Lions at Dawn (Kirov Series Book 28)

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Lions at Dawn (Kirov Series Book 28) Page 32

by John Schettler

  Fedorov came over, looking at Karpov with questioning eyes. “We’re breaking off?”

  “That is the wisest course for now. I tested that Kongo class destroyer, but they were ready. Look now,” he pointed to the Plexiglas screen. “They have two of those, and there’s one more bear in the woods over to the east. That’s probably another destroyer as well. You figure out how they got all these ships here, Fedorov, and I’ll figure out how we deal with them. We have between four and six hours before they can rearm and fuel those F-35’s, then we could be facing another air strike. So I don’t intend to waste any more missiles on those destroyers. We’ll move south. That’s what Gromyko is doing too, running fast and deep. He knows they’ll get up off the mat and start getting helicopters up soon, and that carrier they have up north is going to want a pound of flesh for what we did to Takami. As soon as we get the comms up, I want Gromyko to reverse course and see if he can find that carrier. ”

  “Damn,” said Fedorov. “We’ve a real headache now. Cleansing this time line isn’t going to be as easy as we thought. How do we deal with all those ships? Are you sure we should retire now?”

  “Retire? We’re just redeploying. I’m going to use one more weapon we have in our arsenal.”

  “What? You mean you’re planning to use another nuke?”

  “Now don’t get ahead of yourself,” said Karpov. “Those warheads are very dangerous, to us and any enemy I target. No, I’ll keep those weapons tight for now, unless I’m forced to deploy again. We were caught by surprise with that F-35 attack. I did the only expedient thing, but for now, we’ll use a much simpler weapon—speed.”

  “You want to outrun them?”

  “I can’t quite do that, as they can match us knot for knot, but we’re over 110 nautical miles ahead of them now, and I want to keep that interval as wide as possible. Look here…. Their carrier hasn’t been spotted by Turkey-1 yet, and this line here is indicating its radar coverage. That’s over 180 nautical miles from us now. So let’s say that carrier is at least 200 miles out; maybe more. I want to open that range as far as possible while they’re rearming. If they don’t turn now and pursue immediately, that’s exactly what I can do. It’s the carrier I need to worry about now, not those three destroyers. We still have 33 SSMs of various types. Kazan has 26 more. That gives us fewer than 60 ways to hurt them with missiles, but I have one weapon in my quiver that they don’t have. Kazan has it too.”

  “What?” asked Fedorov, his eyes wide. He was thinking Karpov had something else tucked away in his larders that he never knew about. After all, he was still 70% a Navigator, and 30% Starpom. He didn’t really know how to fight the ship in modern combat like this, any more than he had known how to do battle against the men of this era when he was first put in command by Admiral Volsky.

  “Mister Fedorov, we have a nuclear reactor—unlimited fuel, and I can run all day and night, as long as Dobrynin and Biko can hold things together. Those Japanese ships out there use good old fashioned gas turbines, and they burn a lot of fuel if they run up over 30 knots.” He smiled. “Understand now?”

  Fedorov understood.

  If these unexpected Samurai wanted to stay in the chase and keep after him, they were going to have to match his speed and endurance to do so. He was going to run them ragged, force them to burn that valuable fuel. Once they ran low, he would have yet one more advantage in the battles still waiting to be fought. He would have speed….

  He looked at Karpov with renewed respect. Yes, it was true, he was headstrong, full of himself, devious and sly, but he was a fighter, a survivor, and every man aboard was still there breathing only because he had the will and nerve to do what he had just done here in this engagement, and the skill—with just a little help from Mother Time.

  * * *

  Aboard the carrier Kaga, Admiral Kita took the news concerning Takami very hard. He turned to Captain Jenzu, his arms folded, eyes serious. “This is more than we bargained for,” he said. “They have a submarine.”

  “Aye sir. If that helo off Kongo had been up with an ASW loadout, we might have jumped on it when Takami picked it up. Yasen Class. They said they thought it might be that Russian sub that also went missing in the Kuriles—Kazan.”

  “Well that complicates things, doesn’t it,” said Kita. “The Russians have given us the slip. We can see their helicopter, and it’s heading south, but it was Takami’s helo and that had a leash on Kirov for us, and we’ve lost that contact.”

