Hard Pass (Saints of Love Book 3)

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Hard Pass (Saints of Love Book 3) Page 19

by Elizabeth Perry

  The very last thing I’m going to do is let him think that he’s getting the best of me. Honestly, fuck this guy.

  “We certainly do.” Serena assures them both, before I can snap at him that I’m not making any accommodations for his unexpected side piece. I glance at my watch. The wedding starts in two hours with the reception immediately after. The day is almost half over. I just have to make it through the rest of the day and then I’ll never have to deal with this man again.


  Serena ushers the two of them out of the room, but the sight of them together has triggered me more than it should. I practice my deep breathing. I try to block the images of him out of my mind. When those things fail, I glance up at the cross on the ceiling, begging God to grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. Like for example, Wyatt Anderson.

  He must be listening, because, shortly after, I’m able to clear my head enough to get back to work. And by the time that Willow arrives, I’m able to shift all of my attention to her.

  I help her get into her dress, and then once that’s all settled, I take a few minutes to fix myself. I slide my dress on and fluff my hair, adding a layer of mascara and lip gloss to my face before calling it good. But when I tug at my dress to expose a bit more cleavage, I realize that I’m starting to give in again. I pull my dress right back up.

  I’m not in competition with the woman on Wyatt’s arm. Trying to compete with that is entering a game that I will never be able to win, and frankly, the prize just isn’t worth it. There’s just no damn sense in fighting for a man incapable of love. No sense in trying to win a heart that can’t be won. One who doesn’t deserve mine, either.

  Once I’m certain that Willow is all set, I move from her room and get back to work. The guests are starting to arrive, the pianist is playing the selected songs beautifully, and despite the unease filling me, the day is playing out perfectly. I spot Wyatt’s date nestled into a pew, and even though I hate myself for doing it, I glare at her and mouth a silent fuck you. Of course, she doesn’t hear me, but the sad thing is, it makes me feel better.

  Just as I’m about to turn around, my world is yet again kicked out from under me. The smell of the man is familiar. One that haunts my memories and causes me to wake from sleep. And as my eyes shift up, my breath catches.

  “Have you seen my sister?” His eyes are empty as they land on mine. The familiar fire that I’m used to seeing in them is completely gone. Empty pools of blue stare back into mine. The sight of it takes my breath away.

  “She’s in her changing room.” He lifts his chin in my direction, and then takes a step back, moving away from me without another glance.

  “Why are you treating me like this?” My arms cross and my glare levels with his back. He keeps moving away from me, and for a split second, I think that he’s going to ignore me and keep moving. He stills momentarily, shakes his head, and then grunts. When he looks back at me, his face is distorted in anger.

  “I’m not doing this with you today, Gia. I’m all done playing your games.”

  At least he knows how to say my fucking name.

  “My games?” I charge him, unable to control the emotions bubbling up inside of me and threatening to erupt. “My games? How am I the one playing games? You’re the one showing up here with a fucking date, Wyatt. A goddamn date!”

  In one swift movement, his hands grab onto my shoulders and I’m lifted off of my feet, shoved into the coat closet as he kicks the door shut behind him. It’s only then that I notice the way that his chest heaves.

  “You’re pissed that I’m here with a date, when all you’ve done for the last two months is string me along.” His words are harsh, his tone even worse. Anger radiates off of him and smacks into me, but it doesn’t even faze me. I’m plenty pissed here, too. “I fucking begged you for a chance. I let my heart bleed over you, Gia. I made an ass out of myself, and let you paint me as a fucking clown. And for what? For you to pick that guy again and hang me out to dry?” He shakes his head. “It ends now, Princess. You’re getting what you wanted, so stop acting like this was on me. If I would have had it my way, you’d be the one on my arm. The one in my fucking bed, screaming my name. You didn’t want that. You chose to end up with Cole. Again.”

  “Chose Cole?” I can’t even believe what I’m hearing right now. “Have you lost your damn mind? I’m not with him…”

  His face fills with disgust. “Just stop, alright? You don’t have to be with him to be fucking him. He didn’t just magically end up in your bed. But I guess that’s your MO though, right? Is that what happened with Colton, too?”

