Dark Warrior Unbroken

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Dark Warrior Unbroken Page 10

by Alexis Morgan

“And I bet those rumors started right after you blasted by someone who happened to have a stopwatch or a radar gun.” She trailed her fingers along the dashboard. “She’s a real beauty.”

  “Thank you.” He slowed to a stop when the light changed. “So what do you drive?”

  “Give it your best guess.”

  “Let’s see. You probably drive your vehicle in your job. Since you have ties to the fire department, I would assume that you’re in the same line of work. Am I right?”

  She nodded.

  “And you’re a pragmatic person who thinks that as long as something works, why spend money for something new? Buy quality and it will last.” It was getting harder to keep a straight face. “Am I doing okay so far?”

  She nodded again, but she wasn’t smiling quite as much. “Go on.”

  “I think you drive a four-year-old SUV with all- wheel drive.” He shot her a gleeful smirk. “And it’s blue to match your eyes.”

  She punched him on the arm. “You ran my records, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe I’m just extra perceptive.”

  “And maybe you’re full of sh—”

  He cut her off midword with his hand over her mouth. “Okay, I confess. I checked you out, just like you did me. Are we even on that score?”

  When she nodded, he removed his hand. “I needed to know who I’d be working with. It’s only sensible.”

  “Then let me ask you a sensible question. What exactly do you do for a living?”

  He didn’t even hesitate. “I’m a security consultant for a private firm.”

  “What’s the name of the company?”

  “That’s privileged information. My employers prefer to maintain a low profile.” He hoped she heard the regret in his voice. He hated all the lies between them.

  “Privileged information, as in if you told me, then you’d have to kill me?” she said snippily.

  He had to laugh at that. “That’s a tad extreme. Why do you care who signs my paycheck?”

  “Because I’m guessing that person is Kerry Thorsen—or maybe her husband.”

  “You can guess all you want to. But again, why do you care?”

  Her expression turned sad. “Because I still believe one or both of them know something about Coop’s death that they’re not telling me. If you work for them, then you probably know what it is. And I’m giving you fair warning: I plan to get to the truth.”

  He hated holding out on her. “Lena, I swear I had nothing to do with your friend’s death. Neither did Kerry or Ranulf.”

  They rode in silence for several blocks. He was about to give up and offer to drive her back to her hotel when she finally spoke.

  “Okay, I’ll take your word on it.” She offered him a halfhearted smile. “Truce?”


  Once they agreed to quit talking about touchy subjects, Sandor proved to be an entertaining companion. Despite his incredible good looks, he didn’t take himself too seriously. Didn’t the man realize how many women gave him second and even third looks? He gave no sign of it. With seemingly no effort, he made her feel as if she was the only woman on his radar. It was flattering, if a bit unnerving, to be the focus of such intense interest.

  Was he thinking about getting naked together? She could hardly think about anything else.

  As they strolled along the waterfront, it was far too easy to forget they were there on business. The sidewalks were crowded with other couples out for an evening stroll and with families on vacation intent on packing in every second of entertainment they could with their limited time in the city.

  She didn’t blame them. She hadn’t realized how much she missed the Seattle area. There was no denying the East Coast had its own beauty, and she’d enjoyed the opportunity to explore cities that she’d only read about before. But the Pacific Northwest felt like home and probably always would. She’d always meant to move back, but not until she’d built up enough courage to face Coop. She shivered. It was too late for that, now.

  “Cold?” Sandor asked.

  “Not because of the weather.”

  He let the matter drop but wrapped his arm around her shoulders and snuggled her in close to his side. Normally, being surrounded by that much male strength made her feel claustrophobic, but Sandor’s touch only made her feel…well…warm. Inside and out. Actually, hot. Oh, boy, she was in real trouble here.

  Did she really want more than a friendly good night from this man? She was worried the answer was a resounding yes.

  It had been way too long since she’d invited a man past her front door, and taking a man like Sandor to her bed would be like going from a forty-yard dash to suddenly competing in a marathon.

  Sandor suddenly came to an abrupt halt. His arm dropped away from her shoulder as he backtracked a step to run his hands along a low concrete wall. Tracing a series of circular motions, he gradually narrowed the motion down to one particular spot and stopped.

  Lena couldn’t read the expression on his face. “Sandor? What’s going on?”

  “Put your hands right where mine are.”

  Okay, that was weird, but she did as he asked. As soon as she touched the rough wall, her hands tingled. A few inches either way and the sensation quickly faded.

  “You want to explain what this is that I’m feeling here?”

  Sounding as grim as death, Sandor asked, “Just feeling? You’re not seeing anything, like you did with Mary Dubois?”

  She shook her head. “No, all I get is a mild tingling, no pictures. Should I sense more than that?”

  “I guess not.” He looked disappointed, though, and started walking back in the direction of the parking lot.

  She had to hustle to keep up with him. “So what happened back there? How did you know to stop at that particular spot?”

  “Can this discussion wait until we’re in the car?”

  His sudden mood change made her even more curious. “Sure, that’s fine.”

