Hound Cerberus 2.0 Book 2

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Hound Cerberus 2.0 Book 2 Page 15

by James, Marie

  I nod, and she continues.

  “Is it something you’re struggling with? There are programs I can refer you to.”

  I shake my head. “I’m okay. I haven’t even thought about drugs in months. It was something I did to make my life easier. It made doing my job easier.”

  I look back at Jameson. His face is a passive mask, and I realize his indifference is much, much worse than disappointment.

  “Okay,” Cam says with one final rub to my back. “Are you taking prenatal vitamins?”

  I shake my head. “They made me sick, and I couldn’t keep them down.”

  “They’re important. Try eating a few crackers and drinking some juice or ginger ale before even getting out of bed in the morning. According to your paperwork, you’re nine weeks along. Morning sickness tends to ease up in the second trimester, so you only have a few more weeks to go.”

  “Thank you.” I give her a weak smile.

  She hands me a card from the front pocket of her white coat. “My cell number is on there. You call me if you have any questions. Tell your mom I said hi.”

  Thickness fills the air when Cam and the nurse exit.

  “Jameson,” I begin.

  He stands, and I pray he’ll walk up to me, comfort me, and tell me everything will be fine, but he turns toward the door. “I’ll wait outside while you get dressed.”

  It takes twice as long to get my clothes back on as it did to take them off, even when I did it slowly to tease and taunt Jameson. I get sick, emptying my stomach into the trash, so overcome with worry that I can’t even feel sorry for whoever has to deal with it. I swish my mouth with mouthwash I’ve been carrying in my purse since I get sick all the time.

  When I finally make my way out of the room, Jameson is leaning right outside of the door. I can’t speak. I don’t even know what I would say to him, so I just walk past him and Dr. Davison who’s standing up at a computer kiosk and typing in information. My dad will find out about the cocaine use if he wants. Blade can gain access to just about any database in the world. Farmington Women’s Clinic would be child’s play for him.

  I feel his heat close, but not close enough as I step up to the business counter to make my next appointment.

  “Your co-pay for the exam is thirty dollars,” the nice receptionist says as she hands me a card for an appointment in a month’s time.

  “Co-pay?” I ask, but shake my head. Of course, my dad still has me on his insurance. That information would’ve been helpful when I sprained my knee on a new pole routine six months ago. Blade would’ve tracked me down, but I would’ve saved a couple thousand dollars. I would’ve left Dallas before Hound even showed up had I not had to use my savings to pay medical bills.

  “I got it,” Jameson says and hands cash over my shoulder.

  “No,” I tell him and reach into my purse for my own money.

  “Now is not the time to test me,” he growls in my ear.

  I step out of the way, thanking the woman when she hands me a printed receipt.

  “See you next month,” she says with a bright smile before turning to help the next person behind me.

  “Not likely,” I mutter.

  He doesn’t touch me, doesn’t say a word as we exit the doctor’s office and make our way down the long hall of doors that lead to other practices.

  I yelp in surprise when he pushes open the door to the family restroom and drags me inside. He doesn’t even bother to flip on the light, but I can still see how angry he is in the glow of the red exit sign above the door.

  “You planning on running?” I shake my head. A lie. It’s my first instinct at his reaction to my confession in the exam room. “I’m pretty fucking sure that’s exactly what ‘not likely’ meant.”

  I snap my head up, not realizing I said it loud enough for him to hear.

  “I’ll find you,” he warns as his hands go first to the buckle of his belt, then the top button and zipper of his jeans. “I’ll chase you clear across the world if I have to.”

  “I’m not running.”

  “Damn right you’re not,” he hisses as one hand strokes his now exposed cock and the other one presses down on my shoulder. “Get on your knees, Gigi.”

  I obey without second thought.

  The second he presses the glistening tip of his cock against my lips, I moan, knowing this is the very first time I’ve had a dick in my mouth since Jordy convinced me to try to suck his in high school.

