20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 231

by Demelza Carlton

  Regal as ever, Lady Selena arrived with several ladies in waiting, and a large honor guard consisting of no fewer than fifteen of the kingdom’s finest knights, each garbed in matching emerald cloaks. All but two of these men were left outside as Selena entered the dwelling, careful to avoid touching anything she did not have to.

  Chris dropped into a low bow at her entrance. “Mother.”

  “Daughter,” Selena replied, lifting her hand in an upward motion. “Rise, child. I wish to see you.”

  Expectations uncertain, Chris rose to meet her mother’s scrutinizing gaze, which slid the length of her body.

  “Come closer,” Selena instructed.

  Taking several steps, Chris stopped a single pace from the older woman, who stared at her daughter without speaking. Reaching out a hand, Selena grasped Chris’ chin, coldly forcing her head back, eyes studying the long line of her neck as she moved her daughter’s head left, then right. She released her, only to move her hands toward Chris’ waist. Selena gathered the sides of her crimson gown, pulling the material so it clung tightly to Chris’ waist and chest.

  “Hmm…” her mother mused. “Skinny, but not so much as to be unsuitable.”

  “Unsuitable?” Chris asked in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  Her mother sighed, stepping back from her daughter, and again running down her body with a piercing gaze. “It will have to do.”

  “What will? Why have you come to see me? I didn’t think you ever would.” Chris smiled, a hopeful expression. “I’ve missed you, Mother.”

  “Yes, I would imagine you have,” Selena answered. “After all, look at the diminished state of your life.”

  “It’s been difficult, especially at the beginning. But with time, life has become better. I’ve learned lots of new skills, including becoming a good cook. And I have been teaching local children to read.” She searched for words, uncertain how to explain her new life to a woman she no longer knew.

  “I’m engaged,” she sputtered.


  “To Brian. He’s a non-shifter like me. We’ve been courting for a few years.”

  Her mother stared intently, but Chris resisted the urge to squirm under her scrutiny. “Tell me, daughter, how long has this engagement been in place?”

  “A month. I’m really happy. He’s so kind, and he helps me with so much. You’ll like him.” She smiled again.

  Her mother did not return the gesture.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Did you ask permission, before agreeing to marry this…man?”


  “Yes. Shifter or no, you remain the daughter of a noble family. Did you ask your father’s permission to marry? Or inform anyone, for that matter?”


  “I’ll take your silence as a no.”

  “I haven’t seen you in five years! You abandoned me.”

  “Don’t be dramatic, Christina. You know how I detest tantrums.”

  “Tantrums? I haven’t seen you since the day you sent me here! Nor received any help.”

  “Did you wish for my assistance?” Selena challenged. “You did not ask.”

  “Because I knew what your answer would be.”

  Her mother scoffed, “You knew no such thing. You were sent here because tradition, and the laws of the land, dictated we do so. You were never disowned, girl.” Selena shook her head. “You are not yet married, correct?”

  Chris shook her head.

  “Good, then it’s not too late to save you from such an error.”


  “Of course. Just because you did not transform, does not mean you have no further value.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Her mother smiled, perfectly lined ruby lips lifting to a gesture without the faintest hint of warmth. “Christina, you are the daughter of a noble lord. A child of a shifter line. Though you personally were not blessed by the goddess, you may bear children who are. Therefore the passing of our lineage is very much a matter of concern.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will provide children, and hopefully those children shall be blessed by the goddess, even if you, personally, were not.”

  Chris stared blankly. “What are you saying?”

  “The son of Lord Randall, Marcus, has agreed to father your children.”

  “Father my…”

  “Yes. In fact, he has agreed to begin immediately, provided you had not become too ghastly during your unfortunate stay here. Thinness aside, you shall do nicely.”

  The world shifted as Chris’ heart rate increased, blood pounding against her left temple as she attempted to process her mother’s words. When she had finally gathered her thoughts enough to speak, her voice came soft and childlike. “But I love Brian. We’re going to be married. I can’t simply leave and marry someone else.”

  “Of course not,” Selena snapped. “The esteemed son of a noble family marrying a non-shifter? Would never do.”

  Chris shook her head, not understanding. “I don’t—”

  With an exasperated sigh, her mother clarified, “I don’t recall you being this dense, but I suppose intelligence isn’t required for this duty. I said he offered to father your children, not marry you. You will be his concubine, Christina. He also intends to take a wife, and impregnate you both. Should any of your children be born shifters, they will be legitimized upon their first transformation. Otherwise, they will be sent here, to whatever fate this miserable place may have in store.”

  Panic set in at the full explanation. Her eyes widened. “No.”

  “Come now, Christina, this is no time to be foolish. You will be well cared for. How hard can it be to lay on your back? In return, you’ll be provided with the life of comfort to which you were once accustomed. Surely better than this ghastly excuse of an existence.”

  “No!” Chris exclaimed, rushing toward the exit. She threw open the door, only to find herself faced with her mother’s guards, who stood clustered around porch. As she rushed down the stairs, one of the men grabbed her, the thin girl no match for a trained knight. She struggled as a second man stepped forward, the two gaining complete control over her writhing form even as she yelled, “Let me go!”