  He surprised her by giving her hand a quick squeeze before entwining his fingers through hers. The small touch did a lot to ease the tension between them. When they reached the car, he held her door open for her. But before she got in, he caught her face with his hand and pressed a quick kiss on her lips. When he pulled back, she reached up to trace his lips with her fingertip. He smiled and nipped at her finger. The playful bite affected her far more powerfully than it should have, making her ache in all the right places.

  When he joined her inside the car, he stared into the gathering darkness for several seconds. Whatever had him tied up in knots had to be pretty serious.

  Finally, he spoke. “The reason I wasn’t shocked by your ability to read Mary Dubois’s experience so clearly is that I have a variation of that same kind of ability. It’s not as strong as yours, I’d guess, but sometimes I can follow scents that other people don’t notice. I kept getting an occasional whiff of something that reminded me of the alley where we found her, but I didn’t think much of it, since city streets all have similar scents.”

  She nodded. “I can see that.”

  “Well, at that one spot back there, the scent was almost overwhelming. I think our guy was there, and recently. Like he stopped there for a while before moving on.”

  “And you hoped I would be able to see him, the way I experienced what Mary saw and felt.”

  “Yes.” He started the car.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  He turned those beautiful dark eyes on her with such intensity that it was as if he’d caressed her. “I don’t think you could ever disappoint me.” The sensual purr in his voice rivaled the power surging in the car’s engine.

  They rode in silence for several blocks until they reached a stoplight. As they waited for it to change, Sandor gave her a long, considering look.

  “Sandor, whatever it is that you want to say, just spit it out.”

  But she had a suspicion about what was on his mind, because it was also on hers. Butterflies started fluttering in her
chest as she tried to make a rational decision about how she wanted this evening to end. Or if she wanted it to end at all.

  “I know that it’s way too soon to be thinking this way, Lena, but I don’t want to take you back to your hotel. I want you to come home with me.”

  His hand captured hers, then he planted a warm kiss in the center of her palm. She melted. Simply melted. The words she could ignore or refute. But a kiss like that? It would take a far stronger woman than her to say no to that.

  “Got a spare toothbrush?”

  “It just so happens that I do, because the dentist gave me a new one last week.” He let go of her hand to shift gears.

  His explanation pleased her. It was his way of saying that he didn’t often have surprise overnight guests. She hoped his home was close by, because those butterflies were multiplying fast.

  Sandor turned into the narrow alley that ran behind his house and parked next to his second car.

  When Lena spotted the beige four-door, she grinned. “I bet that sedan hates being parked next to this beauty. Do you only drive the poor thing when you want to fade into the crowd?”

  He laughed. “Sometimes I need a car that carries more than two people. Besides, it was cheap.”

  “I would have been sorely disappointed if that had been your only car.” She ran her hand down the soft leather of his sleeve. “This coat and that car definitely do not go together.”

  “Which image do you prefer?” he asked, although his smug smile warned her he already knew the answer.

  “Definitely the duster.” She leaned closer to him. “But if there wasn’t a lot more to you than good taste in clothing, we wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

  His smile widened. “Thanks. Can we go inside now? I’m a little old to be making out in a car.”

  “Where’s your sense of adventure?” she teased.

  His gaze turned hot and a little predatory. “Come inside and I’ll show you, and anything else you’re interested in.”

  Gulp. Okay.

  After he unlocked the back door, he stood back and allowed Lena to enter the house. She was instantly enthralled by the simple lines of his Arts and Crafts bungalow. Sandor Kearn was obviously far more complicated than she’d guessed.

  Oh boy, was she in trouble now.

  Chapter 8

  Letting Lena roam from room to room, Sandor banked the burning urge to drag her upstairs to his bed. As much as he wanted her naked and in his arms, he couldn’t rush her—not with that soft smile on her face as she admired the home he’d made for himself.

  Her fingers trailed over the smooth oak paneling he’d nearly killed himself refinishing. She stopped to admire the narrow stained-glass windows that flanked the door and the much larger one over the fireplace. He already knew that Lena was a sensuous woman, one who savored the feel and textures of her surroundings. Look at the way she’d all but purred at the feel of his leather coat.

  Watching her caress this and that was driv ing him crazy. It was as if he could feel the soft slide of her fingers on his own skin as they lightly grazed the smooth oak side table. He’d never had such a visceral reaction to a woman. Would she bring the same sense of wonder to making love? Gods above, he hoped so.

  She stopped to read the titles in the overflowing bookcase beside his favorite chair. “I see we have some favorites in common.”

  Needing to touch her, he eased up behind her and slid his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Does that surprise you?”

  She leaned back into his chest. “No. Actually, the bungalow surprises me more.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “It feels like home…I mean, it feels like a home.” She turned to look up at him. “I expected more of a bachelor pad.”

  He kissed the side of her neck and was pleased when she arched her head to the side to encourage him to continue. Her skin smelled warm, inviting, intoxicating. “I got tired of living in apartments. Besides, I needed something to do with my spare time.”

  She looked around the room in wonder. “You did all of this restoration work yourself?”

