciting this trip was turning out to be. It was just like something out of a storybook!

  Just then Orlando came back from his recce looking worryingly happy. Berry was sure he was up to some sort of mischief.

  “Gosh, it’s time for lunch with Bryony and Saffron already!” she said. “We’d better go to the food tent now or we’ll be late.”

  Chapter Seven

  “HI, GIRLS AND boy!” Saffron smiled as Poppy, Berry and Orlando sat down. “How’s your morning been?”

  “Totally cool!” said Berry.

  “We’ve had the best time ever,” agreed Poppy. “Just wait until you hear about it all. I love Fashion Week!”

  Berry took up the story and told Saffron and Bryony all about the shows, the goody bags, their sketches and about Clara Hughson’s amazing offer (she decided that it might be best to leave the Ned Carew episode out for now).

  “How amazing!” enthused Saffron. “We’ve had a positively dull time compared to you. I’d love to help you with the Clara Hughson show, but it’s going to be hard work – there’s hardly any time.”

  “Yeah,” agreed Bryony, “you’ve been having a much better time than us. My big interview with Ned Carew was cancelled at the last moment for some reason his publicist didn’t make clear. But never mind about that. What a mad dream, Clara Hughson offering you guys a slot. I’m going to take you two lucky charms everywhere with me.”

  Berry looked up and was surprised to see Tallulah at the entrance of the tent, looking a bit lost and lonely. She waved, and Tallulah started heading towards them. Saffron and Bryony could hardly believe their eyes.

  “Do you mind if we say how we met you, Tallulah?” asked Berry when the supermodel arrived at their table. She pulled up a chair for her.

  “No, go ahead. It’s going to be quite obvious during this afternoon’s show anyway,” responded the broken-hearted model wearily.

  Saffron and Bryony were shocked when they heard the full story of Ned Carew’s decision to drop his top muse so abruptly and insensitively.

  “He’s mad! Quite mad!” said Bryony. “I only ever buy Ned Carew because I want to look as stylish as you! I don’t feel nearly as enthusiastic about his Extravaganza this afternoon now, but I’ve got to go as part of my brief from the magazine, especially since he cancelled the interview this morning.”

  “Seemingly he has a younger model who’s in the show instead of me. He only discovered her recently, in Europe. I guess I’m history now. If only he’d told me before I flew out here. I feel very hurt and humiliated,” said Tallulah. “But as for your interview, I’ve heard he’s not feeling too well,” she said, winking at the children. “Indigestion or something.”

  The three children looked pointedly at their menus, all blushing furiously.

  “Poor you,” said Saffron. “No one deserves to be treated like that. Why don’t you stay and have lunch with us? Maybe that will cheer you up.”

  “Oh, that would be lovely, thanks,” smiled Tallulah.

  They ordered a wonderful-sounding lunch of asparagus and parmesan risotto followed by blueberry pavlova, all washed down with sparkling organic apple juice.

  “Perhaps I could do a really big spread on you in Buttons and Bows, to keep your name in the fashion arena,” suggested Bryony over lunch. “It would make up for me not getting the interview with Ned Carew and also show him that you don’t need him to succeed.”

  “How kind. That sounds good. We could hook up again back home, after Fashion Week,” suggested Tallulah.

  Soon the conversation turned back to the Clara Hughson slot, which was all news to Tallulah.

  “This will be a show like no other!” stated Berry. “We can showcase Saffron’s designs and our ideas too!”

  “Yeah!” agreed Poppy. “Clara really liked our designs.”

  “It’s all going to be incredibly tight, time-wise,” said Bryony. “Let’s see – we’ve only got a couple of days to pull it off.”

  “Well, if I can help in any way, I’d be very happy to do so,” said Tallulah. “I can sew pretty well after all these years of watching seamstresses.”

  “Thanks – that would be awesome. Do you think you could also model in the show too?” asked Berry shyly.

  “Of course I could, if that’s any use,” said Tallulah

  Throughout lunch all the girls chatted excitedly about ideas for the mini-show they were to produce. Meanwhile, under the pretext of needing the loo, Orlando excused himself from the table; when he came back, he looked very pleased with himself indeed. Poppy and Berry knew he was up to something – they just didn’t know what . . .