  The men forced her to turn, her mother emerging from the house as she was compelled forward. Walking gracefully down the stairs, Selena reached out and pressed her palm against Chris’ right cheek, maintaining the same cruel smile she had displayed during their exchange. “Come now, daughter. For one of your unfortunate disposition, this is a great honor.”

  “I don’t want this!” Chris protested. “Please, Mother!”

  In response, her mother gave her a sharp slap to the face, carefully applied to sting, but not leave a mark. “Come now, Christina. No more tantrums.”

  “I’m not—”

  “Chris?” a new voice entered the conversation.

  She jerked her head in the direction of the voice, managing to glimpse Brian’s approach from the right.

  “Chris, what’s going on?”


  “Ah,” her mother said, “so this is the man I can thank for tarnishing my daughter.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Mother,” Chris pleaded, “let’s discuss—”

  “There is nothing to discuss. You are a daughter of a noble house. You are to be used as the heads of the family see fit.”

  “Please.” Tears burned her eyes as she realized her pleas were in vain.

  Brian rushed forward, slipping past the outer guard to reach the ones holding her. Throwing his weight against the guard on her left, the one on her right let go of her arm in alarm.

  Chris ran to her right, managing to slip past the first guard, but was quickly recaptured, her arms grabbed roughly as she was turned in time to see Brian rushing toward her.

  “No!” Chris screamed at her love’s valiant attempt to set her free. “Stop! Please!”

Brian pulled back a fist, landing a punch against the knight’s left cheek, hard enough the guard fell to the ground, dazed.

  Another of her mother’s guards stepped forward, drawing a large, heavy blade.

  “Brian, no!”

  Faced with men on multiple sides, and vastly outnumbered, the men forced Brian back, away from Chris.

  “Mother, please stop this!”

  As though in slow motion, Chris watched as more blades were pulled, until her fiancé was encircled by a wall of lethal swords.

  “I’ll do what you want!” she bargained in desperation.

  The words came too late.

  Surrounded, Brian attempted to dash between two of the men, but was pushed back, right into a waiting blade.

  Chris screamed as she watched the weapon pierce the chest of the man she loved. A sound between a shriek and wail. She screamed again, calling his name as he fell, the act skewering her heart as sharply as the blade had sliced into his.

  Managing to wrest herself free, Chris raced toward Brian, and this time, the guards allowed it, watching as she fell to her knees.

  She attempted to press her hands against the wound, but there was so much blood, she only succeeded in drenching herself with the hot, sticky substance. Gathering him against her chest, she sobbed his name.

  “Brian, no. No. Please, no.”

  “Chris,” he managed to say. “Beautiful Chris.”

  She leaned her head down, not caring as blood soaked her hair, pressing her cheek to his gasping chest. “Don’t leave me,” she begged, but she shook so badly the words came broken and incoherent. “I love you. I love you.”

  “Fight them,” he managed to whisper, words a wheezing gasp only she could hear. “Promise me.”

  “No,” she shook her head. “Please, no.”

  “Promise…love…promise me.” He coughed, and blood splattered her face.

  “Brian, I…”

  “Promise, Chris. Promise…Prom…”

  Against her cheek, she heard his heart beat once more, and then never again.

  Unable to believe this was real, the pounding of her heart so fierce she lay frozen in fear, pain, and rage. She let out an ear-splitting scream as she tucked herself tightly against his body, her beautiful red dress darker now, saturated with his blood.

  Chris screamed for a long time before, in a hoarse whisper she managed to say, “I promise.”

  With that, the guards pulled her away from her dead love and shoved her into the waiting carriage, destroying all semblance of the life she had known.

  Chapter 26

  Amelia stared at the older woman, who reached up to wipe a tear from her eyes.

  “Oh my gods,” Amelia sympathized, attempting to find the right words. “They…I mean…”

  “Forgive me. These events happened so long ago. Yet thinking of Brian…well, you’ll have to forgive me.”

  “No, please, don’t apologize. I only…I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you,” Chris’ words were soft.

  “What happened next? How did you end up here?”

  Chris closed her eyes and drew a breath, before centering her gaze on the far wall. “I wish I could tell you that Brian’s sacrifice saved me from my mother’s plans. But…”

  “They forced you to the lord’s…”

  Chris nodded. “I resisted, at first, but…when I did, they simply tied me in whatever manner Marcus wished, and he had his way. I spent two years as his slave; he would violate me each night in hopes of getting me pregnant.

  “No children were conceived though, and I managed to make a few contacts, who eventually helped me to escape. They brought me to the base of these mountains, where I ran, until I stumbled upon this village. My friend, George—his parents were very kind. They took me in; treated me like a daughter. It had happened to George’s mother also, you see. Her story is very similar to my own.”

  “You said Marcus was the son of Lord Randall.”


  “The brother of Lord Terrance?” she named Stephen’s father.

  “The same. Did you know him?”

  Amelia drew a sharp breath. “In a manner of speaking.”

