The Beginning After The End (Beckoning Fates Book 3)

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The Beginning After The End (Beckoning Fates Book 3) Page 5

by TurtleMe

  “Looks like you’re already popular, Art.” Elijah smirks as he picks up a piece of roasted meat with his fork.

  “What can I say?” I give an arrogant hair flip and the both of us start laughing.

  “Ah! Don’t forget that we have the club rush tomorrow morning!” Elijah says, his mouth full of meat.

  I let out a sigh at this. “Oh yeah… I have to go to the auditorium pretty early tomorrow. The Disciplinary Committee is being officially announced before the club rush starts tomorrow.” I play around a bit with my vegetables before trying to give it to Sylvie, who promptly rejects it.

  Director Cynthia left me with a note with a couple instructions along with the new uniform she handed me.

  “That mean’s you’re going to meet the rest of the Disciplinary Committee! How exciting. Wake me up before you leave then.”

  “Will do.” I pick up a piece of roasted meat for myself but Sylvie steals it before it reaches my mouth.

  We conversed about what club Elijah should join and what classes we had. The Disciplinary Committee met every morning, which irked me. Looks like I’ll finally break my poor sleeping habits.

  Besides that, my daily class schedule consisted of: Fundamentals of Mana Theory Practical Mana Manipulation and Basics of Artificing.

  After lunch was when my upper division classes would start. Those classes were Deviant Magic Theory I, Team-fighting Mechanics I, and Spell Formations I.

  During the Fall semester, there were a lot more upper division classes for Battle Mage students while for Spring semester, the classes consisted of a wider variety for Scholar Mage students.

  Most students only took 3-4 classes a semester but I was essentially loaded with double the classes, my last class ending at 7 in the evening, not leaving me any time for clubs. As for Elijah, we only had Fundamentals of Mana Theory together; his other classes being comprised of Basic Chain-casting, and Mana Utilization I.

  Clubs geared towards upper-division students met before lunch, since their classes were all in the evening, and vice-versa for underclassmen. “Maybe I should join a hand-to-hand fighting club. I heard that more and more Conjurers are trying to become at least a bit adept at close range fighting just in case.” He ponders while shoving another piece of meat into his mouth.

  “Mmm yeah I’ve heard of that from my father. He’s been telling me that there are some conjurers that wants to be recruited to learn close-ranging fighting, though I don’t exactly know how that’d work.” I was wondering why I don’t feel full even when my plate was empty, but then I realized that I didn’t eat almost any of the meat thanks to Sylvie, who was now ‘kyu’ing in satisfaction on top of my head.

  During our meal, the both of us could tell that people were conversing about us, looks being shot every now and then from random people. However, none of them actually came up to us until now.

  A group of students, all with Battle Mage uniforms, walked up to our table. Completely acting as if I didn’t exist. The leader of the group, a tall male with wavy brown hair that was parted in half stuck his hand out to Elijah.

  “My name is Charles Ravenpor, the 2nd born from the famous Ravenpor family. I’m sure you’ve heard of it right? I couldn’t help but notice you spending time with someone beneath you like a Scholar Student. I’m being especially courteous today in letting you be in our group.” His chin sticks out, confident that Elijah would take his hand.

  “You should be honored that you get to be part of the Ravenpor group.” One of the groupie echoes in the back.

  “The Ravenpoop family? Never heard of a family named after a bird’s feces. Have you Art?” Elijah looks at me with a very clueless look, making me laugh through my nose.

  “No, but I’d be very embarrassed to be in family like the Ravenpoop even if I did know of them.” I try to hide my smile as I play along in this immature exchange.

  Some of the students nearby who was listening in on our conversation started snickering.

  “Y-you... How dare mock a prestigious family like the RavenPOR house?” Charles slams his fist on our table, emphasizing his house name, which makes them laugh even more.

  “I am a 2nd class student that should be shown respect! I reached out to you, a newbie, because I didn’t want a Battle Mage Student lower himself by being with a Scholar Student but you instead spit in my face like this?” His hand was already twitching to reach for the wand strapped to his right leg.

  Elijah looks him dead in the eye and refutes, “First of all, it’s Scholar MAGE student. Arthur is just as much of a mage as any Battle mage student. Second, why would I go with someone who blatantly looks down on my best friend and roommate? Third, it’s obvious you’re not here out of kindness towards me but here because of hostility towards Arthur so stop your childish show and go piss off.”

  I had to admit that when my friend put on a serious expression, coupled with his naturally sharp features, he did look quite scary.

  Issuing duels inside a facility not meant for battle was prohibited so using magic inside the dining hall would result in quite a big punishment, but that didn’t seem to stop Mr. Ravenpor here.

  Wind was gathering around him as he struggled to keep his anger under control. “Jack!” He roars, wind settling down around him as he calls forth one of his minions.