  “They’re down there, sir. We know where they were before they slipped off. We still have four birds ready to fly on Akagi. Two have GBU/53s, and the other two have the JSOW. There’s a fighter up on our flight deck ready to go right now. We could send it up for recon.”

  “The fighter may be a good idea, but I think it wise to hold the strike planes on Akagi at the moment.”

  “But sir, it will be nearly five hours before we have our planes ready again.”

  “That’s why we should wait. If we hit them again, I want to use every strike plane we still have. We’ll run that recon sortie as you suggest, but we have to think about ASW operations now as well, and we may have good men in the water out there. I’m hoping a lot of Takami’s crew got safely off that ship.”

  “Aye sir, we all are. What are your orders?”

  Kita thought for a moment. “We move to Takami’s last known position. Get the Merlins ready for at-sea rescue operations. All the Seahawks get ASW loadouts. They caught us by surprise with that damn sub. Harada didn’t know it was there until it was right on top of him.”

  “We need to even the score, sir,” said Jenzu.

  “Damn right,” said Kita. “We’re going to get after those devils, nukes and all. Make it so.”

  The hunt for Kirov was on.

  The Saga Continues…

  Season four continues with Stormtide Rising

  Book 29 in the Kirov Series

  With the Allied forces closing on Tunisia from two sides, the Germans conceive a bold new plan that sends Rommel west to the heartland of Tunisia where he confronts the American Army under General Patton. The Axis forces launch Operation Sturmflut (Stormtide) as the famous names etched in the original history at Kasserine, Faid, Gafsa and El Guettar will again see the rising tide of war. Meanwhile, Hitler presses his daring invasion of Iraq and Syria in Operation Phoenix, while launching the cream of his airborne troops against the British outpost on Crete with a much belated Operation Merkur. As the action unfolds, Elena Fairchild’s exploration of Saint Michael’s Cave leads to a most unexpected place.

  In the Pacific, the hunter becomes the hunted as Kirov moves south into dangerous waters and is pursued by the Imperial Japanese Navy. Admiral Kita joins the chase, and their tense naval duel continues, both on and under the sea.

  Reading the Kirov Series

  The Kirov Series is a long chain of linked novels by John Schettler in the Military Alternate History / Time Travel Genre. Like the popular movie “The Final Countdown” which saw the US Carrier Nimitz sent back in time to the eve of Pearl Harbor in 1941, in the opening volume, the powerful Russian battlecruiser Kirov is sent back to the 1940s in the Norwegian Sea where it subsequently becomes embroiled in the war.

  Similar to episodes in the never ending Star Trek series, the saga continues through one episode after another as the ship’s position in time remains unstable. It culminates in Book 8 Armageddon, then continues the saga in Altered States, which begins the second “Season” in the series, extending through Volume 16. The series is presently in Season 4, covering the Allied offensives in North Africa, and the winter battles of late 1942. Boldly enters the crucial year of 1943 in Book 27, aptly titled “1943.”

  How to Read the Kirov Series

  The best entry point is obviously Book I, Kirov, where you will meet all the main characters in the series and learn their inner motivations. The series itself, however, is structured in “seasons” with 8 books in each season. In Season 1, the first three volumes form
an exciting trilogy featuring much fast paced naval action as Kirov battles the Royal Navy, Regia Marina (Italians) and finally the Japanese after sailing to the Pacific in Book III. Book 4, Men Of War stands as a sequel to that trilogy and the bridge novel that links it to the second segment of Season 1, beginning with 9 Days Falling.

  The 9 Days Falling trilogy focuses on the struggle to prevent a great war in 2021 from reaching a terrible nuclear climax that destroys the world. It spans books 5, 6, and 7, featuring the outbreak of the war in 2021 as Japan and China battle over disputed islands, and the action of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet against the modern US Fleet. It then takes a dramatic turn when the ship is again shifted in time to 1945. There they confront the powerful US Pacific Fleet under Admiral Halsey, and so this trilogy focuses much of the action as Kirov faces down the US in two eras. Several subplots are also launched that serve to relate other events in the great war of 2021, and deepen the mystery of time travel as discovered in the series. The season ends at another crucial point in history where the ship’s Captain, Vladimir Karpov, believes he is in a position to decisively change events, the season finale, Armageddon.

