No Place Like Home (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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No Place Like Home (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 3

by Diane Leyne

  “The heart wants what the heart wants. You never said a thing when I set my sights on Steve even though everyone thought he was king of the nerds.”

  “Yes, well ‘king of the nerds’ grew up to not only be a super nice guy, but a hot one who owns his own software company so he can treat you like you deserve.”

  Annie looked smug. “Yup, he is hot, isn’t he? I knew that once he filled out he’d be hot. He just hit his full height young, and at six two it’s hard to look hot when you weigh about 130 pounds soaking wet. Luckily, he hit the gym and now has a six-pack is to die for.”

  “And he loves you all so much. That’s what I find the hottest.”

  “I’m lucky, aren’t I? And I want you to be lucky, too. You’ve never talked about what happened between you and my brothers, but I do know you changed after that, became less open, more closed off. And they always asked about you, whenever they came home. But you made sure you were never home when they were. Do you know how hard I’ve had to work to get you all in the same place at the same time?”

  “Annie, after what happened. I just can’t. I loved them so much, and they stomped on my heart. It’s over. I’ve moved on. And I wish they would, too. Now they are just your brothers, my very old friends. Nothing more.”

  “Really? Good. Then there is no reason you can’t go on a picnic tomorrow with your old friends. The boys will be by at eleven to pick you up. Wear something sexy and make them eat their hearts out over what they let get away.”

  “But...but...Is Jackson really the sheriff? And what about Markus? Does he live in town now, too?”

  “You’ll have to ask them yourself.”

  * * * *

  It was a long evening, with Annie and Cassie talking well into the night. Steve put the kids to bed, but Cassie came up with Annie to tuck them in and read the good-night story over and over until they dropped off. Then she headed over to the apartment over Annie’s garage. It was originally meant to be a nanny apartment, but with Steve and Annie both having jobs that let them work from home a lot, they’d never hired one. So Cassie had a place to live while she decided what to do.

  Should she stay? From a business perspective, it was an amazing opportunity. From a personal perspective, she loved the thought of working with Annie. But could she face seeing Jackson, and presumably Markus, in town or at Annie’s for dinner? Hell, she couldn’t even face a picnic with them. It would bring back too many memories.

  And after that encounter with Jackson. Oh my god. Her face reddened as she remembered how he had touched her. He had brought her to orgasm with just his touch. Boyfriends before Craig had accused her of being frigid, but Craig hadn’t really seemed to notice. He wasn’t very sexual himself, often falling asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. Boys before Craig had thought that with her big breasts she’d be very sexual, but she was shy and inhibited after being rejected by the twins, so Craig’s low sex drive was okay with her. She’d resigned herself to a pleasant but not passionate life with Craig. But apparently even Craig has sexual needs, and Cindy had been more than pleased to cater to them.

  Cassie tossed and turned for what seemed like hours before falling to sleep, Jackson’s words echoing in her mind. “Next time, you are going to be down on your knees sucking my brother’s cock while I fuck you from behind.” She could feel a yearning deep down inside her, wanting desperately to be able to experience this. She wanted them. She would always want them. But she was a strong woman now. She wasn’t going to let them make her vulnerable. Maybe, just maybe, she’d have sex with them, just to get them out of her system. After all, the reality couldn’t live up to years of fantasizing, could it? Sure, she’d come from the finger fucking, but that had to be some kind of aberration. She just wasn’t a very sexual person. Oh, god. What if she wasn’t enough for them? What if she did let them have her and she disappointed them? They would walk away again, and she’d feel worse than before. She’d be absolutely shattered.

  What should she do? She pondered and wondered and fretted. She even got up at one point to make some warm milk, hoping that would help her sleep. She walked into her small kitchen and turned on the light. Annie and Steve had stocked it well.

  She’d just turned off the burner and was pouring the milk into the glass when there was a knock at the door. She looked at the clock on the oven, 1:30 a.m.