  “Go slow,” he groans. “Don’t want you to chip one of those pretty teeth.”

  I open my jaw wider, but his invasion is still too much. My eyes water as he presses deeper without withdrawing. Breathing through my nose is nearly as unrelenting as his fist in my hair. It may be the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

  “Fuck,” he whispers on a pant when I gag. He pulls back an inch or so but then presses in again. “Close your mouth and suck or I’m going to fuck your throat.”

  I whimper, hating the choice because fuck if I don’t want to experience both.

  I tighten my lips around the shaft, sucking until my cheeks collapse. The unique feel of the metal against my tongue and my lips when he pulls out and pushes back in makes me wet. The saliva dripping from my chin goes ignored as his grip gets even more brutal in my hair.

  “I’m not going to last,” he grunts but doesn’t slow the now driving force of his hips.

  I press my palms against his tense thighs and relish the feel of the muscles jumping and flexing with his exertion.

  “Swallow it all,” he hisses just as his cock jerks in my mouth.

  The first thick, salty burst makes me squeeze my watering eyes closed, and I try to focus only on his pleasure. Letting myself actually consider what I’m doing would probably make me puke, so I push it to the back of my mind, sucking and swallowing until he slips free of my mouth.

  “Don’t,” he snaps when I raise the back of my hand to my mouth to clear away some of the mess.

  He flips the light switch, and we both squint at the sudden illumination of the room. When I can focus again, I see him staring at me, cock still half mast, and hanging from the opening in his jeans. His chest rises and falls in harsh breaths, but he’s looking at me differently. Different from the way he watched me while I danced on stage the first day we met. Different from the way he focuses on my face when I come. And thankfully, different from the way he looked at me when Cam left the exam room after my confession.

  There’s danger in his eyes and damned if my body isn’t begging him to do his worst.

  “Please,” I beg, standing so I can get closer to him.

  “You need something?”

  His thumb sweeps over the corner of my mouth before dipping inside. I toy with it against my tongue, the tang of his orgasm renewed in my mouth.

  I nod and squirm, shifting back and forth in my ballerina flats.

  “No.” One simple word. An order he expects me to obey without questions.

  I watch, mouth hanging open at the rejection, as he tucks himself back into his jeans and washes his hands.

  “I’m wet,” I purr, running my hands over the muscled expanse of his back.

  “I know,” he says as he dries his hands. “You’ll wait.”

  “I don’t want to,” I huff, arms crossed over my chest for emphasis.

  “You won’t get another chance to come until you’ve taken your punishment.”

  “Punishment?” I laugh at the absurdity of his words, all the while my pussy clenching against the soft satin of my panties. “For what?”

  “For those orgasms I gave you at the park.” He turns facing me with a damn paper towel and runs it under my eyes. “For those comments and the striptease in the exam room, but more importantly for letting me fuck you in an alley while you were high on coke.”

  “Dr. Davison said the baby will be fine.”

  “I know he will.” I smile at his insistence that he’s having a son. “But that doesn’t negate the fact that you were a virgi
n and made the decision to no longer be one while you weren’t at a hundred percent capacity to make fucking decisions like that.”

  “I knew what I was doing,” I argue. If anything, the coke made the sex in the alley even better. I would’ve called it euphoric, but every time he’s rammed inside of me since has been just as good.

  “Still isn’t going to keep me from spanking your ass later.”

  He grabs my hand, flipping the lock on the door and pulling me back into the hallway. A mother with a toddler in a stroller and another baby strapped to her chest glares at us while tapping her mom sandals on the linoleum.

  “That’s not what the family restroom is used for,” she hisses.

  Jameson shrugs. “What can I say? She’s insatiable.”

  We don’t hear her response over my laughter as we make our way outside to the SUV.

  Chapter 27


  “So we’re heading back to your room?” I love the eagerness in her voice. It almost makes me not want to make her cry with quick successive swats to her ass. Almost.

