Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight

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Remember, It’s You I Love: Operation Pink Knight Page 12

by Mairsile Leabhair


  “Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, GOD!”

  “That’s it kitten, enjoy the ride, courtesy of yours truly.”

  “You are… so… full of… your… self…”

  “Well, not to be to crass, but I believe it’s you who are full, my dear.” Kate laughed at her own joke, clearly enjoying her role in Ruth’s orgasm.

  Once the tingling tremors subsided, Ruth rolled towards Kate, and stated, “I have never had so many orgasm’s in all my life, and my first husband was a horny bastard.”

  “It’s not the horns that bring the pleasure, my dear. It’s the desire. What? You thought I was going to say tongue, didn’t you?”

  “Yep, you caught me. That was a very sensitive thing to say, Kate. It is all about the desire to be with another, that makes the difference.”

  “Okay, who is she?”


  Kate ran her fingers up Ruth’s forearm, and across her collarbone. “You’ve met someone, haven’t you? Let me guess, it’s Maddie. Am I right?”

  Ruth blushed, embarrassed that she was so easy to read. “Yes, it’s Maddie. I can’t believe I was that obvious. Oh God, you don’t think she noticed, do you?”

  “I hope so, or I’m not a very good teacher. Listen, Maddie is wonderful in bed. You two should have a lot of fun.”

  “Oh…, so she is a lesbian? I wasn’t sure.”

  “You weren’t sure? Hmm, maybe she needs more of Kate’s special lessons.”

  Puzzled, Ruth looked at her, wondering if she shouldn’t forget about Maddie, if she was Kate’s play toy too. But Kate laughed, and tweaked her nose, as if she were a little girl.

  “Kitten, I’m only funning with you. Maddie and I only had a connection once, and I let her go, satisfied and happy. But I’ve watched her watch you, and that girl is ripe for the picking. She’s a good one, you should ply your charms on her.”

  “I don’t think I have any charms?”

  “Are you kidding me? You ooze charm, with your casual, non-concerned, over the top humor. And if that doesn’t work, just tell her who your niece is.”

  “No thanks. I don’t want her to go out with me because of my niece. You didn’t know, and yet, still asked me out, so I know I’m not a completely hopeless case.”

  “Oh, kitten. You don’t know, do you?”

  “Know what?”

  “How completely endearing you are. How attractive, how sexy, how alluring, you really are. And I can make you come…, I mean I can bring all that out for you, if you’d just take me shopping with you. What you’re wearing now, is fine—”

  “Well sure it is, I ain’t wearing nothing.”

  “We’ll work on your grammar next, right now I’m referring to the blouse and slacks you wear. That’s not who you are, kitten.”

  “Oh? And you know who I am?”

  “I know who you want to be. And I can help you be that person.”

  Ruth smiled. After all these years of denying it, she would like to find out who she could be. “Okay. Call in sick, and let’s go shopping.”

  Chapter 11

  The recruits next task was similar to the cutouts, where they had to sneak up on the Drill Sergeant, and with knife in hand, grab his chin and slit his throat. The trainees used rubber knifes, but still, it made Vicky’s stomach churn, that, and the fact that if he heard the recruit coming, he would flipped them over his shoulder, and they would land flat on their backs, in the dirt, in pain. Waiting in line for her turn, she wondered where the tigress was, that she had possessed last night.

  “Aidan, I don’t think I can do this.”

  Good. I’m glad. Aidan would have been disappointed, if Vicky didn’t have a problem with it. She worried that the tender side of her fiancée was being transformed into a killer. That’s not who Vicky was, and certainly not who Aidan had fallen in love with, all those years ago. She could only hope that when it was all over, her sweet, innocent lover would return. Shaking off her uneasiness, Aidan suggested that Vicky pretend, like they did when they were kids.

  “Remember when we played soldiers as kids, and you had to capture my fort? You snuck up behind me, and pretended that you shot me? Just pretend Vicky, that’s all you have to do, okay?”

  Vicky thought about it for a moment, and decided she liked that idea. Just pretend like she was ten years old again. When it was her turn to sneak up on the Drill Sergeant, she did so with the mine set of a game she played as a child. That took the harshness of murder out of her mind, and allowed her to disassociate from what the reality would have been.