  Chapter Eight

  AFTER LUNCH THEY waved goodbye to Tallulah, promising to call her later, and reluctantly headed off to Ned Carew’s show. Much to the girls’ surprise, Orlando seemed to know the route rather well.

  Poppy and Berry sat next to Saffron and Bryony in the front row even though none of them were very excited about the show now that they knew what a dreadful man Ned was. As the girls chatted, no one noticed Orlando sneaking off to check on his latest bit of mischief – an invisible trip-wire across the runway.

  Just then, the lights dimmed and Ned Carew made his entrance. His eyes were watery and his face was bright red – he was probably still burning up from all the hot chilli pepper and mustard on his brunch! He waved to the cheering crowd and made his way to the podium to introduce the show. But as he neared the stand, as if in slow motion, he tripped, arms and legs flailing. He fell flat on his face. Splat! It also became clear that he was wearing a wig. His hair was tilted to one side, revealing an expanse of polished head which wasn’t nearly as tanned as his face.

  There was a moment of silence, followed by nervous giggling from the crowd. Ned dragged himself up and glared at the audience. He tried to regain his composure, and some minders dashed over to help him to the microphone. He began to talk, but sadly for him, someone had snipped the wires.

  Orlando grinned with complete satisfaction as Ned Carew swept furiously from the stage.

  “Heads will roll for this!” the designer screeched. “No one makes a fool of Ned Carew!”

  Everyone was starting to shift around uncomfortably in their seats when, all of a sudden, Ned’s new model, Amélie, appeared on stage. She seemed rather confused and embarrassed, as if she had been pushed on from the wings. Someone must have decided that the show must go on, but she was far from happy about it. There was no music and the audience were all chatting and laughing. She tried to sashay down the runway in a very tight-fitting sailor suit and platform shoes, with what looked like an enormous chef ’s hat on her head. The audience clearly thought the whole thing was rather ridiculous now that all the cool trappings of the fashion show had fizzled away. Before long there were even some boos. Amélie’s face began to crumple. Her debut was proving to be a disaster and she was furious. She turned and sped back up the catwalk so fast that she nearly tripped in her high heels.

  “I quit from Ned Carew!” she cried, fleeing from the stage. “He’s a loser!”

  Poppy and Berry couldn’t wait to tell Tallulah all about the Extravaganza. They knew that Orlando had played a huge part in giving Ned Carew his comeuppance and they were secretly very proud of him.

  Chapter Nine

  THE NEXT MORNING, Poppy and Saffron woke early. They were very excited about their planned tour of New York, which Tallulah was going to come on too. They met her, Bryony, Orlando and Berry for an early breakfast at the hotel, and as they ate, they told Tallulah all about Ned’s disastrous show.

  “Wow! I almost wish I’d gone now,” she said. “I bet his face was a picture! I wonder who sabotaged his show – he’s made so many enemies over the years, it could be anyone.”

  “Probably someone who thinks Ned’s just a total idiot who deserves a taste of his own medicine,” said Orlando with a smile as he tucked into chocolate cereal with chocolate milk.

  “We’ll have to get back here by tea time so we can start work on our show for Clara,” said Bryony, starting to fret about how little time they had to put their show together and wondering whether it was even possible.

  “Well, we’d better get going then,” said Saffron. “I can’t wait to see some more of this amazing city!”

  After a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes, maple syrup and scrambled eggs, the whole gang made their way to the pick-up point for their city tour. Poppy had a camera with her and took lots of photos of all the places she’d read about in her guide book – Wall Street with its banks, Broadway, where all the theatres were, and, of course, the magnificent Empire State Building. Poppy absolutely adored the carriage ride around Central Park – it made her feel just like a princess. But her favourite bit of the whole tour was a special surprise organized by Tallulah.

  “You’ve all been so sweet, I wanted to do something nice for you,” she explained, “so I asked my publicist to arrange for Macy’s, the best department store in town, to close down for an hour so we can have private shopping time.”

  Poppy and Berry thought they would burst with excitement.

  “Wow!” exclaimed Bryony. “Thanks, that’s amazing! I’ve always wanted Macy’s all to myself!”

  When the party arrived at the world-famous store, they were treated like royalty. Poppy hardly knew where to start as she took in the perfumes, make-up and jewellery, clothes, shoes and accessories.