  “Nope,” I tell her and crank the vehicle. “We’re going on a date.”

  I look over at her to find her beaming at me.

  “A date?” The joy on her face, in her eyes is palpable. “Like you fingering me in a dark movie theater?”

  My spent cock twitches in my jeans at the prospect.

  “Like lunch. That’s what people do when they date.”

  “We’re dating now?” She huffs as she clicks her seatbelt in place.

  I pull mine across my chest, never taking my eyes off of her.

  “I bet my dad is going to flip over that.” She turns her head in my direction with a mischievous look in her eyes. “Let’s do it.”

  The only thing that’s missing is a creepy laugh and her rubbing her hands together.

  “It was your dad’s idea.” Her face falls.

  “Really?” She shakes her head. “Not possible. He may have said it, but he can’t possibly be okay with it.”

  “You don’t like the idea?” I tilt my head and wait for her answer.

  “That my dad is okay with us dating?” She laughs. “Not at all.”

  “Because you’re only happy when you’re fighting him?” That devilish smile is back on her lips. “What about us dating? You okay with that idea?”

  She shrugs now, but the pink on her cheeks and gleam in her eyes betrays her apathy. “I’m okay with lunch, even though I’ll probably just puke it up.”

  “Doctor said just a few more weeks,” I remind her and put the SUV in drive.


  “Is this okay?” I ask as I back the SUV into a parking spot.

  She laughs. “You’re just like my dad. He always backs in also.”

  I shrug. “Never know when you’ll have to get away. Backing in now makes it easy to leave in an emergency later.”

  “Always the soldier,” she mutters.

  I climb out and make my way around the front of the vehicle, frowning when she opens her door and jumps out before I can open the door and help her down.

  “This is a date. I’m supposed to open the door for you.”

  She huffs. “You just fucked my face in a bathroom at the doctor’s office, and now you want to be a gentleman?”

  I pin her to the door, leaning in close, the press of my hips against her stomach tantalizing in the heat of the sun.

  “You have earned so many slaps on your ass. I may have to split it up over two days.” Bending my knees, I press my thickening cock against the apex of her thighs.

  “Yes, please,” she says, eyes focused on my mouth.

  “You forget,” I say backing away. “You don’t get to come until they’re all done.”

  “You’re a monster,” she says exactly like the gingerbread man in Shrek when the king is taunting him with his broken-off legs.

  I can’t help the laugh that bubbles from my throat. “I love that fucking movie.”

  I grab her hand and usher her toward the door of the chain restaurant that’s exactly like every other damn chain restaurant in town. It makes me wish for that taco bar I ate at with Rocker and Scooter on our way back from Denver last month.

  “You like Shrek?” she asks softly as the hostess gathers menus for us. It’s early, the lunch rush imminent but not in full swing.

  “Don’t tell Izzy. I make her think I hate all those kinds of movies, but in reality, most of my favorite movies are animated like that. Shrek, Minions, any Disney movie, except Frozen, that’s where I draw the line.”

  “Will I get to meet her?” We sit across from each other in the booth the hostess guides us to.

  “Thank you,” I tell her accepting the menus she offers and orders our drinks. “Who?”

  Gigi huffs again in agitation. “Izzy. Will I get to meet her?”

  I haven’t mentioned anything about Gigi or the baby to Izzy even though I’ve spoken to her twice since I found out about the pregnancy.

  “Of course,” I say and wait for the dread to settle in my stomach. It never does. “We’re meeting up in a few weeks in Albuquerque. She’ll be disappointed that I don’t bring the bike because she likes to ride, but I think she’ll be excited to meet you.”

  “And when you tell her about the baby? How do you think she’ll respond?” We pull our hands back when a waitress walks up and places our Cokes on the table.

  We haven’t had a chance to look at the menu, but we both tell her cheeseburgers and fries.