  A boy that had a face that looked around 13 but a body that looked too big for his age stepped up from the back.

  “Show these brats how things work around here.” He growls, stepping back.

  Jack looks a little hesitant but Charles barks that he’ll be properly compensated, making Jack reveal a wicked grin as he fits a clawed gauntlet over his fists.

  “Sucks for you.” He simply smirks, cracking his neck before splitting the table in half.

  The dining hall was in a commotion by now as the students all gathered around, some standing up on the tables to get a better view.

  Elijah protected his face in surprise as the table split into pieces but I remained unfazed, my legs crossed as I took a sip from the water cup I was holding, while even Sylvie was still sleeping.

  “Are you crazy! This is a dining facility!” Elijah shouts as he stood up to face Jack, who cracked his clawed fists.

  “Don’t matter. Boss is going to take care of everything anyway. Keep your teeth clenched now.” He smirks as his right fist glows in non-attribute mana.

  He was a second-class student as well as well by the two stripes on his black tie, but even without an attribute, his core was still dark orange, which, for his age, was pretty damn good.

  Elijah’s right hand glowed, his two rings glowing a dim yellow as he prepared a spell but I already noticed that Jack’s pitiful killing intent was directed towards me, not my friend.

  I didn’t even look up and prepared to settle this quickly but once again, before I got the chance to do anything, vines shot out from the ground and wrapped tightly around Jack.

  Chapter 48: Reminisce

  It only took a couple of moments for the vines to completely encase Jack. As he struggled to break free, the vines twisted around tighter, making his face turn an ugly shade.

  While most were confused, Charles seemed to know exactly what was going on as his face paled and he immediately stepped away from the commotion he created. Elijah was a bit surprised as well, his head turning left and right to see who used the spell, but the person responsible had yet to show herself.

  Standing up, I face the suffocating Jack, who gave up on struggling against the vines. The atmosphere in the dining hall turned tense as no one spoke, everyone waiting for the perpetrator of the spell to show up. Giving Elijah a meaningful glance, I silently lift my arm, placing my palm on the vines as I release the spell.


  Holding back on the amount of mana used on the spell, I will a gale of sharp winds from my palm.


  The Ravenpor groupies behind Jack all covered themselves against the sharp gale as they got caught in the spell a
s well. With the spell, I so graciously freed Jack from the vines that were choking him, but in the process shredded his clothes as well, leaving him the same way he came out from his unfortunate mother’s womb.

  “COUGH COUGH!” Jack plops to his knees, his junior that looked a bit too petite compared to his large body dangling for everyone to see. Without either a word or a change in expression, I turn and walk towards Charles, who was still trying to discreetly make his way out of the dining hall. He was by the wall, and was almost in front of the main doors when I unsheathed the Disciplinary Committee knife I received from the Director, and threw it, imbuing wind mana into it.

  “AAHH! What the hell?” As the knife cut through the air and pierced through his blazer, pinning him against the wall, I came face to face with him.

  “Maybe it’s just me but I find it pathetic when brats like you who come from a noble family beat your chest for something that you never even earned. Before bragging about how powerful your family is, be competent enough to at least not embarrass them.” I pull out the knife he was struggling to remove in one swift swipe and leave through the door, not looking back.

  The brisk autumn air greeted me as I closed the door, my breath becoming visible in a cloud in front of me.

  ‘It’s mama!’ Sylvie’s head shoots up from on top of my head.

  I ignore my bond, looking up at the night sky illuminated by countless star as I speak out loud. “You know, you could’ve killed him if I didn’t disrupt the spell.”

  “I was going to cancel it once he passed out. Besides, I know you were going to handle it.” From besides me a few meters away, the familiar voice responded.

  “Pfft~ NOW you leave it up to me? What stopped you from doing the same this morning after the ceremony?” I snickered.


  I walk towards the figure that was leaning against the wall of the building, her face and other recognizable features masked by the shadow of the starry night.

  By her silence, I could already picture what sort of troubled expression she had on her face. I stood in front of the figure, I was close enough to see her face but she was looking down so I could only see the crown of her silvery gunmetal hair that seemed to shimmer.

  “Ahem~” I awkwardly cough, covering my mouth with a fist as the silence between us felt like an eternity. Finally, she glanced up, revealing her face as she was fiddling with her hands behind her back.


  ““I’M SORR…””



  We instantly destroyed the awkward atmosphere as we head-butted each other by bowing in apology at the same time.

  “PFFT~ Hahahaha! I guess we both wanted to apologize huh?” I couldn’t help but smile as I rubbed my slightly throbbing head.

  “I guess so…” Tess was massaging her head too as she continued to look down.


  I squat down so I could see my childhood friend’s face. “Tess. Are you crying?” I tease, gently wiping her tears with the inside of my sleeve.