  “Fuck you.” It’s my turn to spit my words at him. How fucking dare he come at me with any of these accusations?

  Fine, I’ll give it to him, what he walked in on with Cole looked bad. I never anticipated my ex-husband ending up spending the night at my house, but the man was there to sleep. For fuck’s sake, he slept in bed with Delilah. And if Wyatt would have just asked me, instead of jumping to conclusions, I could have cleared it all up right then and there.

  But to throw Colton in my face…that’s a low fucking blow, and one that frankly, I can’t forgive.

  “You’re right.” I lean towards him, my eyes wild with anger. “I guess I asked for it, right? My dress was too tight. My boobs too big. My laugh too loud. All those things equated into it being ok for him to back me into a wall and fucking grope me. To touch me when I didn’t want it. To not understand the word no. Is that really what you think of me? Because if that’s the case, then let me take a moment to say eat shit and fucking die, Wyatt.” I shove past him, my shoulder knocking hard against his arm. Just as I reach for the door and start to open it, his fist slams into it, slamming it shut and making me jump.

  “What in the fuck did you just say?” His chest is heaving from his words, his teeth clenched and his eyes wild with anger.

  “You fucking heard me. Not that it matters. You already made your mind up about me.” I tug at the door but it’s no use. There’s no escape until he decides to free me.

  “Colton pushed himself on you?”

  I spin around to face him, finding him so close to me that our breaths collide. The air between us is thick, the tension at an all-time high. His once styled hair is now haphazardly strewn all over his head.

  “I didn’t stutter,” I snap. “Not that it changes a damn thing. You already labeled me a whore in your head. Don’t try to pretend that you didn’t.”

  “Don’t you ever put words in my mouth,” he roars, his voice ricocheting off of the walls and pounding into my eardrums. “I’ve never called you anything like that. You’re the one who decided that about me.”

  “Well, if the shoe fits.”

  “He told me that he fucked you.” Every inch of him is shaking with fury. “He gave me vivid fucking details about the shit that he did with you. Did he…” His features twist, agony clear as day inside of his eyes. “Did he…”

  “Did he rape me?” Wyatt’s face turns white, but his cheeks stay a furious shade of red.

  “No.” Anger floods my veins as the memory of that night leaves me in just a few short words. “I kissed him. I shamelessly flirted with him, but then shit got dark. The second I said no, he pushed harder. He touched me through my clothes, but I was able to get away. He didn’t rape me, Wyatt. Maybe that was his plan, maybe not. But if he gave you any details besides what I just said, he was lying. Not that I expect you to believe me.”

  Relief floods his face, but anger still simmers inside of me. Fuck him for believing Colton over me. That guy is a complete tool.

  He stares down at me. I stare up at him. Neither one of us say a single word, not that we need to. Our eyes are saying everything that our mouths can’t.

  “I’m going to deal with the Colton shit, Gia, that much I fucking promise you.” The cracking of his knuckles the only sound filling the air besides my sharp breaths. “But Cole…”

  “Cole got drunk and came to
my house, Wyatt. Yes, he begged for me back. Yes, he was too drunk to drive home so I took his keys and he slept it off in my bed. But you didn’t even give me a chance to explain.”

  “What’s there to explain? You picked him, Gia. You always fucking pick him.”

  “I never picked him over you.” I lean forward, spitting my words at him. “You broke up with me, Wyatt. You are the one who left me. The one who gave me some bullshit excuse for breaking my heart.”

  “I didn’t have any other choices!” he growls. “I was too caught up in you, Gia! I was ready to quit football just to be with you! I had to end things, otherwise, my life never would have amounted to shit!”

  “You picked you, Wyatt. The same as you always do. I only ended up with Cole because he was the one there to pick up the pieces after you broke my heart.”

  “Yeah?” He grunts. “How’d that work out for you?”

  “Fuck you.”

