Sammy in Thailand (Single Wide Female Travels #6)

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Sammy in Thailand (Single Wide Female Travels #6) Page 8

by Lillianna Blake

  “I wish we could stay a little longer.” I sighed and rested my head against Max’s shoulder as we waited at the airport. “I had so much fun here.”

  “Me too. It can go on our list of places to come back to.”

  His words settled in my mind and made me smile, but my smile faded as I considered what that really meant. Sure, we could visit Koh Samui again, but we could never actually come back there. Future Max and Sammy would have a baby, or maybe have grown apart over the years, or worse yet, not want to be around one another at all. We wouldn’t be the same people, in the same moment.

  “Sammy, you’re hurting me.” Max laughed as he looked over at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s all going to change, isn’t it, Max?”


  “Our lives. This is the best time, isn’t it?” I looked into his eyes. “This first year after marriage—the honeymoon phase is what everyone calls it. It’s all going to go downhill from here, isn’t it?”

  Max stroked my cheek. “Not a chance. There’s so much to look forward to.”

  “Is there? Don’t you think you’ll get bored with me?”

  “No, not ever.” He kissed my cheek. “You’re right, it is all going to change. But only in the best ways. Sammy, it’s only going to get better.”

  I wanted to believe him. All of my work on my inner self begged me to believe him. I needed to have a positive outlook. All I could think about was how fast things were changing and how fast they might continue to change. I finally had everything I’d ever dreamed of, and now I didn’t quite know how to be happy about it. Instead, I fixated on the possibility of losing it.

  I didn’t think it was an unusual thing, but it was very hard to overcome.

  Luckily the announcement came for us to board and I didn’t have much more time to dwell on it.

  Once we were settled on the plane, Max put a movie on his tablet and we watched it together during the flight. It kept me pretty distracted until we landed.

  Our entrance into Chiang Mai was much calmer than our first experience in Bangkok. Although I did receive a few stares, no one walked up to me to feel my belly or to mention my size.

  “We have some time before the book signing tonight. Why don’t we take a look around?”

  “I don’t see how we can’t. It’s gorgeous here.” I looked at the skyline, which included mountains, temples, and a clear blue sky.

  “We can drop our things at the hotel first, then we’ll still have a few hours to explore.” Max raised a hand in the air to hail a cab and a motorbike whizzed right past him. “We could take one of those.” He grinned.

  “Ugh—that thing looks like one of those little Power Wheels that the kids in the neighborhood like to ride.”

  “I never liked those things. Kids should be active, not driving around like their parents,” said Max.

  “Seriously? I wanted one of those even when I was too old to fit in them!”

  “Think about it, Sammy. If a kid can get in a car and drive, they’re going to choose that over riding bikes or running around. My Power Wheels was my bicycle with a card stuck in the spokes to make an awesome motorcycle sound.”

  “Okay, that was fun to do. But not as fun as climbing into a jeep designed just for your size.”

  “Maybe not, but if you don’t have the option you don’t know the difference.”

  “So you wouldn’t let your kids have one?”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “I had no idea that you’d be so strict.”

  “It’s not strict. It’s just making choices that will lead them to have a wonderful childhood instead of a preprogrammed one.”

  “I think you’re overthinking it. It’s just a little fun.”

  “Lots of things are fun.”

  I shook my head as I smiled at him. “So what other strong beliefs do you have about child rearing?”

  “I strongly believe that we don’t have any kids with us, so we should talk about something else.” He winked at me.

  I winked back, but I wondered why he didn’t want to even discuss parenting ideals. I decided to drop it, as I didn’t want to bring any stress into our fun day. I failed to mention that if I thought I could squeeze myself into one of those bubblegum-pink jeeps I would still try.

  We took a cab to the hotel, and I checked in with Kanda while Max changed into more comfortable clothes.

  “I just want you to know that we’re here, and make sure there aren’t any changes to the plans for tonight.”

  “No changes. You’re sold out like the first one. I have set up a coffee and snack bar at this location, so if you want to extend the book signing feel free to.”

  “Great, thanks. I love not having to watch the clock.”

  ‘I’m sure your readers do too. I look forward to seeing you tonight.”

  “Me too, Kanda.” I hung up the phone and tucked it into my purse. Then I glanced at my watch. “Max, let’s get going. If we’re going to explore I want to have plenty of time.”

  “Hold your horses, woman, you know I have to get pretty.” Max walked out of the bathroom and smoothed down his perfectly combed hair.

  “You’re always pretty, Max.” I reached up and ruffled his hair.

  “Ugh!” He grinned and smoothed it back down. “Don’t you want a good-looking man on your arm?”

  “I just want you on my arm, whether or not your hair’s in place.”

  “I’m just enjoying it while I still have it.” He touched his hairline lightly. “I think it’s starting to retreat.”

  “Nonsense, it’s still where it’s always been.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked into my eyes. “Are you still going to love me when I’m bald?”

  “Yes.” I grinned.

  “Even if I wear an awful hat to cover it up.”


