Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight

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Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight Page 7

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “And how often has she asked you to do this?”

  “You’re the first one.”

  Ruth laughed, “And I have a feeling, I’ll be your last one, too.”


  Mid‒morning, as they sat in Vicky’s office, just before lunch, Aidan glanced at Vicky, then began going over the latest intel on the hostiles in Syria. Vicky looked over the latest census reports, and then glanced at Aidan. Both had a smile on their face, until Yvonne tapped on the partially open door, and poked her head in.

  “There’s a phone call from Ginnie Mayflower, for you on line two. Also there’s another call on line three, from Boston Memorial.”

  “Thanks, Yvonne. Reschedule my next meeting, oh and please, close the door as you leave.”

  Ginnie Mayflower, Chairwoman for the Corporate Board, rarely called, mainly because she didn’t have cause to. So when she did call, Vicky knew it was critical.

  “Ready? Here we go.” She took a deep breath, then put the call on speaker, so they both could listen in.

  “Good morning, Vicky.”

  “Good morning, Madame Chair. I take it you got my email?”

  “Yes, and also the inpatient admissions report. Do you have time to talk about both?”

  “Of course.”

  “Congratulations on bringing the patients back to the hospital. I have to admit, I didn’t think you could do it.”

  “Well, I think it was more Aidan’s doing than mine.” Vicky said, over Aidan’s objecting hand waving.

  Ginnie continued, “Perhaps, but you were the catalyst. Tell me something, are the donations still coming in?”

  Vicky grinned, and replied, “Yes ma’am, they sure are.”

  “I guess President Trenton turned on the faucet, didn’t he? And I hear your book is number one on the best seller list. Congratulations.”

  “It is? Oh, um, thank you.”

  Vicky had forgotten all about the book she wrote called, ‘My Life as a CEO’. It was really more for corporate to be able to parade her around, as the youngest CEO of a healthcare system, than anything else. But her book came out the same time the hospital was attacked by terrorist, so she didn’t give it a second thought.

  Aidan took a pad and pen, and wrote, “Congratulations!” across it, holding it up for Vicky to see. Vicky mouth the words, thank you, at her lover.

  “In your email, you talked as though we were going to fire you, because you were pregnant. I want to assure you, that this is not the case. Yes, we probably should have, and it will probably come back to haunt us in the future, but we also know that you single-handily turned that hospital around, not once, but twice, and now everything you touch is gold. So, let me put it out on the table for you.”

  Vicky drew in a sharp breath. Aidan winked at her, knowing how apprehensive she was.

  “We know about the offer from Boston, Vicky, and would like to counter that, with an offer of our own. We have a proposition for you, to run the largest health system in our arsenal, and a five year contract, with a very hefty pay increase. The board feels you’ve earned it, and hope that you will consider staying with us.”

  “Oh… um…, could you give me just a moment to consider your generous offer, please?”

  “Of course. Take all the time you need.”

  Vicky hit the mute button on the phone, and anxiously looked at Aidan. “What should I do? I mean, that’s a really huge offer.”

  “It will certainly make your career. But what do you want to do kid?”

  She thought for a minute, trying to weigh all the possibilities, but inevitably it came down to one thing, “To be honest, I think I’d really prefer staying here, at St. Frances.”

  “Yeah, I know how much you love this hospital, and I know it’s not about the money for you. So let’s stay here, if we can. This is our home.”

  Vicky’s eyes misted over, God, I love the way she thinks. She unmuted the speaker, “Madame Chair, it’s a very generous offer, to be sure, and I am grateful to the board for their faith in me, but I’d prefer to stay right where I’m at, if that’s possible? St. Frances is my home, and I firmly believe that one day, St. Frances will be the largest health system in your arsenal.”

  Though she couldn’t see Ginnie’s face, the audible gasp, told her the woman on the other end of the line, was shocked.

  “Are you sure, Vicky? This offer doesn’t come around every day, you know?”

  Relaxing her formality, Vicky replied, “I’m sure, Ginnie, this is where I want to be.”