  Season 2 begins with the Altered States trilogy, where Kirov becomes trapped in the world made by its many interventions in the history, an altered reality beginning in June of 1940. It is here that a sequential alternate history retelling of WWII begins that will extend to the war’s conclusion in 1945. The opening volume sees the ship pitted against the one navy of WWII it has not yet fought, the Kriegsmarine of Germany, which now has powerful new ships from the German Plan Z naval building program as one consequence of Kirov’s earlier actions.

  The Altered States saga spans books 9 through 16, initially covering the German attack on the carrier Glorious, the British raids on the Vichy French Fleets at Mers-el Kebir and Dakar, and the German Operation Felix against Gibraltar. Other events in Siberia involve the rise of Karpov to power, and his duel with Ivan Volkov of the Orenburg Federation, one of the three fragmented Russian states. (And these involve airship battles!)

  The second half of Season 2 begins with Three Kings. It covers the action in North Africa, including O’Connor’s whirlwind “Operation Compass” and Rommel’s arrival and first offensive, Operation Sonnenblume. The main characters from Kirov and other plot lines from the opening 8 book saga figure prominently in all this action, with a decisive intervention that arises from a most unexpected plot twist. Book 13, Grand Alliance continues the war in the desert as Rommel is suddenly confronted with a powerful new adversary, and Hitler reacts by strongly reinforcing the Afrika Korps. It also presents the struggle for naval supremacy in the Mediterranean as the British face down a combined Axis fleet from three enemy nations.

  Book 14, Hammer of God, covers a surprise German airborne attack, and the British campaigns in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. It continues in Crescendo of Doom, the German response as Rommel begins his second offensive aimed at Tobruk on the eve of Operation Barbarossa. At the same time, the action in Siberia heats up in a growing conflict between Vladimir Karpov and Ivan Volkov.

  Book 16 is the Season 2 finale, Paradox Hour, where the ship faces the prospect of annihilation on the day it first arrived in the past, 28 July, 1941. This impending event overshadows all else as Kirov joins Tovey in a pursuit of Hindenburg and Bismarck as they break out into the Atlantic.

  Season 3 then begins with Book 17, Doppelganger, where the aftereffects of the Paradox are finally sorted out. Fedorov is strangely displaced, and appears on the newly arrived ship, while Vladimir Karpov survives in Siberia, even as another version of himself defies paradox and appears on Kirov. Now Fedorov struggles to prevent the same dominoes from falling and keep the ship from engaging the Royal Navy as it did in Book 1. At the same time, the Siberian Karpov plots to seize control of the ship, and that action invariably involves Ivan Volkov, who has his own plans to strike at Ilanskiy in Nemesis.

  The war then heats up on the East Front as the Germans launch Operation Typhoon, reaching a dramatic event on the outskirts of Moscow in Book 19, Winter Storm. These actions continue through Tide of Fortune, as Japan enters the war at Pearl Harbor, and the British again tangle with Rommel in Operation Crusader. The action then depicts the Japanese Malayan Campaign and the battle for Singapore, naval actions off Java and the invasion of the barrier islands, and then Operation FS, leading to battles in the Coral Sea and of the Fiji Island group.

  In Knights Move, Montgomery is brought in to try and save Singapore, and coordinate the defense of Java. In the West, as the Germans battle for Gran Canaria in Operation Condor, Admiral Raeder turns his fast raiders loose in Operation Rosselsprung, but the Germans find something far more than they ever expected in the deep South Atlantic.

  Turning Point resolves the fast naval actions in the Canaries as the German raiders attempt to return to Casablanca with their mysterious prize of war. Meanwhile, the Japanese invasion of Java is interrupted by an event that threatens to change the balance in the Pacific. A most unusual challenger to the ship they call Mizuchi appears on the scene. Meanwhile, in the Western Desert, the British launch Operation Supercharge to try and push Rommel off his Gazala line and liberate Cyrenaica.