  “Most of it, although I subcontracted out the plumbing and electrical. Otherwise, I’m really good with my hands.” He let his hands wander to prove the point, learning her curves and the fit of her body to his.

  “It’s lovely.”

  He turned her to face him. “So are you.”

  Her eyes searched his face with such intensity. What was she looking for? Unable to bear the thought she might not find it, he distracted her with a slow, hot kiss.

  “You haven’t seen the upstairs yet,” he whispered near her ear, letting his breath sweep across her skin. “I spent a lot of extra effort on it.”

  “Will I like it?”

  He pressed against her so there was no mistaking what he had in mind. “Oh, yeah. I promise to make sure you like it a lot.”

  “Show me the way.”

  He led her around the corner to the staircase. At the top, he stepped aside to watch her reaction.

  Her eyes were wide in wonder as she looked around. “Sandor Kearn, this is positively decadent! I’m seriously jealous.”

  He laughed, pleased. When he’d bought the house, the second floor had been a rabbit warren of small rooms. With an architect’s help, he’d converted the upstairs into one large bedroom and a luxurious master bath. He’d haunted antique stores and auctions for months to buy the perfect period pieces for his private space. The only concession he’d made to modern design had been the king-sized bed that dominated the room.

  And if he didn’t get this woman into that bed in the next few seconds, his sanity would be in serious jeopardy. He swung Lena up in his arms, capturing her laughing protest with his mouth.

  Then they were both falling onto the bed, and the full-bodied contact flamed the fire between them even brighter. He kissed her hard and growled his approval when she gave back as much as he demanded, their tongues swirling and dancing together.

  Craving bare skin against bare skin, he captured the hem of her dress with his hands and pulled it up to her waist. He almost lost it completely at the sight of her pretty blue panties, not to mention the garter belt and nylons.

  “Lena, honey, I can’t be slow about this.”

  “Good! Because I’m not in the mood to wait.” Her eyes dropped to half mast in invitation.

  Swiftly getting a packet of protection out of the bedside drawer, he gently slid her panties down her legs, leaving the garter belt and nylons in place. Then he lowered his zipper, letting his erection spring free of the confinement of his jeans.

  Lena propped herself up on her elbows, smiling her approval. “I hope all of that’s for me.”

  “It sure is,” he said, flattered by how pleased she looked at that idea.

  “Then come take me, lover.” The passionate huskiness in her voice drew him like a siren. “We’ve waited too long for this already.”

  Kneeling between her thighs, he pushed his pants down and gently caressed her. To his delight, her passage was slick and inviting. “I don’t want to hurt you by rushing things.”

  She tugged him down for a kiss. “You won’t.”

  His body was screaming with the need to get inside her. He tried to go easy even if it killed him, but Lena dug her nails into his shoulders and arched beneath him. In one sharp thrust, he completed the joining.

  When Lena gasped at the sudden invasion, Sandor froze. He fought hard not to lose control, telling himself not to move, to give her all the time she needed to adjust.

  “Are you all right?” He could barely get the words out.

  She took a deep breath and then another as her body gradually relaxed enough to accept him more fully. “Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve done this.”

  “There’s no rush. We have all night.” If his heart didn’t explode in the next few seconds. Worse, his control over his Kyth nature was slipping. Glowing eyes and energy crackling along his skin would certainly put a
damper on things. He eased down closer to kiss her, giving them both something else to think about.

  She tasted so sweet, as intoxicating as the finest wine. Then she smiled against his mouth and feathered her fingertips down his sides to grab his ass. Never let it be said he couldn’t take a hint. He flexed his hips, and Lena murmured her approval. He repeated the motion, harder and at a sharper angle. She moaned and wrapped her nylon-clad legs around his waist.

  He levered himself back up, supporting himself with his outstretched arms to pump his hips hard and fast, withdrawing almost completely before surging forward again and again. This time, when Lena gasped, it was with pleasure. Her inner muscles kneaded the full length of his cock, creating a slight resistance as he tried to pull back again. She was killing him.

  “I’m not going to last long,” he warned, driving them both toward the edge. His world narrowed down, as the place where their bodies joined together became the fulcrum of his entire existence.

  He broke rhythm long enough to ease a hand between them to slide a finger over the spot guaranteed to drive Lena over the top. She was slick and swollen, and shuddered at his touch.

  When he started to withdraw his fingers, she captured his hand with her own, forcing him right back. He loved that she wasn’t shy about demanding what she wanted from him. Her climax was building. It was there in her fierce expression and the way her body moved against his. This was going to be so good for both of them.

  When he felt the first tremors deep inside her, he drove them both hard toward the finish line. The second she cried out in release, he exploded in hot, shuddering pulses deep inside her. When the tremors finally stopped he withdrew from her, rolling onto his back but holding her close.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Do you even need to ask, or are you fishing for a compliment?” She smiled as she cuddled closer. “One question, though. Do you think we could muster up the strength to get naked before we try this again?”

  A new burst of energy flowed over him. “I think that can be arranged.”

  And it was.


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