  “Even if I comb it over until all the hair on the side of my head is on the top of my head?”


  “I don’t know if I believe you.”

  “Max, if you lose your hair, I will shave my head and we can be bald together.”

  “Wow. Now that’s love.” He grinned and kissed me.

  I loved the fact that we could tease one another about things. But the truth was, Max could transform into a short little guy with one lone hair sticking out and I’d still adore him.

  Eagerness filled me as we left the hotel. Time was counting down, and I wanted to savor what was left of our visit in Thailand.

  Chapter 24

  As Max and I strolled along the winding sidewalk I noticed that there were quite a few people who were more my size. The area was a popular place for Canadians and Americans to visit, which made it more likely for me to see someone who had more than a little girth to squeeze. It was a relief to feel like I blended in again, instead of sticking out like a sore thumb. I marveled over the architecture and the assortment of artwork that populated the area.

  “I had no idea this place had so much history.” Max read a placard in front of a statue and smiled. “You know, we spend so much time thinking about the present and the future, but isn’t it interesting to think that thousands of years ago someone stood at this exact spot and lived in an entirely different world?”

  “Yes, it is.” I closed my eyes for a moment as I pictured what that might have been like. It was easy to forget while living in a relatively young country that there were places in the world that were ancient. Places where entire civilizations rose and fell. “I know that it might seem romantic to say that I wish we could go back in time, but I don’t, Max.” I smiled as I opened my eyes. “I like this moment—right here, right now with you.”

  “Me too.” He brushed his lips along the curve of my cheek. “Look, there’s a tuk tuk tour. Want to take that?”

  “A what what tour?” I laughed.

  “See that little carriage car thing?” He pointed to a vehicle that matched the description quite well.

nbsp; “Oh, that’s a tuk tuk? Sure. Looks interesting.”

  He walked up to the driver. “How much for the tour?” The driver told him a rate that made Max’s eyes widen.

  “Really? That much?”

  The man shrugged. “Do you want to go on the tour or not?”

  “How about for this much?” I handed him a stack of cash from my wallet. It was less than he’d requested, but he smiled and nodded.

  Max looked over at me as the driver climbed into the driver’s seat. “How did you manage that?”

  “Everything is negotiable.” I winked at him.

  “I see that now.”

  He helped me up into the tuk tuk, then we settled in. The tour was slow and gave us the chance to take lots of pictures. It also allowed me to breathe in the scents in the air. There was a wide variety of restaurants, and the aromas mingled in with the flowers and trees. More than that, the air had a smell, as if it was about to rain despite the persistent clear sky. It was magical.

  “Wow, look at this.” Max pointed out a moat that surrounded the whole area. “We should walk along it. It would be a nice way to spend some time.”

  “Sure, let’s get off up here and we can have some lunch first.”

  Max nodded and gestured to the driver. He pulled to the side of the road. Max paid him, then we walked toward the closest restaurant.

  A waiter walked up to us right away and smiled. “What can I get for you?”

  “Whatever that lovely smell is.” I smiled back at him. “I have to have it.”

  “Ah, tam khanun. I’ll bring it right out.” He bowed briefly to us, then retreated to the kitchen.

  My stomach rumbled in anticipation of food. “This is going to be delicious.”

  “I can’t wait to taste it myself. Then we’ll have a nice long walk.” Max tipped his head toward me. “There’s something I want to talk about.”

  “Oh?” My senses immediately launched into high alert mode. What did Max want to talk about? Was it something I’d done? Was it something he wanted?

  Even after our food was delivered I couldn’t get my mind off what he might want to discuss. I was sure it had to be something serious if he was giving me advance notice about the conversation.

  The delightful taste of the dish did distract me a little, but it was soon gone and we set out on our walk around the moat.

  Chapter 25

  For several minutes Max didn’t say a word other than to point out the way that the water sparkled. I thought perhaps he’d forgotten what he’d said in the restaurant, and debated in my mind whether to bring it up or not.

  Then we reached a bend in the moat, and he paused to look down into it.

  “So, what I wanted to talk about…”

  “Yes?” My heartbeat quickened.

  “I know that we’re doing things in the moment and trying not to predict what might happen next. But, I feel like we need to have some idea of where we’re going to land after all this.”

  “Okay. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m more interested in what you’re thinking.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to look at me. “We talked about traveling. We talked about maybe buying a bigger place together. We have the money for both.”

  I held my breath as I waited for him to mention the other thing we talked about.

  He only shrugged.

  I said, “Well, we’ll have some time when we get back to decide what we want.”

  “I’m not so sure about that. You’re going to have to be working on the next book, and there will still be publicity that has to be done. You’ll be doing local book signings, and with the way your fan base has increased during this tour, I’m imagining that you’ll be busier than ever.”

  “What are you saying, Max? That there are some things that should be off the table?”

  Was Max suggesting that our lives would be too busy to think about starting a family? I couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed at the thought.

  “No, I’m not saying that at all. What I’m saying is that we’re here now, away from all that, and we have the time to figure it out. So maybe we should discuss it.”