  “All right then, I’ll let the board know of your decision.”

  Aidan quickly got a clean sheet of paper, and scribbled on it, then held it up for Vicky to read, ‘Ask for the money and the longer contract.’

  Vicky grinned and thought, she’s starting to read my mind too. “One thing, Madame Chair. As you said, I’m gold now, so—”

  Ginnie interrupted her, “Of course Vicky, we’d still like to give you the raise, you’ve earned it.”

  “That’s very generous, and I’ll take it, of course, but I also want the…,” Aidan raised her hand indicating the number five, “longer contract, five years longer, at least.”

  “Done, anything else?”

  “Yes, about my leave of absence?”

  “Oh, yes, that’s been approved. We’ll send your temporary replacement down there immediately.”

  “Thanks so much. Please, tell the board how appreciative I am.”

  “I’ll be happy to, and you have a good time on your sabbatical. After all you’ve been through, you deserve some time off.”

  If only she knew… “Thanks, Ginnie.”

  Vicky hung up the line, and let out a very loud, “YAHOOOO!” Jumping up from her desk, she started dancing around as if she were ten years old again. She didn’t even hear Yvonne knock on the door.

  “Is everything all right, Vicky?”

  Laughing, Aidan called to her, “Come in, Yvonne.”

  “Um, are you okay, Vicky?”

  But Vicky didn’t hear her, she turned to Aidan and exclaimed, “Do you know what this means, Aidan? They can’t play the pregnant card, or the gay card, or any other card on me, ever again. They’ve got nothing to hang over me, anymore. I’m FREE!”

  Aidan laughed, “Yes you are, baby.”

  Vicky twirled around like she was on an Austrian mountain top, and Aidan thought she might burst into song at any moment. Aidan patted the chair beside her, and suggested that Yvonne, who was completely bewildered, take a seat. Then Aidan noticed the on hold light, was still blinking.

  “Hey baby, Boston is still waiting.”

  “What? Oh gosh!” Vicky grabbed up the phone and thanked them, but quickly turned down the offer, and hung up.

  “Oh, Yvonne, when did you come in?”

  Yvonne looked at Aidan, but she couldn’t stop laughing, so she turned back to her boss, “Everything okay, Vicky?”

  “It couldn’t be better! Sit down, we need to tell you something.”

  Aidan laughed again, “Uh, Vick, she is sitting down.”

  “What? Oh, yes, of course.” Vicky came back down to earth, and immediately went into her business mode, “Okay, so Aidan and I will be taking a leave of absence for a couple of months. The local board is meeting this week, to approve the new Administrator who will run this hospital, and corporate will bring in a temp to take over my duties for the health system. You will continue in your position, working with the temp.”

  Yvonne asked, “Will you be checking in with us?”

  Vicky looked at Aidan, who shook her head no, so she turned back to Yvonne, “No, we will be unavailable, pretty much the entire time, which leads me to ask you for a personal favor.”

  “Of course Vicky, just name it.”

  “My parents. I need to make sure they are cared for, while I’m gone. I mean, they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, I would just feel better, if I knew they had someone dependable, like you, to rely on.”

  Aidan lo
oked at Vicky, and for the first time, realized that it was going to be very hard for her, to leave her family behind. She knew Vicky had always been so close to her father, the quintessential daddy’s girl. She had always envied Vicky that, because she was afraid of him as a child. Not that he ever did anything except be kind to her. But Aidan’s own father told her that he was an evil man, who would snatch her up and take her far away. Thinking that through now, knowing what a bastard her father was, she should have considered the source.

  “Aidan, I haven’t had a chance to tell you, but I talked with my folks, and they’ve agreed to live in my house, while we’re gone. Unfortunately, they won’t move here permanently. At least, that’s what they say now. Once they get up here, and see how convenient everything is, I’m hoping to persuade them otherwise. They’ve also decided to go ahead and retire, and even turned in their notices to their jobs. Isn’t that fantastic! I think with all the recent scares we’ve had at the hospital, they’ve decided it was time to enjoy life.

