To Save The Broken Heart: Dragons, Griffons and Centaurs, Oh My! (Dragons, Griffons, and Centaurs, Oh My!)

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To Save The Broken Heart: Dragons, Griffons and Centaurs, Oh My! (Dragons, Griffons, and Centaurs, Oh My!) Page 1

by Margaret Taylor

  To Save The Broken Heart

  By: Margaret Taylor

  Book 2 of the Dragons, Griffons and Centaurs, Oh My! Series

  To Save The Broken Heart

  Copyright July, 2014 Margaret Taylor

  Cover Art by: eBook Cover Designs by Carey

  Formatted by: Author’s HQ

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights reserved under copyright above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, bands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication of these trademarks is associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of all people involved with the creation of this eBook.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  About Margaret Taylor


  For my Mother, who always believed in my talent and never let me quit.

  May you rest in peace, Margaret P., December, 2003.

  I would like to acknowledge and deeply thank my cousin Jana for all her loving support and belief in my work. Without her I'd have given up long ago…

  To my Cover Designer, Carey, I love you…you get me! Thanks for that.

  And to Ms. Grace, for always being patient with me! You are the best!

  And thanks to Dr. Monica for helping with the blurb! Love you darlin’!

  And to my very lovely Beta’s: Robin, Frances, Patti, Karen, Anna and Jana! Thank you ladies, you ROCK and make me want to keep writing! Love you!

  And to Eric…thanks for being such a good sport, you big Ogre you!!!

  Chapter One

  Draven Taraxus circled above The Magu. It had been far too long since he’d just flown. The wind stream billowed under his wings and it felt good. He stretched against it, reveling in the sea air swirling under, around and over his thick scales.

  Below, the ship they’d taken from Roasu powered its way through the gently rolling waves toward La’dak. His Kyleri stood at the bow, arms folded on the railing, a fist propped under chin. Her fire-red hair streamed out on the breeze and he caught her silver eyes. She smiled, watching him dip and spin across the sky.

  And it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up!

  He curled the edge of one wing in, angling his massive body toward the water. Flying ahead, he spun and dipped lower over the waves. The crests tickled his underbelly and he folded his wings, streamlining his body. Catching a burst of air, he accelerated and a wicked grin split his scaly lips. Timing it just before he would slam into the bow, he unfurled the appendages and a good, hard flap, sent a wave the ship was cresting, up and over the bow to completely drench his love…

  He laughed and shot back into the sky, but not before hearing her sputtering, playful outrage.

  “Oh that’s it! You’re mine now mister!”

  He twisted a look over his shoulder, his smile widening. Blue and silver flames snapped against the air, surrounding her body. Despite the last six rotations of work, she still hadn’t quite mastered the art of shifting into her other form.

  But, she had taught him something new. A better control of their Dragon Fire…

  A spinning ball whizzed by his head and he laughed, barrel rolling away. He came back around and flipped onto his back, flapping his wings casually to stay ahead of the ship. Once more, he couldn’t help himself and stuck out his tongue, taunting her. “Come now Kyleri, I know your aim is better than that!”

  Her silver eyes pinched into a glare. She jostled another ball of flames from one hand to the other, a wicked grin on her lips. “Did I ever tell you that I played softball in college, Draven?”

  He was trying to figure out the meaning of that word, when she caught the flames, spun her arm in a flurry of movement and let it fly straight for him.

  And what followed was the most fun he’d had since before his coronation day…

  For the next tick, Terra stood with her feet braced and bombarded him with ball after ball.

  He spun and twisted and dove and twirled through the sky, dodging each whirling mass with ease. She got in a few lucky shots here and there but most of them bounced harmlessly off his thick, scaly skin. It wasn’t until the barrage stopped that he tilted a look over his shoulder.

  As he did, the front of the ship heaved violently from side to side, throwing Terra off her feet. Fear slammed his hearts against one another and he folded his wings, dropping from the sky. A bare length off the deck he shifted back to his humanoid self and pounded across the metal, his boot steps ringing loudly over the blood pounding in his ears.

  He slid to his knees next to her, scooping her into his arms. “Terra!”

  She sat up, one hand to her head. Giving it a shake, she grinned sidelong. “Ow?”

  Relief coursed down his arms, shaking them and he clenched his hands into fists, drawing a deep breath to calm his racing hearts. The deck shifted again, throwing her against him. He caught her and twisted around to see what might be causing it.

  Ion pounded up from below, chest heaving and panic in his brown eyes. “Sire! It is Shada.”

