Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1))

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Daddy's Sweetheart (Part 1) (Daddy's Sweetheart (Part1)) Page 17

by Burns, Rachel

  I stood frozen next to the chair.

  She looked up at me as I held the paddle in a death grip. I really didn't want to let go of it. In my hands it couldn't hurt me. “Come over my knees, Amelia.”

  I was still debating whether or not to explain that I had done my best but my fear for another spanking won over my sense of justice. I stepped forward and very strangely tried to lay myself across her knees and still keep my balance. Nanny grabbed me as I hovered over her and she pushed me down. My hands flew forward once again to hold some form of balance.

  She lifted my dress up and folded it over my back. She pulled my underwear down to my knees. She wasn't hurried or stressed anymore. I was so humiliated and I started whimpering.

  “Amelia, will you please give me your paddle now.” She said this as if she were saying something completely normal and not something that would be causing me so much pain.

  I balanced my weight on one hand and reached back with the other.

  “Thank you, Amelia,” she said as she took the paddle.

  My hand flew back to the floor to support my weight.

  She adjusted her legs so that she was more comfortable. I heard the paddle move through the air before it hit my bottom. First one side of my bottom then the other than on the spots that she had already spanked. I was already crying my heart out, part because of the pain and partly because I didn't believe that I deserved this. I hated Nanny with all my heart at the moment and I hated myself for not running away yesterday when I had the chance. How could I have forgotten how mortifying this was.

  She stopped spanking, “Why am I spanking you?”

  “Because I can't write pretty,” I sobbed.

  “No. Because you didn't feel it was worth it to try harder. You must have thought that just Nanny was reading it.” She gave me several more smacks.

  “No, Nanny. I did try hard. I'm so sorry. I can't do it better.”

  At least ten more smacks rained down on my bottom. “You can always do things better. Don't give me that excuse.”

  She spanked me some more and my feet lifted off the floor kicking. My middle tried to twist left and right to get away from the paddle. She showed no mercy and continued on.

  At one point I gave up. I was defeated. I felt so stupid and worthless. I laid limp across her lap. My will was broken. Shortly after that she stopped. I wasn't so sure what to do then. Should I try to stand up so I could put my paddle away.

  “Amelia, turn to Nanny.” She pulled up my underwear and put my dress back down. I turned so I was sitting on her knees. I looked straight ahead. I had no idea how I could have gotten out of that spanking or how to avoid one for the same reason in the future. Tears were rolling down my face but I made no sound, except for gulping for air now and then when I couldn't hold my breath. Theoretically I should be yelping because I was sitting on my damaged backside.

  “Amelia look at me.”

  I turned my head and look at her.

  “Amelia you know that I love you very much. I want you to also know that I won't let you get away with things like that. I know you can do better. I will help you practice. I want you to give your best each time you do something. Especially if you aren't as good at it as you are at things that come naturally for you. You are such a beautiful girl. Nanny thinks that you are an especially gifted child. I also believe that you haven't let that go to your head. But I won't tolerate your giving up or you lying to me.”

  I shook my head.

  “You knew you had a weakness and instead of admitting it you tried to trick me so you could get out of it. Do you deny it?”

  “No, Nanny.”

  “That's what I thought. Now you know we are going to visit a school on Friday morning. Daddy is even taking a day off of work so he can take you himself. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been for us if you would have had to write something there and we wouldn't have known about your problem?”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “We will be doing lots of exercises to help you improve before school starts. For now I want you to go back to your desk and rewrite the first page as pretty as you can. I don't want to hear any complaining about the seat being too hard. Go on.”

  “Yes, Nanny.” I slid off her lap and stood slowly and carefully. I waited next to her chair. I reached out for the paddle.

  “Good girl, you remembered.” She handed it to me and I put it away.

  After she stood up. I put the chair away again. She went into my bedroom. I quickly went to the bathroom, using a washcloth to wipe myself. I washed my hands and face before I went out to Nanny.

