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Written in the Sand

Page 22

by D. B. James


  Because I’m going to let life finish the story.


  Acknowledgements & Shit

  Let me start by telling you a story—if you’re a fan of mine, you already know I do this at the end of nearly every novel. This book was originally titled Finding Tenley and was supposed to be my second release.

  When I was nearly halfway through, an idea for Rhys struck and the Secrets Series spiraled into a story I had to tell. Rhys, Averill, and Brant were never supposed to be a series. It just so happened that they had more to say. So, Tenley kept getting pushed to the back burner. But she was never forgotten. You see she’s the most me I’ve ever written. It’s why it’s taken me almost two years to write her story.

  After Rhys I tried to go back and write some more, but she wasn’t talking. Why? Because I was happy.

  Seventeen Days had been doing well, and I was surrounded by a solid group of new indie friends. My frame of mind from when I started this journey until that point in time had altered.

  Everything changed in October 2017. My spine has been horrid for over a decade now, but I received some health news I wasn’t fully expecting. I knew I needed more spinal surgery to correct my issues, but my surgeon told me I needed no less than four surgeries. My depression hit again big time. I regressed back into myself and took out my anger on those closest to me. I shut out my closest friends and wallowed in my own pity…but the news also kicked my ass into gear writing wise. It was nearly Halloween and my first surgery (which ended up being two at once) was set for Jan 5th. I told myself I would write two novels before going under the knife.

  I wanted to be able to rest while recovering and not worry about writing, only the promotion side of being an indie author. So, I scheduled editing dates for Brant and another unknown title. I wrote Brant in eleven days. When I finished his story, I felt this itch to open the Finding Tenley doc and revise it and finally finish it. I started revising the first 40k like a mad woman. But when it came time for surgery, something was still missing. I couldn’t call what was now retitled, complete. It sat glaring at me at around 62k, the entire week before surgery…and I couldn’t write. Not one single word.

  I wrote my editor the night before surgery and pushed the editing date back. When I started feeling better post-surgery, I started writing more. Adding bits and pieces to her relationship with Case. Making sure I felt their connection. It took me a whole month to finish the last 10k. I added in the small snippets here and there from his POV. I gave him a voice in Tenley’s journey as well. Because I felt like he was a big part of her becoming who she needed to be.

  Now when you read Tenley’s journey, know that you’re seeing a little bit deeper into the person I am. Her depression, her anxiety, her insomnia, her self-doubt, her up and down relationship with the people surrounding her (although that I may not have hit on that as much) and her writing. Hell, even her dying her hair a vibrant color is me.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed her journey and this small look into my personal life.

  Now another little story. Y’all may be wondering where the name Case comes from. Well, it comes from a typo. A couple years ago while texting with two author friends, I meant to type the name Cass, instead I typed Case. We all brainstormed from there and were going to add him into our novels somehow. It never happened. When it came time for me to revise FT, I opened up the Google doc titled Case and went to work making him my own. Adding little things to make him more like who I thought belonged with Tenley. To begin with, the three of us had modeled him after Alex Minsky and he still resembles him, but I made him a tad bit softer, with his believing in the sand wishes. Case was originally the brainchild of three indie authors, but I made him my own. Hopefully, y’all love him as much as I do.

  And now…Thanks

  First and foremost, I want to thank my parents. I can’t stress how much I love and appreciate them. Things may have been rocky at times, but I’m still enjoying the ride. Becoming a snowbird with you was one of the best decisions of my life. Thank you for always being there, whether it’s a nursemaid after surgery or a listening ear. I love you both dearly.

  Gloria, thank you for being in my life. Thank you for allowing me to fictionalize you a tiny bit and put you in my book. Thank you for making such beautiful flowers. (Yes! SHE’S REAL. Look for her information down below.) Most of all, thank you for being an extraordinary friend. I love you.

  Heather D, thank you for pointing out a HUGE piece of the story missing in the epilogue. Initially, I wrote the epilogue before the last 30k of the novel. I’d forgotten about Tenley being unable to carry a child, then BOOM! she has a baby in the epilogue. Oops. Heather asked me how Michael Dylan came to be. Obviously, I went back in and wrote about his being adopted and also about an older sister. It made my story more complete. Thank you for being a wonderful beta, but an even better friend.

  Rachel, DUDE! The changes you suggested made the book. Seriously. Switching the POVs in the epilogue was perfect. I love and treasure you. Never leave me. Ever. Or I’ll find you.

  Marie, my comma beast! You’re one of my best friends, always have been, always will be. From loving SPN, to BSB, to books, and yes even Chipps. Hahahaha. I love you.

  Kandy, thank you for coming into my life when you did and bringing me humor every single day. Love ya.

  Linda Kage, our friendship was meant to be. You’re stuck with me for life now. I treasure you. You’re an angel on earth. Never stop being you.

  Rawan, one day you and I are going to do HUGE things together. You’re one of my most treasured friends. I’m incredibly thankful your love of words brought you into my life. I love you.

  Erika, my soul sister. You’re the only person who truly understands my pain. I treasure you as a friend first, a reader/beta second. Don’t ever forget that. I love you.

  Melissa, I’m so thankful you said yes to reviewing Rhys. You’ve turned into one of my best friends because of it. You begged to beta for me, and I allowed you to. Now, I never want you to leave me. (Even if you couldn’t do this one.) You’re my country music sister, and we will go to a concert together soon.

  Heather, thank you for being an amazing sister and friend. Thank you again for opening up your apartment to me after surgery and not caring that I practically moved in by buying bookcases and shelves. I swear I’m going south November 1st! Lol.

  Stacey, Alexandria, Hilaria, Jodie, K, Linda, Megan…my core seven. We may claim not to know shit, but we know how to be there for each other. We know how to give advice, be sounding boards, and just plain be a kick ass group of women. I wouldn’t give y’all up for anything. You’re my tribe. Thank you for being you and ALWAYS, always supporting me. Y’all rock. And we really do “got this shit”.

  Colleen Hoover, just simply thanks this time. I told you I’ll never stop writing them, so I won’t.

  Bloggers, thank you for all you do for us indie authors. Before hitting publish, I never realized how much work went into blogging. Now I know and I thank each and every one of you for taking a chance on me.

  Readers, a million thank yous. If you didn’t read my books, I wouldn’t keep hitting publish. Thank you.

  Destination Lovers, y’all are my sounding board when I need a place to vent. You’re my safe place. My tribe of lovers of my work. For that, I thank you.

  About the Author

  D.B. James is an indie author of New Adult Romance. In her spare time, she's an avid reader. Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher, Jennifer Armentrout, KA Tucker, Linda Kage, Renee Carlino, and Sarah J Maas are a few of her obsessions. She is a mother to one spoiled rotten fur-baby named Frasier. He’s a bi-colored Persian cat, who thinks he’s royalty and can’t be told otherwise. She's a Michigan girl through and through but currently resides in sunny Florida. Sarcasm, Supernatural (team Sam!), Harry Potter, Funko Pops and coffee are among her favorite things.

  Previous releases;

  Seventeen Days




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  About Blooming Books

  Gloria started out making flowers when a good book friend of hers was getting married. Wanting to do something nice for her, she made her a bouquet made of book flowers. Many of her family and friends encouraged her to start selling them. When the opportunity came for her daughter to take a trip of a lifetime to Greece, she decided to try to sell them to be able to make the extra money required to send her. That is now paid off and she loves making them so much she decided to make it an official business. She’s constantly thinking of new flowers to create and would love to make something special for you or the book lover in your life.







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