  The bow pitched a third time, knocking them all off their feet yet again and the bellow of agony that echoed through the entirety of the ship rippled fear down his body in a wave. “What is wrong?”

  Ion grabbed for the railing as the ship yawed so far to the right, water slid over the deck. “I am unsure,” the Rider managed. “He is throwing him—“

  He never got the chance to finish the statement. A loud bang thrummed through the ship and it rolled back to the left.

  Draven turned toward the bridge, one arm around Terra’s waist and gripped the railing with the other. “Open the hold!”

  He could just see the Captain gain his feet and reach for the button that popped open the cargo doors. The deck parted then burst outwards with a rending screech of metal.

  Shada followed, another bellow of agony ringing across the air. He flapped his massive wings twice and shot into the sky.

  Ion rose, dusted himself off and they watche
d the beast head west.

  He helped Terra to her feet, keeping his arm curled protectively around her back and looked to the Rider for an explanation.

  Ion shrugged, his eyes on the distant Roc as the animal continued to squawk and spin in circles. “One moment he was sleeping peacefully and the next he began throwing himself against the sides of the hold.” He gulped audibly. “I have never seen him act this way. I tried to calm him Sire, but…”

  He put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “It is fine. No one was hurt. Do you think it is Dinsa?”

  Ion shrugged again. “It must be. Shada was sad when I let Dinsa go but stayed with me. I half-expected him to follow his brother.”

  There was a hitch in there, which he could understand and didn’t comment on it. The kinship a Rider shared with his Roc was not only legendary, but from he’d been told, deeper than any other connection known to exist. Almost on a soul-bonding level, at least according to those he’d spoken to about it.

  Ion moved to the bow. “He wants to go west, Sire.”

  Clearly Dinsa was in trouble, or at least it seemed that way. “Then you should go with him.”

  Ion spun, a surprised look on his dragon-like features. “Sire, I cannot leave you and the Queen.”

  Terra jerked against his chest and tucked her face into his shoulder at that and he rubbed a hand up and down her back, hiding a chuckle under a cough. “Yes, you can. You are needed elsewhere.”

  The Rider looked distressed then relieved and turned back, a high-pitched whistle piercing the air. Shada stopped, hovering in the distance. His majestic head swung from the west to the ship and back again.

  For a moment, he didn’t think the creature would return. He shouldn’t have worried though. With a steely glint in his eye, the bird-like, scale-covered defender of Bra’ka spun on a wing and headed back toward them.

  Ion didn’t hesitate and whirling on a heel, bolted for the port side.

  Draven had seen much in the Suns of his life, but never a Rider mounting a Roc in full flight…

  It was a wonder he would not soon forget.

  Shada let out another of those teeth rattling squawks and dipped low against the waves, his belly and tail kicking up a swath of white water. Ion barreled across the deck and timed it perfectly. His booted foot hit the rail and he launched himself over the side.

  Draven tensed, ready to dive in if he missed, but the pair reappeared near the aft section, Ion shifting in the saddle. Shada continued for several lengths then came around to hover near the bow.

  “I shall catch up to you in Lad’ak, if I am able Sire,” he called out.

  He waved in acknowledgement. “Do the best you can. If not, head for Bra’ka. We will need friends inside the City.”

  Ion saluted and dropped the reins. Shada needed no further urging and with a look toward them, twirled away heading west. Until the Sun he passed through the Veil, he would never forget what he’d seen in the creature’s eyes. He hadn’t honestly thought they could be intelligent, but there was no mistaking the ‘thank you’ that glittered in the deep red.

  Terra drew in a breath, letting it back out in a long whoosh. “That, was impressive.”

  He kissed her temple before shifting back to see her face. “Are you well my love?”

  She rubbed her backside. “More of a bruised butt than anything I think.” The silver pools searched his, concern flittering through the surface. “You?”

  He squeezed her close. Now that the crisis was gone, he could breathe normally again. Her scent wafted up his nose and he pulled it deep. The same reaction he always had when she was in his arms rippled across his chest, begging, pleading to take her below decks and spend the rest of the rotation exploring her flesh. His dick filled with blood and fire, thumping wildly against his lower belly in anticipation.

  Terra cleared her throat and her eyes shifted down.

  He stepped back, to get control, but she reached out and touched his chest. It was just a tentative brush of her fingers and a yearning scent wafted across the sea breeze, almost like she didn’t want him to go…this time.


  A look of indecision danced through the silver of her eyes then fear overrode it.