  She made a motion with her head that I should sit down at my desk.

  I went up the step and sat down. The seat was hard wood and it truly hurt my sore behind to sit on it. I picked up the fountain pen and took a fresh sheet of paper. I started in writing. I couldn't see a difference and my hand hurt. Nanny had sat down in my window seat working on some kind of needlework.

  She got up often to look over my shoulder. She shook her head in disappointment. I was afraid that she would take me over her knees again.

  “I'm finished, Nanny.” I had copied the first page. There really wasn't that much of a difference for her to behold.

  She stood up and laid her needlework to the side. She slowly moved to my desk. Again her eyes widened as she read over what I had written. It was already very late. Daddy would be home soon and Nanny would tell him everything. He had beat me worse than Nanny had the last time she punished me. Tears were collecting in my eyes as she read through what I had written.

  She shook her head. She even looked unsure what to do. “I don't understand it. Your hands work perfectly well with a needle.” She had been talking more to herself but then she looked at me. “Amelia is this the best you can do?”

  I nodded that it was.

  “How can that be? You recopied this page in fifteen minutes. Maybe an hour would have been better. Don't you think that if you take a bit more time that it could be better?” She eyed me for a bit. “Get up, Amelia.”

  I stood up but I remained by my desk.

  “Come here.”

  I went to her with my head hung.

  “Look behind you, leaning against the bookshelf is a yardstick. Hand it to me.”

  A long wooden stick was indeed there. I hadn't noticed it there before. I took a very brave step towards it and picked it up. I was afraid how she would use it on me.

  “Thank you,” she answered very politely as she always did in this situation. “I want you to lay over the front of your desk. Your hands are to reach to the other side and stay there. If you reach back I will be forced to start over. Do you understand?”

  I gulped and nodded at her.

  “Then move,” she said sternly.

  I pulled all of my courage together and took a step forward. I reasoned with myself that the thick stick didn't have the same area as my paddle did. It wouldn't hurt as much. I stood in front of my desk. This wasn't going to work. I couldn't lay myself over it unless I jumped up on it. “It's too high, Nanny.” I was scared of making her even more mad as I admitted that.

  She grabbed my ear again and pulled me up. I raised up on my tippy toes. She then moved her hand with my ear over the desk. By the time she let go I was indeed laying over the top of my desk. My hands were holding on to the top of the desk and I was still standing tippy toed. It made me long for one of Daddy's spankings. I never had a feeling like I was about to fall when he spanked me. He even pulled me close and held me tight.

  Nanny lifted up the back of my dress again and pulled my underwear down. I heard her shoes on my wooden floor as she took a couple of steps back. My first indication that this was going to really hurt came in the second before the stick landed square across my bottom. It had whistled through the air, cutting it as it moved. The sound was there again. Shock that it could hurt so much paralyzed me. If I had had my wits about me I would have at least tried to run for it. My bottom was so sore to begin wit
h. This was killing me.

  After five blows she stopped. I was still holding on the top of the desk. My fingers hurt where they were curled around the desktop.

  “You may get up now and right yourself. I want you to sit down and recopy the first page again.” She still sounded so mad.

  I pushed away from the desk and slowly let my weight transfer from the tips of my toes to the balls of my feet and slowly to my heels. My stomach scraped over the top of the desk as I moved out of position. I reached back to grab my underwear and pull them back up. I shook out my skirt, making sure it laid correctly. I was afraid of the first step. I felt like I would pass out again. I slowly moved around the desk and sat down.

  Tears ran down my cheeks and dripped onto my paper. My bottom felt like it was on fire. No amount of shifting would help relieve this kind of pain. I picked up my fountain pen and started writing very slowly. I was shaking and my penmanship looked even worse than before. I sobbed all the more. I would be getting another spanking for this too.

  I was half way finished when someone knocked on the door to Daddy's room. Fresh tears formed in my eyes. This afternoon had been awful.