  Who the hell knocked at that hour? Slightly nervous, she approached the door and looked through the peephole. It was Markus Lansing, and he was knocking again.

  She opened the door a crack.

  “What the hell do you want? Do you know what time it is?”

  “Time for all good girls to be in bed. And the bad ones, too.” He smiled wickedly and shouldered the door open. She fell back, and he took the opportunity to enter, closing the door behind him. “I was visiting the parents of one of my clients. He got picked up for joy riding and will be spending the night in jail. I went over the reassure his parents that he was okay and convince them that letting him spend the night in jail would teach him a lesson while he was young enough to learn it.

  “I was driving by, and yes, I deliberately chose this route home, hoping you’d be up. Anyway, I saw the light. I figured you were up.”

  He looked her up and down approvingly. She was wearing only a pale-pink tank top and some lace panties. She didn’t bother with a robe since she thought she was going to be alone. His eyes lingered on her breasts, smiling approvingly as her nipples hardened, poking through the thin material.

  She ignored his gaze and turned back to the stove, making sure it was off and placing the pan in the sink and rinsing it off. He looked just as hot as he had seven years earlier. Unlike Jackson who kept his hair short, Markus’s shining blond hair was long, giving him a surfer look, but she knew from Annie that he had formerly been a District Attorney with one of the best close rates in the state. His angelic good looks had belied a keen and ruthless mind. But he wasn’t satisfied by prosecuting criminals. He came home to be a small-town lawyer, working as a public defender and taking on cases for the poor who had trouble affording help. He turned down many well-to-do clients, preferring to work with the poor who needed help with the system, much the way Jackson had left the FBI and become a small-town sheriff where he felt he could help get young people on the straight and narrow by helping them before they turned into hardened criminals.

  “Couldn’t sleep? Allow me to be of service.”

  She looked at him and just had a second to take in his wicked grin. He took the glass and put it on the counter before he swept her off her feet, carrying her into the bedroom and dropping her on the bed.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  “Helping my woman get to sleep. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you may be tired during the picnic, and we want you wide awake when we fuck your brains out. And I figure an orgasm is just the sleeping potion you need. It’s nature’s way.” He winked at her.

  She went to sit up, but he was having none of that. He pushed her back down on the pillow and moved his body over hers. He was just as big as his brother, and even bulkier. She could see the corded muscle in his arms as he lowered himself on top of her. He claimed her mouth quickly and efficiently and ruthlessly. This wasn’t a coaxing or tentative kiss. This was hard and possessive and made her toes curl and her pussy cream.

  But it didn’t last nearly long enough. He slid down her body, leveraging himself up enough to grasp the hem of her tank and pulling it up. She tried to push his hands away.

  “I’ve dreamed of doing this again for seven years. Either you lay still and let me love on you or I’ll tie your hands out of the way. Your choice.” He stared at her, his eyes glittering in the dark room. She could see he was serious. He would tie her down. And, god help her, her pussy creamed some more at the thought.

  “Are you going to be still now?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  Immediately, his mouth latched on to one nipple, suckling like a hungry infant. His
hand went to her other breast, kneading it, squeezing it, playing with that nipple. As he sucked harder, she could feel the full feeling deep down inside her. It felt like her nipples were linked directly to her clit. She moaned.

  He looked up and grinned, letting go of the nipple. “You like that, don’t you.” She reached down and tried to push his head back down to her breast.

  He broke her grasp, sitting up and looking around. He spied her robe thrown across the end of the bed. He took the belt from it. “I told you what would happen if you moved. This is all your fault.” He crossed her wrists and tied them together. Then he took the end of the belt and pulled her hands over her head and tied them to the headboard. “Now I can get back to what I was doing before I was so rudely interrupted, but first, you won’t be needing these.” He quickly stripped off her panties. He held them to his nose and sniffed. Then he grinned and stuffed them in his pocket.