  This time when I shove past him, he doesn’t try to stop me.



  I’m fucking shaking. Every inch of me, shaken to the goddamn core. I knew that today was going to be hell, having to face Gia after everything that went down between us this week, but I thought that I was ready for it.

  Turns out, nothing could ever prepare me to face her. It’s déjà vu and I hate it. The story may be different, but it’s still got the same damn ending.

  The one where I don’t end up with the girl.

  Declan beams at me as he walks into the church. The second that he catches sight of the expression on my face, however, it drops.

  “Dude.” He’s at my side immediately, his voice low. “What’s wrong? Is it Willow? Did that asshat not show up?”

  “She’s fine.” I wave him off, even though deep down, I have worries in my gut over my sister too. I was able to get a few seconds with her in her dressing room, and the girl looks like someone murdered her kitten. I haven’t been around a lot of brides, but I don’t need that kind of experience to know that my sister does not look like she’s happy to walk down the aisle. In fact, she looks like she’s about to walk the line towards her own assassination. I’m starting to think that this day can’t possibly get any worse.

  “Gia?” This time when he stares at me, I don’t even bother to answer. Not that I need to. The expression on my face says it all.

  “Dude.” He shakes his head. “I told you bringing a date was a bad idea. The last thing that you need to be doing is pissing off your wedding planner. She still has time to ruin this.”

  “Ruin this?” I scoff. “My sister is the unhappiest that I’ve ever seen her. I have a chick in a pew who thinks she’s my date and I don’t even know her name, because I literally scooped her up off the street before coming here today. And then,” my hands flop at my side, “she tells me that she didn’t pick Cole, and that she didn’t willingly hook up with Colton. The dude put his hands on her after she said no. Now I gotta try to act cool while I’m secretly losing my shit and walk my miserable sister down the aisle even though I know in my heart it’s the wrong thing!”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” One of Jude’s lady friends pushes her way in the middle of us. I’d laugh over the fact that a four foot five, eighty-year-old woman managed to push two football players out of her way on a normal day, but right now, I’ve got no laughs and no fucks left to give.

  “I cannot listen to this anymore. Men are so dense, I can hardly stand it. Tell Dr. Willow to call this damn thing off. You know just as much as I do that she’s making a mistake. Then, get that big tittied girl out of this church. It was a dick move to bring her but coming from you Wyatt, I’m not surprised. Then, go find that girl and apologize to her. A real, heartfelt apology, not one with your dick. And once she accepts it, if she accepts, tell her that you love her! For crying out loud, say the damn words to her already. I’m sick of waiting around for you to realize something that’s clear as day.”

  My eyes lock with Gigi’s. Leave it to her to break it all down for me in about two seconds.

  “You mean…”

  “I’m not repeating myself. You’ve been staring at the girl for months now with lovestruck eyes. I don’t know what it is with you football players. You’re all sexy as hell but you’re about as dumb as a box of rocks.” She finishes off her roast by smacking me across the chest with her purse.

  Declan snorts as she walks away.

  “Looks like she told you.”

  I stare at him.

  “Get rid of her.”

  “What?” Declan’s eyebrows rise. “I’m not throwing Gigi out. She’d kick my…”

  “Not Gigi.” I nod my head towards the church. “The other one. By the way, I never laid a hand on her. Feel free to throw her out and find her later. She’s all yours.”

  “You can still back out.” I’ve got Willow cornered in her room, staring hard at her.

  “Um, I’m walking down the aisle in ten minutes, Wyatt. It’s a little late to back out now.”

  “But you want to.” I’m urging her to tell me the truth. To say the words now, before she makes the biggest mistake of her life. Actually, I’m trying to fix both of our mistakes. Her wedding, and of course, Gia. I’m in fix it mode for sure.

  “BJ is a great guy, Wyatt. I’m doing the right thing.”

  The right thing. Gia’s words wash over me, circling me until I can hardly stand it anymore. Is that what Willow’s doing? Marrying the guy who’s the safe choice? The one who she thinks won’t hurt her? If that’s the case, who’s the other one? The one that she’s not taking a chance on?