  So anyway, they’ll be close by, and if you wouldn’t mind, Yvonne, just being their emergency contact while I’m gone, I’d very much appreciate it. Another contact if you should need help, will be my Aunt Ruth. She’s the new concierge manager here. I’ll leave you her number along with my credit card, should they need anything. Anyway, I’d like to pay you for your time and trouble as well.”

  “I’d be happy to help, Vicky, and it’s no trouble at all.”

  “Thank you. That’s a huge relief to me.”

  “I do have one question, if I may?” Yvonne had a worried look on her face, almost as if she were going to be abandon.

  “Of course, Yvonne, what is it?”

  “I don’t mean to presume, and certainly didn’t mean to ease drop, but from your phone conversation, it sounded like you had another job offer. Will you be coming back to St. Frances?”

  “Yes, my contract just got extended, and I’m here to stay. Well, at least for five more years, anyway.”

  Yvonne let out an audible sigh, and stood to leave.

  “Hold on. I’ve got a question for you, now. When I get back, we’re going to start building and expanding, and it will be crazy and exciting, and very, very busy. Will you be a part of that with me?”

  Yvonne was flattered that her boss would even ask her that, “I’d certainly like to be, Vicky.”

  “Good, that’s all I wanted to hear, thank you.” Vicky got up and hugged her.

  Yvonne left feeling better than when she came in.

  “Well, that just about covers everything on my to-do list. I’m almost ready to go.” She suddenly became nervous. She was unsure of what was coming, and she didn’t like being unsure. She liked being in control. Vicky knew it was one thing to be a business woman in a corporate environment, but to take off the dress and high heels, and put on fatigues and flat boots, was going to be a huge change for her. She just hoped all her bravado turned out to be real.

  “How about you, Aid?”

  Aidan looked at her and laughed, “Uh, no worries here, kid. I’d like to say goodbye to Dr. Kline, and Paul down in security, but that’s about it for me.”

  “Well, all right then, what now?”

  “Now I call and schedule our training. We can start training on Monday, so we’ll need to fly to North Carolina on Sunday.”

  “Wow, so soon?”

  “Do you need more time?”

  “No, no I’m good. I’ll take off the rest of the week, and help my parents get moved up here, and say goodbye to everyone here, and—”

  “Let me know when you’re ready to move the folks up, and I’ll help. As for the rest, I know you’ve got stuff to do, so I’ll get out of your hair. I want to see if the Doc is free, and tell my boss I quit.”

  Where Vicky would have normally smiled at that, she was momentarily consumed with melancholy. Things were changing faster than she was ready for them to. And though Aidan was referring to her immediate boss, Breda Kelly, Marketing Director, Vicky felt it personally, because it was a change she did not want to have happen.

  Aidan sensed her lover’s sudden mood change, before she saw it. “It’s okay, baby. I’m just quitting my job, not my position as your fiancée.” She grabbed Vicky up in her arms, and kissed her tenderly, “I love you, baby.”

  She knew just what I needed to hear. “I love you to, sweetheart.”


  Needing more coffee, Aidan swung through the cafeteria first, and practically ran into Dr. Kline, “Hey Doc, got a minute?”

  “Sure, let me get my coffee, and I’m all yours.”

  She joined him at the coffee dispenser, and poured herself a cup of strong, black coffee. Then they sat down at a table, and she began. “I just wanted to say goodbye.”


  “Yes, I’m going to find Sam and bring her home.”

  He looked at her intently and could tell she was serious, and determined. He asked, “And Vicky?”

  “You were right about letting her decide for herself, she’s going with me.” Interesting, was all he provided, prompting Aidan to ask, “You disapprove?”

  “It’s not for me to say, either way, Aidan. I have no doubt, though, that she will be an asset to you. She is extremely clever and flexible, and I’m sure she’ll adapt just fine.”