  With the others watching, she quietly moved behind the Drill Sergeant, but quickly realized she was too short to reach up to his chin. Thinking fast on her feet, she tapped him on the left shoulder, and when he turned, she came at him from the right, and poked him in the stomach with the rubber knife. The Drill Sergeant was completely surprised, and surprisingly impressed.

  “Now, this is how you do it, trainees. You have to be able to improvise in the field. Well done, Montgomery.”

  Vicky smiled, as she thought, finally, I did something right.

  That night, though exhausted beyond measure, Vicky couldn’t sleep. She played with her engagement ring, dangling from her dog tags, as she recalled the firing range practice, where she shot the cardboard baby in the head. She could not get that vision out of her mind.

  “Want to talk about it?” Aidan asked, as she rolled onto her back.

  “No, it’s okay, go back to sleep, honey.”

  “The first time I went through training, I hit everything but the bad guy, and I admit, it was really hard the first time I shot the mother. It’s not easy, and you can’t be one hundred percent right every time, but we all improve with practice.”

  Surprised, Vicky looked up at her, “Really, you shot the mother?”

  She nodded her head, “We all do, Vick, even that damn Drill Sergeant out there.”

  Vicky drank in her lover’s words, like they were a glass of chardonnay. Chardonnay that quenched the thirst of her guilt so satisfactorily, that exhaustion took its place. She laid her head on Aidan’s shoulder, and placed her hand across her stomach, “Thanks for that, honey,” she muttered, and then fell fast asleep.

  Aidan smiled, and whispered, “Sweet dreams, baby.”


  Though week two began with a heavy load to carry, because they now had to run carrying a full pack on their backs, the trainees energy double with the arrival of week three. Week three meant they would get a day off on Saturday. This week concentrated on hand to hand combat, wrestling and pin downs. Jerry was the star in pinning his opponent. No one could touch him, not even the Drill Sergeant. Aidan had a more difficult time, because she couldn’t get her long legs up under her opponent. She decided her problem was that she needed more upper body strength, so she was going to concentrate her efforts on that. Vicky didn’t fare near as well as the other two, though she found it easier than the other things she had been doing. But after being pinned down every time, she finally let her frustration out, “Son of a bitch!”

  During dinner in the mess hall that evening, the team sat together, as they did every night, but this time, they had more stamina than before. Previously, Vicky practically fell asleep in her food. But tonight she had enough energy to join in the conversation.

  “Jerry, how do you do it, how do you always pin your opponent like that?” she asked.

  “I’m glad you brought that up, ma’am—”

  “Vicky. My friends call me Vicky.”

  “Thanks, Vicky, my friends call me Jerry.” His deadpan delivery was well received by Vicky, because his humor reminder her of her Aunt Ruth. “I think I can help you, Vicky, if you’d allow me to show you a few things?”

  “Absolutely! Can we go now?”

  “Uh, can we finish eating first, kid?” Aidan asked with a grin.

  Vicky scooped up her food, and gulped it down in two bites, “Ready?” Motivated by frustration, and the feeling that the
re had to be some trick she was missing, because she knew, she should be able to pin at least one person down. She was already out the door, by the time the other two had caught up with her.

  Vicky grabbed some mats lying nearby, and laid them out on the ground near the monkey bars.

  Jerry walked over and stood by the mat, and began to explain, “Okay, I’ve noticed that most of the trainees, first go on top of their opponent, thinking whoever is king of the hill, has the upper hand. But that isn’t necessarily so. You’re smaller than the rest of us, so you have to be sneakier. Go underneath your opponent and pull their elbow out, or pull their knee out from under them. They won’t see it coming.” He got down on all fours, “Com’on, give it a try.”

  Vicky got into position, and Aidan called, one two three go. Vicky scrambled underneath him, and yanked on his elbow before he could block her, and down he went.

  He grinned at her, “Wow, you’re a good little scrapper.”

  “Why, thank you sir, it comes from years of tickle torture, from Aidan,” she stood up and wiped herself off, “Can we try it again?”