  “Follow me,” said Tallulah, “I know this shop better than my own apartment!”

  Poppy had the time of her life. She bought the twins a toy each with her dollars, which she kept in her sequinned purse. For Archie she chose a bright-green engine; for Angel, a teddy in a ballet tutu with a bow on her head. She bought some fancy perfume for Mum and a beautiful cashmere scarf for Dad. Then they all got together in the haberdashery department and picked up sewing things, some fabulous fabric and masses of gorgeous accessories for their show.

  Their trip to Macy’s seemed to fly by, and soon they were back with the tour guide. The next stop was the quay where they were to catch a ferry for a trip out to the Statue of Liberty. As they approached the statue, Poppy was transfixed.

  “Isn’t she magnificent?” said Berry.

  “Yeah,” replied Poppy, “and she looks so strong and brave. I’m definitely going to make a Liberty dress for our show.”

  Poppy loved the tour of Liberty Island, where she saw the statue’s original torch up close, and as she looked back over New York’s spectacular harbour, she felt as though she was the luckiest girl in the world.

  Chapter Ten

  AFTER A FULL day of sightseeing they stopped for a smoothie and a muffin and then returned to the hotel for a team meeting. It was time to get to work on their show. The first job was to call Clara to check that everything was still OK for their slot. Once Bryony had the official thumbs-up, she started to make a list of what had to be done.

  “What is the main idea behind these designs going to be?” asked Saffron sensibly.

  “We want to theme it around New York – that was Poppy’s idea,” explained Berry.

  “Great idea, Poppy,” said Saffron. “I love it! But what aspect of the city are you going to emphasize?”

  Poppy thought for a moment. “Freedom. The freedom there is here to be what you want to be and dress how you want to dress.”

  “What a brilliant idea, girls,” said Tallulah. “It’s so refreshing. We’re all puppets for the big designers – I only realized it yesterday when Ned dropped me from his show. I think we should show wearable designs which real people might actually wear for every day things.”

  Everyone agreed that they were onto something here. Their show had to be different from the big shows in order to stand out, and after their experience of the obsessive control of Ned Carew, and some of the ludicrous outfits they had seen during the week – including Saffron’s short-lived new look – they all wanted to do a show for real people. So, with the concept firmly in place, they set about designing, cutting, pinning, stitching and assembling the outfits.

  Saffron showed them all the fashion goodies she had brought from Honeypot Hill. There was an adorable knitted daisy-shape hat made by Poppy’s mum, plus other cute hats and head-dresses; there were several pieces of exquisite jewellery made by Holly Mallow; there were pretty coloured si
lk scarves made by Saffron herself, and a wonderful crocheted poncho made for Poppy by Granny Bumble (Poppy’s best friend, Honey, had one too).As everyone wanted an early night, with such a big preparation day ahead of them, they ordered room service, then snuggled down for the night.

  The next morning they all met back in Bryony’s room and got to work straight away. As Berry, Poppy and Saffron sketched, Bryony and Tallulah cut and sewed. After about an hour there was a knock at the door. Orlando, who was at a bit of a loose end but was trying to be helpful, offered to play butler and went to see who was there.

  “Hi, I’m Delia,” said the pleasant-faced lady standing in the corridor. “I work for Clara Hughson as a seamstress. She thought you might need some help with your show, so here I am.”

  “Come in, come in,” said Bryony as she rushed over to the door. “How wonderful to see you, and how kind of Clara to spare you. Oh, and you’ve got a sewing machine too!”

  Orlando helped Delia carry everything into the room and she set about helping the girls immediately.

  The rest of the day passed in a haze of fittings, cuttings, sewing and laughing. There was hardly any time to get excited or admire their creations but Poppy was sure everything was going to look splendid in time for the show. As they worked, they planned the running order. It was decided that Saffron, Bryony, Orlando and Delia would help backstage, while Poppy and Berry would do the modelling – along with Tallulah, of course.

  “Tallulah?” said Berry as they sat sewing buttons onto the dresses. “Any chance you can show Poppy and me how we should walk on the runway?”

  Poppy looked up from her sketchbook. This sounded like fun. Bryony put on some pop music and they all followed Tallulah around the room, trying to walk like supermodels, with books balanced on their heads. As far as Orlando was concerned, things were getting just too silly, so he headed off to the hotel pool.


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