  “The entire family has been corrupt for generations. Each member struggling to move a step closer to the throne.”

  “The throne?”

  “Of course. They marry a step higher with each generation. Bedding me was a favor to my family, which outranked theirs. Had I borne him a child, who could have been legitimized, it would have added prestige to both lines.”

  Amelia stood from the chair, feet itching with the need to flee as a horrible realization descended. “I’m sorry, would you excuse me?”

  “Certainly,” she said. “Though please, I did not mean to upset—”

  Amelia did not hear her remaining words, turning to the wooden door to race down the steps. Inside her, the dragon stirred as she raced forward, desperate to escape the valley. Her steps were slow, the beast within roaring against her resistance to taking the form it desired.

  The storm Chris had warned her about had arrived, in full, horrific glory, slush soaking through her borrowed gown. As her skin heated, creating steam, she ran faster, splashing through mud and muck as ice pelted her.

  Inside her, the dragon reared up with a ferocity she had rarely known from the normally gentle beast.

  At last, she reached the forest’s edge, slipping between the first row of trees to fall on her knees in the wet dirt. Curling on her side, she struggled against the dragon, fighting to maintain control while her mind replayed Chris’ words, along with the crushing confirmation of what she had most feared.

  “He never loved me,” she spoke to the chilled wind.

  Curled into a ball, she let out a scream, swallowed by the dragon’s eager call, which only she could hear. “Why, Stephen? Why?”

  World crushed, she lay in the ice and mud for a long time until someone shook her.

  “Are you all right?”

  Amelia lacked the will to glance up, strength sapped by the internal exertion required to keep the dragon at bay.

  When she didn’t respond, her rescuer reached down and gathered her in his arms.

  She silently struggled for control, the dragon switching from rage to sweet promises in a voice only she would ever hear.

  The pain will vanish, the dragon promised. No pain.

  The offered hope verged on more than she could bear as she was carried back to the inn. She had no idea how long they traveled, until light intruded, causing her to close her eyes tightly.

  Chris’ voice instructed, “Take her upstairs.”

  No pain. The silent promise rose again, heat searing her flesh.

  Amelia shrieked at the sensation, like a thousand embers burning her internally.

  A cool hand touched her forehead. “She’s burning up,” Chris said, but her words came from a distance. “I’ll fetch a cool cloth and extra pelts.”

  The man who had carried her pushed her hair back. Leaning down, he whispered, “Speak to your dragon, my lady. The creature is a part of you. It will listen, if you ask.”

  Losing the battle, and too panicked to care how the man knew, she heeded the stranger’s advice, calling to the dragon coiling within.

  Hear my plea. Please, I beg of you, be calm.

  At her request, the dragon quieted, her skin cooling instantly as she was laid onto the room’s bed. She opened her eyes enough to briefly take in the image of a young man, about her age with light brown hair.

  His lilac eyes studied hers intently as Amelia’s gaze moved to his smooth, strong jawline and expanded to his broad shoulders.

  “Thank you, Conner,” Chris spoke to Amelia’s rescuer, returning with the cloths and pelts that would no longer be needed.

  “No problem,” the man answered, his deep voice settling against her skin. “I hope she’s all right. Is there anything else I can do?”

  “I’ll take it from here,” Chris replied before Amelia slipped
to unconsciousness.

  Chapter 27

  The banished princess woke to Chris’ tender care.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I—”

  “No need, Elizabeth,” Chris assured. “Each of us must deal with life’s twists in our own way. No one here will judge, nor pry. We all have our stories to tell. If you find one day you wish to share yours, I am happy to listen. Until then, please know you are welcome to make this your new home, if you wish, or continue on your journey.”

  “Thank you,” Amelia whispered, shame lacing her words at her uncontrollable behavior the night before, and regret over using a secretive name. “I’m sorry if I damaged your daughter’s dress.”

  “The gown doesn’t matter. I am only glad you were returned safe, and don’t appear to have caught cold from the storm. You had quite the fever when Conner brought you back last night.”

  “I’m fine,” she answered. “Tired, but well.”

  “To be expected.” Chris motioned to the wooden desk, where a fresh gown, in lilac this time, had been laid out. “Your own clothes are underneath, if you prefer. Otherwise, feel free to borrow the dress. Come down for breakfast when you’re ready.”

  And so time passed. Six months later, Amelia had cautiously accepted the full breadth of the older woman’s hospitality. Now, as she wiped down tables, Amelia attempted to focus on her blessings, instead of the lost life she mourned.

  But each night, alone in her room, her mind inevitably turned to thoughts of her sister, and the lover that had betrayed her. The heartbreaking realization she would be forever banned from the land, and people, she loved. She no longer cried at these thoughts, but instead stared longingly at the waning moon, while the dragon inside silently promised to take away the pain, if she would but allow it.

  Amelia resisted, restraining the dragon deep within, refusing to allow the beast to take wing, even as her heart longed to do so. The most difficult nights were those when the moon was at its brightest, her soul crying out to fly among the crisp clouds. She feared the reaction of her new friends, were they to learn she was among the blessed and had invaded the sanctuary created to escape her kind.


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