  “Honestly, I’ve enjoyed all this travel, but I’m going to really love curling up in my own bed again. I would like to do that for a little while before we jet off anywhere else.”

  He sighed.

  I thought it was a sigh of disappointment—until he smiled.

  “I’m so glad you feel that way. I know by the time we finish the tour I’m going to be ready for a break. I saw the way you admired Anthony and Michelle, and I was a little worried that you were going to want to do another spin around the world.”

  “Max, all I really want is to be with you. It can be here in this beautiful place, or it can be in our own bed at home. It’ll still be paradise to me.”

  “I love you, Sammy.” He gazed into my eyes.

  “I love you too, Max.” I closed my eyes and leaned forward for a kiss.

  Perhaps I should have kept my eyes open long enough to see Max step out of the way for a couple with a camera—I felt a slight shift in his movement. When I didn’t find Max’s lips, I opened my eyes, but at that point it was too late. I was already too tipped forward to stop the momentum. I let out a squeal as I toppled right over the edge of the moat and into the water.

  I landed with a loud splash that couldn’t have been bigger if I’d done an intentional cannonball.

  People along the moat gasped and cried out at the sight.

  For just a second I thought I might die. I was turned around and confused about where I was and what had happened. I couldn’t figure out where the surface of the water was. Then I felt the ground under my feet. I pushed up and discovered that I was only in a few feet of water.

  Max peered down at me. “You okay down there?” He smiled. “If you wanted to go swimming all you had to do was ask!”

  “Not funny, Max.” I looked at the sides of the moat. “I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of here.”

  “Don’t worry, someone already called the fire department to rescue you.”

  “Please say you’re joking!”

  He grinned and glanced around. “I don’t think anyone has called, but I can’t be sure.”

  “Max! Get me out of here!”

  “You’re the one that jumped in.”

  “I was trying to kiss you! You moved out of the way!”

  His smile faded into a look of regret. “Oh, wow. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”

  “Obviously. But I still need to get out of here.”

  “Hold on, I’ll come down there.”

  “No, don’t do that. Then we’ll both be stuck in the water. It will be even worse. I’m just going to walk along and see if there’s a place to climb out.”

  “Okay, I’ll walk with you.”

  The two of us walked together, even though I was in the moat and he was beside it. We drew the attention of everyone we passed, but I didn’t see any emergency vehicles coming our way.

  The dynamic of our being separated, but still walking at the same pace, reminded me that we were connected on a much deeper level than I gave us credit for. Max would have been in the water wading beside me if I’d let him. He would never leave my side, and I would do the same for him.

  I reached a spot where the wall sloped more gently and decided to try to climb out.

  “Okay, Max, I’m coming up there.” I started to climb the wall. My shoes were so slippery from being in the water that I couldn’t get any traction.

  Max reached for my hand. I grasped it, and he pulled up at the same moment that I tried to climb. Then he shrieked in a very high-pitched tone as I slid right back down and pulled him down with me. He splashed into the water right beside me.

  “Oops.” I couldn’t stop laughing as he stood up and squeezed out his shirt.

  “Like I always say, we’re in this together.”

  “Oh, no. Look!” I pointed to someone at the edge of the moat
who appeared to be filming us. “Do you think this is going on the Internet?”

  “I’d be very surprised if we weren’t already on there.” Max laughed and splashed some water at me.

  That one little playful act set loose a war of splashing and laughter that was only drowned out by the sound of a siren as it approached us.

  Chapter 26

  An officer walked to the side of the moat and stared down at us with narrowed eyes.

  “You’re not allowed to swim in there.”

  “I understand, officer. We fell in.” I smiled at him.

  “Sure. You tourists think you can do anything. This is not allowed.” He stalked back to his car and returned with a long plastic ladder. He lowered it down into the moat.

  “You go first.” Max grinned.

  “Aw, how sweet of you, Max.”

  “Not really. I’m just not sure if he’s going to arrest us. I figured you’d look better in handcuffs.”

  “Max!” I splashed him again.

  “Out!” The officer bellowed at me.

  I cringed and climbed up the ladder. He helped me off at the top and shook his head as if I were some misbehaving teenager. “This is unacceptable.”

  Max climbed out after me and stood beside me. “It was an honest mistake, sir.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second. You jumped in there just to play around and I had to waste my time getting you out.” A woman stepped forward and held up her cell phone.

  “It’s true, officer, I have it all on video.”

  “My wife slipped.” Max shrugged. “It wasn’t anyone’s fault.”

  I bit my lip. In my opinion it was a little bit Max’s fault, but I decided not to bring that up. I didn’t need to, because the woman with the cell phone began to play the recording.

  “See? She went to kiss him and he stepped out of the way and she fell in.”

  “What?” Max’s cheeks burned. “Really?” He peered at the video on the cell phone.

  “It was an honest mistake, Max.”

  “Now I feel terrible. You can’t arrest her, officer. It’s my fault she fell in.”

  “No one’s getting arrested.” The officer huffed. “Just move along and stay away from the moat.”


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