  Nanny took my papers away from me. “Stay sitting,” she demanded as she went to Daddy's door.

  I stayed sitting without anything to do. I looked to the window. I didn't actually see the window or the tall trees outside instead I saw what Daddy might do to me now. I cried as I waited.

  Chapter 15 All Better

  Nanny knocked on the door between Amelia's and her Daddy's rooms.

  Brian opened the door a little disappointed to see Nanny and not his precious Amelia. He had already guessed that something had happened, once again, today. He waited to hear what had put a bee in Nanny's bonnet. Would she dare to scold him again? He would nip that in the bud if she did.

  “I have found out what her Achilles' heel is,” Nanny said as she held out the papers in her hand.

  Brian took the papers and looked at them. He too was surprised and then confused. “I don't understand.”

  “Amelia wrote that. I made her rewrite the first page again after her spanking. The results were the same. I punished her again and she is rewriting the first page once again with even worse results than these two papers.”

  “Amelia wrote this?” He just couldn't believe it. He sat down and started reading. What she wrote was very good just the way she wrote it was so shocking. He checked it over for signs of dyslexia. He did indeed find mistakes that pointed in that direction. “Are you sure this isn't a joke?” he asked finally looking back at Nanny.

  “I thought that at first too but she insisted that she had done her best even while I spanked her. Normally a young lady gets very honest in that position. She even felt that she had been falsely punished until I reminded her about a scheme that she had tried to play on me this afternoon. She was really clever about it. Looking back I must say she had put on quite a show to get out of writing anything. She fooled me too. I didn't see it coming.” Nanny was shaking her head while she smiled at the antics.

  “What exactly did she do?” He wanted to get to the bottom of this.

  “She is very aware of her problem. She had been working on the essay for a couple of days now. I had given her lots of paper. She sat at lunch probably worrying about what would happen when it came out. She pretended to be lost in thought. I told her she was being rude she apologized and told me that she was just thinking about saying something at a different part of her essay. She even looked lost in thought and then all of a sudden she sits up straighter and asks if she could type her essay into a computer so she can move things around. I told her we had to ask you but in the meantime she would have to write it out. She looked disappointed then. Bet that was no acting.” Nanny was mad because she had been tricked.

  Brian thought that it was kind of funny. He laughed a little.

  “Sir, I don't think that was at all funny. If she can so convincingly lie about something like this then she is capable of so much more. She has to learn that lying and scheming won't be tolerated.”

  “Of course, Nanny. I'll go get her and bring her down to supper. She can't be missing anymore meals. I'll see to it that she understands our position about lying. Go on, Nanny. We will be right down.”

  He looked through her papers while he waited for Nanny to leave. As soon as she had left he jumped up and went to his little jewel. He was thrilled that she wasn't as perfect as she had seemed up until now. Her grades were better than his had been. That was something that had bothered him. Her handwriting was so bad that he had to admit that he had never seen the like of it.

  He opened the door to her room and walked in. He saw her sitting very straight at her desk. She was looking out of the window and she was crying. She looked so heart broken. He moved to her quickly and sat down next to her on her little desk. He laid an arm around her and she cried on his shoulder. She sobbed and held on to him tightly. She didn't say anything but he guessed that Nanny's spanking had been extreme. He let her cry until she couldn't anymore.

  He kissed the top of her head. “I love you so much, Amelia. I'm sorry you had such a bad day. Daddy will make it better. I promise.”

  “How?” she asked him. “I really am that bad at it.” She looked at him with her beautiful blue eyes, which were filled with tears.

  “Amelia, I love you so much, sweetheart. I'll help Nanny understand that you don't do it on purpose. She doesn't understand but Daddy does. I'll make it all better. Daddy will take care of it. You will write the exercises that Nanny will be doing with you. I'll give her some and then it will be a little easier to get your hand to do what your head wants it to do.”

  “That's just how it is. What I see in my head is never what comes out on the paper.”