  “Oh,” he added, “if you are thinking of complaining, I’m going to gag you. That doesn’t mean you have to remain quiet. I want to hear every moan and whimper you make.” And with that, he pushed her legs apart and settled himself comfortably between then. Then he dropped his head to her other nipple and started suckling on it.

  She moaned helplessly as she felt him graze her nipple with is teeth, gripping it lightly and tugging. And then she felt his right hand move down to her folds which were slightly open because of his large body holding her legs apart. Like his brother, he seemed to like that she was bare. He ran his fingers over her lightly before sliding a finger between her folds, moving lightly past her clit to her pussy entrance. She found herself trying to maneuver her hips so he would touch her clit, but he just laughed and slid a finger inside her.

  “My, my. Aren’t you wet, my sweet. I can’t wait until I can bury my cock deep inside your pussy and ride you hard. But that’s not happening tonight.” To her shock and dismay, Cassie found herself whimpering in protest. “Don’t worry, baby, I’m not going to leave you hanging. Tonight is all about you. Earlier today, my brother finger fucked you to orgasm. Now I’m going to eat your pussy until you come. Tomorrow, though, will be all about us. You will submit to whatever we want to do to you. Understand?”

  Cassie found herself nodding cautiously, not really taking in anything except “eat your pussy.” She desperately wanted to come. She needed to come. She’d have agreed to just about anything at that point, and the big lug knew it and was taking full advantage of her weakness.

  He removed his mouth reluctantly from her breast and slid his body down, positioning himself between her thighs, her legs up over his shoulders, opening her up fully to his gaze. With the first swipe of his tongue, she almost shot up off the bed and would have if her hands weren’t tied to the bedframe and his hands gripping her thighs.

  And then he went to work. She felt his warm breath as he licked her once and then, without warning, shoved his tongue in her pussy. His long fingers stroked her clit using the same rhythm as his tongue which moved inside her. She could feel her pussy spasm lightly as her orgasm started to build and build, and then he stopped what he was doing and withdrew his tongue. She could have wept with frustration. She was so close. But he wasn’t done. She felt him insert a finger inside her. And then a second one. His mouth moved to her clit. He brushed it lightly with his tongue. Then he did it again. She moaned, and he slid a third finger inside her and curled them, rubbing firmly against her G-spot. At the same time, his mouth closed over her clit, and he sucked, strongly. Her body bowed rigidly as her climax wracked her body, but she didn’t even get a chance to come down from it as he suckled hard again, very lightly using his teeth and pumping his fingers inside her, and she came again. And this time, she couldn’t help it. She screamed.

  She lay there limp and boneless, absolutely drained by her two orgasms when Markus slid up her body, pausing to briefly suck both of her nipples and then sat up and untied her wrists. She saw the self-satisfied grin on his face, but she was too drained to challenge him on it. Instead, she felt her eyelids grow heavy. He pulled up the covers and tucked her in.

  He leaned down. “Hey, babe. You on the pill?”

  She was half-asleep but managed to answer. “Yup. Started them in college.”

  “Great, babe. And don’t worry, once we heard you were coming back, Jackson and I have been tested, and we are clean.” Then he leaned down and kissed her lightly on her mouth and then whispered in her ear. “Don’t bother with the bra or underwear tomorrow. You won’t need them.”

  And then he left, whistling cheerfully.

  Chapter 3

  The next thing she knew, the phone beside the bed was ringing.

  “This is your morning wake-up call. The weather is warm, the sky is sunny, and your two men are really horny. Have a big breakfast. You’ll need your strength.” And then the line went dead.

  She looked at the clock. It was almost 10:00 a.m. Yikes. She had less than an hour to eat and get ready. Not that she was...oh, who was she kidding. Of course she was going to the picnic. She was going to eat with them, fuck with them, and then drop them before they had a chance to drop her again. She knew that she shouldn’t do it. But she just had to find out what it was like to be with both of them, to have both of them fuck her. She had no illusions about this being any more than them having some grown-up fun. And she could do that. She was a grown-up. She could have casual sex and just enjoy the experience. She’d never had an orgasm in her life, and now, she’d had one with both Jackson and Markus, and they hadn’t even had sex yet. It was good for her ego that both of them wanted her, especially after Craig cheating.