  In Steel Reign, the Japanese offensive reaches its high water mark as Yamamoto launches Operation FS in a bold attempt to storm the Islands of Fiji and Samoa and isolate Australia. He is opposed by a determined stand made by Admirals Fletcher and Halsey in the desperate battles of the Coral Sea and Koro Sea to decide the fate of Empires. Meanwhile Vladimir Karpov continues his long planned invasion of Sakhalin Island, but Japan now has a powerful new champion as the Destroyer Takami is detached north to join Admiral Kurita’s task force. The showdown is resolved in the season finale, Second Front, as the Allies storm ashore at Casablanca and Lisbon in September of 1942.

  The series continues in the premiere of Season Four: Tigers East, where Rommel regains his lost glory in the deserts of Libya while Patton drives east in an attempt to enfilade Von Arnim’s defense in Algeria. Manstein takes his hammer east as well to Volgograd, where the grueling fight for the city begins in Thor’s Anvil. As the new year of 1943 dawns, the Allies now begin their war in earnest, and the outcome of the battles looming ahead will decide the course of the war.

  Book 27, 1943 starts the critical middle year of the war as the action moves to the Pacific. The U.S. goes on the offensive, mounting a major push on Fiji, and amphibious landing by Halsey at Efate and MacArthur at Noumea. Carriers clash and the Japanese rush new hybrid ships into battle as the first of the new Essex Class carriers arrive to redress the balance on the US side. Then Japan’s secret weapon, the destroyer Takami, receives an unexpected order to return to Yokohama, but the journey there will open a door to new opportunities.

  In Book 28, Lions at Dawn, the war moves back to North Africa, where Eisenhower, Montgomery, Patton and the Air Marshalls plan their drive on Tunis. General Patton has ideas of his own, and they do not involve waiting for Monty to fight his way along the Algerian coast. His plan presents a major crisis for Kesselring and Von Arnim when Hitler orders the withdrawal of all Germany’s elite paratroop units. The Führer has eyes on a new prize in the Middle East, and devises a daring return to that theater in Operation Phoenix. Meanwhile, General O’Connor’s British 8th Army begins its big push to capture Tripoli, but he meets a determined and skillful defense by the Desert Fox, Erwin Rommel.

  An exploration of St. Michael’s Cave at Gibraltar by Fairchild & Company leads to a hidden mystery beneath the Rock, and far to the east, the isolated atoll at Eniwetok receives some very unexpected visitors. The surprising developments set the destroyer Takami on a dangerous collision course with Vladimir Karpov and Ivan Gromyko, when the Russians set out to cleanse the timeline of all contamination, including their own! Events lead to a dramatic battle at sea that neither side ever expected.

  More to come!

  Detailed information on the battles covered in each book, including battle maps, is available at ww


  1) Kirov

  2) Cauldron of Fire

  3) Pacific Storm

  4) Men of War

  5) Nine Days Falling

  6) Fallen Angels

  7) Devil’s Garden

  8) Armageddon – Season 1 Finale

  KIROV SERIES - SEASON 2: Altered States (1940 – 1941)

  9) Altered States

  10) Darkest Hour

  11) Hinge of Fate

  12) Three Kings

  13) Grand Alliance

  14) Hammer of God

  15) Crescendo of Doom

  16) Paradox Hour – Season 2 Finale

  KIROV SERIES – SEASON 3: Doppelganger (1941 – 1942)

  17) Doppelganger

  18) Nemesis

  19) Winter Storm

  20) Tide of Fortune

  21) Knight’s Move

  22) Turning Point

  23) Steel Reign

  24) Second Front – Season 3 Finale

  KIROV SERIES – SEASON 4: Tigers East (1942 – 1943)

  25) Tigers East

  26) Thor’s Anvil

  27) 1943

  28) Lions at Dawn

  29) Stormtide Rising

  More to come!

  Discover other titles by John Schettler:

  Award Winning Science Fiction:

  Meridian - Meridian Series - Volume I

  Nexus Point - Meridian Series - Volume II

  Touchstone - Meridian Series - Volume III

  Anvil of Fate - Meridian Series - Volume IV

  Golem 7 - Meridian Series - Volume V

  The Meridian series merges with the Kirov Series,


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