  “What is it my love?”

  He didn’t want to ask, didn’t want to know really, but he had too. If there was going to be any chance for them, before or after this, he needed her to communicate.

  “He called me Queen.”

  He smiled, rubbing a finger down her cheek. “That he did.”

  “But, I’m not.”

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “You are.”

  Splaying both her hands against his chest, his hearts pounded relentlessly against his sternum, trying to burst forth and meld with hers. “Do you feel that?”

  She frowned, nibbling on her lower lip and he almost gave in to the overwhelming urge to kiss her…and more.

  “You do that,” he whispered in a low voice. “My hearts belong to you, Kyleri.” He pulled back enough to see her eyes, holding them with his own. “They always have.”

  She sucked her lower lip in further and he had to kiss her. Driving a hand into her hair, he possessively pulled her the last increment separating them. Tilting her face just so, he slipped his tongue between her lips when they parted on his name.

  Her arms wound behind his neck, teasing the ends of his hair and she folded against him. Scooping an arm under her legs, he carried her below without breaking the heated contact.

  Her tongue pushed back against his, playing along the roof of his mouth and over the sharp points of his teeth. He moaned, dragging it deeper.

  In the quarters he’d taken across the hall from hers, he set her on her feet. Stepping back, even though it nearly killed him to let her out of his arms for even a moment, he roamed the length of her, smiling slowly. She had on a shirt they’d bought before leaving Roasu and dark breeches melded to her delectably long legs. Her chest heaved at the air and he could hear her heart beating in time to his own.

  She shifted from one foot to the other, toying with the end of her shirt with nervous fingers. “What?”

  He closed the distance again, spanning his hands around her waist. “Nothing My Queen,” he whispered against her lips. “I was just making a memory…”


  Terra panted at the air. Salt coated her tongue, but she didn’t mind. Flopping heavily against Draven’s chest, she lay limp and lifeless, unable to move even if she wanted too.

  His chest heaved in equal time to hers and there was a breathless quality to his voice she quite liked. “By the God’s…”

  She nuzzled his shoulder. She’d wanted this man for days, especially when he looked at her the way he had on deck a while ago. The molten-orange of his eyes had glowed with a passion, possession and affection she’d never experienced.

  Nolan had certainly never looked at her that way. The thought of her ex-fiancée made her giggle.

  Draven’s hand stroked down her side, tickling her ribs, which just made her giggle harder. With a growl he flipped them over, his eyes glowing again. “What find you funny, Kyleri? Was I that clumsy in our love-making?”

  She cupped both hands around his cheeks, biting her inner cheek to still the laughter. She never giggled, so she had to attribute it to the after-glow of being so very sated and finally laying in his arms. “No. You were not.” Feathering her hands through his hair, she hoped the sincerity in her next words was plain to hear. “I was just feeling good and then you tickled me.”

  One of his eyebrows shot into the air. “I did?”

  She nodded slowly. “You did. And I didn’t know I was ticklish.”

  His head dipped to her neck and nibbled along her shoulder. “We will have to test that again. But for now, I want you, My Queen.”

  She really wished he’d stop calling her that. She was no Queen. She could run a multi-million dollar company, sure, but an entire Kingdom?

  No way!

  She l
ost that train of thought quickly as he worked his way down her chest, kissing a path to her still swollen breast. Lathering around the areola, she arched into his mouth, tightening her hands into his hair to keep him right there!

  Just like being ticklish, she never knew her breast could be so sensitive but it pearled under his warm, slightly rough tongue. “By the God’s…don’t stop!”

  He rolled the nipple between his teeth, speaking around it. “I have, no intention of it Kyleri…ever again!”

  Chapter Two

  Lanni Heegan was going to hate him. It was that simple. In the end, she would never forgive him.

  And he wouldn’t blame her one bit…

  Rygan Turosh had purposefully kept his distance from the human woman and her Roc companion, Dinsa as they rode across the pockets of air for the last eight rotations.

  It was the best thing he could do.

  But, he wanted to do more, wanted to get to know her, if he was honest with himself. If she knew the truth though, she’d probably slit his throat.

  No, she wouldn’t. It wasn’t in her.

  She was sweet and kind and caring and all the things that were a hundred times better than he…

  He sighed, the sound ripped away by the wind and dipped into a stream just under them.

  Yes, it was better this way. Better that she remain oblivious. Maybe then it wouldn’t hurt so much.

  Oh who was he kidding! It was going to hurt plenty.


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