  As Vicky and Jerry practiced on pinning each other down, Aidan did pullups on the monkey bars, pushing herself as hard as she could, to build up her upper body strength. Finally, with the realization of the backpack test still ahead of them, the three also trained an extra hour after reveille, on their upper body strength, and drug each other as many yards as their legs could stand.

  It wasn’t long before some of the other trainees joined them, and worked out together. This did not go unnoticed by the Drill Sergeant, who watched as the other’s looked to Aidan for approval. She wasn’t aware that her positive support, was what drew them to her, she was just grateful for their support as well.

  Finally, Friday night came. The three friends anxiously waited in line to retrieve their personal belongings, then dressed in their street clothes, and headed for town. Though the younger crowd went straight to the bars, Aidan, Vicky and Jerry, went out to eat at a real restaurant, with real food. The conversation was as appetizing as the steaks, but it didn’t take long for Jerry to feel like a third wheel, not when the sexual tension between Aidan and Vicky was so thick, you could cut it with a steak knife.

  “Listen, I’m going to check out that bar across the street. I’ll catch up with you guys before we leave for the base, okay?”

  “Oh, um, sure Jerry, have fun.”

  He pulled out his wallet to pay, but Aidan waved him off. After he left, Vicky turned to Aidan and asked, “Did we run him off, or something?”

  “Nah, I think he wants to get laid, tonight.”

  “Oh,” she decided that was an excellent idea, “Speaking of which?” She gave Aidan an alluring look.

  Aidan grinned at her, and waved the waitress over.

  As much as Vicky was looking forward to precious time with her lover tonight, she just had to find out what was going on back home, “Honey, do you think I could make one quick phone call?”

  “Let me guess, you want to check in on the hospital, I’ll bet.”

  “Yes,” Vicky grinned, “I’m about to die, not knowing what they’re doing to my hospital.”

  Laughing, Aidan replied, “Sure, let’s find a hotel, wouldn’t want you to die. Not now, when I’m so close to getting laid myself.”

  They checked into a hotel down the street from the restaurant, and as soon as they entered their room, Vicky immediately called Yvonne at her home.

  “Hi Yvonne, sorry to be calling so late. Is this a good time to talk?”

  “Of course, Vicky, is everything all right?”

  “Oh, sure, nothing a little sleep wouldn’t cure. Listen, how are my parents?”

  “They’re happy as they can be, and having the time of their life. Turns out they really like living so close to the Farmers Market, golf course, and theaters. They’re getting spoiled.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful news.”

  Aidan looked at her curiously, so she covered the phone and said her parents are doing great, then she returned to Yvonne and asked, “And how is the hospital, everything okay?”

  “Yes, we’re still being inundated with new patients, and the center for health education building is being repaired, and most of it should be usable in a couple of weeks.”

  “Again, wonderful news.”

  “So tell me, is there anything weird going on, that I should know about?”

  Yvonne laughed and replied, “No, nothing weird going on. They’re trying to keep everything just the same, for your return.”

  “Well, that’s the best news of all, Yvonne, thank you.”

  “Is there anything you want to tell me, Vicky? I mean, you are still coming back, right?”

  She took a deep breath and replied, “I certainly hope to, Yvonne, if everything goes according to plan. I wish I could tell you more, but please, just keep us in your prayers, okay?”

  Yvonne suddenly felt a chill run down her back, “Of course, Vicky, but hurry home, we miss you. We need you here.”

  “Thanks for the kind words, Yvonne. I miss you guys too…, more than you will ever know. See you in a couple of months, okay? Take care.”

  As Vicky hung up the phone, Aidan asked, “So how’s the hospital? Has it fallen down yet?”

  “No, for some reason, they’re surviving just fine without me.”

  “Oh, I doubt that, kid. I doubt that very much.”

  Now that her mind had been set at ease, Vicky narrowed her eyes at Aidan.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I was trying to visualize you naked…, you need to be naked right now, like this.” Vicky unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall in a heap on the floor. She unbuttoned her jeans, sliding them over her hips, and letting them fall on top of the blouse. As she sauntered towards Aidan, she wiggled out of her panties, causing Aidan’s eyes to open wide. She pressed against Aidan, her breasts touching just underneath hers. In a raspy voice she asked, “Could you unharness me, please.”