  *Sniff* “It’s because it hurts...” Her eyes continue to avoid mine as she lets me wipe her face.

  “Did it hurt that much?” My voice turns tender as I stand back up, gently patting the place where my head hit her.

  “YES! It hurt a lot!” Smacking my hand away, she buried her face in my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist as she began crying.

  The seconds seemed to elongate as I felt her body tremble from her erratic breaths and hiccups. I couldn’t help but smile as I hugged her back, patting her head comfortingly.

  *Sniff* “I thought you hated me.” *Sniff* I could barely make out what she was saying in between her sniffles and the fact that her voice was muffled from speaking while her face was still buried in my chest.

  “Even if there are times I get mad at you, I would never hate you, Tess.” I spoke gently.

  “I don’t want that.” *Sniff*

  “Don’t want what?”

  “I don’t want you to get mad at me either!” She mumbled while her face still glued to my chest.

  “Well this time, I was in the wrong. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that.” I realized that I don’t really treat Tess like everyone else. While most people don’t come off to me as worthwhile to get mad over, besides my family and Elijah, Tess would probably be the only one capable of making me be genuine, even if that was sometimes being immature.

  “NO! I was wrong too! I-I shouldn’t have called you out like that in front of all of those people! B-but it was because I have to be the strict Student Council President in front of everyone, you know?” Her face looked desperate as she finally looked up, her concerned eyes red and a little puffy from crying.

  “ARTTT!!!! You should’ve seen the faces of everyone after you…OH!” Elijah, who only saw the shaded outline of my back, came running towards me until he spotted who was with me.

  Realizing that Tess was still wrapped tightly around me, I couldn’t help but give him an embarrassed look.

  “I-I’ll see you b-back at our dorm…” He stammered out before darting off, almost tripping over his own feet from how fast he was running.

  “Haha. Tess, I think it’s about time to let go of me.” I smiled as her face turned bright red from realizing how long she’s been clinging to me.

  “O-oh right…” She immediately let go of me, taking a step back as her eyes looked down, too embarrassed to look at me.

  I couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh at how my childhood friend really hasn’t changed. “Do you want to take a little walk with me?” I give her a smile as Sylvie jumps off from on top of my head unto her arms.

  “Kyu!” ‘Long time no see mama!’


  Each of his steps were light and confident as if he was always certain his direction and purpose. Was it the way he walked?

  Those eyes that looked calm and poised, yet still a little playful… Was it his gaze?

  The way it glowed even when it was this dark outside? Was it his smile?

  What made me this stupidly attracted to him? He’s just another boy! Another, rather talented, rather well mannered and slightly better looking boy. That was it!

  What was it about him that makes me become so foolish around him and why do I keep doing things to embarrass myself only in front of him?


  “Is something wrong?” He looks at me in concern as his gentle voice makes shivers go down my spine.

  “N-no! Nothing’s wrong haha!” I feel my face get red again so I pet Sylvie faster as a distraction. GOSH DANGIT!

  I could feel his eyes studying me as we walked along the marble path, the only source of light from the moon that peeked in between the trees that arched the walkway. The last time we met earlier today, we barely spent a couple seconds before things got bad so it’s been almost 4 years since we’ve last seen each other. I would stare at him too but I know I was going to turn bright red so I just keep my gaze down.

  I wonder if he looks at any other girl like this. I want his attention all to myself just like now. I stop myself before I almost sigh out loud again.

  We started talking about what we’ve both been doing these past couple of years. His time as an adventurer was really exciting but I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed that he was with that girl named Jasmine the whole time.

  “Pfft!” The corner of Art’s eyes crinkled as he revealed his bright smile.

  “W-what!” I couldn’t help but hold Sylvie up defensively.

  “It’s just that I’m enjoying the different expressions you’re showing me while I tell you my story.” I catch a glimpse of his eyes making me turn red again. This is getting ridiculous.

  I would’ve been pretty cold if I didn’t have Sylvie as a heating pack, but Art doesn’t look cold at all. I wonder if being a beast tamer makes his body stronger in these situations too. I start getting embarrassed as I remember hugging him for so lon

  He was really warm though.

  I got a little less tense as we kept talking. I told him a bit about my training with Grandpa but I focused more on when Grandma Cynthia was my teacher.

  “You call her Grandma?” His head tilts a little in curiosity.

  Nodding, I reply, “She told me to call her that since I was her only disciple and since she doesn’t have any children.”

  “I see…” He ponders

  I continue on about the strict training I had to go through and how it was hard for my plant attribute magic to improve because of the lack of reliable teachers. Although there weren’t any other races that could manipulate plant attribute mana, even amongst elves, there were very few people that were adequate in plant magic. While some noble lineages do have the capacity to learn it, they end up focusing on another element instead because of how hard it was for them to learn plant magic.


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