  Aidan was relieved. That was as close to an approval as she was going to get from him, and his approval meant more than she first realized. Still, she felt compelled to reassure him. “I promise, Doc, I will take good care of Vicky.”

  “Emotionally and physically?”

  She was almost side swiped by his question, until she gave it some thought, and realized what he wasn’t saying. “Yes, the two are not interchangeable.”

  He nodded his head, satisfied with her determination.

  “Listen Doc,” she reached behind her head, and pulled out the Medal of Honor, that hung around her neck. Then she reached in to her pocket and retrieved her Medal of Freedom, “would you keep these safe for me? I don’t have time to get a safety deposit box, before we leave.”

  Kline instantly stood up, and saluted, as an act of respect, for the prestigious medals. He was, after all, a retired Marine, and knew that the medals stood for what was good about America. Aidan smiled up at him, and thought, guess I’d better get used to that.

  “I’d be honor, Aidan. Thank you.”


  Vicky sat in front of her executive team, who had quickly gather for the impromptu meeting. She announced her plans for sabbatical, talked about corporate sending a temporary CEO down, and that she had hired the Administrator’s replacement. She gave instructions on what she expected while she was gone, and then she fielded questions. Some of them she couldn’t answer, needing to protect her privacy, and the secrecy of the mission she was about to undertake. After the meeting ended, Vicky hugged each member of her team, as they filed out. Then she walked into her office and sat down at her computer. Taking another sip of her coffee, she composed an email to all employees at the main hospital.


  To my wonderful coworkers at St. Frances Hospital:

  We’ve been through a lot together, these past few months, and have come out stronger for it. I am so proud of each and every one of you, and your devotion to our patients. I know the recent influx of patients has sometimes been challenging, but you are handling it with compassion and professionalism, just as our core values dictate.

  There will be some changes in leadership, that I want to tell you about. First, the board has approved the new administrator, Dakota Lewis, for this hospital, and she will be reporting for duty in a few weeks, so please make her feel welcomed. She comes highly recommended from our corporate board, and I am confident that she will be a great asset to St. Frances. She will run the day to day operations of this hospital, while I will continue to oversee the health system as a whole.

  Also, you’ll be seeing another new face soon, as I am taking a sabbatical, beginning immediately. The cor
porate office will be sending a temporary CEO to fill in for me, but I’m not sure who that will be yet. The transition should be seamless and business will continue as usual.

  Finally, I want to assure you, that despite what you may have heard, this hospital is not closing. Thanks to your dedication, we are stronger than we have ever been. In fact we are bursting at the seams, and plans are already being drawn up to expand, thanks to some generous donations from the public, and from President-Emeritus Jackson Trenton. So, the future at St. Frances is very exciting, you’ll want to make sure you’re a part of it.

  Thank you, and God bless you all.

  Victoria A. Montgomery

  President & CEO

  St. Frances Health System


  Vicky hesitated on the send button, because she knew, if she sent it out now, while she was still in the office, people would start coming in to say goodbye, and she’d never get out of there. Truth be told, she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep her emotions in check, if that happened. So she decided she would ask Yvonne to send it, after she left.

  She began packing her pictures, knick-knacks, and personal papers. Once she had the packing nearly finished, she looked around her empty office. I’m going to miss this place. A lot of history was made right here in my office. Then she realized she had unfinished business. Remembering the secret code Aidan jokingly came up with, Vicky walked over to the venetian blinds, and closed them, hiding the office from the outside world. She suppressed a giggle, and returned to her packing.

  On her way back from telling Breda she was resigning, Aidan noticed the blinds to Vicky’s office were closed. She panicked at first, remembering what had happened to them the last time. She had mistaken the closed blinds for a signal that Vicky wanted to make out in her office, so she came rushing in. But instead of finding Vicky, Aidan was greeted by a terrorist waving a rifle. This time, she cautiously, walked into the office with that memory in mind. The office didn’t look right. Vicky’s things were missing, her desk was clean except for a few papers, and there were boxes sitting in the corner.


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