  Aidan swallowed what was left of her saliva, and wrapped her arms around Vicky, reaching behind her to unlatch her bra, and then letting it drop to the floor.

  Vicky, now completely nude, ignored the cool air, and unbuttoned Aidan’s shirt, letting it fall to the floor, as well. Her eye’s dilated at the sight of Aidan’s unharnessed breasts, throbbing with heated desire, so close to her mouth. But she resisted, and moved her hands down to Aidan’s jeans, unbuttoning them. She tucked her cold hands inside the back of the jeans, and slid them down, over Aidan’s taut buttocks. She also warmed her hands by squeezing Aidan’s ass, as the jeans continued down her long legs, toward the floor.

  Suddenly, as if the exhaustion alarm bell had gone off, the two rushed to the bed to make love before their fatigue took over. Unfortunately for them, they weren’t quick enough, and the minute they laid down, they fell asleep in mid grope.

  The two slept so soundly on the comfortable hotel bed, that the next morning, Vicky woke with a start, thinking she had overslept and was late for roll call. She looked at the clock, surprised to see it was already 0 800. The room was still dark, thanks to the thick curtains covering the hotel windows. She glanced over at her still sleeping lover, and decided to have some fun. Leaning in close to Aidan’s ear, she whispered, “You want to make love to Vicky, you want to make love to Vicky.”

  Aidan mumbled in her sleep, and Vicky continued whispering, “You’re horny, and you must have her, right now.”

  Aidan muttered, “Must have her.”

  Vicky almost giggled out loud, This is really working, who knew? She whispered again, “Take her now, take her now”

  Aidan suddenly rolled over on top of Vicky, and began tickling her.

  “Must tickle her now, must tickle her now.”

  Vicky squealed, and tried to say, “No, I said must take her now” …giggle… “not tickle her now.”

  Aidan laughed at her lover, and began teasing her breasts, as she tickled her ribs. The giggling didn’t stop
even though the tickling had, because Aidan soon had Vicky so stimulated, that she was quickly heading towards a climax. “Must make Vicky come, must make Vicky come.”

  “Oh, wow! Oh wow!” was all Vicky could manage to say, as she felt the orgasm tingle down her legs and up her spine.

  “Damn girl, you’re a firecracker this morning.” But Aidan didn’t let her lover relax. Even before Vicky’s head cleared, she already had her breasts kneaded into aching peaks of yearning. A yearning that Aidan, herself, was feeling deep inside. Still aroused from the first orgasm, it didn’t take much to bring on another one, and quickly Vicky was riding the roller coaster, all over again. “Oh, wow!” she yelled, grabbing hold of Aidan, who watched her crystal blue eyes dilate with the orgasmic tide. Pleased with her work, Aidan finally rolled off of Vicky, and laid beside her, her head propped up on her hand.

  “Wow!” Vicky exclaimed breathlessly, one more time.

  “Good morning, baby.” Aidan grinned at the smile on Vicky’s face.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?”

  “Too well,” Aidan replied, then added, “But I had this crazy dream that I had to have you, right then and there.”

  Laughing, Vicky confessed, “Okay, you caught me, but you can’t blame a girl for trying, can you?”

  “I hope you never stop trying, kid.”

  Vicky ran her hand up Aidan’s abdomen to her breast, drawing a circle on it, “Good, because I’m going to try to satisfy you now, though you are a very hard act to follow.” Rolling on top of her lover, Vicky tossed her hair back to the side, and began to suckle on one of Aidan’s breasts. The nipple puckered under her hot kisses, and turned a dark shade of rose. Aidan let out a groan.

  Playing with her partner again, Vicky asked, “So, want to stay in bed all day, and just have sex?”

  The best Aidan could do was moan, but Vicky wasn’t satisfied with her answer, so she moved her hand to the cleft between Aidan’s legs, and pushed. The shutter that ran through Aidan’s body, compelled her to shout “Hurrah!”, eliciting a giggle from Vicky.


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