  He laughed at his little sweetheart. She was so precious to him. He was glad he had been able to help his little jewel. He was so happy that her tears hadn't been caused by him. He wanted so much for her to be happy with him.

  Brian had thought a lot about the things she had said to him yesterday. He would do anything for her but he wanted to hold on to his dreams and his fantasies too. He wanted her to want to be a part of that. He just had to keep in mind that she was young yet and very sensitive. He could have everything he ever wanted with her if he could just go about it very carefully.

  “Let's go get something to eat, sweetheart.” He got up and pulled her along behind him. He stopped as they passed their bed.

  “Amelia, I promise I won't hit you. I just want to see your backside. I'll put some of that cream on it to make it better. Wait here I'll go get it, sweetheart.” He returned in a second and sat down on the bed.

  “Come here, sweetheart. Come to Daddy. He will make it better.” He held out a hand to her. She slowly did move forward towards him. She was crying. He saw it there in her eyes. She didn't trust him but she slowly moved forward feeling that she didn't really have a choice. She winced as she sat down on the bed next to him.

  He wanted to kill Nanny for punishing her for something that she honestly couldn't do anything about. He helped her over his lap. He made soft noises to relax her. After she was stretched out over him he rubbed her back with one hand and lifted the back of her dress up with his other hand.

  Brian gasped at how red his little princess' behind was. He pulled down her underwear and he could feel the heat coming from her. He opened the cream and poured some into his hand. He gently touched her but she cried as he did. He worked quickly so she wouldn't have to suffer any longer than necessary. He pulled her underwear down completely. “I think it will be easier for you if you go without these, my dear.”

  He helped her to her feet and then hugged her again. She seemed to be in a state of shock. His heart went out to her. He kissed her on her forehead again and walked her slowly to the table.


  Nanny was already at the table. I would have to sit across from her throughout the whole meal. I was already so sad that I felt like the sides of my
mouth had been weighted down.

  Nanny looked pleased. She probably thought that I had received another good spanking. I wanted to cry as I thought about sitting down again.

  Daddy was holding my chair out for me. I sat down as gracefully as I could. The moment my bottom made contact I wanted to jump right up like the wolf does when he fell into the boiling water pot at the three little pigs house. But instead of running out of the room with my hands on my bottom I sat down and hung my head. Daddy kissed the top of my head again and then he pushed my chair into the table. I didn't look up at Nanny. I just couldn't. I felt so bad about getting caught trying to play Nanny the way I had wanted and I felt so bad that I was too stupid to write nice at my age.

  “Amelia, sit up straight.” Nanny's voice was mean and strict.

  I sat up straight but I left my head down.

  “Really Amelia, we had this talk at lunch. Hold your head up high.” Now Nanny was pissed off at me.

  I wiped my eyes and looked up. Nanny was so mad. I hung my head again.

  Daddy must have still felt very bad for me. He cleared his throat and Nanny and I both looked at him. “I had a talk with Amelia and she feels very bad about everything that she pulled today. Isn't that right, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, Daddy. I'm so sorry. I was just so desperate.”

  “You do realize that if you would have just told Nanny about your worries you could have saved your poor backside a lot of pain?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes, Daddy. I just didn't think of it.”

  Nanny interrupted, “Think of what?”

  “I didn't think about admitting that I wasn't good at something. I didn't want to disappoint you, either of you. You seem to be so happy that I am good at things and then came something that I know I am terrible at. I just hoped that no one would notice.” I hung my head and tried not to cry.

  “Amelia, I married you for you. I had no idea how smart you were back then.” He made it sound like we had been married for many years and not just a little over a week that we had been married. “It doesn't bother me at all that you're dyslexic. I will bring home some information about it and some exercises for you to do tomorrow. Nanny will read up about it and then she can help you with your problems. That is what Nanny is here for. But she can't help you if she doesn't know that you have a problem. Do you understand?” he sounded so strict but I knew he was playing the same game with Nanny that I had played this afternoon, only he was better at it than I was.


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