  So she decided that she was going to enjoy herself, but keep her heart out of it. Having made her decision, she took a quick shower, washed her hair, and got dressed in a sea-green tank that brought out the color of her eyes and some stretchy gym shorts. Ignoring the instructions she was given, she wore both a bra and panties. She wasn’t going in to breakfast with Annie and the kids braless. And she wasn’t going panty-less, making them think they could just order her around.

  She found she was starving. She went around to the back door which led to the kitchen. Annie, Steve, and the kids were just finishing up. She knocked and entered.

  “We thought you were never getting up,” teased Annie.

  “I had a hard time getting to sleep, but once I did, I slept like a log.”

  “I hope you are hungry. We saved you breakfast.” She pulled a plate out of the warming drawer. It had scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns. Then she dropped a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster and poured Cassie a glass of orange juice. “Enjoy. You have thirty minutes to eat before the twins get here.”

  Cassie tucked in. She decided to take Markus’s warning to heart. She figured there wouldn’t be much eating during their “picnic,” except maybe of her. She smiled to herself.

  * * * *

  At exactly 11:00 a.m., she heard the pickup truck pull up in the driveway. Jackson hopped out and came around to the kitchen door.

  “Hey, sis, Steve, munchkins. Cassie, you ready?”

  Cassie’s heart thumped in her chest. Yesterday he’d been wearing his uniform, and the hat and glasses had hidden part of his face from her. Today, she could get a good look at him. He’d always been good-looking, but now he was absolutely gorgeous in a totally masculine way. From his high cheekbones to his strong nose and strong jawline, he was sheer sex on a stick. She couldn’t believe that he and Markus wanted her, and she was going to enjoy the ride.

  He walked over to her and pulled out her chair and helped her up. Then he took her by the arm and let her out. When he closed the door behind them, he placed his hand on her back and guided her toward the truck and opened the passenger door. It was a pickup truck. Tall and big and masculine, just like the twins. There was no running board or step up. She was trying to decide just how to climb up when Jackson swept her off her feet and deposited her on the seat.

  “Scoot over, honey, so there’s roo
m for me.” She wiggled over and found herself sitting on a towel in the center seat between the brothers. Jackson leaned across her to fasten her seat belt. “Safety first.” He smiled.

  “I can do my own belt,” she snapped and tried to push his hands aside to do it herself, but Markus grabbed her hands and held them still while Markus did up the belt.

  “While you are with us, it is up to us to look after you. You will learn to do as you are told when you are told or face the consequences.”

  “Excuse me? Since when are you the boss of me?”

  “We are the boss of you in all matters sexual, in all matters related to this body which you gave to us before and we now own, and in matters of your safety. In all other matters such as your work and your interests and opinions, and free time not spent with us, you are the boss of you. We like a woman who is strong and smart. But in matters of the bedroom, our word is law.”

  “There is so much wrong with what you just said. Firstly, we are in a pickup truck on our way to a picnic, not having sex. Second, if you think I’m going to ‘obey’ you, you are crazy. Thirdly...”

  “Thirdly, firstly, whatever. All that matters is that you gave yourself to us seven years ago. You said you wanted both of us, and now we are collecting.”

  “Markus, did you remember to tell our woman that she shouldn’t wear a bra today?”

  “I told her no bra or panties. Did she disobey?”

  “I didn’t check the panty situation yet, but she’s definitely wearing a bra. So she definitely earned at least one punishment.”

  “Did you seriously think I’d go braless in front of Annie, Steve and the kids? And what do you mean by punishment? What are you planning to do to me?”

  “Seven years ago you offered to let us spank your delectable ass. I’m looking forward to it. And I expect we are going to have to spank you a lot, if you continue to defy us. In fact, I can’t wait.”


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