  When she walks away, and my attention is back on Gigi, I find her still waiting for an answer.

  “I honestly don’t know. I imagine she’ll be shocked.”

  “Not upset?”

  I shake my head. “Why would she be upset?”

  She looks down at the table, wasting time not answering by rearranging the silverware roll and positioning her drink just right.

  “I’d be upset if my parents told me they were having another baby.” She shrugs. “She’s not much younger than I am, just figured it would be the normal response.”

  “You spoiled little brat,” I tease with a wide grin.

  “You’d be upset if your mom got pregnant.”

  “Well,” she says taking a moment to think it through. “Not now, but when I was younger? Absolutely. They had Ivy to dote on. My sister is a pleaser by nature. They were always so proud. Second place sucks. Third would be even worse. Third could mean they wouldn’t have any love left over for me at all.”

  “It doesn’t work that way.” I reach for her hand, cupping it between both of mine. “When you told me you were keeping the baby, even before you made your mind up if I’m being honest, I knew I would love that baby just as much as I love Izzy.”

  “Your heart can only hold so much love,” she says with sadness in her voice.

  “Also false.” I squeeze her hand until she looks up at me. “It just grows bigger or holds some in reserves until it’s needed. Your parents don’t love Ivy more than they love you. They’re good people. Your dad is a good man. You’re difficult. A pain in the ass on your best day, but that doesn’t cancel love. I promise you.”

  She takes a moment before responding, and I don’t know if she’s accepting what I said or trying to think of a way to counter my truth.

  “So what? You’re Team Kincaid now?” She’s grinning, and I feel the heaviness of the conversation drift away with her quip.

  “I’m a man with one daughter and a son on the way. I know what it’s like to love two kids so fiercely that I can’t imagine loving anyone else.” The sadness returns. “But then I think about it, and I know I could love twice as many kids just as much. If we had a second kid, if you’re pregnant with twins I’d love them both, equally.”

  “Don’t even fucking joke about shit like that,” she hisses, and the smile on my face is so wide my cheeks ache.

  “Twins are hereditary.”

  “My mom had IVF.” She winks at me, maintaining the upper hand.

“Thank fuck,” I say and sit deeper in the booth. “I was seriously freaking out at the possibility.”

  Her laugh is music to my ears, a calming salve to my injured ego. When I’d heard her mutter ‘not likely’ to the receptionist my blood ran cold. Getting her on her knees, my cock down her throat to show her who’s in charge was my only thought.

  “How about we get to know each other?” she asks.

  I grin, finally letting myself believe that all of this is real. “What do you want to know?”

  She’s nervous as she picks at the cuticle of her thumb nail.

  “Out with it, gorgeous.”

  “When will you tell Isabella?”

  I smile, knowing how my oldest daughter is going to respond with the news and pull out my phone. I type out a quick text to her and frown when the phone immediately begins to ring.

  “You’re supposed to be in class,” I say when the call connects rather than a normal greeting.

  “It’s gym class,” she explains. “No one does anything but sit in the bleachers on their phones. What’s this big news?”

  Gigi rolls her lip between her teeth, chewing on it.

  “I’ve met someone.”

  I hold the phone away from my ear as Izzy squeals like the teenage girl that she is.

  The worry that creased Gigi’s brow suddenly disappears, her lips turning up in a smile.

  Was she worried Izzy wouldn’t be happy? I should’ve explained to her long ago that Izzy has always wanted me to be happy, the point of near harassment to look for something long term.

  “There’s more,” I begin when she finally calms down. “We’re having a baby.”

  The squealing begins anew.

  “I’m going to be a big sister!” Izzy screams to those around her.

  I reach across the table and squeeze Gigi’s hand before bringing it to my lips and kissing the tips.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Izzy says, voice softer. The emotion is clear, and I couldn’t be happier to be the father of such a loving young woman.

  “Thank you, Iz. Call me later this evening if you can and we can discuss it more.”


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