  “Listen.” I tip my finger underneath her chin and force her eyes to meet mine. “I don’t give a fuck about this wedding. I don’t care about the money; I don’t care about the people inside of that church. I care about you. So, if at any point, from this moment until you say I do, you decide that you want out, I’ll have you whisked out of this church in a heartbeat, baby girl. And I’ll fuck up anyone who tries to stop you.”

  The door opens, and in a rush, my attention shifts.

  “It’s time.” Gia beams at my sister. Her eyes narrow when she sees me standing here.

  “Great.” Willow’s voice is the fakest that I’ve ever heard. “Showtime, stud.” We make our way out of the room, pausing momentarily in front of the big mahogany wood doors that lead into the chapel.

  “Willow…” I start, but she waves me right off.

  “Shut it, Wyatt.” She inhales sharply as the piano begins to play our song, signaling to us that it’s finally time. But as we start down the aisle, I can’t shake the overwhelming feeling of dread. I try to tell myself that it’s all in my head, and that things aren’t really that bad.

  In a few minutes, however, the world yet again tips, and I’m once again left shaking my fucking head.



  “Wyatt!” I’m not sure which one of us is screaming louder, Willow or myself. The poor bride is throwing her body aimlessly between her brother’s fist and Jude fucking Masters, while I’m trying to tackle Wyatt from the back. If this weren’t a wedding that I planned, or frankly, the man that I love with his fist smashing into another man’s face, I might find this comical. I said might.

  There’s not a damn thing funny about this. The guests are all standing up and watching the show intently. Some of them have their phones out, recording the debacle currently in progress. Me, I’m just trying to stop the fight and figure out how in the hell to do damage control.

  Less than a minute ago, a seemingly intoxicated Jude stood up and told the entire church that he’s in love with Willow and that the groom is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. He blatantly told her that she was making a mistake by marrying BJ.

  Oh, but wait.

  He also announced, in front of every person here, that he’s been sleeping with Willow-his best friend’s little sister. Hence, the reason that Wyatt has now lost complete control.

  “You’re going to kill him!” A littl
e old woman comes rushing to Jude’s side, one of the women that he cares for, no doubt. It’s only then that Wyatt’s fist pauses, long enough for me to grab onto his arm and for Willow to officially center herself between her now unconscious lover and her brother, who was moments ago, his very best friend.

  Wyatt’s angry eyes turn my way, and as they land on me, a look that I’ve never seen before flashes in his eyes. It sends chills down my spine. I release him, just as Declan swoops in between the two of them, grabbing Wyatt in a tight bear hug and pulling him off of Jude’s limp body.

  Serena catches my attention, and we immediately jump into action. We usher guests out of the church as fast as we can, not stopping until the only people left in the room are BJ, Willow, and Jude. I hear Gigi call for an ambulance, and I hear the door slam shut as Declan drags Wyatt away from the room. I stand back and assess the damage, just as Jude wakes up and comes to.

  “You can’t marry this guy, Willow,” he pleads to her, blood dripping from his face and smearing all over her gown. “He’s not the right one for you. You should be marrying me, baby. He’ll never love you the way that I do.”

  It’s right then that I decide to back out of the room and give them some space. It’s obviously personal. But right before I make it through the double doors, Gigi grabs ahold of my arm.

  “Did he tell you yet?”

  I glance back at Jude in confusion. Gigi just rolls her eyes.

  “Not him.” Her arms fold across her chest. “The other brainiac.”

  At the look of confusion on my face, she frowns.

  “Look, since no one seems to be able to speak their feelings, let me break it down for you. Wyatt’s an idiot, but he loves you. He just doesn’t know how to say it.”

  “Wyatt is here with another woman.” I frown, a sickening feeling taking over my gut, at the idea that he’s somewhere with her right now, letting her soothe him and kisses his wounds. Bitch.

  “He kicked that skank out before the wedding even started. He didn’t even know her name.”


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